

1440 Uppsatser om Child neglect. - Sida 12 av 96

"Man kan undra vad man utsätter sig själv för egentligen" : Socialsekreterares reflektioner kring psykisk påfrestning i yrket och hur den kan hanteras

The focus of this essay is to further investigate and describe psychological strains experienced by child welfare workers. The method used was qualitative interviews, two group interviews. The research aimed to understand how child welfare workers were affected and handled the psychological strains generated by work through theory of coping and symbolic interactionism where humans are viewed as pragmatic actors. The research showed, as previous studies shown, that the child welfare workers experience a great deal of psychological strains generated by high turnover in staff and pressuring work demands. The child welfare workers felt inadequate and alone in their work tasks and experienced stress and anxiety.

Hur tänker elever? : Elevintervjuer som metod för att kartlägga elevers tankar kring matematikundervisning

During my time as a student of education I have learnt that it is my responsibility, as a teacher, to adjust the ways in which I teach to the needs, abilities, experiences, and thoughts of each individual child. What I have not yet gained much knowledge on is how to go about finding the children?s thoughts.In this thesis I investigate the interview as a method of finding out how sixth graders think about their mathematics education. Four children were interviewed. In addition to these inter-views, as a means of giving a broader perspective to and a greater understanding of the chil-dren?s answers, one math lesson was filmed and the math teacher was interview on two sepa-rate occasions.What I found was that a number of factors seemed to influence the children?s thoughts and answers, and that their answers were most likely not always a mirror of their thoughts.

Mellan tvång & frivillighet : Förebyggande insatser i LVU

The purpose of this paper is to determine the established law and make researches into non-institutional compulsory care (?mellantvång?) paragraph 22 The Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act (from now on called LVU) and examine whether the administration of the law is in harmony with the best interests of the child.This paper combines two methods : traditional judicial method and a social science method. In the juridical part the sources of law have been studied and in the social sciences part semi-structured interviews have been conducted with five respondents. The theoretical framework consists of ideas and theories about the best interests of the child, a concept which is one of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child's core principles.This study shows that the legislator has identified a problem and an existing need and found a solution to this by introducing a non-institutional compulsory care, paragraph 22 LVU. The problem is that Social Services do not make use of the restraint.

Föräldrars upplevelser i samband med sitt barns akuta smärta

Background: Parents attitudes about illness and health reflects on their children. When the child has acute pain the parents often reacts with fear and confusion. The demands on the parenting role increase and therefore it´s important that the nurse show consideration for the parents experience and practise family nursing. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate parents experiences in connection with their child´s acute pain in a caregiving situation. Method: This literature study is based on ten scientific articles.

Barnpsykiatrins yttre gränser : en diskursanalys av journalanteckningar från bedömningssamtal

The purpose of this paper was to investigate how the Child mental Health Service, BUP Ektorp, textually constructs its demarcation, by studying case records from the first evaluations of the patients. The main questions were: In what way are the competitors and their problems represented in the texts, how is the solution justified and explained, and how do these factors relate to each other? The method being used is discourse analysis, influenced by Mörkenstam. The main conclusions are that the demarcation consists of a number of onceptions about the child, the parents, and the therapist. The conceptions, together with the way the problem is being described, justifies the proposed solution, proclaiming termination of the case..

Turister som sexköpare : En etnografisk studie av interaktionen mellan turister och sexindustrin i Thailand

The aim of this study is to investigate how it is possible that tourists who are not actively seeking child prostitutes still account for the majority of child sex tourists. The study includes tourists, locals, people working in the sex industry and staff from Swedish embassy and ECPAT international in Bangkok. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach and an ethnographic method, using field observations and interviews to collect the empirical data. The data has then been categorized in to different themes and analyzed using previous research on the subject. Hirschis theory of social bonds was then used to further interpret the results.The results of this study show that the tourists in Thailand, who are not seeking out child prostitutes, will most likely come in contact with them anyway.

Barnskötare eller förskollärare : Är det egentligen någon skillnad?

My purpose with this essay was to study if there was any difference in competence between preschool teachers and child minders at a preschool outside of Stockholm. To determine what the differences consisted of, if there was any. The questions I wanted answered were as follows: Are there any differences in competence between preschool teachers and child minders? Do the two different occupations have different ways at looking at what the children need and their abilities? Do they see that they have different skills depending on what occupation they belong to? What do they believe that the people from the other occupation contribute to the preschool which compliments their own working skills?I used a qualitative method which included interviews and observations to find out the answers to these questions. My results from these interviews and observations indicated that experience, personality and attitudes are very important as well as education.

