

3079 Uppsatser om Childhood sexual physical abuse - Sida 6 av 206

Jag valde livet! : En studie av alkoholisters olika vägar ut ur alkoholmissbruk

The purpose of this essay was to find out what alcoholics themselves mean were the way out of their drinking abuse.The questions at stake are:· What kind of context did the interviewed live in before and after the turning point?· How did the process of getting out of the alcohol abuse look like?· What different factors may have influenced the turning point, the maintenance and the interviewee's choice to stop the abuse of alcohol?· Where there any other important occurrences that may have had an impact on their decision to stop drinking?For the investigation we have interviewed three women and five men. They all have had sever problems with alcohol, but all of them also have found a way out of the abuse.Our research shows that the way out of alcohol abuse is very complex and individual. The turning point is rather a process than a single occurrence. Our research also shows that the interaction between the alcohol and important individuals in their immediate surroundings are the absolute most important factor to stop using alcohol in a destructive way but also important when it comes to maintaining soberness..

Ett elevperspektiv på sex- och samlevnadsundervisning i grundskolan : En retrospektiv enkätstudie bland gymnasielever

Public health is a concern of many important areas of society and it is therefore of great importance to examine and expand the goals of public health work within different sectors, e.g., school. Sexually transmitted diseases, sexual violence and mental health problems related to sexual orientation are some of the public health problems in society today. Throughout childhood and teenage years, norms and attitudes regarding sexuality and coexistence are formed, which means that school is an important arena when it comes to creating proficient conditions for    coexistence and sexual health. The quality of sex and coexistence education in Swedish schools differs in quality; for content and magnitude vary greatly among schools. It is, therefore, of interest to study how students experience sex and coexistence education, like prioritizations and desires.

Kvinnor utsatta för sexuella övergrepp - en litteraturstudie med fokus på mötet med hälso- och sjukvården

Background: The numbers of crime towards women are increasing in our society. It is the medical caregiver?s responsibility to take care of these women when they are seeking help post assault. The caregiver?s task is to provide good care and performe a forensic evidence examination.

Debatten om sexköpslagen : - en studie med fokus på argumenten

The purpose of this study was to investigate which kind of arguments that were used during the debate before the law of sexual services was introduced in Sweden. The study refers to the debate which was in the Swedish parliament The study has been structured the arguments in different categories.  The study has not found other researchers about the debate in the Swedish parliament. The study has just found several studies about the prostitution problem in general. The method for this study has been idea centered content analysis.

Ta livet tillbaka : att som vuxen läka efter sexuella övergrepp i barndomen

Uppsatsens huvudsyfte är att undersöka hur vuxna överlevare från sexuella övergrepp i barndomen hanterar sia erfareneheter och läker effekterna av traumat. Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med fem informanter. De huvudsakliga slutsatserna av materialanalysen är följande: Relationen till make eller annan partner har större positivt inflyttande på läkningsprocessen än relationen till terapeut eller internetbaserade relationer till andra överlevare. Överlevare kan under läkningsprocessen finna en positiv mening i förmågor de tillägnat sig för att överleva traumat. I läkningsprocessen kan överlevare ändra sina grundantaganden i positiv riktning.

Bilder av barndom : Hur makt och ålder framställs i sex nutida svenska bilderböcker

This essay examines how age, power and agency is represented and reproduced in contemporary Swedish picture books.This is done through a combination of discourse analysis and literary analysis.It uses theoretical perspectives from sociology, and views childhood as a social construct. It sees discourse and language use as both representing and constructing social reality in the tradition of Norman Fairclough and critical discourse analysis. The main results is that the discourses of childhood in the material construct children as a separate group in society, and childhood as a special time in life. Children is portrayed as both social actors and in need of protection from adult themes and worries..

Värdet bakom våldtäkten : En diskursanalys av fyra rättsfall

This paper seeks to explore how victims of crime and defendants are portrayed in sexual assault cases. Lately, more and more voices have been raised in appal against values demonstrated in court decisions and we?ve seen the implementation of a new sexual assault legislation in attempt to increase people?s sexual integrity. Yet, at the same time, there is still a tremendously low amount of reported sexual assaults that go to trial and even fewer result in conviction. This paper is not an attempt to scrutinize the legal system, but to draw attention to what values are portrayed in sexual assault cases.

