

4703 Uppsatser om Child Helath Care - Sida 13 av 314

Man trollar med knäna lite grann : En studie om vad lärare ser som tecken på barnfattigdom och hur de agerar på vad de ser

The aim of this qualitative study was to examine and understand how teachers see and handle the signs of child poverty within a classroom context. The paper is based on an interview study involving 8 teachers in 2 Swedish schools for children between the ages of 6 to 12 years old. Poverty is a complex word and there are many definitions of it. What do teachers interpret as signs of child poverty in the school context? How do they act when they think it?s necessary to protect a child from being affected by it, and how can we understand their choice of action with the help of action theory? We discovered that the teachers notice different things as signs of child poverty, and they all react in both different and similar ways.

Helsingborg ? Ängelholm, en jämförelse mellan kommunernas friskvårdsarbete för sina läraranställda.

AbstractAuthorJohanna Rahl and Marie Johansson.TitleHelsingborg-Ängelholm, a comparison of the work of the municipalities regarding self generated health care activities for employed teachers.ContentToday you pay more and more attention to self generated health care. Political decisions affect the social development and thereby also conditions for people to feel healthy. As the municipalities are working with its inhabitants they are an important part of the self generated health care activities. The most part of our life we spend in school or at work and this is the reason why these places are the most suitable to create healthy people. From these thoughts we created the following aim of the study:?The aim of this study is to investigate what kind of work regarding self generated health care that is performed by the municipalities of Helsingborg and Ängelholm towards the employed teachers and how the teachers apprehend this work.

Uppfattningar om neuropsykiatriska diagnoser hos barn

Children become diagnosed with neuropsychiatry diagnostic. The diagnostic of children is critiqued from. The national board of health and welfare because the child psychiatric clinics differ in the reliability of diagnostic. This is a problem both in the same clinic and between clinics. The purpose is to investigate if parents of children with neuropsychiatry diagnostic consider that the diagnostic criteria were met when the child was diagnosed.

Hemmet, kvinnan och moralen : I Malmö stads barnavårdsutredningar 1930-1936

This study, a narrative analysis of it, deals with the term, home, its importance and the use of it by Child welfare investigators in the city of Malmö between the years 1930-1936. Commonly used and acknowledged, home stood for security and order while the term, street, had just the opposite meaning. Living in the countryside symbolized health and sensibility, while city life was considered to be cramped, dirty and immoral. The responsibility of achieving the liberals and conservatives ideal of a sunny, clean and orderly home was given to the woman of the house, as was the task of keeping the home morally correct, and providing the necessary atmosphere for proper upbringing of the children. Consequently, the basis of theory, using Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in regards to the conflicts between the upper and lower classes, and even theories of Jane Lewis of woman´s connection to home and family, have been the grounds for the study.

Att vara förälder till ett barn med medfött hjärtfel : en litteraturstudie

Introduction : Structural cardiac malformations affects 0.8-1% of children born worldwide, in Sweden 800-1000 children per year. Most children with congenital heart disease and their families will have frequent and lifelong contact with highly specialized care. Awareness of the parents experience is crucial in order to improve the nursing care. These experiences will be illustrated using a theoretical model of family-based nursing. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe experiences of being a parent to a child with a congenital heart disease.

Uppfattningar om neuropsykiatriska diagnoser hos barn

Children become diagnosed with neuropsychiatry diagnostic. The diagnostic of children is critiqued from. The national board of health and welfare because the child psychiatric clinics differ in the reliability of diagnostic. This is a problem both in the same clinic and between clinics. The purpose is to investigate if parents of children with neuropsychiatry diagnostic consider that the diagnostic criteria were met when the child was diagnosed.

Men problemet är att man aldrig har facit i handen : Några socialsekreterares uppfattningar om deras arbete med barn och ungdomar

The opinion of social workers towards their work with children and young persons wasstudied in this essay. Even their point of view with reference to the term the child?s bestinterest has being considered and special focus was laid on the social workers attitudestowards media coverage and its criticism towards their work. A qualitative approach was usedconsisted of six interviews. The theoretical frameworks were based on the theory aboutfreedom of action and the theory of social representations.

Föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med ett barn med självskadebeteende : en litteraturbaserad studie med grund i analys av kvalitativ forskning

Deliberate self-harm are a growing problem among young people in Sweden. It's not only the child that suffers from the behaviour, even the whole family. Parent´s need the right support from the healthcare staff for their own wellbeing, but also to be able to give good support for their child. Par-ent´s experiences are of importance for the nurse in the healthcare of the child and their families. The aim of this study was to describe parent´s experiences of living with a child with a deliberate self-harm behavior.

