

5725 Uppsatser om Child health clinic nurses - Sida 17 av 382

?Hon gör sitt bästa efter sin förmåga? : en juridisk studie av LVU-domar med barn tillföräldrar med utvecklingsstörning

The purpose of this paper is to investigate on what basis a child is committed into care according to the law and to see on which grounds the decision about committed child care in law practice are taken when a child is committed to care due to parents who are mentally retarded. To better understand the juridical grounds for these decisions I will also in a short background describe the meaning of the term mentally retarded, how mental retardation and parenthood has changed over time and how different opinions are expressed in the law. Both people with mental retardation and children have in recent years gained their rights and sometimes these rights end up in conflict with one another. In those cases, what is in the best interest of the child, should be decisive. The children who have mentally retarded parents are at risk to not have their physical, psychological, emotional, social and intellectual needs met and are therefore being unfavourable developed.

Hur integreras fosterhemsplacerade barn i fosterhem?

The purpose of this study is to better understand, from a foster parent perspective, how the integration process of the foster child is carried out in the foster family. The purpose is to identify the challenges and success factors in the process. The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consist of interviews with six foster families. The study?s theoretical framework is mostly based on system theory and also on the theory of ambivalence.The results show that most of our families considered five factors to be important in order to facilitate the integration process.

Gymnasieungdomars hälsa : En jämförande studie av unga migranters och inrikesfödda ungdomars hälsa

Aim: The aim was to investigate and describe, how students on high school level in Kronoberg county self rated their health with relation to irritation, nervousness/anxiety insomnia and gender. An additional aim was to investigate if there are differences between students born in Sweden by Swedish parents, students born in Sweden by foreign-born parents and foreign-born students. Methods: A quantitative method was used to analyse data gathered from students (n=1936) on high school level in 2006. All statistical analyses were made with help of SPSS V-12. Finding: The findings showed that most of the students self rated their health as ?good?, however migrant students self rated their health as ?not so good? and they had more problems with insomnia. The overall findings showed gender differences. Particularly, foreign-born girls self rated their health as ?not so good? and reported more problems with insomnia. There was no divergence between the groups regarding irritation, nervousness/anxiety. Conclusion: School nurses and health workers must have deep knowledge about differences in gender, self- rated health and insomnia when they work with public health.

Främjande faktorer för anknytning mellan mor och barn under det första levnadsåret

Background: The early relations are the most important relationship. The child is totally dependent of caring. A child being neglected during the early years suffers consequences for the rest of their life. Aim: The aim of this study was to find out about the promoting factors for mother and child attachment during the first year. Methods: A literature review was chosen for this study.

Färdigheter som sjuksköterskor använder sig av för att skapa goda vårdrelationer i ambulans och på akutmottagning : en litteraturstudie

Background: Encounters between patient and health care have been shortened and fragmented. Times when the patient is in the continuum of care is related to how well the patient feels confirmed in the meeting with his/her carers. Aim : The aim of this study is to highlight skills that nurses use to provide good care relationships with patients in the ambulance and emergency room. Method: A literature review was done. Search for articles was conducted in the databases Cinahl and Pubmed.

Fostran som pedagogiskt projekt : Bilden av ?problembarnet? i statens offentliga utredningar

Titel: Fostran som pedagogiskt projekt. Bilden av ?problembarnet? i statens offentliga utredningar. (The bringing up of pupils as an educational project. The image of ?the problem child? in governmental committees).   This study focuses on the image of the problem child as it appears in two texts (from the 1940s and 1970s) of governmental committees on Public Health (SOU) and the new school law (Ds 2009:25, will be implemented in July 2011).

Föräldrars upplevelser då barnet har ADHD liknande symtombild

The aim of this essay is to examine how parents to children with large undiagnosed behaviour problems experience the parent role and the support they can obtain in their role as parents.To get a deeper description of the parent?s situation a qualitative method is used for the study. The interview carried out through a personal meeting and a question schedule with opened questions where used.The answers of the interview show that parents experience lot of problems. The children don?t get the support in school that the parent think they need because the child don?t have diagnose.