Sexköparen - en kvalitativ studie om varför nän köper sexuella tjänster

The purpose of this study is to explore professionals? view on why men purchase sexual services with a focus on heterosexual prostitution where the man is the buyer and the woman is the seller. To achieve the studys? purposes and to be able to examine professionals? views a qualitative approach is taken with semi-structured interviews. Six professionals who work or have been working in the organisation KAST (Buyers of sexual services, own translation), who are situated in Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm, have been interviewed.

Business Intelligence inom humanitära organisationer

Several studies has identified the locker room experience as a potential deterrent for participation in physical education. Both psychological and physical issues arise due to several factors. Psychological issues include different kinds of verbal and physical violations, comparisons between pupils, feeling of vulnerability along with a stressful schedule. The physical environment can contribute to negative experience for pupils in terms of filthy premises and cold showers. These factors may contribute to higher absentee rates in physical education.

?På andra sidan planket? : en kvalitativ studie om hur det sociala stödet från nätverken påverkar återhämtningsprocessen från ett drogmissbruk

Research about social support and social networks has mostly concerned the impact on a person?s wellbeing and health. However an aspect largely neglected is how social support within the social networks can affect the process of giving up a drug abuse. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of what role the social support within different relationships can have on the process of giving up drug abuse. Furthermore the aim is to examine how a self-help group can provide social support in the transitional period after leaving a drug abuse.

Någon annan tar hand om det bättre än jag - : Sjuksköterskors syn på barriärer till varför sexuell hälsa inte tas upp i vården

BackgroundSexual health is affected by disease, dysfunction and disability but can also be experienced in spite of illness. To get a deeper knowledge of what the nurse does for the patients the background is written with the support of the holistic care and Katie Eriksson theoretical perspectives health and suffering.AimThe aim of this study is to describe the factors to why nurses do not prioritize patients' sexual health in the nursing care.MethodA literature review based on nine qualitative and quantitative studies focusing on the barriers perceived by the nurses to address sexual health.ResultThe result of this study showed that the barriers were many. Factors related to nurses unwillingness to talk to patients about sexuality and sexual health were difficulties in nurses' psychosocial work environment and lacking competence concerning sexual health. The fact that sexuality is a sensitive subject, factors related to the patient and that it was someone else's responsibility to raise the topic were other factors that made it difficult.ConclusionWe conclude that a stressed workplace where there is a lack of time and stress along with a poor education and uncertainty leads to no grasp of the subject and the problem slides between health professionals. Patients' sexual health remains untreated.

Experience of quality of life among women who have undergone breast reconstruction after mastectomy

Background: In Sweden around 6500 women suffer each year from breast cancer and during lifetime every tenth women is affected. Mastectomy (removal of part of or the whole breast) is carried out mostly in purpose to remove malign tumours or in prophylactic purpose. The breast can be rebuilt through breast reconstruction. Method: The result analysis was based on nine articles. A Manifest content analysis was used and data from the articles where divided into themes and patterns, on the basis of these categories were created.

Kvinnors och mäns sexualliv efter förvärvad ryggmärgsskada

Background: Spinal Cord Injuries impacts sexuality. In a healthcare environment sexual issues are complicated and not allways easy to answer. Purpose: The purpose has been to highlight how the patient experiences sexuality after sustaining spinal cord injury. Method: A literature study through systematic review of scientific articles. Result: Five main categories were identified: Relationship, Physical problems, Emotional experiences, Coping, Counselling and information.

Alkoholmissbruk på arbetsplatsen -När är det grund för uppsägning?

Abuse of alcohol is one of the biggest problems that society faces today. There are between three and four hundred thousand abusers in Sweden. In addition there are about three hundred thousand over consumers. The government bill proposed in 1977 gave the labour market most of the responsibility to solve the problem. They thought a meaningful job and a spirit of community were the most important factors to decrease abuse of alcohol and social rejection.

Sagostundens tidlösa rum? : En litteraturanalys av metodhandboken Magiska Fingrar: sagostunder för dagens barn

The purpose of this two years master´s thesis in Archive, Library and Information Museum science is to examine the ideas about children and childhood which have an influence on the storytime at public libraries. The material on which this thesis is based, is a methodbook which is aimed to develop the storytimes and those picture books that are recommend in the methodbook. The theoretical points of departure are discourse analysis and childhood sociology. The concepts of being and becoming are frequently used when analyzing the methodbook. Other theoretical points of departure are the combination of narratologi, semiotics and hermeneutics, which are also used when analyzing the picture books.The result indicates that the storytime, recommended in the methodbook, is based on the idea of a timeless culture of childhood - where the "modern child" including the media used today - is left out. Concepts as nostalgia and pedagogy are tightly connected.

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