

596 Uppsatser om Character - Sida 36 av 40

Elektroniska spel i tidningsfältet : En studie av recensenters förhållningssätt till dator- och TV-spel

This paper considers the roles of critics, newspapers and magazines, in the process ofdescribing computer games and video games as either technical objects or products intendedfor entertainment.The making and ?using? of computer games and videogames originates in small groups ofpeople possessing a lot of knowledge in computers, during a time when these kinds of deviceswere very expensive. But now, the gaming culture has grown and almost anyone in oursociety can own and play a video game. For that reason, one could ask the questions ?are thegames and the people who plays them still parts of a ?technical culture??? and ?do we needsome kind of prior knowledge to fully understand the videogame critics??The critics represent ?the official idea? of what a videogame is, how it works and if it is worthplaying.

Salome och mansmordet : Slutet på den maskulina traditionen. En studie i Ann Jäderlunds Salome

Salome is the myth of the Oriental princess who dances for her stepfather, Herod the tetrark at his banquet. He becomes so enchanted by Salome's dance that he allows her to wish for what she wants. On the advice of Queen Herodias, Salome's mother, she asks the head of prophet John on a platter. Herod is horrified, but grants Salome's desire.This is the first in a series of Salome petitions as Mark and Matthew in the New Testament. Salome has since then never ceased to fascinate artists and writers through the ages.

Kattungens behov och rådgivning till dess ägare

The cat has become a popular pet. To secure a prosperous cat-human relationship, the cat owner has to understand what kind of animal the cat is and what requirements need to be fulfilled. The purpose of this literature review is to summarize kittens? needs of socialization, anthelmintics, nutrition, vaccination and gonadectomy, until the age of six months and to give the cat owner information on how to care for the cat during this period. Articles were search for in ScienceDirect, Primo and Scopus.

Representativ valdemokrati? : Gör den valdemokratiska idealtypen rättvisa åt den representativa demokratin?

In modern, Swedish political science there are different ways of looking at ?democracy?. A very common distinction is that between three groups of democratic theories: electoral democracy, participation democracy and deliberative democracy.The nowadays frequently used concept of electoral democracy is often used as synonymous with the older concept of repre­­­­sen­tative or indirect democracy ? frequently regarded as a contrast to the direct democracy of ancient Athens. However, there are also important differences.

?Yrkeserfarenhet inom industri och skola : En studie av lärandesituationer på gymnasieskolans industriprogram

Syftet med denna studie har varit att söka förstå centrala aspekter för yrkesämnets didaktik inom gymnasieskolans industriprogram. Detta genom att lyfta fram exempel på situationer där lärarnas erfarenheter från tidigare arbete inom industrin ger stöd till elevernas kunskapsbildning. Tidigare forskning i form av tre olika studier samt en teoretisk utgångspunkt baserad på fyra begrepp ? livslångt lärande, kunskap, mästarlära och kompetens fick utgöra en bas för det fortsatta arbetet med studien.Studien grundar sig på kvalitativa intervjuer med två lärare och fem elever, samt observationer av fyra lektionstillfällen. Det insamlade materialet från intervjuerna transkriberades och därefter analyserades data i perspektiv av studiens frågeställningar.I resultatet för studien återfinns beskrivande delar baserade på intervjuer och observationer samt en sammanfattning inklusive slutsatser.

Gestaltning av vägar i Skåne - kopplat till sju regionalt viktiga stråk :

This work derives from the question ?What is a beautiful road??. The question is being discussed in interviews with two employees at the Swedish National Road Administration and two former members of the ?Council of environment and beauty? at the Swedish National Road Administration. The interviews are summarized in my own discussion about the concept of ?Beautiful roads?.

Särskiljningsförmåga hos geografiska namn : En varumärkesrättslig studie

Enligt grundregeln i 1:5 2 st. 1 p. varumärkeslagen (2010:1877) (VML) är varukännetecken som endast består av tecken eller benämningar som visar en varas eller tjänsts geografiska ursprung inte särskiljande och uppfyller därmed inte kraven för att kunna varumärkesregistreras. Ett varumärke får heller inte registreras om det är ägnat att vilseleda allmänheten i fråga om varans eller tjänstens geografiska ursprung, 2:7 1 st. VML.

 Den första inblicken i regionala företagarföreningar :  En fallstudie av Örebro Promotion

Many studies have been conducted of different types of business networks in recent years. Despite this, there is a lack of research concerning industry-transcending formal networks which are limited to a specific region. We have conducted a case study of Örebro Promotion, which is an industry-transcending network including over 500 members. Örebro is a medium-sized city in the middle of Sweden. The purpose with our study is to create an understanding of why enterprises choose to be a part of the network and what they feel is the gain of their membership.

