229 Uppsatser om Cereal starch isolation - Sida 11 av 16
Dietary fibre composition and sensory analysis of heat treated wheat and rye bran
When grains of wheat and rye are conventionally milled, large quantities of bran classified as by-products are left and are mainly used for animal feed. Bran is a complex material composed of the aleurone layer, nucellar epidermis, a seed coat, a fruit coat and a small proportion of the germ and endosperm depending on extraction rate. The bran fraction consists of approximately 40-50 % dietary fibre which can contribute to increase the nutritional quality of human cereal food. It would also be valuable for the food industry to convert by-products as bran to products with higher commercial values.
The aim of this thesis was to analyse the content and composition of dietary fibre of heat treated wheat and rye bran according to the Uppsala method with some modifications in order to analyse soluble and insoluble dietary fibre separately. Half of the bran samples were precooked, dried and roasted and the other half dried and roasted (uncooked).
Den samhällsfarlige filmjölkskastarn : En kritisk diskursanalys av synen på de placerade på Kriminalvårdens säkerhetsavdelningar
Syftet med studien är att se hur Kriminalvårdens säkerhetsavdelningar kallade Fenixavdelningarna legitimeras, genom att göra en kritisk diskursanalys av synen på fångarna som placeras där. Vi gör det för att skapa en förståelse för de diskursiva processer som påverkar den kriminalpolitiska utvecklingen. Avsikten var att se till diskursen om de Fenixplacerade i ett dialektiskt förhållande till de institutioner som upprätthåller en särskiljning av fångarna inom fängelsesystemet. Studien är genomförd utifrån en kvalitativ ansats med Faircloughs metod av kritisk diskursanalys utifrån ett socialkonstruktivistiskt förhållningssätt. Den teoretiska ram som används är bland annat Foucaults teorier om den disciplinära makten, Goffmans om stigmatisering samt Maslows psykologiska teorier.
Kaliningrad: ett förvandlat Ryssland i ett omdanat Europa
Det lilla ryska länet Kalingrad situerat vid Östersjön, kom efter Sovjetunionens fall att hamna i en exklavstatus då området kom att gränsa till Polen och Litauen, Kaliningrad blev en ö utan någon direkt landförbindelse med Ryssland. När EU utvidgas att omfatta Polen och de tre Baltiska staterna kommer området att bli en enklav i EU. Den Postkommunistiska tiden har för Kaliningrad bland annat inneburit en ökande fattigdom, stigande arbetslöshet och en okontrollerad gränshandel, med omfattande smuggling som följd. Denna uppsats syfte är att undersöka åtta redan givna utvecklingslinjer för Kaliningrad, vilka beskrevs år 1996 av docent Jurij M. Swerew vid Kaliningrads Universitet vilka sammanförts till tre huvudalternativ: ryskt styre, transition och autonomi.
Timeliness cost for agricultural sprayers : weed control in cereal crops
Evaluation of machinery costs is necessary for selecting appropriate farm machinery. Timeliness cost due to untimely operations is an important component of machinery costs. Timeliness costs can be high for crop sprayers, since pesticide application must be carried out within a short time interval. This Master thesis investigated the timeliness cost and the probability of a suitable workday for spraying. Timeliness factors were estimated for four different crops (oats, spring wheat, winter wheat and barley) using historical weed trial data.
Kvinnors upplevelse av depression och hur de hanterar sin situation
Background: Depression is a very common disease and is caused both by the biological, physical, and psychosocial factors. At least 25 percent of women and 15 percent of all men are affected at some point in their lives. As a nurse, it is important to be aware of women's experience of depression to meet their needs for care.Aim: To illuminate women's experience of depression in order to better understand their needs for care.Method: Literature review in which ten scientific studies were analyzed and thematised. Eight qualitative studies and two studies of qualitative and quantitative method was retrieved from the database CINAHL Complete and PsycINFO. Keywords depression, women?s experience, experience of depression, female, nursing, major depression, women och social interaction were used.
Upplevelser av att vara icke heterosexuell i arbetslivet
Forming teacher teams is currently the standard way of organizing teachers in Swedish Compulsory Schools. This is the result of a process that started in the 1970s.Traditionally the culture of teaching has been one of isolation. Once the door to the classroom is shut, what happens behind the door is up to the teacher to decide. Over the past thirty years a lot of time has been dedicated to making fundamental changes in the way teachers interact with their colleagues. Today the idea of teachers forming teams is generally accepted but still the core of a Swedish teacher?s job is that of a lone worker.
Samsyn, samarbete, samvaro eller sammanträde? Några lärares syn på ämnesgruppers arbete och organisation
The aim of this study is to examine the attitude among teachers towards working in subjectspecific groups, so called professional learning communities. The questions being asked arewhat the teachers want to acquire from working in them and how they consider them to beorganised.Previous research show that professional learning communities are means of strengtheningteachers and their teaching from criticism from outside stakeholders such as local politicians,but also parents. They are also means of developing the teaching and the individualteachers at schools.A qualitative study has been made at a Swedish secondary school and is reported in thisstudy. It was done in a hermeneutic discourse and when analysing the results four categoriesof answers appeared. It showed that the teachers working in professional learning communitieswanted to acquire a qualitative discussion regarding what should be taught and in whatway that should be assessed.
