

596 Uppsatser om Character - Sida 25 av 40

Dubbelklicka på Emil - en studie av arbetet med CD-romspel med litterära förebilder på några folkbiblioteks barnavdelningar

The technical evolution has a great influence on the public libraries. Electronic media becomes more and more common. This Master´s thesis is based upon the Swedish Library law 9§ (SFS 1996:1596) which says: Public- and school libraries should pay special attention to children and teenagers by offering books, information technology and other media, adapted to their needs, to encourage development of language and stimulate reading. From this point of view we have examined why the children´s departments in public libraries offer CD-ROM games which are based upon Characters from the literature, how they are used in the daily activity and how they can contribute to the development of the children´s department.We have made literary studies and empirical investigations including interviews, observation studies etc. The results from this studies shows that both young and adults appreciate the CD-ROM games.

Söktjänster för akademiskt bruk: En utvärdering av Google och Argos med frågor från en akademisk ämnesdisciplin

The purpose of this MSc thesis is to examine the retrieval effectiveness of two Web search engines with queries from the academic discipline of Classical Studies. The two search engines are chosen to represent two different types Google as a broad general search engine and Argos as a specialised search engine for the subject of Classical Studies. The search engines are compared for precision among the first twenty results returned for thirty queries. In order to avoid bias in the study, the queries are based on real users' information needs. Due to the subjective Character of the concept of relevance, the study is performed with five different experiments with five different definitions of relevance.

Medias bild av ungdomar och skolan : en undersökning av ungdomars reflektioner

Background: Because of the high unhealthy rates among women in the com-mune a project to reduce it have begun. For this reason we have been given the mission from the commune of Sotenäs to study the Character of these women's health. Objective: To study the health among permanent employed women in the commune of Sotenäs. Method: Quantitative method. The data have been collected through question-naire survey.

Dark Side of Wonderland - en kort 2D-animation med syfte att väcka intresse för en online serietidning

My objective for this project was to create a short but thrilling 2D-animation intended as promotion for an online comic book. The purpose of the project was to learn more about animation and graphics, to further my artistic skills and to learn how to work in Adobe After Effects. I also wanted to learn more about scheduling, project methods and how to handle stress. During the ten weeks of the project I have created the story, the storyboard, the Character design, the backgrounds and the animation. The voice over was recorded with the help of a fellow student who also made the music and the sound effects.

Informationskrigföring : den nya teknikens hot

The new information society has revolutionised almost the entire world. But the new technique does not only bring good. That which was before only available on paper may today only be available on a computer system. This makes it possible to send data electronically. In the wrong hands that information can become a threat against the security of an individual, a company or even a nation.

Trygghet och säkerhet i offentlig stadsmiljö :

To thoroughly think with safety and security in mind is an important issue in planning of public city spaces. Spaces intended to be available to all inhabitants of a city should have a welcoming appearance. Unfortu-nately, this is not the situation in many pedestrian walkways, parks and such spaces, possibly due to lack in safety and security. This master thesis intend to examine questions at this issue ? what makes you feel safe and what causes insecurity in public city spaces. The safety aspect treats the human psychological and sociological ways of perceiving her milieu and other humans in it, and how the physical shape of her surroundings can affect the sense of safety.

STUDENTERS INFORMATIONSHORISONTER: Användning av Google och sociala nätverk i informationsökningsprocessen

The theses discuss information seeking with a focus on Google and social networks. Students attending the librarian program in Lund have been examined by means of two methods; diaries and information horizons, where they had to solve a specific assignment. The information horizon as a method contributes to getting a structural perspective on the information search process instead of viewing information search as a procedure. Information horizons use social network analysis.The aim of the theses is to investigate the importance of the social network in information search, with a particular focus on Google as a search tool. Our hypothesis is that Google acts as a compensator to the social network when the students search for information and in the educational program.The research indicates that there is no direct correlation between usage of the social network and usage of Google.

Kartläggning av order- och leveransprocessen för höghastighetsseparatorer hos Alfa Laval Tumba AB

The project description is to draw an extension or annex to the existing Nationalmuseum building from 1866.The annex is designed to complement Nationalmusems activities and contain internal and public functions. Artentering the building must not be crossed by public visitors. Art and staff must be able to seamlessly move betweenthe extension and the main building. The new building includes a public study room for scholars working withthe collection of art on paper, workshops, conservation studios, art spaces and warehouses. Additionally, theannex is designed to host a large number of office spaces.With the renovation of Nationalmuseum they intend to open up the today built in south atrium.

