

667 Uppsatser om Cash Conversion Cycle - Sida 9 av 45

Reala optioner : ett strategiskt verktyg

Background: Businesses are traditionally valued with the so called Discounted Cash Flow-model. When valuing newly-started businesses, surrounded by high uncertainty, and whose capital mostly consists of unrealized business opportunities, the Discounted Cash Flow-model needs to be complemented if the total value of the business is to be captured. A valuation with the help of real options is capable of valuing these unrealized opportunities, which often exist in newly-started businesses. The unrealized opportunities are to be found in the business plan of the business, why this needs to be valued to capture the total value of a newly-started business. Purpose: To demonstrate what the use of real options can result in when valuing businesses.

Ny teknik för småskalig kraftvärme : - med fokus på Organisk RankineCykel (ORC)

As a part of the fight against the global warming the energy production needs to be more efficient and redirected towards sustainable options. One alternative is cogeneration, which means that electricity and heat is produced in one plant. The purpose with this survey is to examine if there are any commercial available combined heat and power techniques, based on combustion of solid moist biomass, which are suitable to small-scale applications. The technique must be able to produce between 2 and 10 MW thermal and the heat demand is a Swedish district-heating system. When already published reports had been studied, the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) was chosen as the most suitable technique.

Jämförelse mellan en träbro och en betongbro : En LCA-analys med fokus på koldioxidutsläpp samt en LCC-analys

This report is a thesis for collegeengineering program in structuralengineering at Uppsala University andwas commissioned by the Swedishcontractor Svevia. The study aims toprovide an overview of the mostbeneficial bridge material from bothenvironmental and economic point ofview.The life-cycle analysis covers onlycarbon dioxide emissions, since it isthe most spoken of in today?s climateagenda. Furthermore, this study aims tohighlight which parts, of the systemboundary, that contributes to greatercarbon emissions for the wood- and theconcrete bridge.The life-cycle cost analysis wascalculated with a lifespan of 40 yearsand covers the basic cost of investment,operating and maintenance, anddecommissioning costs.The analyzed constructions in this studyare existing projects that are almostcompleted. Both bridges were designed tohandle loads up to 60 tons.

Företagsvärdering- : En studie i vilka värderingsmetoder som används vid värdering av tillverkande företag respektive tjänsteföretag.

ABSTRACTSeminar date: 2008-06-04Subject: Bachelor thesis in Business AdministrationAuthors: Charlotta Lind Therese LundinBorn: 1982 Born: 1982Västerås VästeråsTutor: Ulla PetterssonTitle: Company valuation- A study in which valuation methods that areused in determining the value of producing companies and servicecompanies.Problem: According to the theory there are a number of different valuation methods which can be used to determine the value of producing companies and service companies. The thesis research problem is:- Which valuation methods does a valuator use in practice todetermine the value of producing companies and servicecompanies?- Does the valuator take different types of information andkey ratios in consideration when valuating producingcompanies and service companies?Purpose: The purpose is to examine and describe which valuation methods a valuator uses to valuate producing companies and servicecompanies in an acquisition.Method: In order to achieve the purpose of the thesis a quantitative survey and three qualitative interviews, made by email, has been carried out.Conclusion: The conclusion of the thesis is that discounted cash flow and relative valuation are used to determine the value of producingcompanies and service companies. The valuators choice ofvaluation method is not generally affected by the nature of thecompany?s operations.Keywords: Company valuation, valuation methods, producing companies,service companies, relative valuation, discounted cash flow.

Ombyggnation av operation gentemot alternativa byggmetoder : En konsekvensutredning för ombyggnad vid Löwenströmska sjukhuset

Over the next few years, major investments in healthcare buildings is to be performed. Most surgical theaters are in need of technological upgrades as the technology is outdated. In most cases not only a refurbishment is performed but also an expansion. The basis for expansion, is due to a large increased number of patients, but also to the complexity of the refitment. Partly it's because evacuations are difficult to implement and the disturbance that occurs in conjunction with the refitment.Löwenströmska hospital undergoing a technical upgrad.

Har en goodwillnedskrivning någon effekt på aktieavkastningen? : En eventstudie av bolagen på Stockholmsbörsen

On 1 January 2005, IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards)was mandatory for all listed companies within the European Union. The introduction is to create a transparent and consistent reporting. Mainly to provide companies, investors and financiers the same access to world capital markets. Since the introduction of IFRS, the goodwill value is determined by annual impairment tests. If an impairment of goodwill is a fact the goodwill decreases in value.

Kreditgivning till lantbruksföretag : en jämförelse mellan Sverige och Danmark

In relation with structure transformation in farm companies with bigger animal population and pressure at the milk price, the farmers in both countries have to invest more money in the company to endure. This had conduct what more owners had seen grown requirements to invest in bigger population barns. The investment is necessary to retain stability in the economy for the companies, at that time when the profitability for small production barns decrease. This essay carries out through a case, there the activities main part are milk production. The present operation consists of 82 milk cows in long stall with a yield on 10 500 kg ECM. The idea is that the company should increase the activity to 180 cows.

