

3947 Uppsatser om Children of dysfunctional parents - Sida 38 av 264

Att bli förälder till ett prematurt barn - Litteraturstudie/Becoming a parent when a child is born premature - Literature review

Background: Almost every 20th child is borne premature in Sweden, before the parents are ready to care for a new family member. The parents need to cope with the stress and anxiety of having their newborn child in the neonatal ward and influenced by nursing care of neonatal staff grow their parental role.Purpose: The aim of this study was to illustrate experiences of parenthood within the care of premature at the neonatal ward.Method: A review where 18 articles between 2000 and 2005 were chosen and examined. The articles were analysed according to VIPS, which facilitates the practical use of the result.Result: The study reveals that parenthood is experienced as a time dependent process with three phases, primary, secondary and tertiary, where the parent?s needs and experiences changed character. The parents experienced that they developed from passive to active in the care of the premature child when the neonatal staff guided their participation, gave information/education and support.

Lärande genom lärorika och lustfyllda metoder i dagens förskola. : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers reflektioner kring deras dagliga arbete med barns lärande

I want to investigate different preschool teachers' views of their daily work in terms of the diversity of children and learning, and the methods and strategies of preschool teachers use in their everyday lives, to meet every child's individual needs. I also want to investigate preschool teacher?s perceptions of children's social skills as this is included in the pre-school assignments relating to a favorable social environment for all children.To find this out, I have compiled three issues.What are the views interviewed preschool teachers to learning and different lustful methods that make the educational activities meaningful for all children?? What pedagogical strategies do preschool teachers to respond to the diversity of children?? What opinions have interviewed preschool teachers about children's social interaction with other children in preschool?The conclusion is:all children are different and learn in different ways. Teachers have the responsibility to ensure every child's development and adapt the business to the children's level and needs in a way that could inspire children to learn new skills. It is teachers' responsibility to provide children with good opportunities to express their views and feelings.

Inkluderat eller exkluderat : En kvalitativ studie om att jobba med barn med språkstörning i förskolan

7 % of children in preschool have some sort of language disorder. How should preschool teachers best help these children? In a small special group where they can focus on the child´s individual linguistic development or in an ordinary group were the other children can be linguistic models for the child and help his or hers development?The purpose of this paper is to see what preschool teachers, who work with children who has language impairment, says about working with these children in a special group as compared with working with them in an ordinary group together with children without language impairment. What are the advantages and the disadvantages related to the different ways of working? Another focus point is how the children collaborate with each other.

?De ska lära sig att leva?: En studie av några barnbibliotekariers litteratursyn och deras samarbete med förskolan

The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate four children?s librarians? literature view and their collaboration with pre-schools. My main question at issue is ?What literature view do children?s librarians in this thesis have and how does this reflect their collaboration with pre-schools??. Another purpose is to study the canon process in relation to children?s libraries and pre-schools.

Förskolebarns tankar om geometri

The reason I am writing this essay is due to my curiosity on how children are interested in and how their understanding in geometry is at preschool years.My interest lies in children and arithmetic and especially geometry, which is something I belive that children deal with a great deal in their everyday routines, both in school and at home.What do children do when they work with geometry, and are they aware of what they do? To figure this out, I have taken my findings from three different interviews that I have done atmy preschool with a group of children that have been preselected.I am also curious about whether there is a difference in different types of schools. In this essay I have compared the preschool I work with a Montessori school and a third type of schoolwhere the children spends most of their day´s outdoors called ?Ur och Skur?In my results I can not see any major differences in these three preschools work with mathematics. The childrens knowledge is at a similar level and the work with geometry hasbeen implemented in a similar way..

Skönlitteratur for slukaråldern Ur ett vuxenperspektiv: Några barnbibliotekariers och grundskolelärares syn på barnlitteratur.

The aim of this master's thesis is to investigate how adults and especially children's librarians and intermediate level teachers experience children's literature. The aim is also to examine how children at the age of nine to twelve experience the literature that is written for them, according to a few master's theses written at Bibliotekshögskolan in Boras. Which criteria in children's books do the different groups consider as the most important, that the children can learn something when reading or is it the experience of the literature itself that is the most important? To fulfil the aim of this master's thesis I have interviewed three intermediate level teachers and three children's librarians and the result has been analysed using a model created by Maria Nikolajeva that shows four ways to get close to children's literature. My study is too small to be counted as a general result but it shows that both the children's librarians and the intermediate level teachers mainly ends up in the field that concerns the reading experience one can have when reading fiction.

Barns kunskaper om djurarter : Kan kunskaperna skilja beroende på vart man bor?

This study is about differences in knowledge regarding animals. In the study five year old preschool children from a city were compared to five year old preschool children in the suburbs with multicultural background. The study is also about where children´s knowledge about animals comes from and how educators can make a positive difference. To find this out standardized interviews was used on 23 children from four different preschools, two preschools in the suburbs with 15 children and two preschools in the city with 13 children. A survey was sent out to the educators within these preschools to gather background information on what the children do regarding animals.

Hur barn prioriteras på folkbibliotek: en kvalitativ studie om barns tillgång till biblioteksverksamhet.

