

667 Uppsatser om Cash Conversion Cycle - Sida 5 av 45

E-arkivering hos stadsarkiv : Mellanarkivslösning i sitt sammanhang

Digital preservation is a relatively new subject to Swedish archives. Alhough computers have been used for a long time, preservation has been made on paper and stored on shelves. These days a lot of cities in Sweden have investigated how to best secure the digital information for the future through electronic archiving, e-archives. One option is to hand in the information as soon as possible, but to let the producer keep the information ownership yet some time. The idea is to let the producers of the information answer questions and hand out material, since they are more competent on their field.

Utformning av sidoområden med hänsyn till vägens livscykelkostnad

Single vehicle accidents are one of the most common types of accidents that occur on the Swedish road network. Depending on the design of the road, the presence of a crash barrier and embankment on the roadside, the outcome of a roadside collision can lead to serious injuries and even deaths.The aim of this project is to investigate the possibility of improving road safety by designing the optimal roadside area based on the results of a life cycle cost analysis (LCC).The questions that have been answered during the duration of this project are:1) Describe the current technical solutions for roadside area design and the various barrier types used in Sweden.2) Complete an existing mathematical model that has been developed by Hawzheen Karim, for calculating life-cycle costs for various roadside areas.3) Calculate and compare the life cycle costs for the side area with a barrier and without a barrier.By performing an analysis of the documentation on the current guidelines and rules for shaping the roadside, was it possible to describe the current technical solutions for the formation the roadside as well as the current roadside barriers in use today. A mathematical model for calculating the life cycle costs of different barrier types had already been developed by Hawzheen Karim. This model was supplemented so that it could calculate life-cycle costs of the roadside region with and without a barrier. After the model was completed, an analysis was performed to obtain life-cycle costs of a roadside with and without a barrier.The result showed that there is a clear relationship between the slope inclination, fill height, and the rate at which the costs rise.

Från vaggan till grinden, en livscykelinventering på ett par bomullsbyxor

Our common future involves many important challenges. People and nature need to improve the relationship in order to reach an ecologically sustainable development. In a society where consumption of products steadily increases, the consumer awareness about social and environmental issues connected to the products becomes an importent factor. More and more companies choose to work more actively with these issues and more and more products get labelled by some of the eco labelling organisations. From the cradle to the gate means that a study has been done on a part of a products life cycle.

Riksintressets roll En studie av ombyggnaden av rådhuskvarteret inom riksintresset ?Centrala Kristianstad?

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2014:18.

"Jag kommer inte bli Al Capone utan jag kommer bli en jävla knarkare som sitter på kåken" : - En kvalitativ studie om åtta före detta missbrukares upplevelser av vägen in och vägen ut ur missbruk

The purpose of this study is to understand and analyze why individuals develop and manage to leave drug abuse. The material consists of interviews with eight individuals who have gone through a life of addiction and managed to change their lifestyle. We contacted the participants through the organization called KRIS (Criminals Redress with Society). The results indicate that the participants have had a troublesome upbringing and been labeled by society as outsiders which have led them into addiction. The results also show that they have all gone through a social conversion from the life as an addict to become sober.

Lönsamhet i svenska banker - En tidsserieanalys av de svenska storbankernas lönsamhet och risktagande

This study aims to scrutinize the four major banks in Sweden on how their profit havedeveloped over a time span of 15 years, whether stricter regulations have had anyimpact on financial key ratios and if there is any correlation between the banksprofitability and their risk taking. The period covered is the years 2000-2014. Thefigures are annually and the four major banks are; Handelsbanken, Nordea,Skandiviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) and Swedbank.The findings are that financial key ratios that include net income are pro-cycle whereSwedbank has the biggest volatility over the period and that the three other banks areless, but clear pro-cycle. There are also indications that stricter rules have madeimpact on the volatility of the profitability even though the period covered is notenough to ensure this claim. Nordea has had the lowest and most stable capital ratiothroughout the period and the other three banks lowered their debt-to-equity ratiosignificantly after the financial crisis in 2008.

Leveraged Buyout : Vilka förutsättningar finns för en LBO av Cloetta Fazer AB?

The number of LBOs in Sweden has increased during the last years and the current market trend is positive. MostLBOs involves private companies, but a few concerns public corporations on the national share market. In this thesis we will examine the conditions of a LBO of Cloetta Fazer AB. The purpose is to study existing conditions of Cloetta Fazer AB and to examine pros and cons with the deal. Based upon information presented in the frame of reference and in the empirical part, two cash flow valuations have been carried out.

