

3513 Uppsatser om Change after psychotherapy - Sida 63 av 235

Utvärdering av den svenska cykelhjälmslagen för barn under 15 år : Analys av nationella trender i cykelrelaterade huvudskador mellan 1998-2011

Introduction: In January 2005, a nationwide mandatory bicycle helmet law for children under the age of 15 was introduced in Sweden. In the current study, the effect of this law was evaluated by analyzing national trends in hospital admissions due to bicycle-related head injuries during the period 1998-2011.Methods: An interrupted time-series design with segmented regression analysis was used to evaluate the intervention effect on head injuries as a percentage of all injuries (%HI) among cyclists in age- and sex-specific groups. Effect was measured as a change in level and/or slope of the trend at the time of legislation.Results: A total of 35261 cyclists (0-54 years) were hospitalized due to a bicycle injury during the study period. Linear regression analyses of the entire study period (not segmented) showed significant year-to-year decreases in the %HI of 1.3-1.7% in all age and sex-specific groups (p < .0001). Results from the segmented regression analysis showed that, at the time of legislation, a significant drop in level occurred among males under 15 years (-4.5% [95% CI: -7.7% to -1.3%], p = .01) and a significant change in slope occurred among females aged 30-54 years (-1.6% [95% CI: -2.9% to -0.2%], p = .025).Conclusions: The law seems to have had an effect on males in the target population (<15 years).

Solel från ljudbarriär : längs Annetorpsvägen i Hyllie, Malmö

City of Malmö has ambitions for the district Hyllie to become a demonstrative area ofsustainable urban development. As a part of this the following report aims to investigate the potential in using noise barriers combined with photovoltaics along Annetorpsvägen to generate solar electricity. To quantify the losses that shadows from buildings along the roadmight cause, a 3D-model of the area was constructed in SketchUp. This digital model made it possible to simulate shadows and how they change over the year. A reference model of a photovoltaic noise barrier (PVNB) was constructed and used to find the dates on which the solar cells are shadowed depending on building heights and positioning of the barrier.The results show that two lengths with a total distance of 400 meters is appropriate for applying photovoltaic noise barriers.

Brukarinflytande - en oklar självklarhet : om brukarinflytande i särskilt boende inom äldreomsorgens kommunala verksamhet

This paper is a qualitative study on the influence of the residents in a special communitydwelling within the care system for elderly. The purpose of the study is to describe and analyse with a user perspective how particularly staff members but also a group of retired people living in this dwelling interpret and articulate the concept of resident influence. How the retirees can influence the design and the content of the activities and the organization. How today the residents influence is carried out with the ideas and visions of the future.My methods include qualitative structured, semi-structured and non-structured interviews within a general frame of a resident questionnaire. The staff members present the current situation and reflect on the reasons for obstacles for resident influence.The group of retired people who lives in structures originating in the Swedish long-term care system and homes for the elderly tends to adjust to given routines and express a low-voiced wish for increased influence.

Fallen som föll : en studie av kasusbortfall i ett medeltida brev

There is an old saying, that after Epaminondas nothing was ever the same again. In this thesis I will focus on three questions: "Epaminondas the man." Who was he? "Epaminondas the general." How did he change the technique of warfare that made it possible to beat the Spartans? "Epaminondas, founder of cities and wall-builder." How did he build the walls around the cities he initiated, that made them resist enemy attacks for many years to come?While seeking the answers to yhese questions I will make a contextual analysis to get the historical background to all the phenomina involved..

Integration av de anställda i den strategiska utvecklingsprocessen : En fallstudie om kopplingen mellan Affärsutveckling, Change Management och det Balanserade styrkortet på ett svenskt IT-bolag

Strategisk affärsutveckling har länge varit ett fenomen åtskilliga företag velat bemästra. Då ett kontinuerligt förändrande marknadslandskap präglar dagens affärsutveckling är det svårt att bedriva effektiv strategisk affärsutveckling. Denna studie syftar till att beskriva och öka förståelsen kring hur ett modernt IT-företag med hjälp av ett balanserat styrkort som strategiskt verktyg skall kunna förbättra den förändringsbaserade affärsutvecklingen utifrån de anställdas perspektiv. Fyra års akademisk erfarenhet inom ekonomi samt ett brinnande intresse för strategisk affärsutveckling ligger till grund för denna studie.Studier har visat att generellt sett närmare 80 procent av anställda inom olika företag upplever oklarheter kring begreppet förändring och hur det påverkar organisationens strategiska utveckling. Således har vi valt att i det teoretiska avsnittet fokusera på strategisk affärsutveckling, vidare har vi belyst konceptet Change Management samt hur förändring påverkar den strategiska utvecklingsprocessen.

Tegel tegel på väggen där : ett kulturhus i förändring

The culture center studied has gone from being organized by enthusiasts and ideals, to being institutionalized with a educational association responsible for the management. The questions discussed are ? how this change affects the active people in the house and what consequences these changes make for the institution of the house and for the regular management..

