

1755 Uppsatser om Child healthcare - Sida 62 av 117

"Ska vi leka?" : En kvalitativ undersökning av inkludering och exkludering i fri lek i förskolan

The aim of this studyhas been to capture preschool children's strategies, when they include and exclude each other in play. My aim was also to find out how children choose to integrate into an already existing game. My questions were: What strategies are used by the children at the preschool when they want to exclude or include each other? How to integrate the children when they want to be involved in an ongoing game and how they will be received during the time of play? My theoretical starting points are from Vygotsky's theory of proximal development zone, and Michel Foucault's perspective on power, and also research on the subject.The empirical study was conducted using the observations at two preschools. The children I observed were between four to five years old.The results show that children used different strategies, and when the strategy did not work so the child could switch to another.

?Kommer man upp på kullen och ser berget så?? : En studie om pedagogers förhållningssätt gällande flerspråkiga barn i samlingssituationer på förskolan.

This study examines working teachers? thoughts and views regarding multilingual children in assembly situations. The purpose of the study was to increase my knowledge and understanding surrounding the educators? approach when it comes to integrating multilingual children in common activities. By using semi-structured, qualitative interviews with six working educators in three different pre-schools, I examined their thoughts and approaches to working with multilingual children in assembly situations.

Web Map Service implementation i .NET

I dagens samhälle så används internet mer och mer för att få fram information, så är även fallet förkartor. I denna uppsats, som gjorts på uppdrag av Tieto Sweden Healthcare & Welfare för att kunnaanvändas i systemet Laps Care, kommer det tas upp lösningar för att hämta geografisk data viakarttjänster med hjälp av Web Map Service (WMS) tjänster i en .NET applikation.Detta examensarbete kommer att ta upp, på en grundläggande nivå, hur WMS-standarden kananvändas av en klient för att visa digitala kartor från en WMS-tjänst samt lite kort om andraalternativ till WMS så som Web Map Service Tile Cache (WMS-C) och Tile Map Service (TMS)tjänster. Det ges olika förslag på open source komponenter som kan användas för att hantera sådanatjänster med fokus på SharpMap som valdes att användas i prototypen som gjordes för att visa huren sådan klient kan se ut.Uppsatsen kommer också behandla kartografi där det kortfattat förklaras om vilka riktlinjer somborde tas för en karta.I andra stycket tas kortfattat upp hur webbtjänster fungerar och även vad det finns för för- ochnackdelar att använda sig av sådana tjänster.Det kommer också förklaras vad Geografiska informationssystem (GIS) är och hur det användsidag.Sammanfattningsvis så utvecklades en fungerande prototyp med hjälp av open source komponentenSharpMap som kan visa kartor från WMS, WMS-C och TMS tjänster och om en ERSI Shapefilmed vägdata finns tillgänglig så går det att söka efter gator..

Deltidsarbete bland kvinnor i Sverige - vad påverkar val av arbetstid?

English title: Part-time work among women in Sweden ? what influences choice of working hours? In the 1960s and 70s a large growth in part-time work amongst women in the Swedish labour market took place. A net inflow of workers into the labour market has been suggested as the main source. However, part-time work is still a common phenomenon among Swedish women; in 2004 almost 40% of all women worked part-time, and women are clearly dominating the part-time sector. A gradual changeover from house work to market work is hardly a valid explanation anymore.

Distriktssköterskors syn på sin yrkesroll : en intervjustudie

The district nurses' duties with all organisational changes, above all during the last 20 years, have been changed. Economy and listing governs which visits that to be prioritized. The aim with this study was to examine what district nurses in the primary care in Uppsala län has for view about their occupational role. The method was qualitative and the selection comprized ten district nurses in Uppsala län that were interviewed individually on the basis of a semi structured interview guide that the authors the actual created. In the wide analysis of the results could a theme, As a rubber screw in a shrinking hole and three central categories be discerned, Occupational role, Diversity and Organisation.

Lost World : Home of the seven and a half legged tree

The main focus for this essay is to describe the relationship between human and nature through a material investigation that takes its shape through sculpture. With the help of a fairytale-like story the reader can share the creation of the sculpture and how my thoughts flow through the process that will result in an exam project. Rooted in earlier projects I discuss the crash between civilization and the wilderness as well as talking about the likeness of the creative process and child play. I also discuss the body's place in the forest and the loneliness that we humans created that has cut us off from the rest of the creatures and plants in the forest. My aim is that in the final piece I will create a fiction place where these can be joined together again.

Upplevelseredovisning : Resursallokering i en restaurang

This study is about exclusion and childrens role-play in Swedish preschools. 8 preschool teachers, in 4 different preschools, have been interviewed about exclusion and low and high rating roles in children's role-play. The interviews was recorded and then analyzed. Relevant research in this study was from Corsaro, Tellgren and Löfdahl amongst others, and the results of the interviews is what this study is based on. The study showed that one of the most common roles in childrens role-play is the role of mother and that the roles children play are based on social norms and values.

Följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner på en vårdavdelning

The purpose of this work was to investigate the adherence to basic hygiene routines among staff and to investigate if there is any difference between the adherences in diverse professions. The purpose was also to study how staff rates their own adherence to current guidelines. Data for the study were collected through observations and questionnaires. Altogether 35 people were observed and 15 answered the questionnaire. Maximum adherence was found in the category of "hand disinfection after patient contact" with a score of 96%.

Hur nådde jag elitnivå? : En karriärbeskrivning av svenska ishockeyspelare

Hur nådde jag elitnivå?Början av studien kommer beröra områden som barns utveckling och talangbegreppet som jag anser vara viktiga delar att veta om för att kunna genomföra studien.Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur svenska ishockeyspelare beskriver att de tog klivet för att etablera sig på elitnivå. I resultatdelen kommer spelarna själva berätta inom de olika kategorierna hur deras karriärer har sett ut, hur de har tränat och vilket stöd de haft från sin familj.För spelarnas utveckling har miljön spelat mycket stor roll och familjen har varit mycket stöttande. De har alla gått ishockeygymnasium där träningen koncentrerats och blivit mer målmedveten..

Icke-farmakologiska metoder för behandling av beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid symtom demenssjukdom

ABSTRACTBackground: People with colorectal cancer undergoing rectum amputation get a permanent colostomy, which affects the social life. It may be valuable for health care what these people experience living with colostomy in order to provide the greatest possible support. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe how people who received a colostomy experience their daily lives and the support they have received from the health services.Method: Qualitative interview study with six people, with a descriptive phenomenological approach.Results: The analysis of the interviews about how it's like to live with a colostomy resulted in three themes: 1) Living with a colostomy gives an uncertainty that affect the social life, 2) Physical and psychological impact of getting a colostomy and 3) Support for health care and relatives.Conclusion: Subjects had a positive attitude towards life, which contributed to that they could adjust to living with a colostomy and feel a meaningfulness of life. The study shows that all the interviewed people overall were satisfied with the information provided by the healthcare personnel. It was good with both oral and written information and very appreciated with repeated information. One aspect that could be improved was the information given aboute the closure of anus during surgery and the following complications.

Vinflaskans framsidesetikett som marknadsföringsverktyg i Sverige

This study is about exclusion and childrens role-play in Swedish preschools. 8 preschool teachers, in 4 different preschools, have been interviewed about exclusion and low and high rating roles in children's role-play. The interviews was recorded and then analyzed. Relevant research in this study was from Corsaro, Tellgren and Löfdahl amongst others, and the results of the interviews is what this study is based on. The study showed that one of the most common roles in childrens role-play is the role of mother and that the roles children play are based on social norms and values.

Samverkan, värk eller mästerverk? : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan vid ett Barnahus.

This is a qualitative study based on interviews with professionals who are cooperating at a children advocacy center, in swedish called ?Barnahus?. The center, Barnahus, pulls together law enforcement, criminal justice, child protective service, medical and mental health workers in to one coordinated team. Children suspected to be victims of any kind of violence or sexual abuse shall, at Barnahus, be offered coordinated efforts and support all the way from suspicion to possible intervention. The aim of the study is to examine how the participants involved relate to collaboration in Barnahus. The study will also present the success factors and barriers to collaboration that identifies by the participating actors, who are mentioned above.The study will provide insight and understanding of how collaboration can be represented in multiprofessional activities in practice..

Att leka som en hamster : en essä om lek, oro och reflektionens möjligheter i förskolan

In this essay I reflect on a situation where I as a preschool teacher amworried about a child whose behavior I cannot understand nor recognize. The situation is characterized by the fact that I cannot explain my worries to my colleagues. I also discuss why different pedagogues understand the same situation differently, the importance of children´s play and how it creates opportunities to social interactionThrough my reflections I can understand my concern and show that it is justified.  I also discuss the act of reflection as a method. Reflecting is a way to increase or knowledge. But I also claim that reflection might be used collectively by reflecting together we might increase our shared understanding and also find out how to proceed with our common work.The conclusion is that reflection is an important tool for us pedagogues when we want to increase our understanding and our knowledge.

Sjuksköterskans roll och behov av utökad utbildning i palliativ vård : en litteraturstudie

Palliative care is a care that focuses on providing end of life care but not to delay or hasten death. Despite training, nurses often show a lack of knowledge in attitude, ethics and healthcare issues of palliative care. The nurse in palliative care has a central role in caring of the dying patient and therefore a big responsibility. However, palliative care is a low priority in basic training. The aim of this study is to investigate the roles of nurses in palliative care and if there is a need for increased education in the subject.

?Det är för barnens bästa som vi gör det?? : En kvalitativ studie om kriminalvårdens anmälningsskyldighet vid misstanke att barn far illa

Employees of the criminal correctional system have a duty to notify social services if they suspect that children are exposed to maltreatment, according to Chapter 14, § 1 SoL. Despite the obligation to report, studies show that this is not done at all times. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze how the criminal correctional system in Kalmar looks at notification if they suspect that children are exposed to maltreatment. To examine this, we used qualitative research method based on semi-structuring interviews; these were carried out with six employees, working in the criminal correctional system. The answers that emerged during the interviews have been analyzed using Yeheskel Hasenfeld theory of human services organizations, and trough previous research.

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