

6119 Uppsatser om Child health nurse - Sida 37 av 408

Kommunikation med hörselskadade patienter inom vården : en deskriptiv studie

Objective: From the patient?s perspective describe communication difficulties, which can arise, and how they are handled in their contact with public health care and illustrate their needs of communication.Method: A study of literature was carried out to receive a background and an insight in previous research concerning the subject area. Twelve women with hearing loss was asked to complete a questionnaire, with open questions, regarding communication difficulties in health care situations.Sample: For the literature review, scientific papers were selected via the database, PubMed using relevant keywords. Seven were selected for closer review. For the survey study twelve women were asked to participate which ten of those responded.Results: The study of literature shows that communication difficulties occur in public health care between patients with hearing loss and the nursing staff.

"Allt ska dokumenteras" : - en kvalitativ studie av den ökande dokumentationen inom svensk sjukvård

The main purpose of this essay is to study the role of documentation in Swedish health care today and the consequences of the augmentations in paper work that have taken place during the last couple of decades. The method used in this study is interviews with health care personnel.The following questions are treated:-       What kind of documentation has increased in Swedish health care?-       How is the patient/health care professionals affected?-       How is the work of the health care professionals affected?The conclusion of the essay is that the increasing amount of time spent on documentation that for much part has never been performed before, (such as risk analyses, statistics and writing much more thorough charts), has consequently left very little time for actual patient care. The research also showed that faith in health care professionals has significantly decreased and that one of the major reasons for increased documenting is the anticipation of and therefore protection against potential complaints. Finally there seems to be a greater focus on being service-minded rather than on providing quality health care..

I barnets försvar. RSV - spädbarnsföräldrars kunskaper och informationsbehov

Introduktion Respiratorisk syncytial virus, RSV, har i princip drabbat alla barn innan de harfyllt två år. Hos små barn kan RSV ge svåra symtom samt orsaka komplikationer. I Sverigebehöver runt 1-1,5 % av tidigare friska barn utan riskfaktorer vårdas på sjukhus på grund avRSV. Genom primärprevention kan man minska antalet nya barn som drabbas av sjukdom.Behov kan vara upplevda, uttryckta, relativa eller normativa. De upplevda behoven begränsasav människors insikter och kunskaper om vad som finns tillgängligt.

Barnfattigdom i Sverige, finns den? : En studie om Socialdemokraternas och Moderaternas välfärdspolitik mot den svenska fattigdomen sedan 1960-talet

This essay is regarding the problematic facts about child poverty in Sweden. Since the beginning of the new millennium child poverty has increased, in Sweden. The last report which came out in the spring this year (2012) opened up for a lively political debate as well as big headlines in news papers and other media. The attention it got in Society became hard for the politicians to avoid. The Swedish section of Save the Children, demanded in their report concerning child poverty in Sweden that the Swedish Government need to do an inquiry about the increasing child poverty.  Today in Sweden, there are two big parties, and they have been the biggest for a long time now.

Vi-kan-ju-banken -Hälsorelaterat förändringsarbete i arbetslivet (Health promotion in the workplace)

With starting point in the increasing ill-health in Swedish working life today, in form of for example absence due to sickness and early retirement pension, and the knowledge that the working environment effects peoples health in a big extent, I found it very interesting to inquire into how people within the working life experience health promotion and how this can be developed. A qualitative method was used to receive a deeper understanding for the employees? experiences and data was collected through semi structured interviews with employees on a bank called Ikanobanken, in Älmhult. The result shows, among other things, that respondents find responsibility and the opportunity to influence the learning processes and development important. It also became clear that the respondents find participation, motivation, communication and safety essential factors when related to changes in health behaviours.

De blir fria i tanken : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers tankar om pedagogisk dokumentation

This MA thesis analyzes how the protagonists and the narrative structure relates to ?the Child? as a linguistic/cultural construction in Mare Kandre?s early authorship (1984-1991). A thematic of children portraits defines this period of Kandre?s writing, which consits of the following works: In a Different Country (1984), The Annunciation (1986), Bübin?s Kid (1987), The Burning Tree (1988) and Aliide, Aliide (1991).Linguistic components, such as the word ?child?, the name ?Kid? and a reconstruction of the concept of childhood, holds an actuate position in these narratives when they first appear in direct relation to the protagonists. This suggests how generally accepted categories and concepts consciously are at work in Kandre?s writings.

Tillvarons pussel : En studie om fyra behandlares tankar kring barns självkänsla.The puzzle of existence. A study about four therapists thoughts around children?s self-esteem.

The study aims to get knowledge about how therapists express their apprehension and their method of working around children with low self-esteem. From this angel I have tree questionings : How does the therapists define self-esteem? How does the therapists know if a child has a low self-esteem? How does the therapists work with this complex of problems? The study is a qualitative survey with interviews. The group of survey consists of four therapists from different backgrounds, who work with children and their self-esteem. The interviews were recorded on tape and written out running text and analysed in relation to its subject.

