

6119 Uppsatser om Child health nurse - Sida 53 av 408

Skattning av biverkningar : Sjuksköterske- och patientuppfattning om behandlingsrelaterade biverkningar vid stamcellstransplantation.

A possible treatment for patients with lymphoma and myeloma is stem cell transplantation (SCT). SCT is preceded with cytostatic treatment. There are several side effects related to this treatment, for example fatigue, nausea, constipation/diarrhoea, pain, mucositis and loss of appetite. Aim: Investigate which side effects related to the treatment where most troubling after SCT and if nurse assessment and patient assessment differ. Methods: A quantitative empirical study with repeated measuring.

Den kommunala folkhälsosamordnaren söker sin arbetsroll

Coordinator of public health has recently become a new profession in the field of Health Promotion. During the last few years the pedagogic perspective has been increasingly important for the coordinators as a way of adapting their work methods to the circumstances. The conditions for coordinators of public health differ between municipalities and thus their tasks and responsibilities may vary with the local structure. According to the literature there are several ways to conduct Health Promotion and it is in the hands of the coordinator to adjust the methods to fit local conditions. The purpose of the study was to examine what influences the coordinators of public health and how that affects their work methods.

Vårlamm eller dikoproduktion i Dalarna : fallstudie

This study investigates a farm in Dalarna which includes 16 ha of farmland and 1, 7 ha of pasture. The purpose is to find out if it is possible to start an animal production in Dalarna. The study is set only to compare spring lamb production with nurse cow production. There are two buildings on the farm that can be used for this purpose. One is an old cowshed, and the other is an unused silo for silage with a roof on top. Both of the buildings are compared to every alternative in the calculations.

"Mamma vann, hon klarade allt!" : Barns upplevelser av föräldrastödsprogrammet Komet

AbstractEvidence based research has shown that organized parent support programmes have a goodeffect in strengthening the role of the parent and preventing problems during growth. Thisin turn has a great significance for Public Health.Komet is one of the evidence based programmes used in Sweden, based on Americanprogrammes and adapted to Swedish conditions.This qualitative study consists of interviews with six children between six and nine yearswith behaviour problems, whose parents have taken part in the Komet programme.With Grounded Theory as research approach the children?s experiences of the programmeand relations within the family have been looked into and analysed.The result of this study suggests that a space for growth of their own is a common need ofthe children, and that this can be achieved by giving them the opportunity to function in afamily environment where they are seen and understood.The Komet programme contributed to this by giving the family tools to strengthen relationswithin the family, create calm and make the children more visible.The self image of the children in this study had improved which gave them more room togrow in a strengthened family situation. This in turn improved conditions for good feelings,and sense of well being, of importance for child development and health..

Unga flickors psykiska hälsa i södra länsdelen i Örebro län : En kvalitativ studie baserad på Liv & Hälsa Ung från år 2011

This study is about young girls' mental health. In Sweden, the mental health deteriorated in recent years among adolescents, particularly among young girls. Results of the Liv & Hälsa Ung in 2011 in the southern part of the county of Örebro is the basis for the study. The results of the survey showed that a remarkable number of young girls rate their mental health as poor. The purpose of this study was to examine what young girls in southern part of the county of Örebro County believes are contributing factors for good mental health and the method used is qualitative.

Kost, fysisk aktivitet, övervikt och fetma hos barn : en litteraturstudie

Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva barns, föräldrars och andra vuxnas tankar om barns kost, fysiska aktivet, övervikt och fetma. Syftet var vidare att beskriva vilken vägledning föräldrarna får av vårdpersonal. Sökorden som användes var child, children, childhood, obesity, prevention, health promotion, information, results, primary care, perceptions, care, nurse, qualitative, quantitative, fetma, övervikt och barn. Resultatet baserades på sju stycken kvalitativa artiklar, tio stycken kvantitativa artiklar samt en litteraturstudie som söktes i ELIN@Dalarna, www.google.se, www.fhi.se och på www.sbu.se och som därefter granskades av uppsatsförfattarna. I denna litteraturstudie framkom att barns inställning till mat och fysisk aktivitet är beroende på deras ålder.

Pedagogens perspektiv på målsman : En kvalitativ studie av två förskoleverksamheters syn på samarbetets betydelse mellan förskola och hem

Preschools are nowadays a big part of almost every childhood in Swedish society and the relationships that are built there are important for the child and the child?s future integration in the world of knowledge and education. The preschool teachers are therefore the first persons the child links to beyond the parent. That?s why the relations between the parent and the preschool teacher are an important and interesting aspect in the cooperation between them.

Bröstcancer och sexualitet : patienters upplevelser och sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt

For a woman who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, there can be many negative things that effects her life. It is a great shock that changes her life and can include a sense of lost femininity and a decreased sexual desire which can be both physical and psychological. The basis of this literature review is from 17 scientific articles which evaluate the changes in cancer patient's body image and sexuality during their illness and treatment. This study illustrates patient's experience of the nursing and difficulties which obstructs the nurse from talking about sexuality whit the patient. The study also showed that the patient had a desire to discuss these sexuality issues with a nurse..


