

3947 Uppsatser om Children of dysfunctional parents - Sida 6 av 264

Barnsjuksköterskors erfarenheter i möten med små underviktiga barn och deras föräldrar

The aim of child health care is to promote health and development for all children, to early identify problems that concern children´s growth and development and to prevent ill-health among children. Today in our society the proportion of children who are underweight are few.The aim with this study was to describe paediatric nurses experience in meeting with underweight children and their parents. Interviews were implemented and analyzed according to qualitative content analysis. Focus was placed on looking at differences and interpretations in the text content. The analyse resulted in six main categories, such as a need of sensitivity and a holistic view from the nurse, difficulties in handling the meeting because lack of tools.

 När det väl var dags var det bara att hoppa in i förskoleklassen :  Ett arbete om övergången mellan förskola och förskoleklass

AbstractThe purpose of this work is to contribute knowledge about the transition of children from preschool to preschool classes. The experiences of pedagogical staff, parents and children are described, based on four deepening questions. The questions are about what the actors experience as positive and what the difficulties were in the transition process, and they also cover the differences of children and collaboration between actors. The method consists of qualitative interviews with parents, children, and pedagogical staff. The interviews concern the experiences of transition from the different actors.

Folk tittar på mig som om jag är dum i huvudet när jag säger att mitt barn inte pratar : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrars hantering av svårigheter i vardagslivet med barn som har autism

The purpose of this study is to understand how parents to children with autism handle difficulties in their daily lives. Previous research defines autism and shows how it can affect families but it doesn?t show how families handle autism. We have done eight qualitative interviews with parents to children with autism. The result shows similar forms of difficulties in families which children with autism, even though the degree of difficulties varies.

Nyanlända föräldrar och den svenska skolan : om relationen mellan lärarna och nyanlända föräldrar

This study rises up an untouched area of ??research where the relationship between newly arrived parents and teachers is examined from a structural perspective. Previous research has looked only at the interaction between parents and teacher; this study is thus a theoretical contribution to the research. The aim of the study is met by examining the perceptions newly arrived parents have of their meeting with the Swedish school, the relationship with their children?s teacher, cooperation, collaboration between home and school, as well as their own influence in their children's learning.

Barnets rätt till försäkringsskydd : En rättsvetenskaplig studie  av  barnets  möjligheter  att täckas av privat och allmän försäkring

Abstract Children with neuropsychiatric disorders often require special arrangements from the society. These measures could target the child itself, its parents, or other parts of the social network surrounding the child. Parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders are often deeply engaged both in their child and in these measures.Three parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders, and four counselors in different habilitation centers, were interviewed. The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to describe the methods with which the counselors worked to support parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders, and to understand how the parents experienced this support offered by the counselors.The qualitative interviews with counselors and parents followed a thematic interview guide. A structured interview form was used.

Från förskola till förskoleklass : Förväntningar mellan föräldrar pedagoger och barn

Title: From preschool to preschool in school ? Expectations between parents, teachers and childrenAuthor: Maria Rask GradinMentor: Niclas JärvkloTerm: Spring 2012 AbstractThe aim of this study is to draw attention to the expectations between parents, children and teachers at preschools and teachers in the preschool in the school at the transition to preschool in the school. I also want to know how the mission is defined, and how it is met. Two preschools and two preschool in the school are the focus of my investigation. I interviewed teachers and parents, sent surveys to parents, observed children playing school and interviewed children about their thoughts and expectations for the preschool in the school there.The survey results show that all parties, except perhaps the children who did not express an opinion thereon, wants better cooperation between the preschool and school.

Förskolekulturens möte med det mångkulturella samhället : ett möte mellan pedagogen och föräldrarna

My main question in this essay has been: why does the preschool advocate being outdoors? How should we respond to parents who have a different view on this? Children's right to participation and influence is also a question that I raise. How should we preschool teachers do when we stand between the child's desire to be out and the parents wish that their child should be indoors? By reading what is written in the preschool curriculum on children's influence, I have come to the conclusion that we preschool teachers must listen to what the children express that they wish to do, otherwise we go against our policy documents.My dilemma is about how to respond to parents who have a different opinion on being outdoors than we have. Many parents express an aversionagainst their children having to be outdoors.

Optimerad lagerhantering

Researchers, planners, and government agencies agree that road safety for children must be a priority and in particular that children should have a safe and secure way to travel to and from school regardless of age or the distance travelled. In Sweden, child traffic safety is a key part of the country?s Nollvision, a long-term traffic policy goal of ?no deaths or serious injuries?. Unfortunately, many countries have recorded increases in child traffic accidents as the percentage of parents who drive their children to school and thus congestion around schools has increased. Common strategies include traffic safety education for children, the redesign and improvement of traffic infrastructure, bicycle training, and carpooling.This thesis assesses the traffic problem around Ludvigsberg School in the district Valbo in Gävle, Sweden.