Analys och planering av likviditet : En studie av kassaflödesanalyser och prognosers interna användbarhet inom ABB, Manpower, Gina Tricot och Västerås stad

Nyckelord: Kassaflödesanalys, kassaflöde, likviditetsplanering, likviditetsbudget, likviditetsprognos, likviditet och nyckeltal.Frågeställning: Hur och varför använder de fyra valda organisationerna kassaflödesanalyser och -prognoser internt?Vilka är skillnaderna i de fyra organisationernas sätt att ställa upp och använda sig av kassaflödesanalyserna och -prognoserna och beror skillnaderna på i vilken bransch de verkar?Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur kassaflödesanalyser och -prognoser tillämpas praktiskt i de fyra stora organisationerna ABB, Västerås stad, Manpower och Gina Tricot för att identifiera om skillnader i uppförandet finns.Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär då fallstudierna av organisationerna gjordes genom intervjuer med representanter på respektive organisation. Totalt genomfördes elva intervjuer med tolv personer. Data till referensramen samlades in genom sekundära källor. Insamlad data och information analyserades där referensram och empiri sattes i relation till varandra.Slutsats: Brister i metoden för hur kassaflödesanalysen ska upprättas finns då den i praktiken inte används av de undersökta organisationerna internt.

Förpackning med förbättrad miljö- och säljaspekt : Ett projekt i samarbete med Primus Sverige AB

This work of examination describes an environmentally oriented product development aimed to develop new packaging with improved environmental and sale aspects of the products from Primus Sweden AB. The report covers the design process from the first collection of facts to the final results with a description of all methods involved in the work. The focus has been on a clear environmental awareness and the report contains a deepening of the concept life cycle assessment (LCA) for product development. In the process, the consumers? opinions of the brand Primus and environmental profiling formed the basis for the packaging to communicate the right values such as quality, technology, environmental awareness and adventurer?s first choice.The deepening of the life cycle analysis shows that composting and other alternative treatment of the biological cycle is not possible to implement in a satisfactory way in the design process.The work results in two final concepts.

Termomekanisk utmattning av Sanicro 25 : Materialmodellering med finita elementmetoden

The report aims to describe the austenitic stainless steel Sanicro 25 from a thermomechanical point of view. The thermal and mechanical properties of the material make it suitable for use in coal ? and thermal power plants. By the use of Sanicro 25 it would be possible to bring the efficiency of these plants up while bringing the carbon emissions down.A material model is created from material testing and validated through simulation in the finite element software Abaqus. The model that has been derived describes the material behavior during loading and stress relaxation for the first cycle in a thermomechanical fatigue test well.

DCF-modellering vid multipelvärdering: En empirisk studie av hybrida värderingsmodellers prediktionsförmåga

Today, there are a number of different models and methods used to estimate the equity value of a company. A common tool for valuating stock prices is the usage of different multiples. This is a method used to determine the value of a company, by examining and comparing the financial ratios of relevant peer groups. The disadvantage with this method is that it does not take all the important aspects, such as risk, investments and capital structure, into consideration. However, this study investigates if the key value, called discounted cash flow (DCF), can be integrated with the valuation of the multiples.

Varum?rken i f?rbifarten. En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxnas uppfattningar av produktplaceringar i TV-serien Snabba Cash

Studiens syfte ?r att unders?ka vilka tolkningar och beskrivningar tittaren g?r av de produktplaceringar presenteras i TV-serien Snabba Cash. Mer specifikt studeras vad som kr?vs f?r att f?nga tittarens uppm?rksamhet vid produktplaceringar och hur exponeringarna f?r publiken att resonera och motivera sina upplevelser av det varum?rket som marknadsf?rs. Med fr?gest?llningen hur uppfattar unga vuxna produktplaceringar av specifika varum?rken som marknadsf?rs i TV-serien Snabba Cash och p? vilka s?tt p?verkar uppfattningarna attityden mot varum?rket? Studien har en deskriptiv och explorativ kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer av djup karakt?r. Det teoretiska ramverket best?r av Persuasion Knowledge Model (PKM) och Elaboration Knowledge Model (ELM).

Likvida tillgångars påverkan på lönsamhet och aktievärde : En studie av svenska företag på Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm mellan 2008-2011

Objective: The study will investigate whether cash liquidity have a negative affect on profitability and share value of companies, listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm 2008-2011. Part of the purpose is also to show if the industry risk is of importance for treasury management of these companies.Method: The methodology for the study is key analysis through hypothesis testing and regression analysisConclusion: The liquidity ratio affects profitability in a negative direction on the entire sample. No other conclusion can be drawn..

Utmattningsberäkning av hydraulikkopplingar : Metoder och beräkningar gällande utmattningsteorier

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the fatigue life of two components in different hydraulic quick couplings. The crack which initiates the fatigue failure usually occurs in the bottom of one of the threads. Thus, the threads in the coupling are carefully investigated. A few different approaches for determining the fatigue life are studied for each component. CAD (Computer Aided Design) models for both components are created and analyzed with FEM (Finite Element Method).

The movement of the rider?s hand related to the horse?s behaviour and the stride cycle

One way of signalling commands to the horse during riding is through applying tension on the reins to create bit pressure in the horse?s mouth (Terada et al., 2006; Clayton et al., 2011). The skilfulness of the rider in using the hands when applying bit pressure has consequences both for the horse?s performance and welfare (Manfredi et al., 2010). At the trot there are large vertical deviations of the horse?s body which the rider must adjust and adapt to (Terada et al., 2006) and an unsteady hand due to inability to follow the horse?s movement can be a source of discomfort and conflict behaviour in the horse (Heleski et al., 2009).

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