

1440 Uppsatser om Child neglect. - Sida 54 av 96

Det livslånga lärandet som tayloristisk tragedi : En ideologikritisk analys

The aim of this essay is trying to understand the ideological changing process over the last decades and the ideological meaning of the relatively new conception lifelong learning as well, and how it comes that the opportunities offered the individual pre-school child and the individual compulsory-school pupil to assimilate the so important learning, differs so dramatically all though the expressed ambition to offer each and every one equal opportunities. What are the ideological structures that are, and have been in function, that carries and have carried the perceptions of the use and value of fostering and education?In a time with the welfare ideology in a hegemonic position, it was seen important that the state took major responsibility for the education of the citizens. In our time, it appears, an economist ideology has taken the hegemonic position, and education is becoming an increasingly economic issue, and equality is decreasing along with, as in general society, the increasing of segregation within the educational system..

Ungdomar som rymmer hemifrån : en kunskapsöversikt

The aim with this thesis is to study how the phenomenon young people who run away from home (runaways) is presented in the research literature. The question at issue in our thesis is: How does research literature present the phenomenon of young people who run away from home? We have selected seven primary documents that we consider gives a broad picture of the knowledge about runaways. We have a postmodern and a hermeneutic approach in our thesis. Our material has been analyzed on the basis of social constructionist theory and the new sociological paradigm of childhood.

Att förändra och förändras med tecken : En kvalitativ studie om uppleveser av teckenekonomi

The token economy program, which is a method for behaviour modification, has been used worldwide for different groups within different settings in order to vhange behaviour.Research has found the token economy program to be effective. However, research is limited to quantitative and experimental studies, and Swedish research in this field is brief. Nevertheless, the program is used in several institutions n Sweden. A qualitative study in Swedish settings could therefore be useful. The purpose of this paper is to examine the experiences of a token economy program using qualitative interviews.

En BokNalle, vad är det? Att uppmuntra barn och föräldrar till språkstimulerande aktiviteter.

This thesis is about a language-stimulating activity, called the Book Teddy, which take placein Markaryd, a small municipality in southern Sweden. The activity is described and someexamples given of the Book Teddy's visits to the homes of parents and their preschool children.Similar activities in Värnamo, Kumla and Borås, which have been inspired by the BookTeddy are also described.Facts about children's psychology, language development and child language illustrate theimportance of stimulating language acquisition in the early years. An important example is"The Bristol Study", a longitudinal study of preschool children.A questionnaire was sent to 93 parents, whose children were bom in 1991. 53 parents or57% answered. The analysis was made out of these 53 questionnaires.

Göteborgs gåtfulla madonna - Maria med Jesusbarnet och Johannes Döparen på Göteborgs konstmuseum. Ikonografi, tolkning och stilanalys

This essay presents an examination of some aspects of an anonymous Italian fifteenth centurypainting, the Madonna in Adoration of the Christ Child with the Young John the Baptist, in theGothenborg Art Museum. My first aim is to understand its symbolic and religious content, and theother is to make an attempt at an attribution, or at least put the work in a likely environment,temporally and geographically. To the first end I analyse the image using Panofsky?s three stagemethod, and then make an iterpretation using the ?period eye? concept of Baxandall, especially froma religious viewpoit. Secondly, I try to define the style of the work mainly by analysing selectedparameters from a large number of fifteenth century Italian pictures found in the photo archive ofthe Federico Zeri Foundation website on the internet.

Det händer något visst när kvinnan blir moder : en kvalitativ studie som utforskar nyblivna mammors inställning till alkohol i förhållande till graviditet och moderskap

The argument whether women should drink alcohol during pregnancy, has been debated for centuries. Women's drinking behaviour throughout the ages is not a static phenomenon but has changed in compliance with the customs of the time. The purpose of this study was not to evaluate if alcohol damages the unborn child, but rather to explore how women, who have just given birth and hence have become mothers, looked at alcohol in relation to pregnancy and motherhood. To accomplish this we have used a qualitative method with a semi-structured interview guide. What has turned out to be central to our conclusions is the fact that though, in today's society, there is access to newly produced science reports concerning alcohol in connection to injuries to the foetus, it is our belief that the demands and expectations directed on the mother are dominant in this matter..

Fritidspedagogers arbete med demokrati, elevinflytande och delaktighet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med fritidspedagoger

Barn födda för tidigt (gestationsålder, GA < 37) löper ökad risk för kognitiva nedsättningar, emotionella problem och beteendeproblem. För att undersöka möjliga skillnader och samband beträffande kognitiv nivå och beteendeproblem jämfördes testresultat från Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) och Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) mellan för tidigt födda barn (PT) (n= 51, GA 22-34) och barn födda efter fullgången graviditet (FT) (n=57, GA 40 +/-2), i åldern 7-8 år. Alla barn var normalfungerande utan känd utvecklingsavvikelse och/eller hjärnskada. Resultaten visar att barn födda i GA 22-34 presterade signifikant sämre på verbalt (VFI) och perceptuellt funktionsindex (PFI) och erhöll en lägre helskaleintelligenskvot (HIK) jämfört med barn födda FT. En signifikant positiv korrelation uppvisades mellan GA och HIK men inte mellan GA och totala beteendeproblem.