Barnlitteraturens möjligheter - en studie av föräldrasamverkan i förskolans jämställdhetsarbete

The purpose with this essay is to examine how principals, teachers and parents look at a possible cooperation between preschool-teachers and parents regarding the promoting of gender equality, with children's literature as a tool. The literature documentation presents theories concerning the application of gender and the gender-order in society as well as the influence society has on children?s development of a gender-identity. Parent?s participation in the gender equality-work in preschool describes, as well as its significance.


The purpose of this study is to describe how dandelion children has experienced their childhood and how their childhood has formed them in their adulthood. The purpose is also to examine how the attachment between the child and the parents has come to expression. To search for the answers of the purpose the following issues has been created: How do dandelion children experience that their upbringing has formed them as a human being in adulthood? and How do dandelion children experience the attachment to their parents have been expressed during childhood? The empirical material of this study is based on a qualitative approach where the material has been assembled by semi-structured interviews with five respondents. The result shows that all the respondents has experienced their childhood as a problematic existence due to their parents lacking in their basic care of the child.

En studie om sambandet mellan självskattad astmakontroll och en inflamationsmarkör hos barn med astma

Background:Due to a more open climate in society for homosexual people several lesbian couples have given birth to children in their relations. Research has shown no differences between children in lesbian families and children in heterosexual families considering mental and social health. International research has also shown that lesbian parents often have bad experiences from meetings with healthcare providers.Theaim of this study was to describe lesbian child families/familyplannings and the lesbian parents experiences and expectations of the healthcare.Themethod for the study was qualitative interview with 9 lesbian parents. The data was analysed by the queer theory heteronormative concept.Theresults of the research was that lesbian families considered themselves as a nuclear family and at the same time distanced themselves from the nuclear family concept. The findings showed that lesbian couples are involved in a very long process when they try to become parents.

Lesbiska barnfamiljers möten med hälso- och sjukvården

Background:Due to a more open climate in society for homosexual people several lesbian couples have given birth to children in their relations. Research has shown no differences between children in lesbian families and children in heterosexual families considering mental and social health. International research has also shown that lesbian parents often have bad experiences from meetings with healthcare providers.Theaim of this study was to describe lesbian child families/familyplannings and the lesbian parents experiences and expectations of the healthcare.Themethod for the study was qualitative interview with 9 lesbian parents. The data was analysed by the queer theory heteronormative concept.Theresults of the research was that lesbian families considered themselves as a nuclear family and at the same time distanced themselves from the nuclear family concept. The findings showed that lesbian couples are involved in a very long process when they try to become parents.

Utvärdering av AKKTIV föräldrautbildning: föräldrars bedömningar av barnens kommunikativa utveckling

This study investigates, through parental evaluations, communicativeand adaptive abilities within a group of children with various developmentaldisorders, after the parents had participated in AKKTIV (Augmentative andAlternative Communication ? Early Intervention) parental education. The studyalso investigates through case studies how parents experience the influence ofAKKTIV-intervention in their children?s development a few years aftercompletion. The parents estimated their children?s abilities using three differentquestionnaires; the Swedish Communicative Developmental Inventories(SECDI), Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-II (VABS-II) and parts of theform? Parents? perception of the interaction with their child?, before and afterthe intervention.

Det är ett sätt att växa att känna sitt eget värde, att man faktiskt är värd något : En kvalitativ studie om familjehemmens uplevelser av uppdraget

The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge and a picture of how foster parents perceive their task, the role of the placed children and their biological parents.  Even how they perceived their family have been affected by the mandates removal. Consistently showed the most positive experiences with strong ties to the children placed. However, there are experiences of the need for additional guidance, support, education and contact with the client to enhance a sense of competence in the task and prevent collapse. Burnout experienced often based in the placed child's difficulties in integration.

Arbetet med iPad i förskolan : En undersökning om hur man arbetar med iPads i en mellanstor kommun

Researchers, planners, and government agencies agree that road safety for children must be a priority and in particular that children should have a safe and secure way to travel to and from school regardless of age or the distance travelled. In Sweden, child traffic safety is a key part of the country?s Nollvision, a long-term traffic policy goal of ?no deaths or serious injuries?. Unfortunately, many countries have recorded increases in child traffic accidents as the percentage of parents who drive their children to school and thus congestion around schools has increased. Common strategies include traffic safety education for children, the redesign and improvement of traffic infrastructure, bicycle training, and carpooling.This thesis assesses the traffic problem around Ludvigsberg School in the district Valbo in Gävle, Sweden.

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