

596 Uppsatser om Character - Sida 34 av 40

Specialpedagogik förr och nu : Tre stockholmsskolors specialpedagogiska arbetssätt

AbstractThis paper is about the organisation of the special needs education in three nine-year compulsory schools in Stockholm and the pedagogical thoughts and theories that underlie these organisations. The main purpose of the paper was to investigate whether the special needs education of these schools should be interpreted in accordance with a segregating or an including view on integration as these perspectives are presented by the Norwegian professor Peder Haug. In addition to this I also wanted to investigate if there were any historical arguments in favour of one or another of these perspectives that were still being put forward in today?s debate.The methods that I used were a study of literature regarding special needs education and interviews of a qualitative Character with three special educationalists and a special teacher that were working on three different nine-year compulsory schools in Stockholm.The result of the study shows that a big part of the special needs education of the schools that I visited can be interpreted in accordance with the segregating view on integration.The organisation of the special needs education of the three schools differed slightly from school to school but the common trait was that the largest part of this work took place outside of the student?s regular classroom and sometimes outside of the scheduled school day.Two of the schools had special groups where students that were believed to have a need of special education got some, or their entire schooling. That the schools chose to build a big part of their special needs education upon solutions that should be regarded as segregating was motivated on the basis of an effect oriented view on education.

How do you measure culture? -A case study of result control within the Gothenburg Opera

Problem The culture sector is Characterized by qualitative goals which raise questions such as how do you measure culture and what is ?good? culture? Both the goals and the measurements tend to result in subjective judgments, which according to the theory make result control inefficient. Yet, result control is frequently used in the culture sector; which leads up to our research question: What Characterizes the problems of result control in the culture sector?Purpose The aim of this study is to make a survey of how the Gothenburg Opera works with result control and follow-up. By defining how it tackles the different problems, which could arise with result control in a non-profit organisation, we aim to map how the problems regarding result control are Characterized in the Gothenburg Opera.

Från grundutbildning till yrke : en studie i motivationsfaktorer

En intervjustudie genomfördes på ett urval av åtta kadetter, studerande på Försvarshögskolans taktiskt-operativa officersprogram. Kadetterna hade alla en gemensam bakgrund från grundutbildningen likväl som från en internationell insats. Den semistrukturerade intervjun syftade till att finna de faktorer vilka påverkade dem att söka internationell tjänst och officersutbildning. Resultatet av studien visade att det var en mängd motivationsfaktorer vilka samverkade för att de intervjuade skulle söka internationell tjänst och sedan officersutbildningen. Motivationsfaktorerna kunde delas in i två kategorier, nödvändiga motivationsfaktorer och engagerande motivationsfaktorer.

Körskador i gallring : en studie av 21 drabbade objekt i södra Sverige

To guarantee the customers a job satisfactory executed Sydved has been certified by the ISO 14001 standard. One part of the certification is the standards of soil damages. The soil damages were over represented during 1999 and 2000. It was therefore a need to study the problem in order to see what could be done to reduces these damages. A filed study was carried out on 21 subjectively selected stands from the following five districts: Vänersborg, Falköping, Borås, Jönköping and Åseda. As the study is a descriptive study of the soil damages, their Character and extension, only stands were tracks were reported were considered.

Varianter och versioner : Repetition i Marguerite Duras Älskaren och Monika Fagerholms Den amerikanska flickan

This essay examines the role of repetition in the two novels Älskaren (The Lover) by Marguerite Duras and Den amerikanska flickan (The American Girl) by Monika Fagerholm, through a thematic and comparative reading. The study mainly uses Bruce F. Kawin?s analysis of repetition in literature and language as well as it refers to Cathy Jellenik and her analysis of rewriting in the works of Duras. The study also takes into Julia Kristeva?s idea of Duras as a writer lacking of catharsis.

Den transvestitiska förklädnaden : en tolkning av androgynitet i Virginia Woolfs roman Orlando.

AbstractThis paper is an analysis of Virginia Woolf's novel Orlando. My rendering of the novel is inspired by queer-theory and in particular the theories of Judith Butler. In my interpretation I have put my focus mainly on androgyny and transvestite disguise. The purpose of my analysis is to create an understanding of the theme of androgyny in Orlando and see how it relates to the writer's feminist approach. I?ve also used concepts like transvestite disguise and cross-dressing to interpret the main Character, Orlando's constant changes of clothes, between female and male clothing.

Murbruket i mångfaldens mosaik - en fallstudie av framgångsrikt ledarskap i mångfaldsgrupper på Swedbank

Successful diversity management has become an increasingly pressing concern for companies and organisations, as the workforce has grown more diverse over the past few decades. Research on whether increased work group diversity has a generally positive or negative impact on results remains inconclusive. It has, however, been established that good diversity management is pivotal in creating conditions for the successful performance of diverse work groups. Although much attention has been directed towards explaining the translation of work group diversity into positive results, less attention has been given to the processes that underlie this translation and the way it is expressed in everyday leadership behaviour. This thesis revolves around a case study, at the Swedish bank Swedbank, which combines qualitative and quantitative elements to explore the successful leadership in nine diverse work groups at the local branch level.