The aim of this study is to describe how unemployment is experienced by unemployed persons and how this situation affects their health and wellbeing. A qualitative semi structured interview method has been applied. The study includes seven persons in the age between 29- 58. Four of them were women and three were men. The following four themes are presented in the study: psychological health and wellbeing and how unemployment is experienced, social factors, economic factors and, how they value a job.

Som att flyga utan fallskärm. En systematisk litteraturstudie av faktorer som kan gynna respektive hindra den nyutbildade sjuksköterskans utveckling

The aim of this study was to illuminate critical factors that facilitate respectively obstruct the novice nurse's development during her first year in the profession. The method used was a systematic literature review according to Goodman's model. The 8 qualitative scientific articles were scrutinized by using a form developed by Pedersen and Sigling (2002). The result shows that cognitive factors, stress, social factors as well as affective factors are critical during the novice nurse's first professional year. The results are related to Antonovsky's concept sense of coherence..

Barns delaktighet och inflytande i den pedagogiska dokumentationen i förskolan

The purpose of this study is to find out what the educators idea of educational documentations in ratio to childrens inclusion and impact in pre-school are, together with the child's own perception of the concepts of documentation. We proceeded from the following issues: What are the significance of educational work according to the teachers? What is the teachers idea of a childs impact and inclusion in educational documentation? In what way do the children have influence over, and inclusion in educational documentation? What are the childrens feelings of the documentations? In order to find answers to our questions, we used qualitative examinations consisting of seven educators and seven children from various pre-schools in Stockholm, and thereby, we have analyzed our results. As our theoretical frame, we used ourselves of Vygotskijs and Säljö's sociocultural perspective that is about "progress and learning", which is achieved by interaction and cooperation in a social context. The result shows that the aim of educational documentation is to reveal the childs development and learning, and also to involve the parents by putting up documents on the wall.

Working Model of the Child Interview. Pilotstudie för att pröva metodens användbarhet på svenska föräldrar

Working Model of the Child Interview (WMCI) är en metod utformad för att bedöma och klassificera föräldrars förmåga till omvårdnad utifrån beskrivningar av förälderns subjektiva upplevelse av och relationen till sitt barn. Föräldrars inre representation av omvårdnad har visat samband med barnets förmåga att skapa en trygg anknytningsrelation. WMCI har visat stor användbarhet både i forskningssammanhang och i klinisk verksamhet men är tidigare inte prövad i Sverige. Syftet med denna pilotstudie är att pröva metodens användbarhet på en svensk population. Tretton föräldrar, sex pappor och sju mammor, som är förstagångsföräldrar till fullgångna och för tidigt födda barn har intervjuats med WMCI.

Ärligt talat så har jag det som krävs för att vara en bra förälder! : En studie om hur föräldrars generella hälsotillstånd påverkar den upplevda föräldrakompetensen

Background: Good health at community and individual levels are key policy priorities. These priorities can be shown through supporting parents about various different healthy lifestyle choices. In order to know where interventions are needed, it is of interest to study how parents generally feel and how they perceive their parenting.Aim: To study how parents rate their own health and parenting skills, and examine whether there is any correlation between perceived general health and perceived parental competence.  Further, this study will show whether there is a correlation between rate of perceived general health and rate of perceived parental competence when it comes to gender.Method: 64 questionnaires were collected at strategic open kindergartens in the municipality of Uppsala. The questionnaires were distributed to the parents present and who chose to participate in this study.Main result: The result of this study shows that parents have a high rate of general health.

Cancerpatienters behov av kommunikation och information

Background: Cancer disease is one of the most common diseases in Sweden andradiotherapy is one of the regimens available for the treatment of cancer. Radiotherapycan be delivered as single treatment or be divided into several fractions that last forweeks. Radiotherapy can cause side effects that may occur during or at the end oftreatment. Information and communication is an integral part of all treatments and care.The oncology nurse should attempt to ease for the patients to communicate, participatein the care, receive information and enhance the ability to self-care.Aim: The aim of the study was to examine the patients? needs for communication andinformation with oncology nurse during their meeting through radiotherapy.Method: This pilot study was conducted on six patients with different cancer diagnosis.It was a qualitative study, were data was collected through individual interviews usingsemi-structured questions.

Att möta vården : en bro till egenmakt eller vägg av modfälldhet? : Patienters upplevelse av mötet med vården då de diagnostiserats med en sexuellt överförbar sjukdom

Background: Contracting asexually transmitted disease is strongly associated with stigmaand shame. Stigma associated with these diseases has a significant impact on self-image andpropensityto seek care. Despitehigh incidencethere is a generallack of awareness about therisks and theeffectsthatthese diseases have on both mental and physical health. Health carepersonnel are experiencing difficulties to meet and care for these patients. Aim: The aim ofthis studyisto describe patients'experiences of health care after they were diagnosed with asexually transmitted disease.

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