Kungliga blodsugare och markattor : En genusstudie av politiska brott på 1700-talet

The purpose of this study is to examine political crimes in and women?s political activity in 18th century Sweden. The cases of political crimes which has been used range from 1700- 1789 and they form an outline of the patterns of political crime in this century. These cases contain different types of political crimes, but most common ar defamation of the royal family, defamatory writings, rumor-spreading and treason. To study women?s political activity, seven cases ranging from 1749 to 1758 have been more closely studied.

Engagerande Karaktärer : En studie av Murray Smiths teorier applicerat på film och dataspel

Uppsatsen handlar om de faktorer som gör att vi engagerar oss för karaktärer i film och huruvida de är de samma för dataspel. Syftet med uppsatsen är att testa en teori av Murray Smith som gäller filmkaraktärer och se om den går att använda även när man tittar på dataspel. Den exakta frågeställningen i uppsatsen är som följer: Murray Smith har skapat en teori för hur engagerande karaktärer skapas i film. Hur pass applicerbara är hans teorier för engagerande karaktärer när det kommer till ett annat visuellt medium som dataspel? Måste teorin tillämpas annorlunda? Är andra aspekter av teorin viktigare i det nya mediet?I uppsatsens teoribakgrund tas teoriinriktningar som bland annat semiotik och psykoanalys upp och förklaras.

Hur kan mental toppform uppnås? Idrottspsykologiska rådgivares syn på mental träning.

Eriksson. C. (2010). How can mental top form be reached? Sport psychology consultants approach to mental training.

Utveckling av Flashapplikation - "Avatarskapare"

This report describes the development of an application in collaboration with Designingenjörerna AB. The company has worked for a long time with a community platform and they required an application where users can create their own unique profile representations, called Avatar Creator. An Avatar Creator is computer based application, which makes it possible to create a virtual Character. The problem area behind this is that, large websites require a lot of administrative work when people upload profile pictures on different community pages. They can contain abusive material or pictures of other people rather than those who created the profile.The questions in this report are, how can an Avatar Creator help user to get a unique profile of himself? What are the advantages and disadvantages of an Avatar Creator? How to create a user-friendly application?To understand how an Avatar Creator works and get ideas to create an application, exiting Avatar Creators were reviewed on the Web.Collaborative work with Designingenjörerna AB was done to pin down the requirements for the Avatar creator application.

?Lever vi inte i ett fritt land kanske?? : analys av normer och normbrott i böckerna om Pippi Långstrump och Tusen gånger starkare

The purpose of this essay is to examine the construction of the norm-breaking Characters Saga from the young adult novel Tusen gånger starkare written by Christina Herrström and Pippi Longstocking from the books written by Astrid Lindgren. In order to do this I have applied queer theory as well as theories of narrative in my analysis.To be able to study the breaking of norms, it has been essential to first examine the way the norm itself is manifested in the books. Because of this I have chosen to begin my analysis with an examination of two other Characters who by their normative behavior contrasts against Pippi and Saga, namely Signe and Annika. The understanding of the normative discourse that Signe and Annika represent is crucial in understanding the way Saga and Pippi later turn against it.After that I examine in which ways Saga and Pippi breaks prevalent norms and how they as Characters are constructed as being different. Subsequently I study the effects of Saga?s and Pippi?s norm-breaking, taking focus on how it influences Signe and Annika.Finally I discuss the view of Saga and Pippi as subversive Characters, and however the books can be said to have a subversive effect.

Tolvmansgården : -en skärgårdsträdgårds historia och framtid

Summary The place I have been working with is a garden, belonging to a family estate, called Tolvmansgården. It is located on an island northeast of Norrtälje in Roslagen. The frontage is red with white corners like so many other houses in the neighbourhood, but ours is one of the oldest houses on the island. Today the house and garden is own by my mother, Pia Johansson. Since I?ve started my education in garden design my interest for our country garden has increased.

Karaktärsskapandets karaktär : En undersökning om karaktärsskapandets betydelse i MMORPGs

Denna uppsats undersöker vad spelare vill uppleva i sitt karaktärsskapande iolika spel. Syftet med arbetet har varit att få bättre förståelse för vad enanvändare vill ha ut av sin karaktär och sitt karaktärskapande.Frågeställningen i arbetet löd: ?Vad är för en designer viktigast att tänka pånär man designar en karaktärsskapande del i ett spel?? Förhoppningen varatt få en djupare förståelse för karaktärsskapandets karaktär för att bättrekunna designa den karaktärsskapande delen i ett spel. Undersökningengenomfördes med en kvalitativ metod för att belysa frågorna djupare. Förstskapades en kvalitativ intervju, och efter intervjuerna skapades tre nyafrågor som lades ut på två internetforum med inriktning mot MMORPGs.De spelare som verkade vara mest intresserade av karaktärsskapande ochprocessen kring karaktärsskapandet, var de spelare som ibland ägnade sig åtrollspelande.

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