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Rikedom sover illa på en bädd av fattigdom : En fallstudie om detaljistföretaget Indiska Magasinets etik- och miljöarbete
This essay highlights the Swedish retail companies? engagement in ethics and environment issues as a part of the business concept. The Customer is today more aware about what is going on in the world than ever before. Two of the main reasons are the Internet and the globalization. In relation to the customer being more aware about the situation in the world today, the demand for products which have been produced in consideration of ethical and environmental values has increased.
Debatten kring e-böcker på folkbibliotek
The increased popularity of e-books in the Swedish publiclibraries started a debate in newspapers and library journalsbecause of the increase in costs, which this popularity hadled to. The main subject of the debate was the businessmodel provided by the e-book vendor Elib, which accordingto some ruins the libraries financially. In this thesis, opinionarticles have been analyzed using a theoretical model ofcultural politics by the Danish Library and Informationscience researcher Dorthe Skot-Hansen. The results of thestudy showed that people from the library field, publishersand authors were the ones contributing to the debate. Theanalysis of the articles showed that the model of culturalpolitics which consists of four general motives: socialchange, education, economic growth and entertainment wasvisible in the articles.
Byte av kontaktdonsgränssnitt för Scania bromssystem
This master thesis was carried out at Scania in Södertälje, Sweden. It investigates the possibility of changing a connector interface that is used when there is a need for splicing the wheel speed sensor and thereby determine the consequences.The problems that exist with the current connector interface occur during assembly, as more time is required to complete a connection in a reliable manner. A complete connection requires joining the male and female connector, insert the connection into a protective retainer and then strap a cable tie on each end of the retainer. This process makes it more time consuming and it requires 20-30 seconds to complete the connection. Solving this problem would save time and enable easier assembly, therefore resulting in economical benefits.This thesis was accomplished through discussions with different sections at Scania, studying available documentations, observations during assembly, writing a requirement specification and contacting suppliers.The aforementioned methods resulted in four connector suggestions, the DT and DTMH connector from Deutsch, MCON connector from TE connectivity and MLK connector from Kostal, each of them compliant with the set demands of the surrounding environment.
Konsistens vid indexering av skönlitteratur för barn och ungdom
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate a Swedish subject headings list for childrens and young adults fiction, from the perspective of consistency, and to analyze this concept's importance as a tool for measuring indexing quality. Another aim is to examine how librarians view the subject headings list as an aid for indexing fiction. The main questions are: How does the degree of consistency change when using a subject headings list for indexing fiction compared to free indexing? How does indexing change according to the facets Form/Genre, Time, Space, Matter and Person when using the list? What do consistency calculations reveal about indexing quality? How do the participants look upon the list as an aid for indexing? The empirical material consists of results from two different indexings of fiction, conducted by librarians. Consistency is calculated using Hoopers and Rollings algorithms.
Behandling av män som brukar våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer : Behandlingsmodeller, utvärderingsresultat och teoretiska perspektiv
Föreliggande studies syfte är att studera och beskriva behandlingsmodeller för män som använder våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer. Syftet kan brytas ned i följande frågeställningar: (i) vilka behandlingsmodeller finns omnämnda i litteraturen för män som använder våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer och hur kan dessa beskrivas, (ii) vilka likheter respektive skillnader finns mellan olika behandlingsmodeller, (iii) vilka behandlingsresultat och utvärderingssvar finns dokumenterade beträffande behandlingsmodellernas effektivitet samt (iv) hur kan resultatet analyseras utifrån teoretiska perspektiv beträffande mäns våld mot kvinnor? Som utgångspunkt för analys har tre teoretiska perspektiv beträffande mäns våld mot kvinnor brukats. Dessa har utgjorts av ett strukturellt/feministiskt, ett individualpsykologiskt samt ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv, vilka förklarar mäns våld mot kvinnor på skilda abstraktionsnivåer och med olika teoretiska utgångspunkter. Föreliggande uppsats har genomförts som en litteraturstudie med ett kvalitativt angreppssätt, med anledning av studiens intention att beskriva och sammanställa kunskaper om existerande behandlingsmodeller för män som använder våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer.
Regionalpolitisk måluppfyllelse inom Europeiska unionen : Stärker regionalprogrammet Interreg den ekonomiska och sociala sammanhållningen och bidrar med en balanserad utveckling?
AbstractThe aim of this thesis is to examine Interreg as an instrument for regional policy in the European Union. Interreg is an initiative designed to strengthen economic and social cohesion throughout the European Union by fostering balanced development through cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation. But how does it work in practise? Three main questions are asked to answer this:How well does the implementation in the programmes work?How does the programme management look and how well does it work?What degree of efficiency does Interreg show in financial and physical effectiveness?With evaluation and implementation as theories the questions are answered together with a qualitative method. The conclusions that can be drawn is that Interreg strengthen European unions economic and social cohesion in form of integration and regional development that in many ways make it easier to travel and trade over the borders.
