

71 Uppsatser om Chambers - Sida 2 av 5

Hur en grupp pedagoger arbetar med barn för att skapa intresse för den skriftspråkliga världen

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur en grupp pedagoger, på två förskolor, arbetar med barnen för att utveckla intresse för den skriftspråkliga världen. För att uppnå detta syfte har vi genomfört en undersökning på två förskolor. Vi har observerat verksamheten samt utfört kvalitativa intervjuer med sammanlagt åtta pedagoger. För att kunna beskriva och sätta ord på vad vi sett har vi läst in oss på relevant teori av Jörgen Frost, Caroline Liberg och Aidan Chambers med flera. Resultatet visar att pedagogerna utgår från skönlitteratur för att tillvarata barnens intresse för den skriftspråkliga världen, vilket aktuell forskning förespråkar.

Samtal om texter för ökad läsförståelse : Introduktion av boksamtal i en F-3 skola

This study covers reading comprehension and the introduction of the "Tell me" approach as proposed by Chambers (1993) to a group of teachers in a Swedish F-3 school. Five teachers got to use the method for three weeks and were interviewed before and after the experiment to analyze their current ways of working and reactions to using the method in everyday tutoring. The result from the first interview showed that all of the participants had been using methods to improve the children?s reading comprehension prior to the study, but no one had tried the "Tell me" approach. After trying the method throughout the test period, all of the participants were positive about the methodology and showed an interest in continuing the use of it.

Bokprat för barn: ur ett förmedlarperspektiv

The aim of this masters thesis is to explore a mediators practical procedure during booktalks. The main question is: Why do librarians have booktalks and what does it mean to have booktalks for children? In order to answer our main question, we have used these three questions: - Why do our interviewed librarians have booktalks? - How do our informants prepare their booktalks and what do their presentations look like? - Do our informants have any follow-ups of their booktalks and if so, how do they do that? To limit the thesis, we have concentrated our study to Swedish public libraries and to children in the elementary school. We have conducted qualitative interviews with three librarians who do booktalks for children as a part of their job. The thesis theoretical basis is Aidan Chambers theory about the Reading Circle and especially the parts enabling adult and selection.

Hur elever förhåller sig till skönlitteratur - ett bokprojekt i skolår 2 och 3

Syftet med detta examensarbete är dels att genomföra ett bokprojekt, dels att se huruvida elever inom områdena kunskap, empati och fantasi kan få ett aktivt förhållningssätt till de skönlitterära texter de mötte under bokprojektet. Litteraturpedagogiska metoder hämtade från Chambers, Dysthe, Molloy och Rosenblatt utgör den teoretiska grunden till detta arbete. Genomförandet av projektet gjordes i två klasser, skolår 2 och 3. Intervjuer, boksamtal, läsloggsskrivande och egna dagboksanteckningar har utgjort underlag för resultatet. Den empiriska delen begränsades till fem veckor och informanterna utgjordes av 47 elever.

Högläsning och boksamtal : En studie om högläsning och olika sätt att använda boksamtal

I följande uppsats har en nyfikenhet kring hur högläsning och boksamtal används i förskolor varit huvudområdet. Det har undersökts på tio utvalda förskolor och bland tio yrkesarbetande utvalda pedagoger.Genom observationer på två förskolor och en enkätundersökning bland tio yrkesarbetande pedagoger på tio utvalda förskolor har Marie-Anne Lyckman och Ann-Cathrin Jönsson kommit fram till ett resultat och en tolkning av det. Detta redovisas i två metoddelar för respektive förskola samt en metoddel för enkätfrågorna till de tio utvalda pedagogerna. Tillsammans med varje metoddel finns en resultatdel.Vad forskare och teoretiker beskriver i sin litteratur har tillsammans med metoder och resultat bildat en helhet där tolkningar och undersökningar blivit diskuterat..

Bokprat - en undersökning av två mellanstadieklassers upplevelser av bokprat

The purpose of this master thesis is to examine if booktalk is a good method for stimulating reading based on interviews and observations with two classes of pupils in the intermediate level of the Swedish nine-year compulsory school. Our aim is also to study the reading environment regarding of Aidan Chambers' factors about what is indispensable for a good environment for the children. The factors are: Time for reading, time for reading aloud, the stock of books and conversations about books. The study is based on interviews with 38 pupils, two booktalkers and two teachers in two different cities. It also contains two observations of booktalk.

?Man får inte vara som man vill? : En studie om hur ett antal barn i årskurs 3 diskuterar normer och normbrott

The aim of this study is to investigate how 20 children discusses norm breaking based on a children?s book with a focus on following questions:How do the children discuss norms based on the children?s book?Are there differences in opinions and comments between children with Swedish as their first language and children with Swedish as a second language, and if so, which ones?The investigation is based on four discussions of children?s literature, which are a method Chambers (2004) means enable the children to put their thoughts and feelings about the book into words.The theoretical frame of the study is founded on post-structuralism feminism and particularly Butler (Ambjörnsson, 2010) and Davies (2003) theories about gender and gender roles.The investigation shows, among other things, that the children are basing their discussions on the norms accepted by the society. But it also shows that there are differences in the way that the children with Swedish as a first language and Swedish as a second language discusses norm breaking. .

