

6119 Uppsatser om Child health nurse - Sida 34 av 408

Vårdpersonalens tankar och handlande kring trycksår : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Pressure ulcers have during a long time ages caused great suffering for the patients. The factors affecting the occurrence of pressure ulcers can be both internal and external, such as immobility and malnutrition. Nurses´ role is to assess risks and thus pay attention to prevent and treat pressure ulcers. The nurse may use various assessment tools to highlight and document patients at risk for developing pressure ulcers. Aim: This study was to describe health professionals´ thoughts and actions about the pressure ulcers.

Långtidsfrisk eller arbetsglädje - vad speglar arbetsrelaterad hälsa?

The work related illness has increased and instead of focusing on what?s causing it more and more efforts are put on trying to find the health factors within and outside the work environment. During the past years the term ?long-term health? has arisen; instead of focusing on the number of employees on the sick-list, the focus should be put on the number of employees that has a record of long-term health within an organization, i.e. health-presence.

Fysisk aktivitet = psykisk stabilitet? : En undersökning om relationen mellan mängden fysisk aktivitet och självupplevd hälsa

AimThe purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-perceived health and level of physical activity among the staff at The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH). We focused on the following questions:How does the amount of physical activity affect the self-perceived health among the staff at GIH?  Are there any gender differences in self-perceived health following the amount of physical activity? Do the self-perceived health and the amount of physical activity differ between the various age groups? Are there any differences between the staff responsible for health education compared with the other staff?MethodWe chose a validated questionnaire for our study. It was a combination of two already previously validated questionnaires together with our own supplementary background questions. The questionnaire was presented to 96 respondents and we received 76 answers.

Lämplighet i familjehem : En kvalitativ studie av godkända familjehemsutredningar

The focus of this thesis is on what is considered to be a suitable foster home. For the study to be carried out an application had to be made to get access to the foster home assessments in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden. With the support of attachment theory and theory of standards different categories have been picked out and analyzed in foster home assessements that have been approved. The conclusion to what is considered to be a suitable foster home is a complex issue, as there are many factors that are interacting. Social workers seem to focus on the importance of a family?s ability to provide some kind of stability and security for a child who is considered to be placed within their home.

Föräldrars uppfattning av kontakten med barnavårdscentralen

SammanfattningNästan 100 % av alla barn som föds i Sverige kommer i kontakt med BVC. Syftet med BVCs verksamhet är hälsoövervakning, rådgivning och att stödja föräldrar i föräldrarollen.Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva hur föräldrar upplever kontakten med BVC.Studien har en deskriptiv kvantitativ design och en kvalitativ del med analys av innehållet i de öppna frågorna. Den genomfördes i ett område i mellansverige. Alla föräldrar som besökte BVC under en vecka i oktober 2006 blev tillfrågade om att delta i studien. Tjugoen BVC fördelade på 18 olika städer/samhällen har ingått i studien.

medicinskt ansvariga sjuksköterskors uppfattning om möjligheter till barriärvård i kommunal hälso- och sjukvård : en kartläggning av 15 kommuner i Västra Götalands län

ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.

Barns behov av pappa och av skydd från våld : Diskurser inom verksamheterna Barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin (BUP) och kvinnojourer i form av skyddade boenden

This qualitative study aimed to examine which discourses can be found within the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (BUP) and women?s shelters against domestic violence, concerning children that have experienced violence within the family, from two perspectives: the child?s need of father and of protection from violence. The study also aimed to examine which discourses can be found within the organisations concerning children?s well-being, how they define their mission concerning domestic violence and how this can affect the practical work with children that have experienced violence and their parents. The questions that the study aimed to answer were which discourses can be distinguished within BUP and the women?s shelters against domestic violence and how they can affect the different agencies? view of the child?s need and well-being.

Faktorer som kan påverka upplevelsen av ensamhet hos äldre personer inom kommunal omsorg bosatta i Sverige

Background: Older people are a major patient group seeking medical care in Sweden. Several of the elderly are living alone and the main reason for living alone is when the spouse passes away. Loneliness is a factor that can affect quality of life, health and wellbeing. Loneliness is an individual experience, loneliness can be self-chosen but involuntary loneliness can lead to lifelong suffering and feelings of loneliness. Aim: The aim of the study was to highlight the factors affecting loneliness among elderly people within municipal care living in Sweden.

