

6119 Uppsatser om Child health nurse - Sida 7 av 408

Kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterskor och äldre patienter inom vården- en metasyntes

Background: Good quality of communication has a significant role and is essential in the care, and there are many factors that have an impact on the communication between nurse and patient. It is important that the interaction and communication is directed to and focused on understanding in broad sense in order to make sure that the meeting between nurse and care taker will result in something positive. Through a greater understanding the cooperation between nurse and the patient will be facilitated, which will create opportunities for both sides to be part of and contribute to a meaningful rehabilitation.Purpose: The aim of the study is to describe how the elderly patient and the nurse experience the communication within the health care, however also to identify what factors that are essential for an optimal communication.2Method: In this study the method that has been chosen is metasynthesis. The metasynthesis method implies that qualitative studies, that illustrate elderly patients and nurses perceptions and experiences of communication within health care, have systematically been reviewed and compiled to a result.Result: The analysis of the study?s results in a composition that consist of the following three themes; the patients and the nurses perspective on how information should be conveyed, the role of the time aspect in communication and the impact of the attitude on communication.

Postoperativ smärta hos yngre barn. En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans förmåga att tolka.

The purpose of this literature review was to demonstrate the results of recent studies of the nurses ability to interpret younger childrens (0-6 years of age) experiences of pain in the postoperative stage. There is a lack of knowledge concerning young childrens ability to express themselves verbally and the nurse has to rely upon the parents knowledge about the child. Consequently, the teamwork between the nurse and the parents is of great importance in the care of the younger child. Therefore we intend to illuminate this aspect in this paper. This study aims to nurses of all categories, since patients with lack of verbal communication are frequently occurring.

Introduktion av mat till barn som ammas : Vad BVC ger för information och hur föräldrar gör

In 2001 the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a revised global recommendation for exclusive breastfeeding for a child ´s first six months. The aim of this study was to investigate what information parents receiving from the Child Health Care about introduction of solids to breastfed infants and if they follow the recommendation. A further aim is to document reasons for introduction of solids at the selected time and describe what food parents start with.The method has a descriptive and a qualitative design. Users of several Swedish parenting websites were asked to participate in the study. A total of 27 users completed the anonymous open-ended questions posted on the websites.

Föräldrars upplevelse av ett samtal om kost på barnavårdscentralen

Introduction: In Skaraborg, a standardized dialogue is being held since 2005 about dietand physical activity, during the 1,5- and 3-years health control at the Child Health Carecentre (CHCC). The aim of the dialogue is to prevent overweight and obesity amongchildren. Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the parents? experience of thisdialogue, and what they perceive that the dialogue has contributed with after sixmonths. Methods: Qualitative collection of data through 11 interviews heldimmediately after the dialogue, in addition to five telephone interviews conducted six toeight months after the dialogue.

Sjuksköterskans yrkesroll och patientrollen i ett historiskt perspektiv : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Aim: The aim of this qualitative interview study was to describe the nurse's professional role and the role as a patient during different time periods. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, where respondents had a link to the nursing profession, either as a student, now working nurse or retired nurse. Method: The data were analyzed using a content analysis. Result: The older nurses believe that nurses today has a high status and is seen as a well-read and well informed person. Most respondents believe that collaboration between nurses and doctors has improved since past.

?En så´n jag får ha under mina vingar? Misstänkt omsorgssvikt - BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter

Barnavårdscentralen (BVC) är en frivillig men väl socialt accepterad del av barnhälsovården i Sverige. Behovet av stöd på BVC har förändrats över tid och nu dominerar de psykosociala behoven. Barn är beroende av vuxnas omsorg. Eftersom en stor andel av förskolebarnen träffar en BVC-sjuksköterska har hon en viktig roll i att identifiera och hjälpa barn som är utsatta för omsorgssvikt. Syftet med studien är att undersöka BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta familjer där de misstänker att barn kan vara utsatta för omsorgssvikt och hur de upplever de resurser de har till sitt förfogande för att hjälpa barn och familj.En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats valdes och åtta BVC-sjuksköterskor intervjuades.

BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta immigrerade familjer

Titel: Ishockeyagent som yrke! - Har Du vad som krävs, enligt spelarna?Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka agenternas roll inom svensk ishockey idag.Problemformulering: Vad gör att spelarna skaffar agent eller väljer att inte göra det?Vilka kompetenser vill en svensk ishockeyspelare att en svensk ishockeyagent ska ha?Metod: Vårt tillvägagångssätt för denna studie lutar sig emot en kvalitativ forskningsmetoddär de primära källor utgjorts av intervjuer med 13 respondenter, som spelar ishockey på ennivå där agenter förekommer (divison 1 och uppåt i seriesystemen). Undersökningen har haften deduktiv ansats där vi först utgått från forskning och teori för att sedan samla in studiensempiri.Slutsatser: Agenten behöver flera olika kompetenser. Däribland förhandlingskunskap, rådgivning,lyhördhet och förmågan att fungera i sociala sammanhang. Studien påvisar blandannat att spelarna idag inte ser förhandling som den primära kompetensen hos en agent.