Vilken omvårdnad får den polikliniska patienten vid cytostatikabehandling för att uppleva livskvalitet

Every year an avorage of 40 000 Swedes fall ill with different forms of cancer. Chemotheraphy has an effect on the tumour cells as well as the healthy cells in the body, this causes many side effects which can be very problematic for the patient. The study was carried out in order to indicate the care measures that are taken to deal with the side effects i. e stomatit, loss of hair and sickness/vomiting, that are connected with chemotheraphy so that the outpatients will experience a quality of life. The method used was a qualitative interview with six nurses from the South if Sweden, all of whom are working with chemotheraphy patients.

Döden som profession : Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av att vårda patienter i livets slut ? en litteraturöversikt

Background The aim of palliative care is to improve the quality of life for both the patient and her next of kin during the patient?s end of life. Palliative care rests on the four cornerstones managing symptoms, communication and relationship, teamwork and relative support. The nurses? task is to assess the patients? physical, mental and spiritual needs according to these four cornerstones.Aim To assess nurses? experiences of treating patients at the end of life.Method Eleven academic journals that respond to the aim has been analyzed and synthesized in a literature review in order to summarize current research on the subject.

Allt handlar om läget : En fallstudie avseende sambandet mellankvadratmeterpriset och läget för bostadsrätter i Stockholms län

The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : En branschkartläggning av samhällsansvar

The aim of this study is to look how the Social Service has handled custody issues. The study has a legal and social aspect with a purpose to investigate how the law affects the social administration as well as the family. During a period of one year a quantitative and qualitative study was performed within the social administration in a nearby community. The study focus is partly on the relationship between the law, family and society. The main questions have been: Which one of the parents, mother or father, did in fact get the custody and why? How has the children?s point of view been reported in the inquiry? A child needs a well organized everyday life in a preferably conflict free environment.

Utvärdering av möjligheten att införa en plattform för djurägarinitierad dödsfallsrapportering av hundar samt därpå baserad forskning och avelsurval

There are about 700 000 dogs in Sweden. Roughly 70 % of the dogs are purebred and registered in the database at the Swedish Kennel Club (SKC). The database includes records of birth date, pedigree, offspring and results from e.g. veterinary examinations related to genetic health programs.Every year approximately 10% of the dogs die; most are euthanized by a veterinarian. Dog mortality data is stored as digital medical records at animal clinics and in insurance databases.Dog owners tend to register their puppy in the SKC, but they rarely report that the dog has passed away.

Celiaki i barn och ungdomsåren : Livskvalitet ur barn- och föräldraperspektiv

Introduction: More and more children and young people get the diagnosis celiac disease established. Celiac is a life-long disease, which means that the child during the rest of its life has to be on a strictly gluten-free diet. There are few studies so far, which have examined how children having a life-long disease with food treatment and increasing prevalence really experience their health related quality of life (HRQoL).Purpose: The purpose of the study was to examine how children (8 ? 18 years old) suffering from celiac valued their HRQoL and to illustrate as well whether the age of the child and its extent of disease when it was taken ill affected the child?s evaluation of HRQoL later in life. The purpose was also to compare whether the children?s parents valued the HRQoL of their children to the same extent as the children did.Method: 160 children, 54 boys and 102 girls were included in the study.

Vårdnadsbidraget : En fallstudie av hur vårdnadsbidraget har påverkat barnfamiljer i Växjö kommun

The first July 2008 did the Swedish government introduce a new family policy, the child care allowance. This essay is a case study of how the child care allowance has influenced families and which possible effects that the child care allowance can lead to. In order to respond to the issue has family models been used in order to analyze the results from a questionnaire survey distributed to households which has become granted child care allowance in Växjö municipality. Therefore is this essay?s premier contribution to the social science a description of how families have reasoned and decided about their child-care.

Alkohol bland ungdomar:En litteratur studie : Hantering och identifiering av ungdomars alkoholproblem, missbruk och beroende.

The aim of the study was to describe how nurses experience to handle the alcohol issues among young people and how they can identify young people?s alcohol problems, abuse and dependence. Empirical articles were searched in the databases Cinahl, Medline(Pubmed) and Discovery and resulted in the inclusion of 14 scientific articles. The results showed that nurses find it difficult to raise the issues of alcohol with young people, this partly because they feel that they have too little knowledge and that it is an emotional issue to raise. There is help instruments available that nursing staff can use to raise this issues and to identify alcohol problems, abuse and dependence.

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