

527 Uppsatser om Cell Phone - Sida 11 av 36

Synkronisering med SyncML

The last couple of years the use of mobile devices such as mobile phones and PDAs has increased tremendously. Most of the these devices have their own protocols for synchronising data and this has given rise to a need for a standard synchronisation protocol, SyncML. This thesis compares this protocol against the existing ones. The comparison shows that the preferred choice is SyncML. Also an application using SyncML has been developed.

Identifiering av gallringsbehov med hjälp av flygburen laserskanning :

Thinning is one of the most important silvicultural activities in middle aged forests, partly to minimize damages and partly because it leads to earlier harvesting revenues and increases the value of the remaining trees. There are many different indices used to describe stand density and thereby the need of thinning in forests today. Studies have shown that forest variables can be estimated with high accuracy using airborne laser scanning and it is likely that the method could also be used to estimate forest density indices. In this study, the possibility of using the forest density index ?H² to determine and map priorities for thinning operations for a forest area was examined.

The screening for novel proteasome inhibitors as a treatment of cancer using IncuCyte FLR and fluorometric microculture cytotoxicity assay.

The problem of finding targeted medicine is a central problem in chemotherapy. From this point of view the ubiquitin-proteasome system is a highly promising object in the pharmaceutical approach. Proteasome plays a critical role in cellular protein degradation, cell cycle and apoptosis regulation.Proteasome inhibitors are substances blocking the actions of proteasome. Cancer cells are more sensitive to inhibition of the ubiquitin-proteasome system than normal cells. Therefore proteasome inhibitors have the potential to be successfully used in the cancer treatment.The study aimed to test various substances to identify possible proteasome inhibitors with the IncuCyteTM FLR image system and fluorometric microculture cytotoxicity assay.

Strålbehandling på hund och katt :

Jönköping Small Animal Hospital is today the only clinic in Sweden to offer radiation therapy as a treatment of tumours. The body contains of billions of cells that all have to obey the regulations that are established. If a cell is exposed to a harmful substance, for example a chemical, it can be transformed into a tumourcell. Normally the body has a good defence but the tumourcell can survive and start to divide unrestrained. A tumour is starting to develop.

Säkerhetsstandard för ett mjukvarubaserat säkerhetselement

Researchers today anticipate that in the near future, the majority of the owners of a smartphone will use it as a wallet, i.e. for contactless payment. The technology that enables contactless payment today is ?Near Field Communication? (NFC), which is increasingly embedded in smartphones. Applications like mobile payment between a phone and a terminal use NFC.

Mastcellens roll vid atopisk dermatit hos hund

SAMMANFATTNINGDenna litteraturstudie har gjorts med syfte att utöka kunskapen om atopisk dermatit hos hund med fokus på mastcellens roll i immunopatogenesen. Atopisk dermatit är en relativt vanlig sjukdom som kan drabba alla hundar oavsett ras; den är oftast livslång och kräver visst arbete för att diagnosticera och behandla med gott resultat. Förutom att det är ett problem hos hundar, finns även ett nära samband med atopiska sjukdomar hos människa, och hundar fungerar som en bra modell för forskning på humansidan.Trots omfattande forskning, vet man fortfarande inte varför sjukdomen uppkommer. Många teorier finns kring den immunologiska bakgrunden, men stora delar är fortfarande okända. Att mastcellen spelar en nyckelroll är dock allmänt vedertaget.

Immunohistochemical detection of thymidine kinase 1 in canine mammary tumors and lymphomas

The dog has often served as a model animal for humans in scientific studies. This is due to the fact that dogs are susceptible to a wide range of diseases which also affect humans. One example is cancer, a condition that affects dogs as well as owners. Neoplastic diseases account for 18-23 % of all deaths in dogs (Bonnet et al., 2005 and Jagielski et al., 2002). Mammary tumor, or tumor of the breast, is the most common tumor form in intact dogs and women (Im et al., 2013). Mammary tumors originate in the udder, and are classified according to their histological characteristics.

Solenergi : en lönsam investering för ett lantbruk?

A possible way to reduce pollution and slow down the process of global warming is to increase the usage of renewable energy sources. One of these renewable energy sources is solar power. With the aid of solar panels and solar cells the energy from the sun can be transformed into both heating and electricity. The requirement to use the sun in this fashion is a suitable surface, for example a big roof, an angle between 40-60 degrees and that the surface should be exposed to the south. Almost every farm meets these requirements.

