

2513 Uppsatser om Child assessment - Sida 55 av 168

Lustfyllda möten med böcker och bibliotek: barnbibliotekariers läsfrämjande metoder för sexåringar, samt läsning och böcker för den åldern

In this thesis I investigate what librarians working with children do for six-year-olds at the libraries in order to stimulate them to read. I also investigate how children of this age read and what books are like for these beginners. The background for the thesis is that reading decreased a lot in ages three to eight during the 1980s and 1990s. My aim is to see what projects, methods and other strategies there are to get children to read. The method used is case study.

Att se sitt barn med nya ögon: en narrativ studie om föräldrars upplevelse och meningsskapande när deras barn får diagnosen autistiskt syndrom

Based on phenomenological hermeneutics and narrative theory the study explored how parents experience and create meaning when the child receives the diagnosis of autistic disorder. Interviews were conducted with eight parents and the analysis concerned both contents and form in their stories. The resulting aspects of the contents is presented in seven areas: stories about the time before the diagnosis, seeking help, receiving the diagnosis, the meaning of the diagnosis, coping, living with autism and stories about the future. The six resulting aspects of form included: chronology of the stories, creating order out of chaos, cultural norms, rewriting the story about the child, aspects of metaphors and changing perspective. The conclusion of the study is that the diagnosis serves as a way for the parents to transform experiences into a meaningful whole.

Att döma framåtsyftande : En problematisering av bedömningsbegreppet i aktuell svensk och anglosaxisk forskning

   Bedömning inom skolan är något komplext och bedömningsbegrepp likaså, hur de definieras, tolkas och används. Hur bedömning förmedlas till en elev är av stor betydelse för det fortsatta lärandet. Rätt utformad kan denna förmedling resultera i ett ökat engagemang hos eleven och en förbättring av elevens lärande. Behovet av att förstå bedömningsprocesser och olika former av bedömning är idag högaktuellt inom svensk grundskola i och med att landets skolor och rektorer givits i uppdrag att utforma skriftliga omdömen från skolår 1. Även om det gått snart ett år sedan uppdraget gavs är det i kontakter med lärare och rektorer tydligt att utformandet av skriftliga omdömen i många fall är en process som är långt ifrån klar.

Föräldraskap, kön och jämställdhet i Maria Svelands Bitterfittan

The aim of this Masters´ thesis is to examine parenthood, gender and equality. The analysis is based on the novel Bitterfittan. The primary theoretical points of departure are Judith Butler?s theory about doing gender and Yvonne Hirdman?s theory about the gender system, the hierarchical order and the separation of the sexes. I use Lisbeth Bekkengen?s thesis in which the nuclear family is seen as an institution which is upheld by two structures; that is the social relationships man-woman and parent-child, and also by two discourses; on the one hand a notion that fathers and mothers are principally different and on the other hand the child focus.

Rättssäkerhet och anstånd med betalning av skatt : En analys av 17 kap. 2 § p. 2-3 Skattebetalningslagen ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv

The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether legal rights are upheld when wording and applying the postponement of payment of tax regulations of chapter 17 section 2 p. 2-3 of the payment of Tax Act. We also investigate how the wording of the regulations relate to the requirement of legal security.It has been questioned if the regulations concerning postponement of payment of tax are compatible with the requirement of legal security. Of course does not a taxpayer want to pay tax that he or she consider incorrect, and that has not been under trial by an impartial authority. If the request for postponement of payment of tax is rejected, the consequences for the taxpayer can lead to huge financial losses.

Utanförskap i förskolan

Earlier studies shows that democracy within the preschool is an important and on-going work, but could implicate certain consequences. For example that goals regarding democracy and influence in the preschool, rarely is done in practice but instead remains just words on a paper. It could also mean that the pedagogues lack education and knowledge within the area, but also how they react to the influence of children. Preschool is expected to be a place for all children, no matter what luggage the child is carrying. The luggage is filled with the life experience, the personality and in this case the needs that the child has. The needs could be anything from nearness to physical and psychological disorders that requires more pedagogical attention.

Föräldrars psykosociala upplevelser då deras barn har cancer - en litteraturstudie

Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa föräldrars psykosociala upplevelser då deras barn har cancer. Författarna gjorde en litteraturstudie med deskriptiv design baserad på tolv artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Artikelsökningen ägde rum i databaserna PubMed och Academic Search Elite med de vedertagna sökorden ?neoplasms?, ?child?, ?family? och ?parents?. Utöver dessa inkluderades ord som ?experience?, ?cancer? och ?psychosocial?.

Kontaktfamiljsinsats beviljad... till vad och vilken nytta?

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze a group of participants (social workers, contact families and the young adults who had been given a contact family as children) and monitor their experience of the intervention contact family and its goals, contents and design. We also wanted to look into what goals and guidelines are available regarding the interventions design and contents. We also looked into parts of the intervention which the participants found most useful for them individually. The method we used in our study was qualitative interviews. We compared and analyzed our results to research made on the subject and the theoretical frame.