Att vara äldre och leva med kronisk hjärtsvikt : En intervjustudie
Abstract Chronic heart failure is a common disease in elderly, and is the most common reason for hospitalization in patients over 65 years of age. Research on the elderly and heart failure often focus on treatment strategies, less research is available on patients' own experiences of living with chronic heart failure. The purpose of this interview study, was to gain more knowledge about patients´ own experiences of living with chronic heart failure. Nine patients were interviewed and the text was transcribed verbatim and it was then analyzed with a phenomenological hermeneutical method. From the analysis, three main themes emerged.
Diskriminering på arbetsplatsen baserad på arbetstagarens vikt. : En psykologisk studie
AbstraktSyftet med denne undersökelsen var å se om det fantes et samband mellom lönn og vekt og utenforskap og vekt inom kriminalvården og det ble sjekket om extroversion, kjönn og alder hadde noen påvirkning på dette. Det ble brukt en delvis selvkonstruert enkät med 22 av Eysenck´s extraversionsspörsmål (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1975). Det ble konstruert spörsmål om utenforskap og fysikk og stilt spörsmål om lönn, vekt og alder. Dette ble gjort for å se om det fantes et samband mellom disse faktorene. Personene som var med i denne studien jobbet alle inom kriminalvården (n=48), 21 kvinner og 27 menn med en middelalder på 42,91 år (sd=12,46).
Ekonomisk utsatthet, socialt utanförskap, politiskt missnöje eller rasism? : Varför röstar svenska väljare på Sverigedemokraterna?
Syftet med denna uppsats är att förklara vilka sociala och värderingsmässiga faktorer som ökar svenska väljares benägenhet att rösta på Sverigedemokraterna samt undersöka om den mediala och allmänt vedertagna föreställningen om SD-väljaren stämmer. Detta undersöktes med bivariata analyser och ett antal binära logistiska regressionsanalyser. Materialet som användes var ett dataset från European Social Survey från år 2012/13. De oberoende variablerna bestämdes utifrån vad teorin påvisade som möjliga förklaringsfaktorer för att rösta på ett högerextremt parti. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna var; teorin om massamhället, moderniseringens förlorare, xenofobi samt politiskt missnöje.
Tillsammans är vi ensamma : En kvalitativ studie av ett internetforum tillägnat socialt isolerade människor
This is a study that aims to investigate what is being spoken about on an internet forum created for people who suffer from extreme loneliness. The study aims to answer questions regarding the users identity and general opinions regarding live a life of more intense solitude. The basic scientific approach of the study is centered around two terms, taken from Howard S. Beckers book "outsiders" (1997). These two terms are "outsiders" and "deviant careers", both dealing with the subject of deviant behavior.
De som slutade gå i skolan : en kvalitativ studie om hemmasittare
Hemmasittare is a new term for children and youths with a history of long term truancy. As the term indicates these youths spend most of their time in their homes. This often results in them being socially alienated and the loss of their earlier social network. The consequences of hemmasittande and social alienation are many and include not only a deficient social network but also psychological and physical problems. Research has shown that many of these problems follow on through into adult life.
Känsla av ensamhet eller frihet : patienters upplevelser av isoleringsvård
Bakgrund: Vårdpersonal som vårdar isolerade patienter kan känna en viss rädsla för att själva bli smittade och för att sprida smittan vidare till sina medarbetare och till övriga patienter. Denna rädsla kan uppstå till följd av okunskap och informationsbrist vilket i sin tur kan förvärra upplevelsen hos patienten som hålls isolerad. Problem: Patienter som vårdas isolerat påverkas i stor grad av sin situation. För att sjuksköterskor och övrig vårdpersonal ska kunna ge dessa patienter en god vård behövs en bättre förståelse för hur isolerade patienter upplever isoleringsvård. Syfte: Beskriva hur patienter upplever isoleringsvård.
Effektivare energianvändning på Totebo AB
The main goal with this thesis report was to come up with ideas of how to make the use of energy more effective and thus save money for the company.First a survey was made to find out where and how the energy consumers were divided within the company. The results were then used in calculations to find out how much money that could be saved and how long it would take to get back the investments.There is a big potential in saving money by recovering heat from the UV-lamps with a heat exchanger. It would also even out the pressure in the factory which is a source to heat loss and a cause for discomfort amongst the employees. It?s possible to save 105 000 kr in a year and the money needed for the investments is 600 000 kr.By using the recovery air more effectively the company could save up to 250 000 kr a year in lowered heat purchases, but this would require the use of automatic dampers.If you reschedule the running times for the wood chipper and invest in some kind of load management, for example Sydkraft?s ?Energidirigent? you can save at least 42 000 kr.
Optimization and validation of a triplex real-time PCR assay for thermotolerant Campylobacter species associated with foodborne disease
The genus Campylobacter is globally recognised as the leading bacterial cause of human foodborne gastroenteritis. Every year around 8000 Swedes are infected by Campylobacter. Most people are infected by thermotolerant Campylobacter species, commonly C. jejuni and C. coli.