

3947 Uppsatser om Children of dysfunctional parents - Sida 29 av 264

Föräldrars upplevelser av att barnen flyttar hemifrån : En kvalitativ studie där föräldrar beskriver sina personliga erfarenheter av barnens flytt

The aim of the study was to describe parents' experiences of empty nest. The sample consisted of individuals who had experienced one child moving out of the parental home. Data were collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews and were analyzed by using thematic analysis. The thematic analysis revealed four themes, Concerns about the new time in life, Changing roles, Socializing in the family and Testing the relations. Due to the themes participants' stories reveal anxiety facing the time that will come when children takes the step to leave the nest.

Sjuksköterskans erfarenhet vid omvårdnad av familj vars nyfödda just fått diagnosen Downs syndrom

Introduction: About 160 children with Down syndrome are born each year in Sweden. They will spend their first time in life at the neonatal departments around the country. Previous research has shown that parents in these situations have experienced an unsatisfying behaviour from the caregivers and that they are not getting the care they desire. However the research that reflects the nurses? role in these situations is sparsely studied.

"Lets Play!" : En studie av kunskapsöverföring mellan digitala spel och musikinstrument.

The purpose of this thesis was to examine if users of digital music games may acquire skills from the games that may be of use in learning to play a real instrument, that is a non-digitally simulated instrument like an acoustic piano. We have used Gee?s theory regarding a possible interconnection between different semiotic domains, and how this connection may enable a transfer of skills between related domains. In this thesis we examine possible skill transfer between the domains ?digital games? and ?non-digital instruments?. To examine our question formulation we chose to conduct a pilot study from which we collected both quantitative and qualitative data.

Meningsfull Fritid? : Några fritidshemsbarns tankar om sin fritidstid

During my practical training I have seen what after-school offers children. Large groups of children and little staff, often results in that the children had to play freely until they go home. Few activities are offered to the children and the staff is busy looking after the children and ensures that they are not fighting.The purpose of this study is to find out how children feel about their leisure activities and if they think they are being offered a meaningful leisure. The main research questions were:How do children experience their leisure-time?Do after-school offers children a meaningful leisure and is it the children's interests and needs that govern the activities and the environment?How do the number of children in the leisure group affect the leisure time?The methods to collect data in the study are observations and interviews.

Blogg som verktyg för pedagogisk dokumentation i samspel mellan två förskollärare och föräldrar.

Study: Degree project in teacher education, Advanced Level 15pUniversity of Skövde Title: Using a blog as a tool for pedagogical documentation in interaction between two preschool teachers and parents. Pages: 39 Authors: Beatrice Johansson and Ellinor Pettersson Tutor: Urban Carlén Date: HT 2013 Keywords: Pedagogical documentation, interaction, blog, communication. The purpose of this study is to examine preschool teachers? use of blogging as a tool for pedagogical documentation and the parents? participation in the blog. The study examines the interaction between the preschool and the children?s homes as well as if the use of a blog contributes to a greater insight for parents in the pedagogical activities.In the latest curriculum, there have been a point of monitoring, evaluation and development, which seems to be a goal in the curriculum that creates uncertainty among the profession, how to configure them. Therefore, we felt that pedagogical documentation would be interesting to investigate.

Medling enligt föräldrabalken (FB) : En studie om domarnas syn på medling

This paper is based on a study seeking answers to questions about how the judges at district courts look at mediation as a way to deal with custody and visitation disputes between parents who do not live together. The questions posed in this study are: When is a mediator appointed? What result do judges expect to mediation? What do the judges say about how a mediator should work? What are the judge?s opinions about the lawyer?s role in these cases? Finally, how do the judges define the children?s needs and how do the judges check that the solution is best for the child? The study also aims to compile theories of mediation, to create new knowledge and to possibly develop new research questions related to mediation. The study is a qualitative case study with law sociological and abductive approach. The interviewed judges all have a lot of experience in family law cases.

Storyline : - barn med koncentrationssvårigheter

This examination is about storyline and children who has problem to focus and concentrate in school. The premier aim of this survey is to look into the storylinemethod and investigate what it means methodical. I am also going to look more into how this children feels about this method and how they adjust to it.In my empirical examintion through qualitative interviews with teatchers and also questionnaires with thirtynine children participated i got a great result. My conclusions is that this method can be demanding and also confusing for this children but the good part is that it is subjectintegrated and it is easy to motivate this children.This examintation has given me an insight how teatchers can teatch in a storyline inspirated education.The storylinemethod is aiming to individual adjustment and these children maybe needs that moust of all..