Rekreationsanpassade skogsskötselplaner för friluftsområdena Mellsta och Skräddarbacken i Borlänge :

This Master thesis is performed at the request of the forest company Mellanskog and the local municipality of Borlänge in Sweden and aims to establish recreational adjusted forest management plan for the areas of Mellsta and Skräddarbacken in Borlänge. In all types of urban forestry it is very important that the management plan are accepted by the general public. To make sure that also these plans of future measures, pass in the public, interview studies have been performed in which the public wishes and interests have been examined and applied in the management plan. To make sure that future measures in the forest may be accepted by the public when the forest harvester enters the woods, it is very important that a well functional work of information has been made. The people living close by the forest shall have been informed a couple of weeks before the time of measures and it must also be good information available that explains what is to be done and why.

Hinder och möjligheter med jobbcoachning : utifrån jobbcoachers och arbetssökandes syn på insatsen

Abstract This qualitative interview study focuses on job coaching by examining what thoughts, views and opinions the involved parties, such as job applicants and job coaches, have of the contribution. The aim is to highlight the obstacles and opportunities by examining the expectations that exist from both parties as well as how to look at job coaching and its different areas. In this context, examine the similarities and differences between the two parties approach to the contribution. This is made possible through four interviews with job applicants as well as four interviews with job coaches. A grounded theory inspired approach was used to obtain the results of the study.

Konflikt och konsensus : En studie av den keltiska religionens förändring under den romerska kolonisationen

In this essay I investigate how the Roman colonization (around 50 BC to 400 AD) affected the Celtic religion. I inquire which operators that were behind these changes and under what circumstances they happened. I take a closer look on three places in Gaul and one place and one area in Britain. In my study of these places I see that it was the elite of the Celtic societies who together and under pressure from Rome made these changes. The religion and gods did not change; instead the ritual ceremonies changed to fit into something that Rome thought was right.

Svensk uttagsbeskattnings förenlighet med etableringsfriheten : En analys av 22 kap. 5§ 4 pkt. och 7§ IL samt 17a kap. SBL

The Swedish exit tax legislation in Chapter 22. § 5 p. 4 IL states that businesses who change its tax residence to another Member State within the EES are taxed as having its assets sold at the time of the change of domicile. This legislation was declared incompatible with the freedom of establishment in case RÅ 2009 ref. 30 due to the fact that businesses who changed tax residence were treated worse than businesses that remained within the Member State of origin.

Pojkars och flickors lek : En studie av lek under 1900-talet

This study shows how boys and girls play has changed during the 20th century. The purpose is to make people aware of the change that has happened. In the background I show what the literature says about gender and play, before and now.To get a result I?ve interviewed two older persons and four children. These interviews has been compared to see similarities and differences.I discovered that today?s play revolves mostly around toys.

"Det går i vågor, fram och tillbaks" : Sex lärares berättelser om särskilda undervisningsgruppers förändringsprocess

Den svenska skolan har haft elever som bedömts vara i behov av särskilt stöd sedanfolkskolan infördes 1842. Hur denna undervisning bedrivits eller varit utformad har sett olika ut under olika tidsperioder. Vi ville ta del av lärares erfarenheter av särskilda undervisningsgruppers förändringsprocess över ett trettioårigt perspektiv, och lyfta fram förändringsprocessens positiva och negativa konsekvenser för eleverna i deras sociala utveckling och i lärandet så som lärarna uppfattar det. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats med narrativa intervjuer som metod. Den narrativa metoden syftar till att tolka och förstå lärarnas berättelser.

Social kontakt för hund i rastgård ? när kan kraven anses uppfyllda?

People in Sweden have more and more dogs in their care, and several of these dogs are kept in kennels in back yards for various reasons. According to Swedish animal welfare legislations the need for social contact for dogs has to be met. However, there are few details presented on how to meet the need and when it can be considered satisfied. Does the dog need human contact to fulfill the need, or is the company of other dogs enough? This study aims to specify what can be acceptable when it comes to fulfilling dogs? social needs in accordance with the Swedish animal welfare legislation.

Passiva lantbrukare ? en effekt av EU:s jordbrukspolitik : en studie av ett antal faktorers påverkan på svenska passiva lantbrukares attityder till markanvändning och EU:s jordbrukspolitik

The problem with passive farmers has arised as an effect of the European Union´s common agricultural policy (CAP) and the decouplement from production-based payments. Payments to passive farmers contradict the purpose of the single payment scheme and constitute a great cost for the EU. The new contractual period after 2013 has given rise to discussions on the direction of the CAP with a purpose of increasing the efficiency of the single payment scheme, and reducing passive farming. The aim of the study is to increase the knowledge about a few factors? influence on passive farmers? attitudes towards land use and the CAP.

Heligt vatten : En jämförande studie om två rituella bad och hur dessa kan kopplas till ämnet religionskunskap på gymnasieskolan.

This essay is about two Swedish folk musicians, Anders Rosén and Leif Stinnerbom, who have been playing two important rolls in the developing process of Swedish folk music, on their separate ways. The main part of this work is focused on the era called ?The Folk Music Vogue?, which was the era when my informants were in the limelight on the Swedish fiddler scene of the 70s.Our music culture is constantly lying under the change of progress and I find it interesting to reflect how these kinds of changes are affecting the role of the musician.In this essay I am reflecting on the different perspectives of the musicianship according to my informants and how they both are referring to their role as musicians. The purpose is further on to see how they have been relating to the change of progress on the field of the Swedish folk music during the 70s and up to this date. Throughout interviews with the informants I am analyzing their personal relationship to their life as folk musicians.

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