TAKK - hur och varför : En kvalitativ studie om användandet av tecken i förskolan

The purpose of this study is to see how preschool teachers are working with supportive signs and if it is a working tool for children's language development. Is the supportive signing just for kids with special need for support or can it be good for all children?I've done the study by interviewing preschool teachers that is working with supportive signs in preschool. I also had a questionnaire for parents that yielded less fruitful results. I have chosen to use children's language and constructivist and socio-cultural theories.What I came up with is that the supportive signs are very helpful in preschools, but it requires a lot from the one doing it.

Interaction with long-term mentally ill seen from the caregivers point of view

Background. With the mental health care reform 1995, the long-term mentally ill patients were meant to be integrated in the society. Instead, they became ?deported? to mental health care. Aim.

"Barn uppfattar på ett sätt, fast det kan vara på ett annat" : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens uppfattningar och arbete med fysiskt misshandlade barn

The aim of the study was to examine what workers in social services considers physical child abuse and in which way social services work with children who have been exposed to physical child abuse. The study also examines which interventions are available and how physically abused children assimilate these. I've interviewed four child-welfare officers and for those interviews I've used the qualitative semi-structured method. The results shows that all my respondents have different views on on the definition of physical child abuse. The result also shows that the municipality which the children belongs to plays a major role in which children can get help with their problems.

Att leva i två världar : En studie om professionella inom socialt arbete och deras syn på barn i åldern 0-3 som lever i ett växelvis boende.

The purpose of the study, "Living in Two Worlds" is to try to find out how the professionals in social work reasoning and thinking about children 0-3 years living alternate residence and how children 0-3 years are affected by form of housing . Questions are how they professional reasons and think about the type of housing, what advantages and disadvantages they consider are and the conditions under the professional must be satisfied that the child will not get hurt. Study is a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews. The theory that the study is based on the attachment theory explaining the relational processes that occurs between the child and its care person.      The results of this study show that if the parents are in great conflict with each other is important for the child cope with the alternating form of housing well or not.

Friskvårdsersättning och vårdpersonalens hälsa samt arbetsförmåga

Background:Public health is a concern of many important areas of society and it`s important that Sweden works with the health of the individual through the eleven public health areas. Health isn`t longer only a objective but even a resource. That`s why the society works with the health of the individual through a salutogenic perspective, about what can preserve or enhance the health of the individual.Aim:The aim of this study is to find out what the staff at a nursing home has views of what health can bring, and also study how health affects their ability to work. Also to study the employee`s apprehension of the wellness reimbursement that employer offers them.Material and Method:A qualitative method was used to obtain results from eight interviews with health care workers in Skåne. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed using content analysis.Results:For the interview person?s health means to feel good and be healthy.

Palliativ vård. En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans syn på mötet med döende patienter och närstående.

Palliative care concerns care of those who are dying and when cure is no longer an option. The nurse´s job is then to support the patient and to give care of good qualitive so that the patient will experience optimal quality of life. The aim of this literature review was to describe how the nurse can prepare herself/himself for the meeting with both the patient and close ones also to describe a nurse´s need of support and education. Nine studies have been used as a foundation for this literature review. Four headlines have been crystallized out of the result, a) the view of death b) the impact of the meeting c) the importance of support d) the importance of preparation and education.

Adoption: professionellas och ideellt engagerades tankar kring samhällets beredskap för adoptivfamiljer

The Swedish legislation (Socialtjänstlagen, SoL 5 kap 1§ 6 st.) state that the social welfare committee is particularly responsible for those children whom are in need of support and help after an adoption or custody matter has been decided. "Adoption - but at what price?" SOU 2003:49 is a state report with the purpose to investigate different aspects around international adoptions, which brings up and discusses what supports there is for adoptive families in Sweden. With this background and a special attention towards adoptive children's health conditions when arriving to their new country we decided to study the subject adoption. By interviewing different professionals and volunteers that work with adoptive families in Sweden the aim with this study was to acknowledge how they look upon the support the Swedish community offers for adoptive parents and also how they consider the knowledge about adoption among those who in their line of work can meet adoptive children is.

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