Fostran som pedagogiskt projekt : Bilden av ?problembarnet? i statens offentliga utredningar

Titel: Fostran som pedagogiskt projekt. Bilden av ?problembarnet? i statens offentliga utredningar. (The bringing up of pupils as an educational project. The image of ?the problem child? in governmental committees).   This study focuses on the image of the problem child as it appears in two texts (from the 1940s and 1970s) of governmental committees on Public Health (SOU) and the new school law (Ds 2009:25, will be implemented in July 2011).

FN:s Barnkonvention och flyktingbarn : Hur implementeras FN:s Barnkonvention i förhållande till ensamkommande flyktingbarn?

1990 Sweden ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, with 54 rights. The Convention on the Rights of the Child does not apply as law in Sweden. However, all countries that have ratified the convention, has an obligation to implement the convention in all decision making and practical management that includes children. The purpose of the study is to examine the implementation of the convention in relation to unaccompanied refugee children on a state, municipal and non-profit level by using three actors. The actors are the Swedish immigration service, Stockholm social service and the NGO Save the Children.

"Föräldrarna ska kunna hjälpa barnet" : - En kvalitativ studie om de icke-förövande anhörigas behov av stöd för att stödja sitt sexuellt utnyttjade barn

Through an internship at a nonprofit organization called ATSUB[1], specialized at giving support to non-offending parents to sexually abused children, one of the authors to this study found that there was a lack of care for the parents by governmental operations. While studying the previous research we found a great deficiency when it came to non-offending parents and far most about non-offending fathers. We found studies proving that the child?s non-offending parents are the best support for the child during their healing process. Research also shows that parents must be able to get good support and treatment during their crisis for the parents to be able to support the child, since they?re also in great despair over their child being sexually abused.

Trollets diamanter : Ett matematikspel för förskoleklass

This study is aimed at finding out how nursery and pre-school teachers carry out their obligation to report suspected child abuse, and their views on the issue. The study was alsoa imed at highlighting any difficulties teachers might have when dealing with children who arem istreated. In addition, the study examines the impact on teachers and children when thet eachers decide to either report or not report abuse.The main issues addressed by this study are:  Are pre-school and nursery teachers aware of their duty to report suspected child abuse and what are their opinions regarding this duty?How do the teachers claim they behave if obliged to report and what difficulties dothey encounter?In order to find the answer to these questions, qualitative interviews were made with eight pre-school teachers. The empirical evidence has been put in relation to theories of action and communication as well as to previous research in the area that concerns children who are mistreated.

Små barns matematik : 2 åringars begreppsförståelse

This study is aimed at finding out how nursery and pre-school teachers carry out their obligation to report suspected child abuse, and their views on the issue. The study was alsoa imed at highlighting any difficulties teachers might have when dealing with children who arem istreated. In addition, the study examines the impact on teachers and children when thet eachers decide to either report or not report abuse.The main issues addressed by this study are:  Are pre-school and nursery teachers aware of their duty to report suspected child abuse and what are their opinions regarding this duty?How do the teachers claim they behave if obliged to report and what difficulties dothey encounter?In order to find the answer to these questions, qualitative interviews were made with eight pre-school teachers. The empirical evidence has been put in relation to theories of action and communication as well as to previous research in the area that concerns children who are mistreated.

Socialsekreterarens resonemang kring barnperspektivet i handläggningen av ekonomiskt bistånd

In Sweden the social assistance from a historical perspective, has been a part of the social legislation, since the 18th century. In that time called poor relief. Through the centuries this has established the social assistance we have today. With focus on the child, we have attempted to illustrate how the social workers consider the child perspective when they are dealing with the social assistance. We wanted to get a view of how the social worker reasons about needs the children have and how they can see that the benefit has been provided for.

Barns inflytande och delaktighet i förskolan : Ur några pedagogers synvinkel

The purpose of this study is to find out how some Swedish preschool teacher discussing how children's Swedish colloquial interaction can be enhanced in the free play. In this case where children are aged three to five.My research questions in the study are:-          What type of free play do preschool teachers talk about in relation to children's Swedish colloquial development?-          What do preschool teachers say about child's colloquial interaction?-           How do preschool teachers reason regarding in what environment children?s colloquial interaction occurs?In my study I have used an interview with elements of a visual method called The Diamond. The approach is that the participants in the interview will be enhanced to discussing about a wise certain number of images. These images are then to be ranked accordingly with a specific theme and terms.If a child has difficult to speak, you can take help of  the interest the child has, the child can tell you and the other children what he or she know about the interest.

SYNS VI I SVERIGE? : En rättssäkerhetsstudie om barn i migrationsprocessen

The current thesis is on the rule of law and how the principles of the rule of law are met in thenew Swedish migration process. The migration process has been subjected to criticism duringseveral years and on different occasions. The migrations process is viewed through a ?rightsof the child? perspective, foremost to seek if the rights of the child are met. The children are avulnerable group, not the least in the process of migration.

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