

3433 Uppsatser om Central parkering - Sida 38 av 229

Kunskap i skolan : enligt Folkpartiet och Vänsterpartiet

Knowledge is frequently discussed in modern society, and has been since ancient Greece. Our goal is to examine the content of two political documents with the desire to point out their visions about how the Swedish school system should be shaped, in relations to knowledge. More precise this essay is going to concentrate on two specific political parties, Folkpartiet and Vansterpartiet and their official programs on the subject school and education, to see what they say about knowledge. The choice is made on the basis that these parties political standings differ most from each other, in the left/right scale in politics. The qualitative analysis takes its main base from Aristotels concepts of knowledge; Episteme, techne and fronesis, and Bernt Gustavssons modern defenitions of them.

De klassiska sekulariseringsteoriernas arv : En kvalitativ, komparativ litteraturstudie om Weber och Durkheims sekulariseringsteorier och deras giltighet idag.

The secularization theses has over the last decade been a central issue within the sociology of religion. The two classic theses has been criticized for being one-sided and only focus on the change from traditional to modern society. The intention of this study is to evaluate this critique and to discuss what is defendable in the early secularization thesis in our contemporary world.This essay?s primary purpose is to compare the secularization theses Weber?s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism and Durkheim?s The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. I use two analytical models, posing three levels and three categories of secularization, in order to make the comparison explicit.

Taktil massage som omvårdnadsåtgärd vid smärta: en systematisk litteraturöversikt

I omvårdnad av patienter utgör beröring en central del. När en person drabbas av sjukdom upplevs det extra viktigt att denne får beröring, be- kräftelse och uppleva att någon bryr sig. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilken kunskap som finns om att använda taktil massage som omvårdnadsåtgärd vid smärta. Detta för att kunna utveckla, för-bättra och individanpassa omvårdnaden för patienterna. En systematisk litteraturöversikt har gjorts över den kunskap som i nuläget finns inom området med hjälp av data som har samlats in på ett systematiskt sätt via databaserna PubMed och CINAHL.

Kluven solidaritet? : Att formulera feministisk politik inom socialdemokratins ramar

This thesis focuses on politically active women within The Swedish Social Democratic Women?s Association, also known as S-women. By applying discourse analysis to interviews with active s-women and to meeting conversations between the association?s members, the study approaches ideas of feminism, feminist politics and political commitment. ?Solidarity? ? the central concept of the labour movement ? serves as the point of departure for a feminist discussion about class, gender, ethnicity and age/generation.

?Jag undrar varför farbrorn inte hade ett koppel på hunden?? ? En interventionsstudie med syfte att främja elevers läsförståelse och läsintresse ?Jag undrar varför farbrorn inte hade ett koppel på hunden?? : - En interventionsstudie med syfte att främja e

The aim of this study was to investigate the result of an effort to support reading development and the reading motivation. My approach was an intervention study during four weeks, where intensive reading in a group of three pupils in grade one took place. Individual conversations and group conversations were central methods in combination with different ways of processing the texts. Interviews were conducted with the class teacher and the participating children to see the difference in reading and motivation before and after the project. The result shows that an intensive period with reading fiction books with subsequent conversations and different processing of the text is a useful developing method for decoding, reading comprehension and reading motivation.

Förskolepersonals syn på och arbete med barns emotionella utveckling

Emotioner har en central roll i människans liv. Forskning har visat att det är av stor vikt att redan tidigt lära sig förstå och hantera sina känslor. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka förskolepersonals uppfattning om barns emotionella utveckling, med fokus på de negativa emotionerna, och på vilket sätt de arbetar med att hjälpa barnen i densamma. En kvalitativ studie utfördes där 16 förskollärare intervjuades om deras syn på och deras sätt att arbeta med 3-5 åringars emotionella utveckling. Resultaten visade att man i förskolan idag lägger mycket tid på barns emotionella utveckling och att det anses vara betydelsefullt med hänvisning till att barndomen har en stor påverkan på resten av livet.

Översättning och utvärdering av det bildbaserade förståelsetestet TACL-3 - en pilotstudie

Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language -3 is an American picturebasedtest developed to examine children?s auditory comprehension of language.The aim of the study was to create a translation and to examine if the test wouldcontribute to the information about a child´s language comprehension received bysimilar tests that are used today. In the present study the test items were translatedinto Swedish. The translation was evaluated with 32 children in three different agegroups at a school in central Gothenburg. A linguistic examination of thetranslation and a list of the grammatical structures that are tested were made.