Påverkan mellan ekonomistyrningen och inköpsfunktionen : En studie av Sandvik och Scania

AbstractTitle:The Impact of Management Control Systems on the Purchaser Function - A study of Scania and Sandvik Authors: Mohammad Reza Akhbari and Johanna Sullivan Svensson Published: 2011 Keywords: Management control, purchasing function, impact, control, control instruments, Key Performance Indicators, measurement, communication and organizational structure. Background and problem formulation: In order for a company?s business idea or vision to be fulfilled, the management of a company needs assistance from various means to intentionally affect the operation in the desired direction. Management control concerns activities of both financial and non-financial Character in order to implement the strategy of a company and to reach profitability. Since the purchaser function is responsible of spending 50 percent of a company?s total revenue, the function has an optimal starting point to be a key actor in the shaping and execution of a company?s strategic plan.

From wheels to walking : exploring an alternative planning approach in Sub-Saharan countries - the case of the Axis in Nairobi, Kenya

Rapid urbanisation is putting strains on both the landscape and the city dwellers and the pressure on planning for sustainable and equitable cities is crucial. As many cities in Sub-Saharan Africa are expanding, city planning has trouble keeping up to meet the needs of the growing amount of urban dwellers. Many cities have also been planned with the cars in focus and the needs and comfort of the pedestrians have been overlooked. The capacity of institutions is limited due to centralized government and bureaucracy, as well as corruption. Planning is erratically implemented and it is difficult to know what will happen.

Sinnlig stimulans i vaken vila : en studie av växter i en restorativ trädgård

Den här studien berör några av de miljöpsykologiska grunderna i Alnarps Rehabiliteringsträdgårds uppbyggnad. Den ger förslag på hur karaktären rofylld kan förstärkas och hur säsongen kan förlängas i den restorativa delen av välkomstträdgården med växter som tilltalar flera av våra sinnen. Deltagarna som kommer till trädgården har i regel stressrelaterade åkommor såsom utmattningssyndrom och har varit sjukskrivna en längre tid. De är ofta mycket känsliga på grund av fysisk och psykisk utmattning. Studier visar att deltagarna har behov av en kravlös miljö där de kan få vara ostörda.

Think global, act local!? : Hur ett svenskt företag går till väga för att skapa ett enhetligt budskap i olika kulturer

An uncountable number of companies are present in foreign markets as a result of what we commonly choose to call globalization. This is especially true for Swedish companies traditionally operating on small markets. A company that is about to establish on a new market is faced not only with possibilities but also with challenges and risks. Researchers have found that companies that establish on foreign markets will have to deal with competitors on the national as well as on the global market, and therefore need consider how they globalize their brands. In addition to this, a brand can only reach international success if its message is coherent within and across every single market.

?[?] hon var ingenting annat än mor nu? : En feministisk studie av Anne Charlotte Lefflers noveller ?En bal i societeten? och ?I krig med samhället?

In this essay I study two novellas by Anne Charlotte Leffler, ?En bal i societeten? and ?I krig med samhället?. In order to do this, I use some of the differences between male and female writing that Ingeborg Nordin Hennel discusses in her study ?Ämnar kanske fröken publicera något??: Kvinnligt och manligt i 1880-talets novellistik. For the analysis of ?I krig med samhället? I also use the text ?Stabat mater? by Julia Kristeva.

Lokal etisk produktion ? är den globalt hållbar?

In modern society globalisation is a fact within all industries, the textile industry included. Due to improvement in areas such as logistics and communication international trade have developed fast. As changes occur rapidly on the global market and companies must adjust and revise their processes in order to stay competitive.Because of the global price reduction consumers around the world expect low-price products, which mean that the companies have to find new ways to produce in a cost-efficient way. To maximize profit most of the textile production is situated in low-cost countries due to its labour-intensive Character. It is crucial for fashion companies to allocate their activities in their value-chain effectively in order to reduce lead-times.

Lantbruksföretagets tillväxtstrategi och finansiella sökbeteende : en empirisk studie av sex lantbruksföretag med tillväxtambitioner

The structural rationalization of the agricultural sector in Sweden has led to many expansive, professional companies orientated towards growth. The agricultural sector is a very capital-intense sector and is Characterized by the need for large sums of capital in form of buildings, inventory and arable land. The capital need is especially large for companies who have an ambition of growth and development of the company in the near future. The study is built upon six cases that all can be categorized as large agricultural farms with a turnover exceeding 20 million Swedish crowns. The companies are located in the middle and in the south of Sweden and are in the sector of primary production with focus on dairy-, pork-, egg-, chicken-, beef-, vegetables- and grain production as well as in the business of refining milk towards consumers. The study aims to identify the motives and driving forces that lies behind the growth of a farm-based company. The agricultural companies' motive for growth is studied based on which factors that influence the ambition to grow and to what extent these factors accord to the picture given by earlier research of small companies outside the agricultural sector.

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