

6119 Uppsatser om Child health nurse - Sida 28 av 408

Studenters upplevelser av handledning : under specialistsjuksköterskeutbildningen med inriktning anestesisjukvård

The aim of this study was to learn how students in specialist nurse education with direction towards nurse anaesthetist experienced tutorial given during their specialist placement.  The chosen method of the study was qualitative interview with phenomenological approach. Twelve nurse anaesthetist students were interviewed about their experiences during their placement at operation wards. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed according to Giorgios (1985) analyze method. The result showed that the students considered that a well functioned tutorial was essential for a successful clinic placement. The tutorial considered as satisfactory if the student and the tutor managed to have good communication and a good relation with each other.

Laglig rätt men på olika sätt

I have investigated how municipalities support children with ADHD. I have interviewed persons responsible in five different municipalities. The persons have had the authority to decide how the support funds are to be shared in the municipality. Mostly I was interested to know if the support was the same in all these municipalities and if the children with ADHD really got the help and support they were entitled to. I discovered that the support varied; in some the children were correctly diagnosed but in others municipalities I was not convince.

Synen på munhälsa och tandvård hos pensionärer som deltar i olika pensionärsföreningar - en enkätstudie : The opinion of oral health and dental care now and in the future among retirement individuals that participate in different retirement organization.

The aim of this study was to examine retiared individuals view of oral health and dental care. A questionnaire was sent to three different retirement organizations and answared by 106 participants. Our studie showed that irrespective of education or health status, the majority considered oral health and dental care was important and will become so in the future. Most elderly individuals can consider getting help with their oral health with oral health care in the future. This studie showed that the elderly are concerned about their appearance.

Prevention of diabetes type 2 among children and adolecents : Literature rewiew

The objective of this literature study was to describe the nurse?s preventive actions to prevent diabetes type 2 among children and adolescents in school age. It emerged from the analysis that the nurse is working according to three pillars; screening, lifestyle changes and counselling/education. This result showed that what often increase difficulties when working with screening are: undefined guidelines, lack of time and resources. Overweight/obesity is one of many indicators to develop diabetes type 2, therefore it is important that both BMI and waist are measured.

Kvinnors upplevelser och behov i samband med bröstcancer : en litteraturstudie

ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.

Beröring : en smärtlindrande metod i sjuksköterskors omvårdnadsarbete

ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.

Könsstympade kvinnor, västerländsk sjukvård och omvårdnad

ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.

Den självskattade hälsan hos anställda på industriföretag, i relation till användandet av hälsofrämjande förmåner.

This cross-sectional study investigated the use of health benefits in relation to the self-rated health of employees at two medium-sized industrial enterprises in Hälsingland. The method used to investigate this was through a self-designed questionnaire consisting 19 questions about health, lifestyle and health benefits at the workplace. A total of 100 questionnaires were distributed in the two companies, hence 50 surveys at each workplace. The response rate was measured to 88 % and 74 %, which means a loss of 6 persons and 13 persons. The results showed that Company nr 1 offers its employees a health benefits consisting of free access to gym in the company premises after working hours and financial contributions to training-cards.

Att skapa trygghet hos föräldrar till svårt sjuka barn : ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.

Hälsofrämjande arbete : en utmaning för sjuksköterskors omvårdnadsutövning

ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.

Hälsofrämjande strategier på lokal nivå : en studie av den upplevda delaktigheten i ett ungdomsprojekt

ABSTRACT The persons whom the authorized nurse encounters in hospital wards and nursing homes are in great extent elderly persons. According to Wasserman (2000), about 30 to 40 percent among these, show signs of depression. To be aware of the signs of depression, and how an authorized nurse can support the patient is therefore of great value. The introduction to this study describes the symptoms of depression and how depression in elders is expressed. It also describes treatment possibilities and nursing aspects of concern.

Språkutveckling : Pedagogers främjande arbete av språkutveckling i förskola

The workplace has a direct impact on the physical, psychological, economic and social well-being of the workers. A healthy workplace leads to increased health among the employees which also makes the employees more productive (Källestål, 2004). A poor working environment can have negative consequences for individuals, companies and society (SOU, 2009:47).This is a qualitative study that investigates companies? view of health promotion and how they practice health promotion in working life. Five private and five public companies, with representatives from the management were interviewed.

"Eftersom det är en lagidrott förväntar sig spelarna att någon bestämmer" : En kartläggning av kunskaperna rörande träningsmetodik inom svensk pojkishockey

The purpose of this study was to examine social workers working process in social assistance with focus on the child´s perspective. We were interested in learning about the existence of variations in approach and attitude between two municipalities. Question to be answered about what methods and approaches used by social workers to include the child´s perspective in the process of social assistance. Another question to be answered about what the manner in which social workers took into account the child´s perspective when the families apply for social assistance in relation to the operations and requirement. To fulfill the purpose, qualitative methods were used.

Tänk om hon ville leka titt ut? : En essä om olika förutsättningar till kommunikation hos barn med flerfunktionshinder

My essay begins with a story in which I portray different communicative situations at the preschool unit Myran. The children in my story are at an early stage of development and they all suffer from multiple disabilities which inhibit their ways of communicating. Through my story, I describe how I perceive different communication dilemmas in my work place. A difficulty I cover in my essay is how the educator knows if he or she has interpreted a child correctly when it does not have a verbal communication and therefore is completely dependent on the educators? interpretations of its communication efforts.

Förutsättningar för skolsköterskans hälsosamtal med elever i skolan - med fokus på individ, grupp- och organisationsnivå

Att skolan ska arbeta med hälsoförebyggande insatser beskrivs av Socialstyrelsen som anger att skolhälsovården ska vara en tydlig aktör i det hälsopreventiva arbetet som samhället riktar till barn och ungdom. Därtill betonas skolhälsovårdens medverkan i det hälsopedagogiska arbetet såsom hälsofrämjande undervisning eller individuella hälsosamtal. Utifrån ett individanpassat arbetssätt utgör hälsosamtalet en naturlig del av hälsoarbetet för skolsköterskan. Syftet med studien var att beskriva förutsättningar för skolsköterskans hälsosamtal med elever i skolan med fokus på individ, grupp- och organisationsnivå. Skolsköterskor inom den kommunala skolhälsovården med representation från tre län ingick i studien.

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