

3865 Uppsatser om Causal Loop Model - Sida 6 av 258

Icke-linjära modelleringsteknikerav förspänd betongkonstruktion : Reaktorinneslutningen på Forsmark 3

A new material model, for the FE-program ADINA, has been verified against twoexperiments. One unreinforced concrete beam and one reinforced concrete beam.The model, DF-concrete, has the possibility to estimate true concrete. However theresults indicate that in order to be sure that the estimations are true, there ought tobe data from the true concrete to verify against.Two FE-models have simulated the behavior of a ring-shaped part of the nuclearcontainment vessel. The results from the first, frictionless, model agree with similarsimulations and hand calculations for high pressures in the containment vessel. Thesimulations of the nuclear containment vessel show cracking in the concrete after10-11 bars of over pressurization.

Framtagande av en investerings- beslutsmodell för mindre tjänsteföretag

Problems:How would a decision model that takes into account more aspects and dimensions than just the financial aspect look for smaller service compa-nies? What aspects are important to consider in such a decision model?Purpose:The purpose of this master thesis is to develop a decision model based on previous research, to improve decision making in smaller service com-panies ? by considering perspectives that traditional investment calcula-tions ignore.Method:The study was qualitative and was based on both primary and secondary data. As data collection method for the development of the model we used literature search on previous research. The study?s primary data consisted of responses from five smaller service companies.

En geopolitisk återkomst : Kultur, ekonomi och territoriell konstruktion i samband med inomstatliga konflikter

Through geopolitical theory this thesis explores how conflicts within states can be read and understood according to an analytical model determining one or several possible causes for the conflict.  The model is created by the author and reflects geopolitical theory by giving three possible explanations to an intrastate conflict: culture, economy or territorial construction. The aim of the thesis is testing this model on two selectively chosen case studies ? i.e. two intrastate conflicts ? namely: the upcoming referendum in Scotland and the terror attack at Tiananmen Square in China.

Metodikmodell för styrning vid inköp

The work with this report has been focused on developing a methodology model for control at purchase. The methodology model covers parts classification, dispatching systems, batch shaping and more. The aim with the methodology model is that it will be used as an aid for a cost effective material planning to increase the value for customer.The work covers also a description of the present situation and the purchase process at Company X. Six parts have been applied, two from each class (A, B and C), in the methodology/model. The parts that have been applied are included in the flow between Company X and their supplier Company Y.Data have been collected trough literature studies, interviews and the company?s business system.

Informationslogistisk modell : Hur ska tillverkande företag tillgodose informationsbehoven?

This essay answers the question: How can a manufacturing business fulfill the information demand in the processes; purchasing, production, warehousing, order and delivery?The question has been answered through different kind of studies, such as literature, documents, Internet search, interviews and observations. The essay is written from a hermeneutic point of view and by using qualitative research. The result has been validated by two different manufacturing businesses.A simple information logistic model is the result of a comparison made between theory and empery. The aim of the model is to describe how a manufacturing business can fulfill the information demand by using different methods.

Flödeslogistik vid Laponia Hotel

The aim of this report is to analyse the logistics of a medium sized restaurant and give an overall solution for improvements on the restaurant's logistics. The restaurant of interest belongs to Laponia Hotel and is located in Arvidsjaur, Sweden. Investments for over 100.000 Euros are planned for the hotel, which includes a reconstruction of the restaurant. The details on how the restaurant will be reconstructed are not yet known. I therefore chose to analyse the problemin general terms and find a solution that is focused on the logistic system itself rather than its layout.

Från diagnos till dialog - en studie om medarbetarnas delaktighet vid ett förändringsarbete inom offentlig sektor

Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att belysa det förändringsarbete som är genomfört på Sahlgrenska Kirurgen. Fokus i studien ligger på informanternas upplevelse för möjligheten till delaktighet. Det är av intresse för studiens resultat att beskriva hur förändringen genomförts då det finns kopplingar mellan genomförandet och möjligheterna till delaktighet enligt teori.Tidigare forskning/Teori: Valda teorier behandlar delar av teori kring organisatorisk förändring. Forskningen visar det komplexa samspel som en levande organisation innebär. Vidare belyser forskare två olika organisationsutvecklingsstrategier, diagnostiska och dialogiska.

Modell för värdering och hantering av avbrottsrisker vid kontinuitetsplanering (BCP) : Fallet Swedwood

This master thesis presents a Model for Evaluating and Managing Interruption Risks in connection with Business Continuity Planning (BCP), developed for Swedwood International. The model consists of a template with instructions. The model should be easily understood and useful for establishing a plan for BCP. This is achieved by including the contents and procedure of BCP and the main supplychain risks in the model. The purpose of a BCP plan is to describe how an enterprise will return to business as usual after an interruption, e.g.