Comparison of Different Electrophoretic Methods for Haptoglobin Phenotyping and an Investigation in Patients with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Haptoglobin is an acute phase protein with important biological role because of its capacity to bind to haemoglobin. Haptoglobin exists in three major genetic polymorphism types: Hp1-1, Hp2-1 and Hp2-2, the distribution of which has been associated with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), an asymptomatic aortic disease common among men older than 65 years. Five different electrophoretic methods were tested according to their ability to separate the haptoglobin phenotypes. The detection was based on a produced hemolysate of blood in which haemoglobin binds to haptoglobin thereby forming a complex that can be detected by specific haemoglobin staining using TMB-dihydrochloride and hydro peroxide as substrate resulting in an azure-green color of the bands. Samples from 15 patients who had suffered surgery for not broken AAA, that is more than5.0 cmaortic diameter, and 15 samples from matched controls were analyzed. Among the five tested electrophoretic methods best migration and separation was seen on the pre-cast agarosgel Hydragel HR on the instrument Hydrasys. The other four methods gave less successful results.
Ny historia? : Lärares uppfattningar och tolkningar om ämnesplanen i historia
This essay aims to examine how three active history teachers in the upper secondary school interprets the new course plan for history in gy11. The essay shows how they discuss and express opinions regarding three main keywords - historical awerness, use of history and source criticism, and finally, how they think they need to change the way they teach..
Skogsåkeriägares inställning till organisationsförändringar :
There are two groups of haulage contractors in roundwood transport , those who are contracted direct by the transport buyer and those who are connected to a freight company which in its turn is contracted by the transport buyer. Today the roundwood haulage is dominated by contractors with one to two lorries. The effort of coordinating transportation for a transport buyer is dependent on how many communication contacts that must be managed (how many individual haulage contractors the transport buyer has to work with). A structural change in the sector that leads to a decrease in the number of haulage contractors but an increase in the capacity of each contractor, makes it possible for a transport buyer to coordinate transports with fewer communication contacts. The reason why a company reaches a certain size can be explained by the number of contracts it makes and manages.
Karlstad och vattnet : En studie av hur förhållningssättet till översvämningsrisk har förändrats i Karlstads kommun sedan 1950-talet
The location on the river delta of Klarälven, adjacent to lake Vänern, makes Karlstad one of the Swedish cities where a significant flood risk is present. The city has several major floods in its memory which has caused great material damage and economic losses, the latest of which occurred in the winter of year 2000/2001. The purpose of the study is to examine how the approach to flood risk has changed in the municipality of Karlstad since the 1950s, and how this change has affected the current situation regarding the city's vulnerability to flooding. To investigate this, a document analysis was conducted, where key documents in the media and from the municipality of Karlstad was studied. Furthermore, an interview study was conducted with respondents who currently are employed or previously have been employed in the municipality of Karlstad, who in various ways work with issues of flood risk. The result of the study shows that several changes have taken place since the 1950s in terms of the municipality's approach to flood risk, which for instance has led to preventative measures being taken to a greater extent than previously in the physical planning.
Marknadsföringen biblioteket : En fallstudie av Broby bibliotek
The purpose of this master thesis is to use marketing theory on the library?s activities. The marketing theory used is the 4Ps; product, price, promotion and place, as it's presented by Philip Kotler. Because the library can be seen as a service oriented organization Christian Gronroos theory of marketing in the service industry also has been used. A case study of the public library in Broby was made to illustrate how the public libraries? activities can appear in the light of marketing theory.
"Folk är inte lika för att dom kommer från Sudan" : en översikt av förekomsten av familjer med annan kulturell bakgrund vid Familjenheten i Lund
The purpose of this study was to, using statistical analysis, investigate to what extent families of a different cultural background have participated in family therapy and other family treatment programs at Familjeenheten in Lund. With questions regarding the goals of treatment, and the importance of cultural competence in the treatment process we have let two unit managers comment on the statistics. The population of the study is too small to allow general conclusions to be drawn, however, we have been able to ascertain that families of a different background are over-represented relative to their percentage of Lund´s population. Familjeenheten has no statistical record of ethnicity and the interviewed persons express no certain importance in the families´ cultural origins. They express no need to develop special treatment methods that take the clients´ cultural background in regard as they feel that so many of family issues are universal.
Om vägen till ett bättre bestånd vid ett skolbibliotek ? en aktionsforskningsansats.
For a school library to function as a support for the students? development of their academic abilities, it must provide material satisfying their needs as well as the needs of the teachers. The school library should assist the students in their research endeavours, as well as inspire reading for pleasure. In order to do this it is imperative that the school library actively develops the existing collection and continually strives to meet the needs of its users. The aim of this Master?s thesis is to describe and reflect upon how a particular school library works with collection development.
"Gävlemodellen" : ? Födseln av en unik "bildbyrå" tillhörande två konkurrerande tidningar i Gävle
The role of the professional photographer is ever changing. The changes take place as the Swedish media industry itself, due to fluctuations in the economy, is forced to change. As the demand for printed news wane, the advertisers seek out other media and free newsprint & the internet take over large portions of the market, the newspaper industry is forced to cut issues and make drastic changes to stay in business. This changes directly affects the way news bureaus are organised and inevitably changes the working conditions of their employees. The two competing newspapers ?Arbetarbladet? and Gefle Dagblad? in the Gävle district were affected by this kind of change in quite a unique way.
Konkurrens inom hotellbranschen : En jämförande studie om uppfattad konkurrens utifrån två perspektiv
The hotel industry in Stockholm is characterized by intense competition, and within the next couple of years the construction of a number new hotels is planed. As the number of hotels in Stockholm increase, the competition will increase and the importance of having well functioning strategies will become vital. The purpose of this essay is to examine how two hotels within the hotel industry in Stockholm experience and handle the competition. The two hotels that are included in the study are Clarion Hotel Stockholm and Scandic Continental. The essay derives from models and theories that are related to marketing and competition.