

3513 Uppsatser om Change after psychotherapy - Sida 10 av 235

Smältbarhet på ensilage och hö hos hästar i träning :

Horses are made to eat mainly roughage and it is essential for optimal health to offer them an appropriate amount of roughage with good hygienic and nutritional qualities. To produce good hay at the right time and be able to keep the hygienic quality until next summer is a problem. This has the effect that horse owners today choose haylage and silage to a larger extent. Science in this area is scarce, i.e. if the change from hay to silage has any effect on the horse.

Psykologers gränser till gränssituationers psykologi : En fenomenologisk studie av hur psykologer kan handskas med livsåskådningsfrågor i samtalsbehandling

This qualitative studie discusses how psychologists can integrate clients' secular or religious philosophies into counseling and psychotherapy, as themes that are psychologically meaningful. The studie also discusses how psychologists can understand and respond to the psychological aspects of clients' existential and religious experiences. Eight psychologists were interviewed and their experiences were analysed using a phenomenological method.The results of the interviews suggested that the eight psychologists could handle the psychological aspects of clients' philosophies, by investigating their own personal philosophies and scientific ontologies. It was also discussed how an awareness of the psychologists' professional boundaries and personal experiences of existential and religious phenomenons, could facilitate an integration of clients' existential and religious experiences..

Lepenski Vir - mellan floden och skogen. En uppsats om en mesolitisk bosättning i förändring.

This essay deals with the ideas of social change in the Iron Gates Gorge site of Lepenski Vir during the Mesolithic. The change from a mainly fish-based subsistence strategy to a strategy that came to rely more on hunting and later domesticated animals could have been the onset of the social change that is noticeable in the material culture from the site. Theessay is divided in two main segments. The first consists of a case-study based on three themes that describes and searches for changes in the subsistence-, settlement- and burialpractises during the Mesolithic and beginning of the Neolithic phases, and the second part analyses the results from the case-study. It is primarily the idea of transformations and reproductions of traditions that will be dealt with in the analysis which is facilitated by a theoretic structure based on and inspired by the works of Emilé Durkheim and Anthony Giddens..

Informationsdelgivningsreglerna i MiFID II : Uppnår informationsdelgivningsreglerna behovet om ökat inesterarskydd?

The securities market was to undergo a major change with the entry of MiFID I in November 2007. EU´s establishment if the directive sets high standards for investment firms to establish internal guidelines in accordance with MiFID I. As right now, the securities market is facing further change with the proposal for MiFID II.MiFID II seeks to overcome MiFID I´s shown deficiencies. The greatest need for change are the rules that secure investor protection, with specific focus on regulation on information service from investment firms to customers. This essay deals with the rules on information service enacted in MiFID I compared to the changes presented in MiFID II to investigate whether the changes could strengthen investor protection as desired.MiFID II is a more detailed framework than its precursor.

Att arbeta med förebyggande förändring på producerande företag

En förändring är ett tillstånd som vi upplever under hela vår livstid, både privat och i arbetslivet. Företag måste förändras för att kunna bevara sin konkurrens-kraft. Motstånd till förändring kan anses som det största enskilda hotet mot ett framgångsrikt införande av en strategi på ett företag. Ett sätt att hantera detta motstånd är att använda sig av den delaktiga förändringsmodellen samt stävja rädslor och osäkerhet. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att vi ville få en ökad förståelse för hur företag arbetar med produktionsförbättringar och om de känner av något motstånd vid dessa förändringar. De intervjuade företagen anger som sin absolut största förändring deras införande av ett eget produktionssystem med stort fokus på Kaizen ? Ständiga förbättringar. Under arbetets gång stötte vi på en psykologisk och vetenskaplig teori om Förändringens fyra rum som anses vara ett kraftfullt hjälpmedel vid alla förändringar..

Kapitalstruktur och Affärsrisk

During the past year it has been made possible to buy back a company?s outstanding stock. This is done in order to change the capital structure towards a situation with less equity. A change in capital structure means a change in the cost of capital for a company and by that a change in the value for the stockholder. This Master Thesis studies the relation between capital structure and business risk.

Populära bilderböcker och genus: Genusstrukturerna i de mest utlånade bilderböckerna 2007

The purpose of this Master's thesis is to examine if stereotype gender patterns are showing, and how they are showing, in the picture books that have the highest number of loan in Sweden?s three biggest cities. It is also a purpose to show if these gender patterns can be compared to the outlook on gender in the curriculum. The method used is a qualitative text analysis. 13 picture books are analyzed on the basis of Yvonne Hirdman?s theories on gender and Maria Nikolajeva?s theories on children?s literature.