Argument för och emot privat sjukvård

Title: Argument in favour of and against private health care ? A scenario for a future health care with a possibly new Government Authors: Jessica Andersson, Nina Gunnarsson Supervisor: Thomas Danborg Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology Course: Bachelor?s thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits Purpose: To describe the problem with privatizing of the health care by analyse the arguments in favour of and against private health care and describe a scenario about a future health care with a possibly new Government. Method: Qualitative Grounded theory method, categorizing secondary facts in order to get the complete picture. Results: The market for private health care will increase by a possibly new Government.

Skillnader i energiåtgång och muskelaktivering vid gång utan stavar och med olika typer av stavar

Background: Patients who deliberate self harm often feel disappointed with the health care. The consequence of this may be that the patient avoid to seek help after self harming. Nurses' often experience these patients to be difficult and hard to deal with. Both patients' and nurses' thoughts about the situation may affect the situation in a negative way. A good relationship between the caregiver and patient is important.

Beteende hos barn på språkskola : Jämförelser med normdata från barn med typisk språkutveckling

Grav språkstörning hos barn kan orsaka beteendeproblem. För barn med primärt grava språksvårigheter finns specialskola att tillgå, så kallad språkskola. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att mäta beteende hos barn på språkskola med hjälp av föräldraenkäten Child Behavior Checklist, CBCL, samt Child Health Questionnaire, CHQ, för att utesluta hälsopåverkan på svarsresultaten.En specifik språkskola valdes ut och målsmännen till barnen kontaktades. Elva av dessa godkände deltagande i studien. Barnen var i åldrarna 6:11 till 15:5 år.

Inskolning : En undersökning av inskolningen på 70-talet och idag

The enquiry of this work is to look at introduction to preschool in the 1970s and today. The work examines what four books, two from each time period says about introduction, and the guardian's role in their child's introduction. The study is based on three research questions:What view of introduction in preschool in the 70s does the texts show?What is the view in the texts from "today" about introduction in preschool?What view do these texts have about the guardian's role in the introduction?To find out what the texts say about these questions, the method of this work is text analysis. The attachment theory designed by John Bowlby, works as a theoretical framework for this work.The result shows that the texts from both the 70s and from today advocate a cautious introduction, where guardians are involved.

Ensamkommande barn : En studie om samverkan samt professionellas syn på barnets bästa

The aim of the study was to examine collaboration and professional perspectives on the best interest of the child in regards to working with unaccompanied asylum seeking children. Firstly, our result show that counselling is available for the unaccompanied children from case workers, staff, school counsellors and emergency psychiatric care. All of the participants in this study describe the need for long-term counselling for unaccompanied children, however, providing the long-term counselling is not the primary purpose of the organisations in question. Therefore an additional service-provider working with counselling is a necessity. Secondly, the study explores the participants? professional perspectives on the best interest of the child.

Vårdpersonals upplevelser och erfarenheter av att utföra tvångsåtgärder inom sluten psykiatrisk tvångsvård : En litteraturstudie

Background:The adult inpatient psychiatric care is regulated by law and allows certain amount of coercion, most commonly restraint, forced medication and seclusion. To be treated according to this law you need to suffer from a serious mental disorder, oppose to the care and have an indispensable need of care. Many studies describe patients experiences to be treated with coercion but few about health care workers experiences.Aim:To describe health care workers experiences of performing coercion in psychiatric compulsory care.Method:A literature review was made and eight articles is the basis for the result.Results:From the articles used inthis study four themes were created. These are coercions impact on relations, health care workers feelings during coercion, coercion as a necessary evil and health care workers need for reflection. The themes are presented as headlines in the result.Conclusion:To use coercive measures brings out many different feelings among health care workers.

Kultur i fokus : En studie om kulturmöten utifrån ensamkommande flyktingbarns perspektiv i Sverige

The focus of this thesis is on social workers? knowledge in assessing and making decisions in child welfare cases. The primary aim is to identify what skills or knowledge social workers find most useful within child welfare agencies in Swedish municipalities. Six different types of knowledge, social policy and the approach of child welfare cases are perspectives considered in the analysis. The interviews with social workers were held in three agencies in southern Sweden, in 2014.

Hypokondri : Upplevelser och behandlingsmetoder

Background: Hypochondriasis is associated with marked impairments in physical and psychological functioning, work performance and increased health care utilization. The prevalence among medical outpatients is estimated to be between 4,2 % and 6,3 %. Notwithstanding there is deficient research in this area. Until recently no specific treatment has been clearly demonstrated to be effective. Objective: The aim was to investigate experiences of what it is like to live with hypochondriasis, but also to examine different treatment options.

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