De spelberoendes barn : En kvalitativ studie av nio personers upplevelser av att vara barn till en spelberoende

The aim of this essay was to examine children's experiences of having a pathological gambler as a parent, which consequences this led to socially, economically and emotionally, if those children got any help and in that case where and what kind of help.Central questions asked where:* In what way did the child experience consequences from the parent's gambling?* How did the child experience the gambling parent during the gambling period?* In what way did the gambling affect the relationship between the parent and the child?* How did the parent's gambling affect the child socially, emotionally and economically?* How did the child handle this?* What help did the child itself think it required?* Where did the child got help?This is a qualitative study of nine today adult persons that grown up with a pathological gambler as a parent. The method is qualitative semi structured interviews.The results of the study are that all of them experienced large consequences socially, emotionally and economically. The consequences varied depending on the total situation in the family. The result shows that all of them have got coping abilities and they have applied more to emotion-focused forms of coping than to problem-focused coping..

Under hökens alla vingar : Fördelning och sortering vid upptagningshemmet i Sandsbro mellan åren 1933-1935

Under the hawks wingsDistribution and sorting at the upptagningshem in Sandsbro between the years 1933-1935This paper aims to study a so called ?upptagningshem? in Sandsbro, Sweden during theperiod 1933 to 1935. All the children during those three years were enrolled in theupptagningshem is included in the study, a total of 101 children. The main sources studied areprimary sources obtained from the county archive in Kronoberg which is shown in aquantitative method with the thesis that the upptagningshem works according to YeheskelHasenfelds ?people-processing technologies?, which acts as a sorting device which meanscategorizing and classifying activities where different kinds of people are sorted and based onthe results taken care of, by appropriate other organization that can provide the rightresources.

Att misstänka är tillräckligt : En intervjustudie om hur grundskollärare upptäcker och går till väga från misstanke till anmälan av barnmisshandel.

The aim of this study is to investigate how Swedish elementary school teachers proceed in cases of suspected child abuse, what knowledge teachers have in order to identify signs of child abuse and to make a report to social services, and also the obstacles teachers face during a report to social services. We used qualitative interviews with five practicing teachers; three was conducted at the teachers´ workplaces and the other two with the help of telephones. We used the role theory to analyze our results. We have concluded that teachers request more knowledge of signs of maltreatment and that they find their skills in discovering child abuse lacking. As obstacles to reporting, teachers identify their doubts and worries together with the difficulties that the often concealed child abuse brings.

Neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder och missbruk: de professionellas syn på riskfaktorer och skyddsfaktorer ur ett utvecklingsekologiskt perspektiv

The purpose of our study is to examine what risk factors can contribute to a child/youth with neuropsychiatric disorders developing an addiction to drugs. We also wanted to find out what protective factors can contribute not to develop an addiction. In order to find out these two different aspects we interviewed twelve professionals to get their view upon the matter. The professionals work within different sectors such as school, healthcare, social services and one of the interviewed is a member of an organization that specialises in neuropsychiatric disorders.When analysing our result of the interviews we used Bronnfenbrenner´s theory on the ecology of human development. What we found was that there are significant risk factors and protective factors on different levels of the child's environment.On the first level, the microsystem, interpersonal relations have an impact on the child's development.

Vägen till ett självständigt liv : Utslussning och eftervård av unga vuxna efter avslutad samhällsvård

The aim of this study was to investigate the leaving care services provided to youth leaving residential care in Sweden. Through the use of qualitative research interviews residential care workers perception of what practical and emotional needs youth leaving care have, and whether current aftercare services meet these needs, were examined. The study further sought to compare the swedish and english leaving care services. The main findings of the study were that the residential care workers interviewed expressed that they had a good working relationship with the local social services and that they through the residential care services were able to provide some degree of aftercare. They further identified loneliness as the most prominent emotional need of youth had after leaving care.

Vårdnadshavares attityd, beteende och upplevda kunskap om ljudexponering och dess risker

Background: From a public health perspective it is of great interest to prevent the risk of noise induced hearing loss, because in addition to hearing loss, tinnitus and sound sensitivity also may lead to other health problems. About 1,4 million people in Sweden live with some form of hearing loss and 25000 of them are children under the age of 16. Studies have shown that hearing loss among adolescents is increasing and it is often associated with sound environments in their leisure time. Lectures in hearing prevention has been conducted in schools for adolescents but have not reached the desired results. Objective: To enquire caregivers? attitude, behaviour and perceived knowledge about sound exposure and its risks.

?Barnets bästa i första rummet? : Om diskurser och språklig praktik i diskussionsprogrammet

Childhood as a social category is under strucural redefinition. In this thesis the child and childhood are understood as socially constructed phenomenons. Focus is laid upon the construction of the concept ?in the best interest of the child? wich in The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is defined as beeing the foremost important view to take into account when decisions wich affect children are made. As the thesis shows, a concrete and universall view of the best interest of the child is lacking in practice and would in many cases be unfortunate.

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