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I have investigated how municipalities support children with ADHD. I have interviewed persons responsible in five different municipalities. The persons have had the authority to decide how the support funds are to be shared in the municipality. Mostly I was interested to know if the support was the same in all these municipalities and if the children with ADHD really got the help and support they were entitled to. I discovered that the support varied; in some the children were correctly diagnosed but in others municipalities I was not convince.

Samverkan eller motverkan? En studie om myndighetssamverkans konsekvenser för rättssäkerheten och barnperspektivet

Children that are taken care of for institutional care by the social services are unprivileged as a group. When society takes over the parenting role, it forces local governments and other accountable authorities to guarantee these children satisfactory support and good care according to each child's needs. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and discuss problems with implementation in policy processes when authorities incorporate. From the normative standpoint of legal security and the United Nations Children's Convention, this thesis investigates the consequences of interaction between two Swedish supervisory authorities for the social services: Socialstyrelsen and länsstyrelserna. To fulfill the aim I will investigate the approach taken by the authorities and the work division between Socialstyrelsen and länsstyrelserna.

"Eftersom det är en lagidrott förväntar sig spelarna att någon bestämmer" : En kartläggning av kunskaperna rörande träningsmetodik inom svensk pojkishockey

The purpose of this study was to examine social workers working process in social assistance with focus on the child´s perspective. We were interested in learning about the existence of variations in approach and attitude between two municipalities. Question to be answered about what methods and approaches used by social workers to include the child´s perspective in the process of social assistance. Another question to be answered about what the manner in which social workers took into account the child´s perspective when the families apply for social assistance in relation to the operations and requirement. To fulfill the purpose, qualitative methods were used.

Tänk om hon ville leka titt ut? : En essä om olika förutsättningar till kommunikation hos barn med flerfunktionshinder

My essay begins with a story in which I portray different communicative situations at the preschool unit Myran. The children in my story are at an early stage of development and they all suffer from multiple disabilities which inhibit their ways of communicating. Through my story, I describe how I perceive different communication dilemmas in my work place. A difficulty I cover in my essay is how the educator knows if he or she has interpreted a child correctly when it does not have a verbal communication and therefore is completely dependent on the educators? interpretations of its communication efforts.

Lärande enligt Montessori och Reggio Emilia : "Skillnader och likheter i syn på lärandet"

The aim of this graduate essay is to elucidate and compare the approach to learning that emerges in texts about the two educational practices Montessori and Reggio Emilia.The guiding research questions in this study are:What do Montessori and Reggio Emilia that learning is about?The mean Montessori and Reggio Emilia that learning goes to?How do you describe the Montessori and Reggio Emilia justification why it is important to learn? Through a poststructural theoretical framework and text analysis the study focused on what has been written about learning in the traditions of Montessori and Reggio Emilia.The results of the study indicate that both Montessori and Reggio Emilia look at the child in a similar way in which the child have the desire to explore and learn. Both pedagogy traditions think that the child will develop into independent people who can change society in the future for the better and with a democratic basis.The study also reveals how the Swedish curriculum (Skolverket, 98/10) is inspired both by the Reggio Emilia and Montessori traditions through describing how preschool should stimulate and challenge the child's development and learning, utilize and strengthen the interests of children to learn to conquer new experiences, knowledge and skills..

SAMVERKAN OCH SAMARBETE : Socialtjänsten och Barn- och Ungdomspsykiatrins gemensamma arbete

Author: Johanna Jarl and Marie WestphalTitle: Co-operation and Collaboration The Social services and Child- and adolescence psychiatry joined action [Translated title]Supervisor: Mikael SandgrenExaminer: Torbjörn HjortChildren and adolescences that have both psychological and social problems is an increasing number of the society. It used to be a demand that Social workers and personnel at Child and adolescence psychiatry had interdisciplinary collaboration, today it is more then a demand it is a requirement. The aim of this study was to understand how the personnel at the Social services and Child and adolescence psychiatry look at the cooperation between the two organizations in Sweden.To be able to accomplish this study we have interviewed four persons employed at the Social services and three persons employed at Child- and adolescencepsychiatry all of them were interviewed individually. To be able to analyze our material from the interviews we have used new institutional organization theory and Goffmans dramaturgic perspective at teams. The interviews showed that there is collaboration between the organizations on all levels, but that the organizations have different priorities.

Övervikt och fetma hos barn och ungdomar : Orsaker, konsekvenser och åtgärder

The purpose of this essay was to get some knowledge about how the situation was for children with overweight and obesity. I wanted to examine what experience about causes, consequences and measure the professionals, who meets children in different situations in their daily work had, and I wanted to find out which explanations current research had about the problem.The knowledge I have acquired during my work with this paper about the problem was that it was depending on many different factors on various stage in the child's life which influences and interacts with the child in its development. The risk that a child would develop overweight was amongst other things depending on the child's eating- and exercising habits.This habit was formatted for example by the circumstances in the family, availability of sweets/food and the choice of leisure time activities.The consequences for the overweight/obese children could be that the child did not manage to keep up with its friend's physical activities which led to a sense of rejection, risk of being bullied by friends, the risk of a damaged physical and psychic health. The problem was not easy to measure and all of the studies demonstrated that parental involvement is necessary in an effective treatment of childhood obesity..