Inflytande och gränssättning i förskolan : En undersökning kring hur fem pedagoger förhåller sig till inflytande och gränssättning i förskolan

This qualitative study is aimed to find out how teachers at one preschool relate to influence and boundaries. This has been carried out through qualitative interviews whose contents have been analyzed and processed. The theoretical framework of the study is the philosophy of John Dewey derived from Pragmatism, where thought and action is seen as one where the child needs to try and experiment to learn. We are two authors who stand for this study in which we both were present at all times for the interviews.The interviews revealed that teachers believe that influence is important for children's self-esteem, to become a good citizen of the community and to learn that certain things are expected. It also emerged that influence combined with boundaries is seen as very important.It appeared that the teachers look at influence in preschool in three different ways - influence here and now, influence in the future and influence for the children self-esteem.

Hur fungerar skolbiblioteken? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om skolbibliotekers och pedagogers syn på litteraturförmedling

This master thesis is aiming to find out how school libraries work towards children in school years 1-6. The mainfocus is how the school librarians and teachers work with literature and reading. The theoretical viewpoints aremainly the sociocultural theory and the child perspective.The study was conducted with participants from five different schools in Uppsala, in the form of qualitativesemi-structured interviews. The results show that schools work with literature first and foremost in a pragmaticway, with reading-strategies and activating discussions. Very little time is spent on reading for its own sake.

En trivsam inskolning : En intervjustudie om interaktion mellan pedagoger och föräldrar

The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how parents and preschool teachers experience induction at preschool. The induction creates collaboration between preschool teachers and parents where the interaction and socio-cultural factors have been key theories for the work task.The method used has been of qualitative nature where interviews were made with parents and preschool teachers. In these interviews, they shared their insights of how they experienced the interaction and communication during induction. I asked the parents what they felt was good communication and interaction during the induction. The same question was given to preschool teachers to respond to and also if there was something that worked less good during induction.The results show that parents and preschool teachers feel that induction works well satisfactory and that it is important that the interaction work well between both parts.

Associationer mellan kognitiv nivå, beteendeproblem och att vara för tidigt född

Barn födda för tidigt (gestationsålder, GA < 37) löper ökad risk för kognitiva nedsättningar, emotionella problem och beteendeproblem. För att undersöka möjliga skillnader och samband beträffande kognitiv nivå och beteendeproblem jämfördes testresultat från Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) och Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) mellan för tidigt födda barn (PT) (n= 51, GA 22-34) och barn födda efter fullgången graviditet (FT) (n=57, GA 40 +/-2), i åldern 7-8 år. Alla barn var normalfungerande utan känd utvecklingsavvikelse och/eller hjärnskada. Resultaten visar att barn födda i GA 22-34 presterade signifikant sämre på verbalt (VFI) och perceptuellt funktionsindex (PFI) och erhöll en lägre helskaleintelligenskvot (HIK) jämfört med barn födda FT. En signifikant positiv korrelation uppvisades mellan GA och HIK men inte mellan GA och totala beteendeproblem.

"Skrif snart!"En analys av brev skrivna av femtio Bonapojkar.

Syftet med min analys är att ur femtio Bonapojkars brevmaterial, få en förståelse hur ungdomstiden gestaltade sig för dessa. Med analysen vill jag bidra till att utveckla metoder för att använda sig av privatpersoners brev i historieforskningen. Pojkarna var intagna på Bona uppfostringsanstalt under åren 1905-09 och 1946-48. Åldern på pojkarna var 15-18 år och de var dömda för ett mindre brott till tvångsuppfostran. Resultatet av analysen visade att få kommunicera med yttervärlden via brev var viktigt för pojkarna.

Före och efter Lpfö, 98; Fyra förskollärares reflektioner om arbetet före och efter införandet av läroplanen.

Since 1998, the Swedish preschool has its own curriculum and with this the preeschool became the first step of a lifelong learning. The aim of this study was to explore how preschool teachers perceive their work before and after the Swedish curriculum was inserted. A qualitative method was used in this study. Four different in-depth interviews were conducted with preschool teachers, all experienced working at least before 1993. The curriculum theory and curriculum history were used to analyze the empirical data.

Vägen till och igenom grundsärskolan : En studie om föräldrars upplevelse av hur skolgången sett ut för deras barn med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning.

Students who do not achieve the different credentials that Elementary schools demand because of their mental disability, have the alternative to go to special school. Special school has a reduced course of studies, which correspond  to the students' different conditions and qualifications. The students who go to special school have done assessments to establish their need of extra help and support in their education. This paper want to show how the schooling of the children can be experienced from a parental point of view. Parents with children with special needs constantly have to make different choices to promote their children's development. In this study the parents of disabled children have been interviewed about their children's participation and intergration in ordinary schools and later in special schools.

Barnfattigdom 2012 : Ett levande problem i Uppsalas skolor

In this essay we aimed to find how economic scarcity among children and youth presents itself in school, according to how school staff experience it. We have conducted interviews with student welfare staff to hear their experiences of this subject and how the schools try to help these pupils. We have used interpretative phenomenology as a base for our work. We have also used some of this traditions most important notions along with notions of Erving Goffman and Sara Ahmed during our processing off the material.  With help from these, we report our most interesting results. We have seen that a lack of resources exists among youth today and that everyone not has easy access to things many of us might take for granted.

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