Varannan damernas? : En analys av tre läroböcker utifrån genus- och jämställdhetsperspektiv

Studiens syfte var att undersöka rektorers uppfattningar om skriftliga omdömen samt hur de tar ansvar för arbetet med dessa. Syftet var också att studera hur de omdömen som lärare skriver ser ut i praktiken avseende innehåll, för att se hur omdömena överensstämmer med rektorernas uppfattningar.I detta arbete har vår utgångspunkt varit de skrivningar i läroplanen (Lpo 94) och de allmänna råden (Skolverket, 2008) som uttrycker något om rektors ansvar samt elevers lärande- och kunskapsutveckling. För att få svar på våra frågor har vi intervjuat tio rektorer som tillsammans representerar grundskolans alla stadier samt studerat innehållet i 1245 skriftliga omdömen. Studien genomfördes i en mellanstor svensk kommun.Resultatet visar att rektorerna i huvudsak är positiva till skriftliga omdömen men att de är kritiska till det stöd de fått för implementering. Ett skäl till att rektorerna är positiva är de pedagogiska diskussioner som reformen medfört.

Lekens magi! : Synen på lekens betydelse för lärandeprocesser bland pedagoger på en Reggio Emilia- respektive Montessoriförskola

This study deals with play and the importance of meaning of play in the learning process. The aim is to look in to and analyze four preschool teacher´s beliefs and views about the importance of play for children´s learning and development. The study looks at two different preschools, one based on Reggio Emilia- and the other on Montessori- pedagogy, and the aim is to compare the different views and ways of working that the preschool educators have.The theoretical basis for this study is both rooted in a socio-cultural and constructivist perspective, and deals with the relationships between theoretical concepts mean as play, learning, way of working and pedagogy.The study is based on qualitative research methods that consist of interviews and participant observations. The person?s participants in the study consisted of four active preschool educators, who work in two different preschools.The results of the investigation show that the educators have similar views on the importance of play for the children´s learning process, and this also applies to their way of working.

Konst eller pedagogik?: Nutida dagspresskritik av bilderböcker

The aim of this study is to examine views of picture books for children that reviewers in Swedish daily press express in their reviews in 2009 and 2010. The following questions were posed in the study: Are picture book reviews based on pedagogical criteria and/or aesthetic/literary criteria? Are picture books reviewed from an adult perspective and/or from a child perspective? Which elements of positive and negative criticism are to be found in picture book reviews? This qualitative study is based on 45 reviews of picture books in Swedish daily press. The theoretical approach is developed from four ways of looking at children literature that professor Maria Nikolajeva has compiled. The method used is idea analysis, which is a form of text-analysis.

Återgång till fysisk aktivitet hos män efter en främre korsbandsrekonstruktion

 Background: Earlier studies show that 30-92 % of ACL reconstructed return to their pre-injury physical activity. It is not clear why some people do not return.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the return rate to pre-injury sport among ACL reconstructed men. Another purpose was to characterize those patients who return and those who do not.Metod: A Web-based questionnaire with questions about returning to physical activity was sent out during the spring of 2012 to 93 men who had undergone an ACL reconstruction 6-40 months earlier and who, after 6-40 months after surgery, were evaluated with validated strength tests and self-assessment outcome measures.Results: At 12 months after surgery 56 % of the subjects had returned to their pre-injury sport. If the criteria were set higher ?back to the same- or a higher level? 14 % had returned.

"Det är lättare att lyfta på luren om det finns en specifik person att ringa till" : En kvalitativ studie om handläggare och förskollärares syn på samverkan när barn far illa eller riskerar att fara illa

The aim of this study is to examine how social workers and pree-school teachers resonate about their experiences of cooperation with each other, in relation to maltreated children and the duty to report. Several studies show that there is a difference between how many children that is suspected of maltreatment and how many that are reported to social service. In Sweden, pre-school staff are obliged to notify the suspicion of child abuse according to 14: 1 SoL, but previous research indicates that the obligation to declare is not used to the extent that it should. One reason for the low notification rate is  the interaction between preschool and the social services shortcomings.Therefore, we believe it is relevant to examine how the cooperation really looks like between the organizations, when the child is being abused or at risk of suffering. The results of the study are based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with four preschool teachers and four administrators.

Gotland ponies on extensive pastures ? a welfare assessment

Swedish farmers have the possibility to be subsidized by EU rural development programme for grazing animals on pastures to promote the biodiversity of flora and fauna. The environmental remedy sometimes does not allow supplementary feed and at the same time the Swedish Animal Welfare Act and the Swedish Agricultural Board?s regulations for animal welfare and protection states that animals, in this case horses, shall be fed with food of good quality and adapted for the species. The regulations also state that they should have an individual feeding regime that enables them to maintain a normal body condition. The aim with this master thesis has been to investigate if it is possible to keep Gotland ponies on extensive pastures, during late spring and summer and still maintain animal welfare. The horses were assessed every fourth week using a welfare assessment protocol developed in line with the Welfare Quality® project (submitted, Viksten et al) where physical, behavioural and resourcebased parameters were observed. Twelve one-year old stallions of the breed Gotland ponies purchased from different breeders were used in the study.

Den psykiska hälsan hos barn och ungdomar placerade i familjehem : En kvantitativ studie på 38 familjehemsplacerade barn och ungdomar

Denna studie undersöker och beskriver den psykiska hälsan hos en grupp barn och ungdomar placerade i familjehem i en större stad i södra Sverige. 42 barn och ungdomar i åldrarna 11 till 20 år valdes ut från en kohort bestående av 52 som vid något tillfälle under 2005 befann sig placerade i familjehem. Till barnen administrerades Youth Self Report (YSR), till en av familjehemsföräldrarna Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) och till barnens lärare Teacher´s Report Form (TRF). Data från barnens socialakter samlades också in. Totala problemskalorna för CBCL och TRF visade att andelen barn på klinisk nivå uppgick till 23 % medan motsvarande siffra för YSR var 9 %.

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