

25 Uppsatser om Castration - Sida 2 av 2

Preoperativ analgetisk behandling med vedaprofen vid kastration av unghingst : utvärdering av pre- och postoperativt beteende

Pain related behaviour in 1.5 year old colts was studied both prior to and following Castration. The horses were filmed 24 h prior to surgery and 24 h postoperatively. Parameters, inactive and active behaviours, were recorded in terms of cumulative time observed. Both groups of horses were exercised three times and the gait quality was evaluated. Few differences were observed between the groups.

Attityder kring våldtäktsmän : skillnader i utbildningsval, kön och ålder?

The aim of the study is to investigate attitudes about rapists and to determine whether it is felt that they need treatment, imprisonment or a combination of the two. The study examines differences in attitudes between two different educational groups. The first group of students is comprised of those studying on programs that lead to careers working with people, whilst the other contains students who will work in business administration. The investigation also includes views on which punishment alternative the informants believed to be the most appropriate. The same differences are also investigated between gender and age.

Påverkar järninjektioner risken för ledinflammationer hos smågrisar? :

Hemoglobin is built up from protein and heme groups which give the blood its red colour . Hemoglobin transports oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and other tissues in the body. Normally, a piglet has a hemoglobin value of 130-150 gram per liter blood, and the lower limit before anaemia appears is 80 grams per liter blood. The immune defense is also dependent upon the presence of iron in hemoglobin, since iron participates in different enzyme systems. When the piglet develops anaemia, it becomes pale and thicker around the neck.

Effekter av kastration på kortisol- och serotoninnivåer hos hund : samband mellan hormoner och beteende

Hur hundars beteende påverkas av kastration är till stor del oklart men antalet kastrerade hundar ökar i Sverige och en vanlig anledning till kastration är beteendeproblem som ägaren hoppas ska minska hos hunden. Att undersöka om koncentrationer av hormoner med beteendekoppling förändras efter kastration och om detta korrelerar till förändringar i beteende skulle kunna bidra till mer kunskap om hur hundar påverkas av kastration. I det här examensarbetet studerades sju tikar och tre hanhundar före och upp till fyra veckor efter kastration genom att analysera urinprov avseende koncentrationer av hormonerna kortisol och serotonin samt genom beteendeenkäter till hundarnas ägare. Kortisol är ett viktigt stresshormon och serotoninsystemet är i hög utsträckning inblandat i det psykiska välbefinnandet. Dessutom analyserades kreatinin som används som en markör på hur koncentrerad urinen i provet är. I arbetet redovisas därför kvoterna mellan hormon- och kreatininkoncentrationer. Tikarna hade signifikant lägre kortisolnivåer efter kastrationen än före.

Övervikt hos hund : andel överviktiga, riskfaktorer, konsekvenser samt hur övervikt kan förebyggas och förekomsten minskas

Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder, and is defined as an accumulation of excessive amounts of adipose tissue in the body. Obesity is a condition where an animal exceeds its optimum body weight by more than 10-25%. Risk factors associated with obesity may include breed, age, Castration or high energy intake relative to energy consumption. The consequences of obesity are believed to be metabolic and hormonal changes, as well as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, orthopedic problems, tumors and premature death. Prevention and early detection of obesity leads to better health care.

Vaccination against boar taint - effect of restrictive and semi ad libitum feeding regime on production and behavior

Male piglets have been castrated for centuries to avoid contamination of their meat with boar taint, a strongly unpleasant odour that makes the meat inedible. Today boar taint can be prohib-ited by vaccination against gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) using Improvac®. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of vaccination on growth performance and behaviour of vaccinated male pigs compared to surgically castrated male pigs. The effect of two feeding regimes, restricted (SLU-norm) and semi ad libitum, was also included in the study. At birth, pigs (n=206) were randomly allocated to the two treatment groups; surgically castrated and vaccination.

Behandling av hanhundar med deslorelin :

This article presents a survey of male dogs treated with the gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist deslorelin (Suprelorin®, Virbac) at three animal clinics in central Sweden. Filled-in questionnaires from 110 dogs were received. The paper also includes a review of existing litterature concerning reproduction in male dogs, focusing on endocrinology, the effects of gonadectomy and the GnRH agonist deslorelin. Continuous treatment with deslorelin produces infertility in male dogs. The pituitary is initially stimulated by deslorelin leading to a rise in luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion. As a consequence the testosterone levels also increase temporarily.

Linderödsgrisen : en inventering av populationsstruktur och produktionsnivå

In 1993, Sweden signed the Convention on Biological Diversity and thus agreed to conserve our indigenous biological diversity. As a part of the convention, Sweden is obliged to conserve a number of domestic animal breeds and among them the Linderöd pig. In 1952, the zoo, Skånes Djurpark, took care of a pregnant sow that was regarded to be related to the old "forest pig". The old forest pig was thought to have been extinguished by the early 20th century as a result of the ban on boars not approved by state inspectors. However, according to later accounts, several farmers still kept some of these non-approved pigs.

Prevalence of congenital defects in Swedish Hampshire, Landrace and Yorkshire pig breeds and opinions on their prevalence in Swedish commercial herds

This study concerns congenital defects in pigs; umbilical and scrotal hernia, cryptorchidism, kyphosis, splay legs, anal atresia, intersexuality and congenital tremor. The aim was to describe and estimate the prevalence of these defects and estimate the heritability for the most frequent defects, scrotal hernia and cryptorchidism in purebred Swedish Hampshire, Landrace and Yorkshire populations. Furthermore, information and opinions from herdsmen in commercial herds was collected and analysed. A low proportion of congenital defect pigs is of importance both from animal welfare and economic point of view. The accuracy of registration of the presence of defects in the litters has a decisive role for the ability to select against these defects.

Beteendeförändringar hos kastrerade katter

Katten är idag ett av våra vanligaste husdjur. Kastration av både hon- och handjur har blivit ett tämligen rutinmässigt ingrepp för att både hindra fortplantning och hantera beteendeproblem, vilka oftast är naturligt förekommande beteenden, men av sina ägare identifierade som oönskade. Förväntningarna på effekten av kastration förefaller bygga på allmän uppfattning snarare än vetenskaplig kunskap och inte heller veterinärer kan alltid ge välgrundade besked i frågan. Denna litteraturöversikt avser belysa vilken kunskapsbas som finns vad gäller beteendeförändringar efter kastration av katt. Vad händer rent beteendemässigt vid kastration? Vilka eventuella beteenden slocknar och vilka uppkommer? Vilka av de vanligaste beteendeproblemen ändras inte vid kastration? Hur påverkar beteendeförändringar kattens sociala interaktion? Det finns studier där man har undersökt olika faktorer som skulle kunna påverka kastrationens effekt på beteendeförändringar.

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