

2513 Uppsatser om Child assessment - Sida 53 av 168

Stamning i samtal : Stamningens uttryck och bemötande

Researchers claim that stress has become a word of fashion and is now frequently used. They also state that there is no accepted definition that can easily describe the concept. In this essay, I have examined children and stress. The aim of the diploma work is to illustrate stress more closely the stress concept, the underlying reasons that can influence children and how teachers and school staff support children in their stress handling. My three issues are: What is stress? What stressors put children, at home and at school, in a stress situation? How can teachers help children to manage their stress? The diploma work is based on a literature study in order to find out what has been written on the subject in earlier research.

??först och främst är dom asylsökande liksom?? : En rättssociologisk studie om socialtjänstens ansvar för ensamkommande barn.

In 2006 there was a change in LMA (1994:37) that clarified the division of responsibility be-tween the Migration Board and the municipalities, concerning unaccompanied children. The social services should now be utmost responsible for the housing and care of these children, to assure that they gain the same standards and rights as all other children. The aim of this essay has been to examine how the division of responsibility has influenced the work of the social services and how they interpret their responsibility for the unaccompanied children. How do the social services investigate and make decisions concerning these children? Do these chil-dren have the same rights as other children? To answer these questions a legal study was made, followed by qualitative research interviews with four social services that receive unac-companied children.

"Nu kommer hunden!" : Aktionsforskning om barn som läser för hundar med syfte att utveckla lässtunderna på svenska bibliotek

This master´s thesis in Library and Information Science examines the experiences of children who read to a dog. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the interactions between the librarian, the readingdog-handler, the child-ren and the dogs and what the benefits from the interactions might be. The aim is also to examine how the child-ren express their literacy during the readingsessions and how to develop the readingsessions at a specific library. The author follows a reading dog project for seven weeks, in collaboration with a specific school and library. Action research was used as a research strategy, and since action research is done on the basis of practice, a coll-laboration with the participating children, the librarian and the readingdog-handler was significant in this study.The theoretical framework concists of theory and concepts from the sociocultural theory developed by Ro-ger Säljö, and human-animal studies with concepts from Donna Haraway.

Föräldrars upplevelser av mångbesök på barnakutmottagningen

Introduction: Frequent attenders is a term used in health care services that define a person attending a health care setting more than four times during a 12 month period. Recently published research concerning frequent attenders in pediatric emergency departments describes their reasons for attending a health care service or characteristics of these individuals but lacks a qualitative approach exploring their experiences. There is a need of these experiences to be shared so that health care personnel caring for this group may gain a greater understanding of their needs and expectations.Aim: The aim of this study is to describe how parents of children defined as frequent attenders experience the care received at a pediatric emergency department.Method: Qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews. A pilot study of four interviews was conducted to test the method. Sampling consisted of parents of children defined as frequent attenders and that were not diagnosed with a chronic illness.

Vad är viktigt? : Läroboken i biologi som förmedlare av kunskapsideal kring innehåll och mening

The aim for this paper has been to examine three textbooks designed for science education in upper secondary school in order to determine whether they convey any specific attitudes regarding what is considered to be ideal knowledge within the field of biology. The main focus has been to investigate if different types of design strategies have been used to emphasize certain values or attitudes and if this proves to be the case, how is this achieved specifically?                      For this purpose I have conducted several different qualitative linguistic analyses of the textbooks. The theoretical framework for the analyses lies within the main field of critical linguistics and more specifically in the context of systemic functional linguistics. The two main language models I have chosen to use for my investigations are functional grammar and multimodal text analysis.                      My results imply amongst other things that by conducting an overall assessment of the headlines in the textbooks a fair assessment can be made of which overall attitudes the books convey.

Hur arbetar och resonerar några lärare kring bedömning och hur är detta relaterat till deras syn på olika måltyper?

Syftet med detta arbete har främst varit att lära oss mer om bedömning. Vi har uppmärksammat bedömningens avgörande roll för elevers kunskapsinlärning och intervjuat några lärare om vad de har för uppfattning om bedömning. Fokus har lagts på resonemanget kring relationen mellan de-ras syn på bedömning och olika måltyper. I resultatet redogör vi för de olika lärarnas resonemang kring målen, bedömningssätt och bedöm-ningssituationer. Vi har även uppmärksammat att vissa lärare har en intuitiv kunskap om vad ele-verna kan och detta problematiserar vi i diskussionen, men har även redogjort för, de av oss in-tervjuade lärarnas resonemang kring detta.

Allt som finns kvar : Om personarkiv hos föräldrar som förlorat små barn

The object of this two years master's thesis has been to study a specific genre of personal archives by examiningthe archives of nine parents who have lost one or several infants. Using internet-based methods, (e-mail, Skypeand digital photographs), I have conducted qualitative research using a general interview guide technique. Usingresearch from archival theory as well as other fields, my material has been arranged and analysed according tothemes and recurring thoughts picked up from my informants during the interviews.My main theoretical aid has been that the role of parent who has lost a child is the starting point for the creationof the personal archives. Another important theory is my definition of the term ?document? as not dependent onmedium and format, but on usage: if an object has been used as a part of an archive, it is a document.

Social kontakt för hund i rastgård ? när kan kraven anses uppfyllda?

