

1440 Uppsatser om Child neglect. - Sida 20 av 96

Det känns som jag försvinner in i böckerna. Barns favoritböcker, läsupplevelser och läsning från barns och barnbibliotekariers perspektiv

The aim of this master thesis is to obtain a greater understanding of childrens choice of favourite books, insight in their reading experiences and their thoughts about the reading of these books. We also want to investigate if, and if so, how childrens librarians obtain knowledge of the childrens reading preferences and reading experiences and how they use this knowledge in their work to stimulate childrens reading. To reach our aim we have been carrying out quantitative interviews with six children aged nine to ten years and three childrens librarians working in public libraries. As a theoretical starting point we use the reader-oriented theory and Chambers Reading circle, which states that support from adults is the most important factor in the childs reading process. The empirical results are linked to theories and earlier research and are analysed under four different themes.

Från misstanke till anmälan om brott mot barn : ett etiskt problem för pedagoger

Sammanfattning Uppsatsen synliggör processen från misstanke till anmälan och det etiska problemet att anmäla eller inte. Det övergripande syftet i uppsatsen är att synliggöra hur en del verksamma pedagoger hanterar och bör hantera barn som far illa utifrån olika yrkeskategoriers perspektiv. Vi belyser även olika yrkesgrupper som är delaktiga i processen och hur samverkan mellan pedagogisk verksamhet och socialtjänst fungerar utifrån våra informanters svar. Litteratur kring ämnet berör vi utifrån ett brett perspektiv och den påvisar att pedagoger har ett stort ansvar i och med anmälningsplikten, men att ansvaret skall fördelas inom pedagogiska verksamheter. Vårt resultat bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer och enkäter utifrån kategorierna pedagoger, socialsekreterare, rektorer/enhetschefer, kuratorer/psykologer och vuxna som själva farit illa som barn.Vår undersökning påvisar att många barn far illa men att anmälningsbenägenheten har ökat.

Småbarnsföräldrars behov av föräldrastödsinsatser

Background During the child?s first year of life there is a continuous contact with the Child Health Services (CHS) and the parents feel confident and involved. After the first year, the visits to the CHS is reduced at the same time as the everyday life changes for the family as the child starts going to day-care and the parents often go back to work.Aim To examine what it is like being a parent to children aged one to five and what kind of parenting support parents of children aged one to five are in need of.Method Semi-structured interviews were used to interview 25 parents in 21 telephone interviews and one focus group with 4 parents. The recruiting of parents was done on site at one open day-care and with the help of CHS nurses in Sweden. There were 10 men and 15 women.

Pedagogens perspektiv på målsman : En kvalitativ studie av två förskoleverksamheters syn på samarbetets betydelse mellan förskola och hem

Preschools are nowadays a big part of almost every childhood in Swedish society and the relationships that are built there are important for the child and the child?s future integration in the world of knowledge and education. The preschool teachers are therefore the first persons the child links to beyond the parent. That?s why the relations between the parent and the preschool teacher are an important and interesting aspect in the cooperation between them.

Barnsjuksköterskans upplevda erfarenheter av att samtala med föräldrar till överviktiga barn.

 Like adult obesity, childhood obesity prevalence is rising, especially in the Western World.As many as 20 ? 25 percent of the ten years old children are overweight in Sweden. It isimportant to early identify overweight, since overweight could lead into diabetes, mentalsuffering, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.The aim of this study was to describe how nurses experience and perceive the conversationwith parents of overweight children. A qualitative method with a content analysis has beenused. Six nurses working in child health centre have been interviewed.The result shows that the conversation between the nurse and the parents of an overweightchild can be very difficult.

Barns delaktighet och inflytande i den pedagogiska dokumentationen i förskolan

The purpose of this study is to find out what the educators idea of educational documentations in ratio to childrens inclusion and impact in pre-school are, together with the child's own perception of the concepts of documentation. We proceeded from the following issues: What are the significance of educational work according to the teachers? What is the teachers idea of a childs impact and inclusion in educational documentation? In what way do the children have influence over, and inclusion in educational documentation? What are the childrens feelings of the documentations? In order to find answers to our questions, we used qualitative examinations consisting of seven educators and seven children from various pre-schools in Stockholm, and thereby, we have analyzed our results. As our theoretical frame, we used ourselves of Vygotskijs and Säljö's sociocultural perspective that is about "progress and learning", which is achieved by interaction and cooperation in a social context. The result shows that the aim of educational documentation is to reveal the childs development and learning, and also to involve the parents by putting up documents on the wall.