Ungdomars synsätt på politik : - former, innehåll & uttryck

Abstract Youths and adolescents have for a long period of time, and at a high degree, beenabsent from the party political stage. The causes for this have been discussed inthis essay through a quantitative survey made in an upper secondary school class,consisting of some 19 subjects in the municipality of Kalmar. Tied together withrelevant literature and discourse on the subject, the essay has dealt with thepossible societal-, system- and individual barriers for political interest andinvolvement. Central questions for this essay has been for instance; age, gender,social background, geographical domicile, as well as the decline of ideology, theforms of current party politics, political interest, political engagement and soforth. The concluding remarks contain not only a mix of these barriers existing,not exclusively, for young and adolescents but different ground for them as well.On the one hand, there exist barriers which exclude youth from the conventionalpolitical life, but on the other, the more individualised youth of today, prefer to agreater extent not to participate under the conventional circumstances that partypolitics has to offer.

Den tredje omvandlingen : Demokratiteoretiska perspektiv på globaliseringens politiska skalförändringar

This thesis is an attempt to shed light on how the authors of the Swedish Government Official Report, SoU 1999:83, speak about how the globalization affects democracy. The method used is critical discourse analysis and ideological analysis, with the main emphasis on the former. The results of the analysis are then interpreted with central parts of Jürgen Habermas? The theory of communicative action. One of the main conclusions is that an absolute majority of the authors, talk about how the globalization affects democracy in terms of the economic market and the European union.

Bang! Let's smash the patriarchy Hur svenska serietecknare konstruerar och förhandlar feministiska diskurser

This essay analyzes three Swedish cartoon artists: Elias Ericson, Lisa Ewald and AmandaCasanellas. The aim is to examine how they construct feminist strategies through their workand how they convey this visually. The issue of whether these Swedish cartoons can be seenas a part of a bigger political platform is central. Through semiotics and post-colonial andqueer feminist theory, some answers to these questions are searched for.The result shows that all three of the artists can be seen in a bigger activist context, even ifthey work in and through different platforms. Casanellas questions the racism in Swedenand how we should prevent it.

?Man ska använda böcker som kan vara intressanta för killar? En analys av synsätt på läsning, läsfrämjande metoder och genus i projekt riktade mot pojkar.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine projects for readingpromotion, aimed at boys, between 8 and 16 years of age. Therelations between librarians approaches to reading and methodsfor reading promotion are analysed with a gender perspective.The study is based on qualitative methods. Librarians involved infour reading projects have been interviewed. In the analysis, ourempirical material is related to theories of approaches to reading.Results have also been compared with earlier studies regardingboys reading, reading promotion, gender and male stereotypes.We find that an emancipatory approach towards reading is themost common. The librarians´ views showed that discussion,development, reading for pleasure and focus on the content of thebook were central to the methods used in the projects.

Föräldrar som mördar sina barn : En innehållsanalys av Aftonbladets konstruktioner

Media är en central aktör när det kommer till konstruktionen av hur kriminalitet ses på i samhället. Av den anledningen ville vi undersöka hur Aftonbladet rapporterar om händelser där föräldrar har mördat sitt/sina barn. Syftet har varit att undersöka hur män och kvinnor som dödat sitt/sina barn konstrueras. Vårt underlag har bestått av fyra stycken händelser som Aftonbladet har rapporterat om. Vår analytiska utgångspunkt har varit ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv, och vi har använt oss av genusteori.

Tro - Vad innebär det?

Faith is a phenomenon that engages the individual into emotional, social and daily manners.Religion tends to engage the individual in different levels in the daily life. In the church communion, there is a belief to the traditional and the repeteated behaviour. This shared group is strength by ceremonies and rituals and people in this collective somehow experience another type of reality. This study has a social - psychological perspective and the purpose is to study people?s know-how of faith and why they seek religion in today´s secularized society.

In b__ween. Ett arbete om sammanhang

As a designer, I find myself daily being confronted with choices which eventually can be summarizedas how we experience something. What?s the function, feeling, what colors should there be, shapes,materials, etc. Different parts will be combined to create an entirety. The only question is why we areaffected so differently by the same entirety.In this project I have examined how the relationship between a space and a product affects ourperception of a coherensy and what it is that makes us experience it so differently.I wanted to find a way to methodically explore the importance of the coherency for the experience ofa product and a space in relation to each other, in order to produce a material that can form the basisfor further work on the spatial context.I?ve looked into the psycological term central coherence and formed a scale that shows the humanabilities to perceive a context in various psychological conditions.

Göteborgs stadsteater : en arkitekturhistorisk undersökning

Uppsatsen handlar om den historiska debatten hur Göteborgs stadsteater kom till. Med stadsteaterns placering vid Götaplatsen med konstmuseum, konsthall och konserthus innebär det en mycket central och betydelsefull plats i Göteborg. Uppsatsen behandlar svårigheten att anpassa teatern till denna kulturella plats. Därför ingår en kort historik om Götaplatsen. Undersökningen tar upp arkitekten Carl Bergsten som ritade teatern i samarbete med regissören och scenteknikern Knut Ström.

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