

3817 Uppsatser om Change leader - Sida 60 av 255

The Student Habitat : "a small and interactive community where students can live, interact and socialize."

I?ve chosen a subject that's close to my heart, as a student who has experiences the need of a change in the traditional student living.I've focused my theses on ?nding the key ingredients for improving an individuals time as a student. In a time when students are struggling to ?nd accommodation that ful?lls the need of being close to university, close to social places, adequate size and affordable. This is close to impossible! This is not just a problem in Stockholm but an international dilemma.The heart of my thesis is, how can we create clever ways of student accommodation with emphasis on community and a more sustainable way of living?Only when we start embracing change and by breaking out of our traditional individual living, can we then start to realise and recognise the bene?ts of working, studying and living together.

Visuell planering enligt Lean : Optimering av samordning i syfte att höjakvaliteten i grundläggningsprojekt

Construction production always contains different disciplines whose priorities andinterests can be very diverse. Good communication and coordination are essential tominimize misunderstandings and achieve good quality in the end result. This makesplanning a central part of the production management. In a world where conditionscan change as often as daily, being well prepared increases the opportunities to stayflexible and decrease negative effects of the changes.This study has been done in association with Skanska Foundations district North inStockholm in order to investigate how visual planning can be used in the productionmanagement to optimize the coordination and the quality.The history of Lean started at Toyota, but the concept are now spread over theworld and are used wide outside of the car industry nowadays. What?s challengingabout Lean in foundation projects is to embrace a long-term perspective and invest insolutions that are profitable in the longer term, instead of solve problems by onlytreating the symptoms.A holistic perspective is crucial in order to truly understand Lean.

Våga fråga: Faktorer som påverkar psykologisk trygghet i team

This thesis aims to further study the interpersonal risk taking within groups and thereby the importance of a climate promoting a reflective behavior. The increased demand in complexity and exposure towards teamwork leads to increased call for knowledge integration, which can be explained as the ability to integrate the collective knowledge within the group. We have therefor identified a need for better understanding what makes a group more effective. Key factors for self-estimated effective collaboration have been shown to be a group's reflective behavior and ability to coordinate the skills that each individual possesses. These factors are greatly affected by the psychological safety within the team.

Vad är hälsa för män?

Abstract P. Hed. (2011) What is health for men? Bachelor thesis. Gävle: University of Gävle, Faculty of health and occupational studies; 2011.

Intensivt förbättringsarbete : ? En fallstudie av förbättringsarbete på Danderyds sjukhus intensivvårdsavdelning

Bakgrund och problem: Med den ökande efterfrågan på vård men med begränsade möjligheter att utöka sjukvårdens resurser finns ett stort behov av förbättringskunskap inom vården. Det är allt vanligare att sjukvården hämtar inspiration till förbättringsarbete från industrin i syfte att öka effektiviteten och hålla en hög kvalitet.Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva och analysera hur intensivvårdsavdelningen (IVA) på Danderyds sjukhus arbetar med löpande förbättringsarbete samt att baserat på analysen ge rekommendationer om hur detta arbete kan utvecklas. Ett bisyfte är att inom ramen för IVA:s förbättringsarbete undersöka det stöd från kvalitet- och verksamhetsutvecklingsfunktionen på Danderyds sjukhus som IVA kan nyttja och att ge förslag på hur detta stöd kan utvecklas.Metod: Denna kvalitativa fallstudie genomfördes på intensivvårdsavdelningen (IVA) vid Danderyds sjukhus. Datainsamlingsmetoderna som användes är semi-strukturerade intervjuer, dokumentstudier och observation. Analysen skedde genom mönsterjämförelse.Resultat: Det främsta förbättringsarbetet som genomfördes på IVA var genom förbättringsteam med ansvar över att utveckla vissa områden inom vården.

Är chefen verkligen jämlik och vad får det för effekter på commitment?

Teorin om Leader- Member Exchange antar att en chef differentierar mellan olika anställda i arbetsgruppen, vilket därav kan kännas av i arbetsplatsomgivningen. Ett högt utbytesförhållande med chefen har visat sig få betydande konsekvenser inom en organisation. Utifrån det kan det vara viktigt att chefen upplevs som jämlik. Denna studie undersökte hur chefen brukar differentiera förhållningssätt gentemot olika anställda samt om chefen uppfattas som jämlik, detta för att utröna vilken påverkan det har på commitment till organisationen, och till arbetsgruppen. Beroende på om avdelningscheferna skiljer sig åt beträffande uppfattad jämlikhet undersöktes om anställdas commitment skiljer sig åt mellan avdelningarna.

Utanförskap i det klasslösa samhället. En analys av förståelsen av klass och social ojämlikhet i svensk politisk debatt

This study explores the notion of class and social inequality as expressed in the Swedish election campaign of 2006 and in the reception of the Swedish conservative party as a "worker's party". Inspired by Fairclough's critical discourse analysis I have carried through an investigation of the debate. My sources consists in a collection of articles, mainly leader columns and contributions to the debate, from a selected number of Swedish newspapers.I found that an explicit discussion about class, or use of the concept as such, was largely absent. In cases where the concept occurred it was often used in a purely descriptive sense or dismissed as outdated. Furthermore, I have drawn the conclusion that the traditional understanding of class is being challenged by a discourse which aims at establishing a new understanding of social inequality as lack of paid work.I take my point of departure in the belief that class continues to be one of the most important bases of social inequality.