Working Model of the Child Interview. Pilotstudie för att pröva metodens användbarhet på svenska föräldrar

Working Model of the Child Interview (WMCI) är en metod utformad för att bedöma och klassificera föräldrars förmåga till omvårdnad utifrån beskrivningar av förälderns subjektiva upplevelse av och relationen till sitt barn. Föräldrars inre representation av omvårdnad har visat samband med barnets förmåga att skapa en trygg anknytningsrelation. WMCI har visat stor användbarhet både i forskningssammanhang och i klinisk verksamhet men är tidigare inte prövad i Sverige. Syftet med denna pilotstudie är att pröva metodens användbarhet på en svensk population. Tretton föräldrar, sex pappor och sju mammor, som är förstagångsföräldrar till fullgångna och för tidigt födda barn har intervjuats med WMCI.

Bilprovningen : -Nytt läge på en konkurrensutsatt marknad

The purpose of our study was to identify and present experiences encountered by parents with a child with diagnosis. Those narratives are made open for the public. Data has been collected through ten interviews with parents having children with a diagnosis. These interviews have also been complemented by interviews with one child and one youth. The parents and the children who have been interviewed, all have their own stories and experiences of how it is to live with a diagnosis in the family and for all families there are different diagnosis.

"Jag brukade skoja och säga att de hade vuxit en skostorlek varje gång jag träffade barnen : " (Sagt av en pappa då han beskrev hur sällan han såg sina barn)- En studie kring frihetsberövade pappor och deras barn.- An essay about incarcerated fathers and

ABSTRACTTo be a incarcerated parent and separated from your children can awake difficult thoughts and feelings of being powerless and burdened with debt. When it gives possibilities to maintain connections between the parent and child it can make a feeling of belonging and security. Children and families have long struggled with the difficulties created when a parent goes to prison. The aim with this essay has been to look into how fathers in prison, professionals from correctional institutions and social workers experiences of the connections between children and their incarcerated fathers. We reached our aim through interviews with fathers who had been incarcerated, professionals from correctional institutions, social workers and by literature studies.

Familjen & Döden : föräldrars förhållningssätt till sina kvarvarande barn

The aim of this study was to explore the role of death in the Swedish family. How do parents and families cope with the loss of a child/sibling? How do the remaining children in a family fare after loss of sibling? The study was caused out partially through a selective review of the literature on children loss in families and partially through interviews with families who had experienced death of a child. The results were analysed with help of Family system theory, Emotional theory and with an Esoteric perspective. The findings of the study were that although families do eventually cope with the situation the majority is struggling to adjust.

Förstagångsföräldrars informationspraktik ? en kvalitativ studie

This thesis deals with information practices of first time parents. The term information practice covers topics ranging from the information a parent need and use, the information they actively seek for through to information attained through browsing, monitoring or simply being aware. Four problem areas have been formulated. What information do first time parents need? How do they get hold of information and how do they use it? What factors decide what sources they use? How do the first time parents validate the information they get? The following theoretical framework have been used; Marcia J Bates? model of information practice and Reijo Savolainen?s Mastery of Life theory.

Cystisk fibrosAtt vara förälder till ett barn med cystisk fibros

Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common hereditary disease that leads to an early death. Earlier CF was considered as a childhood disease but today the expected age is 50 years. CF affects all the epithelial cells in the body which makes mucus and other body fluids more viscous than normal. The thick mucus leads to among other things respiratory problems and infections of the lungs. Today there is no cure, only medicines that controls the symptoms.Aim: To describe parents experiences living with a child with CF.

En studie av två invänjnings-modeller i förskolan. :  3-dagars och två-veckors modellerna 

I have made a research about two different methods for introducing small children to Nursery School/Kindergarten. I choose to do this as I have found very little about this in the literature we have studied during my education to become a pre-school teacher.This period in the life of very small children and their parents is a big change in their daily life. The more traditional way to start pre-school is to do it very gradually during two weeks, the two-week method. This means that the parents visit the pre-school together with their child for a very short time, about one hour the first day. After one week they leave their child with the staff for about an hour and at the end of that week they try to leave it full time (6-8 hours).

Inkludering av barn med särskilda behov : En intervjustudie om fyra pedagogers resonemang om sitt arbetssätt för en inkluderande verksamhet

The purpose of this study is to gain insight of four preschool teacher?s perspectives and reasoning in two different local if they working to counteract exclusion. The questions this study assumes are: How does the teachers in preschool reason about how they working against exclusion of children with diagnosis in the free game, if there are? How does the teachers reasoning about their methods and personal strategies they uses to include children with diagnosis in the free game, if they are excluded? How does the teachers reasoning about the diagnosis effect of these children?s social interaction with other children if the diagnosis became their identity? The method in this study to collect material about the teacher´s perspective on the subject is semi-structured interviews. The collected material has been analyzed and interpreted from a socio-cultural perspective.

Att leva med en diagnos : Utifrån föräldrars berättelser

The purpose of our study was to identify and present experiences encountered by parents with a child with diagnosis. Those narratives are made open for the public. Data has been collected through ten interviews with parents having children with a diagnosis. These interviews have also been complemented by interviews with one child and one youth. The parents and the children who have been interviewed, all have their own stories and experiences of how it is to live with a diagnosis in the family and for all families there are different diagnosis.

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