"Man kan undra vad man utsätter sig själv för egentligen" : Socialsekreterares reflektioner kring psykisk påfrestning i yrket och hur den kan hanteras

The focus of this essay is to further investigate and describe psychological strains experienced by child welfare workers. The method used was qualitative interviews, two group interviews. The research aimed to understand how child welfare workers were affected and handled the psychological strains generated by work through theory of coping and symbolic interactionism where humans are viewed as pragmatic actors. The research showed, as previous studies shown, that the child welfare workers experience a great deal of psychological strains generated by high turnover in staff and pressuring work demands. The child welfare workers felt inadequate and alone in their work tasks and experienced stress and anxiety.

Mjuk massage för personer med demens : personal och patienters perspektiv

The aim with the literature study was to describe how persons with dementia and health care workers in the geriatric care experiences soft massage and to describe the derived effects for persons with dementia. Scientific articles were sampled from the databases: Medline (Pub Med), Cinahl and Psyc INFO. The main results of the study are presented in three parts: how persons with dementia experiences soft massage, health care workers experiences of giving soft massage and the health care workers descriptions on derived effects on persons with dementia. The results showed that persons with dementia experienced a positive reaction to soft massage and the health care workers did no longer feel helpless in their care service towards persons with dementia. The studies showed that soft massage decreased agitation, wandering, pain and sleeplessness.

Vården av äldre med delirium kan förbättras- en litteraturstudie i omvårdnad/ The care for elder with delirium can be improved- a literature review in nursing science

Background: Delirium is a serious condition that often affects hospitalized elder. The condition can be described as an overstrain of the brain which results in a disturbed consciousness. Elder people are particularly vulnerable since many of the risk factors develops with old age. The treatment aims to find and treat the underlying cause. Purpose: The purpose of this literature review was to illuminate factors beneficial for the nursing care of hospitalized elder with delirium.

Hur tänker elever? : Elevintervjuer som metod för att kartlägga elevers tankar kring matematikundervisning

During my time as a student of education I have learnt that it is my responsibility, as a teacher, to adjust the ways in which I teach to the needs, abilities, experiences, and thoughts of each individual child. What I have not yet gained much knowledge on is how to go about finding the children?s thoughts.In this thesis I investigate the interview as a method of finding out how sixth graders think about their mathematics education. Four children were interviewed. In addition to these inter-views, as a means of giving a broader perspective to and a greater understanding of the chil-dren?s answers, one math lesson was filmed and the math teacher was interview on two sepa-rate occasions.What I found was that a number of factors seemed to influence the children?s thoughts and answers, and that their answers were most likely not always a mirror of their thoughts.

"Sätt syrgasmasken på din egen mun innan du hjälper andra" : En studie i tolvstegsprogrammets beaktande av anhörigas situation.

The purpose of this study was to understand what the care recipients considering as care quality in their long-term eldercare. Our intention has been to contribute a bit to the development of the care work. Previous studies show that user surveys are carried out regularly but there is very few studies that are based on care recipients own opinions and experiences. The main questions in the study have been to examine what is considered as good elder care from a user perspective. Even to understand the characteristics of a good meeting with the care staff and also examine how the elder care in Nybro municipality can improve.

Biståndsbedömning inom äldreomsorgen : En studie av genusperspektivet inom biståndsbedömning gällande hemtjänst

Our purpose was to study how care managers in practice evaluate needs in eldercare. A specific focus was set on elderly persons' sex, an area where former research show that decisions vary considerably. Were the care managers influenced in their decision making by the elderly person's sex? If so, in what ways? Were there variations in the definition of eldercare needs between the four chosen municipalities. And, finally, how did the care managers handle set criteria and priorities in their evaluation of such needs?The study was based on literature as well as interviews with eight care managers, chosen from four Scanian municipalities.We arrived at the conclusion that there is no specific difference in how the care managers evaluate eldercare needs in relation to sex..

Barnpsykiatrins yttre gränser : en diskursanalys av journalanteckningar från bedömningssamtal

The purpose of this paper was to investigate how the Child mental Health Service, BUP Ektorp, textually constructs its demarcation, by studying case records from the first evaluations of the patients. The main questions were: In what way are the competitors and their problems represented in the texts, how is the solution justified and explained, and how do these factors relate to each other? The method being used is discourse analysis, influenced by Mörkenstam. The main conclusions are that the demarcation consists of a number of onceptions about the child, the parents, and the therapist. The conceptions, together with the way the problem is being described, justifies the proposed solution, proclaiming termination of the case..

Turister som sexköpare : En etnografisk studie av interaktionen mellan turister och sexindustrin i Thailand

The aim of this study is to investigate how it is possible that tourists who are not actively seeking child prostitutes still account for the majority of child sex tourists. The study includes tourists, locals, people working in the sex industry and staff from Swedish embassy and ECPAT international in Bangkok. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach and an ethnographic method, using field observations and interviews to collect the empirical data. The data has then been categorized in to different themes and analyzed using previous research on the subject. Hirschis theory of social bonds was then used to further interpret the results.The results of this study show that the tourists in Thailand, who are not seeking out child prostitutes, will most likely come in contact with them anyway.

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