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to investigate children?s access to specific children?s activities at Swedish public libraries 2005. The thesis is based on literature studies and qualitative interviews with children?s librarians, library directors and local politicians at two demographically different libraries in Gothenburg.The sub questions are: What measures exist to promote children?s access to public libraries and children?s activities when it comes to: law and other political statements: different efforts on the state level and different efforts on the municipal level in the direct activity with children at public libraries? What driving forces and needs justify activities for children at public libraries? How will the responsible persons judge that the efforts are sufficient? The result of the study shows that children?s access to library activity has increased in the last couple of years due to reorganization, economic savings with closing down of library affiliates and because libraries have given priority to other things, like IT and new media. Children?s librarians have got new assignments and less time for children?s activity.The conclusion of our investigation is that children?s librarians are ambitious in their work, but unfortunately don?t give children?s library activity adequate resources.

Inkludering av barn med särskilda behov : En studie om pedagogers tankar och syn om inkludering

In today's preschool teachers should strive for us to have an inclusive preschool regardless of background, knowledge, culture. The conditions that everyone should have the right to education. Therefore the purpose of this study to enhance the understanding of the informants' views and thoughts regarding the inclusion of children with special needs. My study focused generally on children with special needs, but not against any particular diagnosis or a particular area related to children with special needs. To get answers to my questions I used qualitative interviews.

?Svarta, Vita, Grå? En studie om särskilda barns vardag

This is a case study influenced by Grounded Theory and Symbolic Interactionism. Its focus is on a small group of pupils isolated both geographically and socially from the ordinary school. The composition is written from the children?s perspective. Observations and interviews have made it possible to study both the interaction between the children and also the adults, how the children are described by the adults working with them and what expectations they have on the children.In the light of earlier research, our case study can be seen as an example how the school is dealing with the children?s problems.

Pedagogisk dokumentation : En kvalitativ studie som beskriver hur utförande, utvärdering och presentation genomförs i praktiken

With the curriculum Lpfö98, and its revised version 2010, the demands for evaluation of the quality of the preschool have been emphasized. Accordingly, the activities need to be systematically documented, followed up and assessed, to be improved. Most importantly, this includes continuous follow up, documentation and analysis of the development and learning of the children. This is usually carried out by means of pedagogical documentation, but how this working tool should be used in practice is not totally clear for all pedagogues. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate how pedagogical documentation is performed, assessed and made accessible for the children, parents and staff-members, in practical preschool work.In the study, four pedagogues (two preschool teachers and two pedagogical mentors), working in two different preschools where the Reggio Emilia concept is practiced for pedagogical documentation, were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire.The informants described pedagogical documentation as a complex and time-consuming working tool, albeit necessary and helpful to fulfill the requirements of the curriculum.

Föräldraperspektiv på genus- och jämställdhet i förskolan : En studie om föräldrars tankar kring kön, genus och jämställdhet i förskolan

Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att granska några föräldrars tankar kring genus- och jämställdhetsarbete i förskolan. Med hjälp av enkäter och intervjuer har vi samlat in vårt empiriska material. I enkätundersökningen var deltagandet lågt vilket kan tyda på ett svalt intresse för dessa frågor bland föräldrarna. Intervjupersonerna var dock av den uppfattningen att genus- och jämställdhetsarbete i förskolan är något av stor vikt. Intervjupersonerna var eniga både vad gäller den negativa inställningen till enkönade grupper i förskolan och vikten av förebilder av båda könen bland förskolans personal.

?Pojkar är som guld, flickor är som dukar? ? En kvalitativ studie om synen på barn och sexuell trafficking i Kambodja

The purpose of this study was to look at the common opinion about children in Cambodia. By interviewing the professionals in different help organizations we studied the common opinion about children in general and the common opinion about children who are exposed to sexual trafficking. The ambition of the study was also to see if the common opinion about children in Cambodia affects the help that is available for the children who are exposed to sexual trafficking.This is a qualitative study including semi structured interviews with seven professionals who work with vulnerable children. The interview guide focused on the themes: children?s needs, sexual trafficking, children?s rights, childhood, children?s sexuality and gender.

"Jag vet att det inte är någon semester att vara föräldraledig" : en studie kring hemarbete och föräldraskap utifrån ett jämställdhetsperspektiv

The following study was undertaken in the spring of 2005 in Helsingborg, Sweden.It presents a study of the experience and values six young couples have related to parenting and gender equality. Twelwe people, six women and six men, were interviewed about the above mentioned topics related to their new found role as parents. How did these women and men choose to assign or elaborate their role as parents in terms of household chores and parental leave? Did they consider their parenthood to be equal or did they feel that their role as parents had already been assigned based on their gender? What were the decisive factors, if any, that determined their parenting roles?Although this study is relatively limited, the results are compatible with other published studies and indicate that young parents of today, without consideration to their gender, have a traditional view on parenting. The study also indicates that the attitudes seem to be established by traditional values, norms as well as sexualgender.

Sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder vid cancer hos barn - en litteraturstudie

Every year 300 children in Sweden are diagnosed with cancer, but through research and successful clinical work 70 % of the children survive their cancer. Aim: To illuminate nursing care of children with cancer. Method: The study was carried out as a general literature study through systematic review and analyse of 18 scientific articles. Result: The analysis resulted in five themes: Support, play as a psychological assistance, alternatives to alleviation of pain, nutrition and relieving symptoms of fatigue.Conclusion: It is important that the nurse has knowledge about the children and their family?s experiences when dealing with a cancer illness to provide the children with adequate care.

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