Vattenkraft i Sverige : -Kartläggning kring miljöpåverkan, styrmedel och metoder på uppdrag av Statkraft Sverige AB

This paper aims to examine how and to what extent, a transition of Sweden according to the principles of Omställning Sverige (Transition towns Sweden), have the potential to contribute to a society with increased happiness.The paper is based on a qualitative textual analysis of the key texts in the Swedish Transition towns movement, Omställning Sverige. In the first part of the study the most important transition principles of Omställning Sverige were identified. Four key principles emerged: An altered view of economics, a spiritual change, a stronger local community and increased awareness. These transition principles were then analyzed through the lens of the scientific fields position on happiness, followed by a summarizing conclusion.The altered view of economics which Omställning Sverige advocates, where sustainability and quality of life are priorities over economic growth, is even necessary to secure our basic physiological needs. Such an economy has also improved conditions for economic stability, high employment and higher efficiency in the sense of happiness promoted in relationship to how many natural resources are used.

Inkludering som mål för skolans specialpedagogiska arbete : Ett dilemma mellan styrdokumentets direktiv och verkligheten i klassrummet

The society?s view of pupils with needs of special support in nine-year school has changed over time in Sweden. The teachers? views of the pupils have had an influence of how the special education process is designed. The aim with my paper is to make a comparative study of how special education teachers in rural schools and schools in Stockholm have designed their work with pupils with needs of special support.

Från produkt till prenumerationstjänst

The use of subscription services directed towards customers has become a common phenomenon in a vast number of different industries. We have noticed a clear trend of new businesses emerging solely offering subscriptions, and existing companies altering sales of their products to become parts of subscriptions. But research has not caught up with this trend yet, especially regarding why it occurs and how it affects existing businesses internally. The purpose of this study is to examine the driving forces for change and examine how existing businesses have to change parts of their business models to offer subscription services. The premise of this study has been Vargo & Luschs (2004) Service Dominant Logic with their foundational premises and Business Model Canvas by Osterwalder et.

"När man tar steget från lägerelden så får man söka andra lägereldar" : Internt rekryterade chefers upplevelser av hur det är att leda före detta kollegor

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka nytillsatta förstalinjes chefers upplevelser i en nyskapad tjänst, som benämns funktionschef, med 50 procent arbete i produktionen och 50 procent chefsuppgifter. Cheferna har tillträtt tjänsten internt och har ingen erfarenhet av ledarskap sen tidigare. Uppsatsen bygger på nio intervjuer och materialet analyserades genom en grundläggande kvalitativ metod. Resultatet visar att funktionscheferna upplever det positivt att ha blivit internt tillsatt till tjänsten då de har en större förståelse för myndigheten och arbetsuppgifterna samt en kännedom om sina medarbetare. Funktionscheferna upplever att en tjänst med två befattningar, arbete i produktionen och chefsuppgifter, är positivt för egen utveckling och gynnar arbetsgruppen och myndigheten.

Säljorganisationer: en enkätundersökning i
villatillverkningsbranschen i Sverige

This master thesis was made to describe how sales organisations are constructed in Sweden within an industry with almost every sales situation as a new task selling, and where almost every selling is over one million Skr. One of these industries is the homebuilding industry with companies that manufacturers prefabricated houses and semi-fixed manufactured homes in Sweden. The pre-studies where made by using the Internet, intervjues and theory studies to construct a conceptual framework. The sales organisation was conceptualized to be able to measure: salesman, sales leader, improved skills, communication, reported information, compensation and company targets. This conceptualisation and operationalisation lead to a survey that captured organisations within the homebuilding industry in Sweden.

Värdedrivare i buyout-investeringar av noterade private equity-bolag - En empirisk studie av 15 svenska buyout-investeringar 1998-2012

Sweden is a world leader in listed private equity and ranked fifth in the world in market capitalization. The sector is attracting increasing interest from the investment community. However, the private equity industry in Sweden has historically poor reputation and is criticized for creating value through high leverage, multiple riding and severe cuts. This study analyzes value creation drivers in buyouts from the perspective of the private equity firm using a dataset of 15 realized buyouts by private equity firms listed on NASDAQ OMX Nordic Stockholm. The methodology used separates the value contribution of leverage on the private equity firm's return from internal operational improvements and external variations in transaction multiples.

Ledarskap i tv-såpans värld : tre hierarkiska nivåer i Rederiet

Background: The description of different characters in soapoperas are often exaggerated to catch the viewers interest and to present an exiting content. The phenomenon that takes place in soapoperas can often relates to every-day- life-situations. The viewers should recognise them selves in the content, the imaginary situations and the characters should be normal but at the same time exaggerated and twisted to catch the viewers attention. This means that the characters in Rederiet should have connections to the real world and this makes it interesting to study how the different styels of leadership are descibed.Purpose: The purpose is to analyse and compare three choosen characters in the soapopera Rederiet, from existing leadership thoeries. To identify leadership on three hierarchical levels ? head of machinery, superintendent and captain ? and to analyse how leadership are descibed in the soapopera.

Bättre ut : En kvalitativ studie ur klientperspektiv om frigivning.

The purpose of this study is to from a client point of view study the release process. The first issue is which positive and negative aspects on the release situations that are revealed trough the interviews. The second issue is which changes that are needed to improve the conditions for the release work to be crime preventive. The study has been performed by means of qualitative interviews with clients, and one person with a long professional experience of treatment of offenders. The results show that the release work has generally not been successful.

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