People in Sweden have more and more dogs in their care, and several of these dogs are kept in kennels in back yards for various reasons. According to Swedish animal welfare legislations the need for social contact for dogs has to be met. However, there are few details presented on how to meet the need and when it can be considered satisfied. Does the dog need human contact to fulfill the need, or is the company of other dogs enough? This study aims to specify what can be acceptable when it comes to fulfilling dogs? social needs in accordance with the Swedish animal welfare legislation.

Korrekt smärtbedömning ? en mänsklig rättighet : Smärtbedömning hos personer med Alzheimers sjukdom

Bakgrund: svårigheter uppstår med kommunikationen mellan patient och sjuksköterskan vid insjuknande i Alzheimers sjukdom vilket leder till hinder i smärtbedömning av personer med Alzheimers sjukdom jämfört med bedömningen avpersoner utan kognitiv nedsättning. Syfte: syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa vikten av korrekt smärtbedömning hos patienter med Alzheimers sjukdom. Metod: studien var en litteraturstudie, 12 artiklar samtliga kvantitativa som svarade mot studiens syfte har granskats och analyserats. Resultat och konklusion: bedömning av smärta hos patienter med Alzheimers sjukdom är komplex, slutsatsen är tvetydig då resultatet visar dels att personer med Alzheimers sjukdom har mer smärta respektive mindre smärta än personer utan kognitiv nedsättning. Bedömningsinstrumenten som undersöktes i studien visade sig vara relevanta men ansvar och kunskap från sjukvårdspersonalen som använder instrumentet var ett krav för att kunna utesluta felkällor av tecken på smärta så som onormala rörelser, beteende och ljud.


Ångest är ett relativt vanligt förekommande psykiatriskt problem hos skolbarn, framförallt flickor. Obehandlad kan den fungera som brygga till annan psykopatologi. I barndomen fungerar föräldrar som viktig bas för inlärning. Förälderns grad av omsorg och överbeskydd anses kunna bidra till utvecklande och vidmakthållande av ångest. Genom reciprocitet påverkar även barnet föräldrarna.

Osynliga offer : En kritisk idéanalys av riksdagsdebatten kring barnpornografilagen.

In this essay, the aim is to empirically and theoretically study the parliamentary debate of the child pornography law. The empirical part is an attempt to discover eventual underlying gender stereotypes in the debate. A text analysis is conducted with material consisting of motions from members of parliament and of protocols from the parliamentary debate. In this material we try to find latent and manifest expressions of gender stereotypes. There are several stereotypes, which effects the argumentation and prejudice of the debate, like stereotypes of the victims, the perpetrators and their characteristics.

Familjehemmens biologiska barn : Berättelser om att växa upp med fostersyskon

Children, who grow up in families, where their parents have decided to take care of a foster child on a commission of the social welfare services, are not often given the possibility to tell about their experience of having foster siblings, in research and other studies. The aim of this study was to give biological children, in these families, a chance to tell their narratives of growing up with foster siblings, creating opportunities for families, who might have plans to take care of foster children in the future. They can get a picture of how it could be for the family´s own children. The biological children got the opportunity to tell their narrative stories including the relationships in their families and how they were looking forward into their own future and family life. The used theory takes part in systemic thinking, looking at the family as an organization and how identities are created in relationships and in communication.

Älvkarleby, landskapskaraktär och gestaltningsförslag : landskapskaraktärsbeskrivning med inspiration av metoden Landscape Character Assessment, med riktlinjer och gestaltningsförslag

Älvkarleby, landscape character and design proposal is a Graduated Thesis (30 ECCcredtis), in the subject of landscape planning at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, the Department of Rural and Urban Development. This thesis is a study and implement of the method "Landscape Character Assessment" (LCA), developed in England and Scotland as tool to analyse and highlight the landscape in different planning processes. The purpose of LCA is to increase the understanding and strengthen the role of the landscape. The thesis consists of three main parts: landscape characterization, guidelines and a design proposal. The landscape characterization emphasizes the values of the landscape in different types of planning processes, a documentation to base estimations on in any kind of change in the area. Theese estimations have resulted in guidelines that give proposals to the development of the landcape, focusing at the desingproposal.

Vilken effekt har omvårdnadsmodellen Newborn individualized development care and assessment program (NIDCAP) för det prematura barnets utveckling?

Newborn Individualized Development Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP) är en modell för omvårdnad av prematura barn samt dess familj och ett huvudsyfte med denna modell är att stödja utvecklingen av barnet. I Sverige kallas NIDCAP för familjecentrerad utvecklings-stödjande neonatalvård. Enligt internationell praxis anges en okomplicerad graviditet ha en längd av ca 280 dagar, 40 veckor. En fullgången graviditet varar från 37+0 till 41+6 veckor. De flesta av de prematurt födda barnen har en medicinsk komplikation.Syftet var att belysa hur NIDCAP påverkar det prematura barnets utveckling.Metoden för studien var en forskningsöversikt.

Handens och tankens samverkan - om textila läroprocesser i vardagspraktiken

The purpose of my study was to explore how preschool educators in Kenya look at children's influence on teaching. Researchers have argued that the formal educational system in Kenya today is a remnant of its days as a colony when people were expected to blindly follow rules without questioning them. I have used qualitative interviews as a method in order get the most concrete understanding of educators? views on the influence from children. The educators I interviewed were based at a school I visited in Kenya.

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