

10 Uppsatser om Celtic - Sida 1 av 1

Döden som social överlevnad. Keltiskt människooffer under järnåldern

This essay concerns the Celts during the Iron Age, and their ritual practice in human sacrifice. The method applied is an eclectic historic-critic reading of the few classical sources that exist together with archeological material and scholars conclusions of literal sources and archeological material. The hypothesis is that human sacrifice in the Celtic realm not is to be seen as a primitive act of violence, but that it filled a social function to preserve society and the Celtic way of life.The question this essay strives to answer is Which function/s do human sacrifice fill in a Celtic context during the Iron Age? The question is analysed with the aid of Radcliffe-Brown?s and Catherine Bell?s theories on ritual, as well as Malcolm Chapman?s postmodern ideas of the conception of the Celtic. The conclusion of the essay is that the prime functions of Celtic human sacrifice are to preserve society and the Celtic social way of life, combined with an aim to eliminate disturbing elements in that same society, such as crime and individuals who did not fit in to the social community..

Culhwch & Lúthien : Keltisk mytologi i J. R. R. Tolkiens sagovärld

This study investigates in what respects Celtic mythology influenced J. R. R. Tolkien when writing the sagas incorporated in the mythopoeic compilation of The Silmarillion. Through narrative and comparative analysis, stories from the Irish prose collection Lebor Gabála Érenn, as well as the Welsh medieval manuscript Mabinogion, are collated to the tales of The Silmarillion in order to illuminate possible influences.

Konflikt och konsensus : En studie av den keltiska religionens förändring under den romerska kolonisationen

In this essay I investigate how the Roman colonization (around 50 BC to 400 AD) affected the Celtic religion. I inquire which operators that were behind these changes and under what circumstances they happened. I take a closer look on three places in Gaul and one place and one area in Britain. In my study of these places I see that it was the elite of the Celtic societies who together and under pressure from Rome made these changes. The religion and gods did not change; instead the ritual ceremonies changed to fit into something that Rome thought was right.

Hackerör på Sydsvenska höglandet : vad skiljer röjningsröseområden från celtic fields, stensträngsområden och bandparcellområden?

From the pre-Roman and Roman Iron Age, a number of different fossil agrarian landscapes can be found in southern Sweden - clearance cairn areas, Celtic fields, stone-wall complexes and geometrically laid-out strip fields. With two different comparative analyses, this paper tries to explain some of the differences between clearance cairn systems and the other fossil field systemsThe shape of the early Iron Age agrarian landscape varies between different provinces of southern Sweden. At Gotland, Celtic field systems were laid-out before 500 BC. In Småland at the same time, areas with clearance cairns were created. How can the difference be explained? The different physical appearance of clearance cairn areas and Celtic fields can be explained by the different ways to handle the ard in till and in sandy soil.

Produktion av marknadsförings- och korrespondensmaterial för DUCIS

The report describes the production of graphic correspondence and marketing material for DUCIS(Dalarna University Centre for Irish Studies).A logotype symbol is created on the basis of an element from the Celtic art, and a graphic material thatharmonies with this ideal of style is built around the symbol. A unique visiting card, correspondence cardand letterhead is produced to strengthen the identity of DUCIS outwards.The work proceeds with an international education folder which is an important element in the marketingwork for the MA-education which starts in the autumn of 2003. Two posters, one for the opening ofDUCIS in may 2003 and one for a conference in 2004, are produced. Finally, a redesign of the book coverfor NIS, Nordic Irish Studies, is carried out.The report describes the working process consisting of meetings, practical work and other elementswithin the process. The conclusion is that the work has been quite successful and that this, to a largeextent, depended on an engaged and supporting commissioner.

Hur reagerar fotbollsklubbars aktiekurser på spelartransaktioner och kvalifikationsmomentet till Champions League?

Syftet med uppsatsen var att studera hur börsnoterade fotbollsklubbars aktier reagerar vid spelartransaktioner och vid kvalifikationsmomentet till Champions League. För att genomföra denna undersökning använde vi oss av en kvantitaitv metod, där vi studerade spelartransaktioner och kvalifikationsmomentet till Champions League enligt Event study teknik. Empirins utgörs av börskurser från de fyra klubbarna Bröndby, Celtic FC, FC Köpenhamn och Newcastle United sedan 1998. Vi har använt oss av den halvstarka marknadseffektiviteten, aktieägarbeteende samt förväntningar på aktiemarknaden som teoretisk referensram. Teorin används för att kunna förklara hur aktiekurser kan tänkas reagera på valda händelser.

Förromersk religion i Gallien : med utgångspunkt i Caesars De bello Gallico

Thid thesis concerns pre-Roman religion in Gaul, taking as its starting point Caesar's De bello Gallico. Caesar's account of the Gauls and their religious customs is compared with the accounts of Lucan, Pliny the elder and Ammianus Marcellinus. These are also compared to, and contrasted to, the archaeological evidence. There is some discussion of the nature of the common interpretations of this evidence. The concept of 'the Celts' is touched upon, since much of the relevant evidence has, in our time, been thought of as Celtic.

Filosofisk Rådgivning : En ny disciplin på väg att etableras!

Tyr ? A historical and comparative study of configurations and formations connected to the Old Norse god Tyr. Klas af Edholm This thesis has two aims. One is a discussion of the history of the study of Old Norse religion and related aspects, centered on how general tendencies within the area of research have affected the interpretations of the god *T?waz/Tyr.

Tyr : En vetenskapshistorisk och komparativ studie av föreställningar och gestaltningar kopplade till den fornnordiske guden Tyr

Tyr ? A historical and comparative study of configurations and formations connected to the Old Norse god Tyr. Klas af Edholm This thesis has two aims. One is a discussion of the history of the study of Old Norse religion and related aspects, centered on how general tendencies within the area of research have affected the interpretations of the god *T?waz/Tyr.

Irländska kvinnor vid the Old Bailey : Synen på irländska kvinnliga förbrytare i London 1674-1900

The Irish immigrants have been an important part of London throughout the centuries. Their presence can be found from the 17th century and onwards. Initially occupied as seasonal workers in agrarian fields the Irish later found alternative ways of supporting themselves as the Industrial Revolution transformed the whole of England. Despite their vital importance to the construction of what was to be known as "the modern Babylon" the Irish have been victims of both social prejudice and maltreatment. Some historians have imposed a comparison between the Irish in England and the African slaves in the United States.