Att stimulera pojkars läslust. Bibliotekariers läsfrämjande arbete inom ramarna för den ordinarie verksamheten.

The aim of this thesis was to examine the ways in which librarianswork to stimulate the joy of reading in boys. Four children- andschool librarians were chosen for interviews in which they wereasked questions about boys' reading and the approaches they usedto help boys. The librarians were asked if they perceived boys'reading as problematic, what methods they used to stimulate thejoy of reading and if they thought it would be helpful to work withboys and girls in different ways. They were asked what theythought was the biggest challenges in changing the boys? attitudestowards reading and what they would do if they could choosefreely without any constraints in time or money.Aidan Chambers' "The circle of reading" was used to compare atheory about reading to the ways in wich the librarians worked andtheir thoughts about how to initiate reading.

Högläsning: Ett pedagogiskt verktyg för ökad motivation och läsförståelse : En kvalitativ studie om högläsning på mellanstadiet.

The aim of this study was to investigate how four middle school teachers use and process the contents in read-aloud books, to stimulate the pupils interest in reading and increase reading comprehension. A qualitative approach was used to collect data, through interviews and observations. The findings show that all of the teachers work with read-aloud books regularly. The teachers state that read-aloud books have a positive effect on pupils language, vocabulary, reading comprehension, imagination and ability to reflect. The teachers have three distinctive purposes with read aloud-books, a moment of relaxation, create an interest in books and increase the pupils reading comprehension.

Göteborgshärvan. Kampen om förlorad legitimitet.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the factors of children?s voluntarily reading in their spare time. We also want to know if the children choose non-fiction books for their voluntarily reading. The method as well as the empirical basis of this study is qualitative, with interviews of twenty-eight children in ages between 9 and 12 years. We conducted nine interviews with 3?4 children in each group.

Projekt. En vanlig arbetsform.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the factors of children?s voluntarily reading in their spare time. We also want to know if the children choose non-fiction books for their voluntarily reading. The method as well as the empirical basis of this study is qualitative, with interviews of twenty-eight children in ages between 9 and 12 years. We conducted nine interviews with 3?4 children in each group.

I medborgarnas tjänst. En studie av Nya Försäkningskassans image och arbete med kundservice.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the factors of children?s voluntarily reading in their spare time. We also want to know if the children choose non-fiction books for their voluntarily reading. The method as well as the empirical basis of this study is qualitative, with interviews of twenty-eight children in ages between 9 and 12 years. We conducted nine interviews with 3?4 children in each group.

"Barn läsupplevelser: 10-åringars berättelser om valet av läsning läsmiljö, läsrespons och bokprat?

The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to examine how children describe their experiences of their own reading, with focus on different aspects of reading: Choice of reading, reading environment, response to reading and book talk. Our aim is also to examine which approaches to reading their stories illustrate. The research is founded on semi-structured interviews with six children aged 10, in connection with book talks. For analysis we used Åse Hedemark?s study Barn berättar : En studie av 10-årningars syn på läsning och bibliotek as well as Aidan Chambers? theories concerning reading and reading environment.

Undervisningsmetoder : litteraturundervisning - hur den ser ut enligt litteratur i ämnet och lärare i skolan

Målet med mitt arbete är att ta reda på vilka undervisningsmetoder som presenteras av forskare och lärare i litteraturen och sedan jämföra resultatet med lärares egna erfarenheter. Jag har fokuserat på litteraturundervisningen på högstadiet. Jag har använt böcker skrivna av bland annat Gerd och Gerhard Arfwedson, Ulla Lundqvist, Göran Ejenby & Gunilla Molloy, Olga Dysthe och Aidan Chambers. Jag genomförde sedan en enkätundersökning bland svensklärare på högstadiet för att få reda på hur de verkligen arbetar och vilka metoder de eventuellt använder sig av. Resultatet visade att de flesta av lärarna själva inte anser att de har någon specifik undervisningsmetod, men när jag läser deras svar kan jag tydligt se att de arbetssätt de beskriver är just delar av de metoder jag skrivit om.

?Faktaböcker får man bara läsa när man forskar?. En studie i barns självvalda läsning

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the factors of children?s voluntarily reading in their spare time. We also want to know if the children choose non-fiction books for their voluntarily reading. The method as well as the empirical basis of this study is qualitative, with interviews of twenty-eight children in ages between 9 and 12 years. We conducted nine interviews with 3?4 children in each group.

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