Rehabilitering av gatupojkar i Nakuru, Kenya: Om insatser, ansvar och förväntningar

AbstractThe purpose of my essay was through economically, socially and psychologically aspects examine the impact Bethesda Children´s Ministry made on families. Special interest have been taken to how Bethesda is dealing with responsibility and expectations. Also I´ve been interested in which vital change the boy have gone through during the rehabilitation? I´ve got the information from staff, parents and former street boys through interviews done in Kenya.The first result showed that rehabilitation at Bethesda means socialisation of the boy, from the behaviour of the street, to a functional family member. A great change for the boy was stopping using drug and start live in a family.

Biblioteket för barn av vuxna : en undersökning av barnbibliotekariers förförståelse av barns förutsättningar

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the understanding of children's librari-ans regarding children's needs and preconditions in a library context and based on devel-opmental psychology and information seeking theories. The children's perspective is said to be the guiding star in the children's library and the thesis also aims to study the chil-dren's perspective as defined by children's librarians.The master thesis is a qualitative study based on interviews with children's librarians working at major public libraries. Observations of the children's libraries in the study have to some extent been performed.The study reveals that children's librarians are fairly knowledgeable about children but do not to a full extent use that knowledge into adapting the library to children and their needs. The children are not contributing to the adaptation of the library to any extent as there are few routines for that matter. In society in general children are on a regular basis represented by adults and their perspective on children and children's needs, which may differ from the perspective children have on their own lives, and the same is applicable for the children's library.

?En go? stund tillsammans med mitt barn? ? En kvalitativ studie om småbarnsföräldrars tankar kring högläsning

The aim of this thesis is to describe the thoughts and attitudes that parents have regarding reading aloud. In today?s society the positive effects of reading aloud are often pointed at and in the perspective of the new learning theories I found the issue even more interesting.The two main questions posed are: How do the parents describe the practice of reading aloud?Is the parents? life situation and background visible in their descriptions and in that case how does it show in their thoughts about reading aloud?The theoretical perspective of the thesis is sociocultural and can be divided into two themes. The first theme concerns the learning process that can be the result of reading aloud and the second theme focuses on social aspects. The results of the study show that parents think that reading aloud is valuable and positive.

Av gammal vana : En kvalitativ studie om varför svenskar inte e-handlar livsmedel i större utsträckning

The food industry is one of the fastest growing industries in Swedish e-commerce today. However, e-commerce still represents a very small part of the total food sales in Sweden. Experts have noted that, in order for e-commerce to expand in this field, Internet food sales must increase.The aim of this study is to form an understanding of why Swedes do not purchase more food products online. The theoretical framework consists of various marketing theories concerning consumer behavior and the acceptance of new innovations. The methodology used for the purpose of this study has a qualitative approach and in order to answer the questions at hand two focus groups were assembled.

Trötthet hos sjuksköterskor och patientsäkerhet

Aim Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire 2007 (DCDQ'07) is an international survey tool based on parents' estimation of their child's motor coordination skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of a Swedish version of DCDQ'07 by finding out how the classification of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) via DCDQ'07 is consistent with the classification of DCD via the motor impairment test, Movement ABC.MethodIn the context of a larger study, a Swedish translated version of the parent survey DCDQ'07 were sent to 4000 randomly selected families with children aged 8 - 10 years in Stockholm County. The classifications "DCD" or "NOT DCD" with cut-off values ??of 56 (9 years) and 57 (10 years) were applied. Forty families were selected from 410 registered responses.

Romska barn och ungdomars syn på utbildning                                             : En intervjustudie

The purpose of this study is to understand how roman children and young people?s relations are to school and education from a family point of view.I have used a qualitative method and by means of that studied different information sources.  I have proceeded from two different theories: culture conception and categorizing. My first theory choice - Culture conception - represents a value of how we see the culture and the prospective of it.My second theory choice ? categorizing ? represents that we humans classify consciously or unconscious ourselves and others into categories, with the consequence that we understand the world by categorizing. Question I have proceeded from are: - Which roll does the family has for children and young persons from roman society? - Which expectations do children and young persons from roman society have from the family when it comes to education? Throughout my study I have come to the conclusion that roman culture looks differently upon boys and girls.

Föräldrars förväntningar på kommunal musik- och kulturskola

English title: Parents? expectations of municipal school of music and of arts.Thesis in Music Education by Jonathan Lilliedahl. Part of the work for the master´s degree. Studies from School of Music, University of Örebro, 2007. Available from School of Music, Örebro University, SE-701 82 Örebro, Sweden.

Barns tankar om vuxna på fritidshemmet : Intervjuer med barn från tre fritidshemsavdelningar

The aim of this study is to become aware of how the children at the after-school care perceive the adults at after-school care. The most interesting parts are to find out what they thought made a good teacher, which qualities were preferable and how the children expressed their opinions. The children often spend long time at the after-school care which means that the children?s work environment matters. The children look at adults from another perspective and see other qualities than adults see in each other.

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