Att passera gränsen för det normala, : färger och mönster som landskapsarkitektoniska uttryck

Discussions about the sustainable city are now all over the world and many believe that the solutions are merely technical. But what gives the city its Character is what is happening in the public places. It is these spaces that bring the people together. Design is the key to sustainable urban spaces. We must produce public places that reflect our society.

Corporate Social Responsibility : -Kan det bidra till demokratisering?

There is a growing awareness that multinational companies have opportunities to influence political conditions. Ethical activities made by multinational companies and ?Corporate Social Responsibility? (CSR) can therefore function as a positive input in society. The primary purpose of this master thesis is to investigate CSR´s contribution to strengthen human rights, and thereby to democratization. The research questions are listed below:1.

Ombyggnad av 1950-talets kontorshus till flerbostadshus

This thesis aims to increase understanding and knowledge of issues affecting the redevelopment of older office buildings to housing. The rising demand for housing in recent years has resulted in a need and an increase in cost housing projects. The need has led property owners wanting to build old office buildings to apartments. The case study is carried out in Lycksele town and in close contact with consultancy TM (Technician Mercantile) ? consulting, which has operations in the area.

Harry Martinson - en tidsresa i lyriken och dess förändringar

The aim of this study is to examine the significance of having a music department at the public library in Enköping, and how the organization of the phonograms is handled. The different areas examined are the reason of the reintroduction of a music department, its budget, its users, the work with selection, the marketing, statistical data concerning loans, the work with classification, indexing, and organization of the phonograms and the future of the music department. The empirical material consists of qualitative interviews with staff connected to the music department at the public library in Enköping. For the theoretical frame, Sanna Taljas discourse analysis of music libraries in Finland is used. Talja presents three discourses which all show different views on what kind of material a music library should contain.

Förändring av grönområden i Västerås tätort det senaste seklet : Konsekvenser av att grönområden förändras

This thesis was done after a request from the county?s administrative board of Västmanland to provide the board with a better understanding of how green areas have changed within Västerås municipality over time.The purpose and goal of this study was thus to measure and analyze how much of the green areas within Västerås municipality that have disappeared during the past one hundred years as well as to provide a review of previous studies regarding the importance of green areas for humans as well as the biological diversity.In order to answer these questions I have in this study used a combination of a literature study, cartographic analysis as well as a time series analysis. The computer software used to do the measurements of the green areas was ArcGIS which is a geographical information system.In the cartographic and times series anlaysis measurements and analysis was made of the district map of 1911, the economic map of 1950 and the property map of 2011. The measurements show that the municipality has grown with 46,3 km2 over the last one hundred years. New neighborhoods? have emerged and the municipality has expanded.

Nya kvinnor och ny samhällskritik : en feministisk läsning av Anne Charlotte Lefflers Tre komedier

My essay is about the latter period of Anne Charlotte Leffler?s authorship. In Part I of my essay, I describe her path from the 1880s, where she described femininity as a shortcoming, as writes Ingeborg Nordin-Hennel, towards the 1890s and towards describing femininity as a possibility. This development took place on two levels ? on an outer level, where all the woman writers in the late 1880s were influenced and where they were pushed out by the male writers, and on an inner level with Leffler herself.Her late literary works depict new and more independent types of women, and eroticism is given a more prominent position.

y måste bero av x ? gymnasieelevers förståelse av det matematiska begreppet funktion

Objective: The aim of the study is to describe pupils' understanding of the mathematical concept of function. How do pupils define the concept of function? What images of the concept of function evoke when they solve tasks, which involve identifying and constructing functions?Theory: A student's thinking about a mathematical concept depends on more than just the formal definition of the concept; therefore Tall and Vinner introduce the term concept image to describe the role cognitive structures play when students learn about concepts. The cognitive structure includes all mental images, associated properties and processes that an individual associates with a given concept. According to Sfard, an individual's understanding of mathematical concepts may have different Character: an operational conception, where a concept is conceived as a process and a structural conception, where the given concept is conceived as an object, that is, as a whole.Method: 16 pupils at the Science Program at two different upper secondary schools inSweden answered a questionnaire on the mathematical concept of function.

Raymond Hains La France déchirée : En receptionshistorisk undersökning

This essay examines how the critical reception of French nouveaux réaliste-artist Raymond Hains 1961 exhibition La France déchirée has been articulated at two historically separate occasions.In her 2010 book Nouveau Réalisme, 1960?s France and the Neo-avant-garde, art historian Jill Carrick examines the fundamental impact the founder of nouveau réalisme ? French art critic and theorist Pierre Restany ? has had on the movement?s historical reception. According to Carrick Restanys writing established an interpretive framework that remained more or less intact for several decades. In addition to a closer analysis of the movement?s critical reception during the 1960s?, Carrick provides a set of new, alternative readings of a number of nouveaux réaliste artworks, which all originates from a position outside of Restanys interpretive framework.

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