The Psychology Driving&Barriers to Skunk Work Project

The Psychology Driving and Barriers to Skunk Work Projects (referred to throughout this thesis as the paper) represents a study predominantly on Tetra Pak from a selective perspective, the innovators. Innovators both past&present whose initiatives contribute to the well being of Tetra Pak as well as one from Ericsson were consulted. As with individuals, organizations possess definable characters that are influenced by the various stages of their life cycle. Theories of corporate life cycle phases and organizational character analysis were therefore employed to identify and explain organizational barriers to skunk work leaders&managers. Predicated on the Organizational Character Index survey developed by William Bridges PhD (himself a recognized leader in the field of transition management) and administered to sixty-one managers within a Tetra Pak business unit established the benchmark.

Jämförande kostnadsanalys av retur- och engångsemaballage

This report analyzes disposable packaging and returnable packaging with the methods life cycle analysis and life cycle costs analysis. These two different packaging are analyzed through the company Clas Ohlson?s packaging-flow. To get a picture of how the flow works, a visit at the company and email contact have been done with Clas Ohlson to get relevant informationToday Clas Ohlson has a big flow of articles to the stores without larger variations in the demand, with the exception of autumn, which is when customers start shopping for Christmas. Clas Ohlson?s articles are placed on a pallet and are wrapped into plastic-film for protection and to make sure that nothing will be stolen.

Mandatfördelning i Sverige

This essay will cover the Swedish electoral system with a focus on the proportional representation andthe process involved from the conversion of votes to seats in the parliament. This process consists ofseveral methods which are created by political decisions as well as mathematical formulas and is notalways perfect in terms of equalization. An increment of six adjustment seats would have made thegeneral election of 2010 more proportioned. Despite this, the Swedish electoral system is wellconstructed and the essay will highlight areas which could be subject for improvement as well asexplaining fundamental concepts of the process..

Feromoninnehållande substansers effekt på hjärtfrekvensen hos kvigor i östrus och diöstrus :

With increased milkproduction in our dairy cattle, comes a risk for a reduced fertility. Studies performed on animals and humans have shown that it is possible to manipulate the oestrous cycle through exposure to pheromones. This means that pheromones could potentionally be used to make reproduction more efficient. To evaluate the bioactivity of the substances in question, there is need for a bioassay. In insects, pheromones can induce a changed cardiac activity.

Visa arbetsvilja : Arbetslinjen som moral, ritual och gruppsolidaritet

The subject of this study is the ?work strategy? (arbetslinjen); the idea that work and active measures are preferred over cash benefits. The aim of the study is to investigate why the work strategy, which has been almost undisputed for nearly a century, has had widely changing contents over the years, what measures have been taken and which groups have been included. It also attempts to find out whether there is a correlation between unemployment rates, society and the different aspects of the work strategy. The study is conducted as an idea analysis, mainly of dissertations on the work strategy and public inquiries, and covers five time periods from the 1920?s until today.

Förlorad i övergången från aritmetik till algebra : Hur gymnasieelever översätter aritmetik till algebra

The aim of this thesis is to look for signs of students? understanding of algebra by studying how they make the transition from arithmetic to algebra. Students in an Upper Secondary class on the Natural Science program and Science and Technology program were given a questionnaire with a number of algebraic problems of different levels of difficulty. Especially important for the study was that students leave comments and explanations of how they solved the problems. According to earlier research, transitions are the most critical steps in problem solving.

Livscykelanalys för koldioxidutsläpp från flerbostadshus

Today, about 15 to 20 percent of Sweden?s total emission of carbon dioxide can be traced to the household sector. By examining apartment blocks in a life cycle perspective, the origin of the carbon dioxide emission has been charted and analyzed. This information has been used to create a computational model that calculates the total emission of carbon dioxide from a specific apartment block. The results from the analyzed apartment blocks indicate that both the use of energy and the emission of carbon dioxide have been reduced since the 1960s. Through the examination of building materials, it is possible to lower the emission of carbon dioxide that origins from the construction phase of an apartment block.

"Fettpärlan har vi så det räcker till alla!" : En jämförande studie av hur fyra lärare på de studieförberedande och yrkesförberedande programmen tänker och arbetar kring och med litteraturundervisning

On 1 January 2005, IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards)was mandatory for all listed companies within the European Union. The introduction is to create a transparent and consistent reporting. Mainly to provide companies, investors and financiers the same access to world capital markets. Since the introduction of IFRS, the goodwill value is determined by annual impairment tests. If an impairment of goodwill is a fact the goodwill decreases in value.

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