Sjuksköterskors preventionsarbete inom primärvården till familjer med atopi - en litteraturstudie med fokus på atopiskt eksem hos barnNurses´ prevention work in primary care to families with atopi - a literature study with focus on atopic eczema among chi

Background: Atopic eczema has increased in the last decade among children. The nurse can have a major role to prevent the disease. Aim: the aim of this study as to describe the nurses´ work in primary care with prevention to families with atopi with focus on atopic eczema among children. Method: A literature review based on analysis of fifteen scientific articles was done. Results: If the child was breastfed both positive and negative effects were evident.

Föräldrars erfarenheter av stöd i sin parrelation inom barnhälsovården

Det är påfrestande att bli förälder och det medför därför en risk att parrelationen blir sämre. Enligt tidigare forskning har föräldrarnas parrelation en betydelsefull inverkan på barnets hälsa. Sjuksköterskans förebyggande arbete inom barnhälsovården är att främja den fysiska, psykiska och sociala hälsan för hela familjen. Eftersom sjuksköterskan på barnavårdscentralen nästan träffar alla föräldrar till barn mellan 0-6 år ger det en unik möjlighet att stödja och stärka föräldrarna i sin parrelation och därmed förebygga ohälsa. Det finns inga nationella riktlinjer att sjuksköterskan skall ge stöd i parrelationen, men det finns förslag att ge stöd och råd vid vissa besök.

Socialsekreterarens resonemang kring barnperspektivet i handläggningen av ekonomiskt bistånd

In Sweden the social assistance from a historical perspective, has been a part of the social legislation, since the 18th century. In that time called poor relief. Through the centuries this has established the social assistance we have today. With focus on the child, we have attempted to illustrate how the social workers consider the child perspective when they are dealing with the social assistance. We wanted to get a view of how the social worker reasons about needs the children have and how they can see that the benefit has been provided for.

BVC-sjuksköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete mot övervikt och fetma

Bakgrund: Barn har rätt till stöd som möjliggör en god hälsa och sjuksköterskor inom barnhälsovården (BVC-sjuksköterskor) ska arbeta hälsofrämjande genom ett stödjande och vägledande arbetssätt. En tidig identifiering av viktproblem är väsentlig eftersom åtgärder bör implementeras under tidig barndom. För att minska utveckling av till exempel hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar samt diabetes är det viktigt att BVC-sjuksköterskor aktivt arbetar mot övervikt och fetma. Medvetandegörande om de faktorer som kan påverka BVC-sjuksköterskor i det hälsofrämjande arbetet är viktigt för att kunna utveckla och förbättra arbetet. Syftet var att belysa vilka faktorer som kan påverka BVC-sjuksköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete mot övervikt och fetma.

Se mig, hör mig, säg mig! : En litteraturstudie om barns upplevelse av att vara patient på sjukhus

Background: For most children, being hospitalized is a whole new experience. The care should be safe and meet the children?s needs. In hospital care, children are a large group of patients. It?s important for them to be involved in decisions regarding their care and to get proper information.

Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att vårda kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld i en nära relation : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Domestic violence is a globally widespread problem. One in three women will at some point during their lifetime suffer from domestic violence. These women, who come from all groups of society, often seek contact with health care and therefore the nurse plays a vital role in caring for these women.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses? experiences of caring for women subjected to domestic violence.Method: Literature review based on twelve original articles.Result: The result is presented in four main themes: Lack of knowledge and education, The nurse?s approach and attitude in the encounter with women who suffered domestic violence, The nurse?s emotional challenges in the encounter with women who suffered domestic violence and The nurse?s experience of identification of domestic violence victims.Discussion: Education is important on several levels for the nurse's work with domestic violence victims. Education is required in order to efficiently identify the women, manage emotional impact and to respond to women in a professional manner..

Hur patienter med hiv upplever bemötandet från vårdpersonal

Background: During the 1980s, the fear of HIV spread over the world. Health professionals'attitudes to patients with HIV, was negatively impacted because of their fear to be infected.Patients with HIV have therefore,during disease history's first two decades, experienced stigma and discrimination in the response from health professionals. Because of the increasing knowledge of HIV it is of interest to study patients' contemporary experiences of the encounter with health professionals. Aim:To explore how patients with HIV experiencing the meeting with health professionals. Method:Literature study with seven qualitative and three quantitative articles.

Har kvalitén på barnets delaktighet ökat i barnavårdsutredningar efter att BBIC har börjat tillämpas?

The purpose with this examination essay was to find out if participation of children in social welfare investigations had increased since the social services had started to work with BBIC. I compared the participation of the child before BBIC, then when social service had started to work with BBIC and I tried to see if there were increased participation in the investigations. My theoretic starting-point was the symbolic interactionism and I used the qualitative method of investigation. In my investigation I found that there is not yet any increase in participation of the child in the investigations when social service work with BBIC. What I found was that the reason to start an investigation often was that the parents made the problem for the child and that conditions at home for the child influenced the possibility of the child to communi- cate with an adult that the child did not know.

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