Projektering av robotcell

Syftet med examensarbetet var att projektera en fysisk robotcell till Haldex i Landskrona, tillverkare av bromshävarmar, då det finns ett behov hos dem att effektivisera sin produktion för att kunna bibehålla konkurrenskraften och tillverkningen i Sverige. Bromshävarmen är en mogen produkt vilket medför att det inte skulle bli lönsamt att omforma den utan istället fokusera på tillverkningen. Därför vore lösningen att automatisera den del av monteringslinan som inte tillför något värde till slutprodukten. Robotcellen kommer att placeras på bromshävarmarnas monteringslina som en automatiserad station vilken ska utföra kvalitetskontroll av bromshävarmarna. Examensarbetet ingår i ett pågående forskningsprojekt på Mälardalens högskola inom Lean Automation, med Robotdalen och Haldex.

Hur en övergång till ett automatiskt mjölkningssystem påverkar juverhälsan :

Automatic milking systems (AMS) have been in commercial use since 1992 and have since 1998 increased a lot. The objective of this study has been to examine the development of udder health on farms converting to AMS. The study also included a comparison of how udder health developed depending on how farms handled cows with mastitis. This was because farms choose to either milk cows with mastitis in a separate barn or in the milking robot. Other studies on udder health on commercial farms have shown that somatic cell count increases both among individual cows and in the bulk milk when converting to an AMS. No differences between before and after converting to AMS in the proportion of cows treated for mastitis can be found in the literature.

Use of oxytocin to improve diagnosis of subclinical mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus

Mastitis, inflammation in the udder tissue, caused by S. aureus is a big problem in dairy cattle production. It causes suffering for the cow and curing or replacing the infected cow is costly for the farmer. It is known that beef cattle also suffer from mastitis caused by S. aureus.

Prevalence of subclinical mastitis and udder pathogens in small holder dairy farms in Mapepe, Batoka and Choma areas in Zambia

Subclinical mastitis (SCM) is a well-known problem in the dairy sector, where it causes severe economic losses mainly due to reduced milk production. This is a problem not only in the western world but also in developing countries. Surveys from different developing countries have shown a SCM prevalence of 52.4 ? 88.6 % at cow level and 26.7 ? 63.2 % at quarter-level. To combat mastitis is important to optimize the milk production of the cow.


Det finns flera olika tillvägagångssätt för att göra det möjligt att skapa program som kan exekveras på flera olika plattformar. Detta tillvägagångssätt för utveckling mot flera plattformar, kallas plattformsoberoende utveckling. En av teknikerna för plattformsoberoende utveckling, bygger på att de specifika plattformarna har tillgång till en virtuell maskin som programmet kompileras mot. Den virtuella maskinen översätter sedan koden till plattformens specifika maskinkod. Denna teknik används bland annat av plattformsoberoende språk som Java och .NET-familjen.

Validering av metoder för analys av Cu, Fe och Na i processvatten med AAS-grafitugn

Södra Cell Mörrum is one of the five paper pulp plants that are included in Södra Cell, and the paper pulp that is produced here is not only sold to Swedish paper mills. Most of the paper pulp is exported to different countries in Europe. In the manufacturing process the plant needs different kind of process water and there are guideline values for how much copper, iron and sodium this water is allowed to contain. Analyzes of this water is in the current situation done with an atomic absorption spectrometric instrument (AAS-instrument) with a flame. Measurements done with flame-AAS of samples that have concentrations near the guideline values for copper, iron and sodium, are not reliable. The reason for not being reliable is that the quantitation limits of these metals are higher than the limit values.


Mobila lösningar blir allt vanligare och appar kan utvecklas för att hjälpa mobilanvändaremed det mesta. Att utveckla appar är populärt och kan göras i en mängd olika språk ochutvecklingsmiljöer, och projektet har haft som mål att både utveckla en användbar appoch utvärdera en sådan utvecklingsmiljö.PaddelAppen som utvecklats i projektet fyller ett tomrum genom att vara en resurs förpaddelintresserade. Samtidigt har utvecklingsarbetet resulterat i en utvärdering av utveck-lingsmiljön Xamarin, som använts tillsammans med Visual Studio för att plattformsobe-roende utveckla appen för både Android och Windows Phone..

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