Strategy and change stories at work - Translating ideal official stories into real case stories

When referring to the same event, people can have different assumptions. What is interesting to see is why these assumptions are different, why do people have different stories? Some of the reasons could be different levels of expectation, different communication channels or even different cultural backgrounds. We have analysed all these by having a case study within a company that has recently gone through a change management/strategy implementation process.The research reviewed in this paper originates in two different worlds. One world is a research world where stories come from textbooks and articles.

Communication works for those who work at it : En studie i hur organisatoriska kommunikationsstrategier kan bidra till meningsskapande under en förändringsprocess

Aim: The challenges that arise from the development of the digitalization are forcing organizations to adjust their activities and operations to meet the needs of the society and organization´s important stakeholders. To be able to keep up with the developments organizations are constantly changing. These changes must be communicated to their stakeholders in a way that makes sense to them and to ensure that mutual understanding is achieved for the change to be succesful throughout the organization. The main purpose of this paper is to study an organizations communication during a change process. The focus lies on organizational communication strategies and the sensemaking processes as organization communicates about the change to its important stakeholders.Contribution:This paper will contribute to the field of organizational communication by filling a gap on empirical studies of internal communication during an organizational change.Method: The main method for this paper is the qualitative interviews.

Kroppen i psykoterapi : hur verbala och kroppsliga interventioner kan förenas

Uppsatsen behandlar hur man som psykoterapeut praktiskt kan använda sig av kroppen i terapirummet, som ett komplement till det språkliga i det terapeutiska arbetet. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur psykodynamiska psykoterapeuter som också är sjukgymnaster använder sig av sin yrkesbakgrund i terapisituationen. Den använda metoden är kvalitativ.  Fyra legitimerade psykoterapeuter med bakgrund som sjukgymnaster intervjuades och resultatet visar: De upplever kroppen som en tillgång. Den skapar möjligheter till kontakt med känslor som tidigare har varit svåra att både känna och verbalisera. Genom att jobba med kroppen skapas en här- och nu-upplevelse som man kan utforska och reflektera över.

Interventioner för livsstilsförändring avseende kost och fysisk aktivitet inom primärvården

Background: Ill-health related to unhealthy lifestyle is increasing and despite existing knowledge about healthy lifestyle it is difficult to change behaviour. Counselling in the primary health care is often superficial and without critical elements for behaviour change. Aim: The aim of this paper to elucidate interventions for change of lifestyle with respect diet and physical activity. Method: A literature review was carried out and ten scientific articles were analyzed and compiled in two main categories: design of these interventions and participation in them. Results: Education, decision making, goal setting, feedback, social support and follow-up were identified as critical elements for behaviour change.

Dikotomi i förändring ? en studie i hur maktrelationen mellan politiker och tjänstemän påverkas av övergången till en nämndlös politisk organisation

Dichotomy in change ? a study of how the relationship in terms of power between politicians and civil servants in local government is affected by the transition to a system without branch committees.

Powerplay En studie om de stora sporternas numerära överläge i svensk press

The purpose with our study was to see if and how the amount of articles regarding different sports has changed during the last three decades. If it had changed our target was to se how and why it had changed. We have performed a quantitative content analysis. In the analysis we have studied the two national Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet. In doing so we have created two synthetic weeks in each of the years 1986, 1999 and 2012.

Nordiskt säkerhetspolitiskt samarbete : pragmatiskt men gränslöst

This study deals with one particular instance of foreign policy change in Sweden; The political take-off for enhanced Nordic Defence and Security Cooperation in the beginning of the 21st century which led to an agreement on a Nordic declaration on slolidarity. The aim of this study is to explain why the political development has undergone a rapid upturn and when such a policy change occur. Its purpose is to explain what factors and conditions that influenced the policy change. It also explores the meaning of the Nordic Declaration of Solidarity. The theoretical point of departure is Foreign Policy Analysis combined with John Kingdons policy-window theory.

Nivådiagnos med sensorfusion : Utveckling av koncept för nivåmätning i lutande tankar 

Today?s system to measure the volume in a tank consists of a vertically placed sensor. When a vehicle is tilted the level of the fluid might change and if the volume is calculated based only on the information from the sensor it could result in a incorrect value.This thesis exams a new method to calculate the volume in tanks by using sensor fusion to crosscheck the i formation from the level sensors when the vehicle is tilted. The information is then used to see if it is possible to identify the grade of tilt by the change of fluid level. If the grade of tilt can be measured then the volume can be calculated in a more accurate way.

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