Nyckelordssökning : Baserat på Vector Space Model

Då mängden information bara ökar, så ökar även behovet att ha åtkomst till informationen lättillgängligt. Detta skapar då ett behov för ett gränssnitt som kan söka bland informationen. I detta arbete har det undersökts om en implementation av Vector Space Model ger mera relevanta resultat jämfört mot en enklare implementation som inte baseras på Vector Space Model. Sökningen utförs i en relationsdatabas med ett inverterat index, databasen fylls med data ifrån internetforumet Stack Overflow. Genom att bygga en sökmotor som returnerade två olika resultatlistor för varje sökning så fick tio användare testa och utvärdera resultatens relevans.

Redesign av gallervält för Svea Redskap AB : Examensarbete, produktutveckling

The environmental debate is more intensive than ever before and the demands on companies increase. There are a number of methods to make it easier for the companies to fulfil the demands. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) end ecodesign are some of the methods that can be used. Syntronic AB has the possibility to reduce the products´ environmental impact in the design phase. Therefore it is important for the company to make it possible to visualize the negative environmental impacts a product can cause in an easy way. It is also important to visualize for there clients if any improvement is possible. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a simplified model.

Internpriser i praktiken: - en fallstudie

This paper presents a study of the Swedish public service television broadcaster - Sveriges Televisions (SVT) transfer pricing model. The aim of the thesis is to examine the motives for using transfer pricing from a theoretical perspective and if SVT?s transfer pricing model fulfils these motives. We will also examine any potential managerial problems the existing transfer-pricing model might cause and discuss how these could be solved. We have in our study found that the main motive for using transfer pricing within SVT is to allocate internal resources as efficiently as possible.

ALM - Tillgång/skuldmodell för riskberäkning och portföljoptimering

Asset management in insurance companies differs from conventional asset management to the extent that respect has to be taken to both assets and the commitments the insurance company has towards its customers. A model that has proven to fit well regarding the matching of assets and liabilities is the Asset Liability Management Model (ALM model). In addition to the matching in the balance sheet, the ALM model can be used in a company's work with strategic portfolio allocation by applying it as a basis for analyzing investment strategies with expected risk and return. From this, the ALM model also becomes relevant for calculating key figures according to the legal framework Solvens II which includes laws and regulations regarding the demands on economical strength (solvens) of insurance companies.Hence, the goal of this masters thesis has been to, on behalf of Bliwa Livförsäkring, create an ALM model to support the asset management department of Bliwa in their work with defining a credible way of analyzing the future risk and return of Bliwa's asset portfolio and insurance undertakings.The ALM model generally consist of four submodels, the scenario model, the liability model, the asset model and the company model, where the scenario model often is named as the core of the ALM model. The course of action has been to develop these submodels individually, with focus on the scenario model.

Rekursiv SQL: Prestanda och begränsningar i Postgresql

Rekursion inom SQL är ett relativt nytt begrepp som introducerades i standarden SQL:1999 eftersom man insåg att det fanns ett behov av att skriva mer kraftfulla frågor i SQL. De flesta som arbetar inom eller har kunskap om IT känner i stor utsträckning till SQL. Trots detta ansåg författarna av denna rapport att kunskapen inom området för rekursion var tämligen begränsad. I rapporten undersökts hur kraftfull rekursion inom SQL är genom att rekursionstyper först identifieras och sedan implementerats i SQL-satser vilka körts och prestanda mäts på körningarna. Detta gjordes med Postgresql, databasen vilken rapporten i stort fokuserar på.

Risk Management vid implementering av regulatoriska ändringar inom Sweden Operations

The environmental debate is more intensive than ever before and the demands on companies increase. There are a number of methods to make it easier for the companies to fulfil the demands. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) end ecodesign are some of the methods that can be used. Syntronic AB has the possibility to reduce the products´ environmental impact in the design phase. Therefore it is important for the company to make it possible to visualize the negative environmental impacts a product can cause in an easy way. It is also important to visualize for there clients if any improvement is possible. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a simplified model.

HTML-ramverk i praktiken : En studie av HTML-ramverk från utvecklarens perspektiv

This paper aim to present a model for evaluating what we choose to call HTML-frameworks, a framework that contains a set of CSS layouts and occasionally JavaScript support, based on the characteristics of the software quality standard ISO/IEC 9126-1. The methods used to produce this model is based on a field study that involved making a web portal with the help of a HTML-framework, some relevant literature and an analysis of the framework based on the characteristics of the ISO/IEC 9126-1 standard. The result was a model based on twelve different characteristics; functionality, web browser compatibility, collaborative skills, user-friendliness, documentation, visuals, graphic layout, performance, activity, professional support, replaceability and license. This model should be viewed upon as a suggestion to what a model for choosing HTML-framework could look like, because we haven?t had the time to test it in a real situation, so further studies are needed, and we believe there could be improvements made in the objectivity of the assessments of the characteristics..

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