

667 Uppsatser om Cash Conversion Cycle - Sida 34 av 45

Energikartläggning samt åtgärdsanalys av en kirurgibyggnad

Energifrågor och energieffektivisering blir alltmer uppmärksammat i dagens samhälle. Kostnadssituationen för energi är idag helt annorlunda mot vad den var för 30 år sen, priset är numera mycket högre. Speciellt påverkar detta gamla sjukhus där det är installationstätt och det finns aktivitet som pågår i stort sett dygnet runt. Här finns det helt klart en hel del pengar att spara in, frågan är bara var och hur? Detta examensarbete innehåller en energikartläggning av kirurgibyggnaden på Universitetssjukhuset i Malmö, i rapporten ofta benämnd som byggnad 33, samt även en fördjupning kring området ventilation avsedd för operationssalar. Rapporten redovisar inledningsvis en energibalans av byggnaden som har åstadkommits med hjälp av simuleringsprogram, uppmätta värden och beräkningar.

EU:s omställning till en hållbar jordbruksnäring

Cultivable land is a limited resource and agriculture contributes to some of the most serious environmental problems facing the planet like, global warming, eutrophication and loss of biodiversity. The specialized, industrial agriculture with monoculture and extensive input of external energy, commercial fertilizer, and chemical pesticides are all essentially unsustainable. An adaptation to other methods of production is necessary to preserve the environment for future generations. The aim of this study is to describe the factors that distinguish sustainable from unsustainable agriculture. The results will be used to examine if and how the European Union (EU) works in order to create a more sustainable agricultural industry and to analyze the preconditions for such development.

Perceptions of domestic solar systems : a study on non-adopter views of a new technology

The world is currently facing a huge severe challenge in handling the issue of climate change. One of the ways to lower the green house gas emissions, which is seen as one of the main contributor to the climate crisis, is to use renewable technologies such as for example photovoltaic (PV) systems. PV-systems are also suitable for so called micro production, small scale energy production facilities, since it can be placed on practically any rooftop with the right solar conditions. In Sweden the usage of PV-systems has not yet gotten any wider spreading, even though the solar radiation conditions are very similar to countries that produce a lot of solar energy, as for example Germany. The aim of this paper is to describe non-adopter perceptions of PV-systems. The study holds a qualitative approach using deep interviews for data collection.

Inventering av flodpärlmussla i Fylleån norr om Gyltigesjön

Freshwater environments are threatened worldwide, of which many of the species associatedwith freshwater. In 2014, 243 freshwater mussels were on the international Red List. One ofthem is the freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, which because of itscomplex life cycle can be counted as an indicator of whether a stream is worth protecting. It's since the early 1900's in decline throughout their range. Sweden is counted as a core area which is why we have not only a national but an international responsibility to conserve the species.

Kommasköldlusen Lepidosaphes ulmi (Linnaeus) i svensk äppelodling : livscykel och naturliga fiender

Lepidosaphes ulmi ? kommasköldlusen har dykt upp som skadegörare i svenska äppelodlingar de senaste åren. Svenska äppelodlare har efterfrågat mer information kring kommasköldlusen och dess naturliga fiender, och därför gjordes denna litteraturstudie. Kommasköldlusen är en pansarsköldlus med ett hårt skyddande skal. Även äggen läggs under skalet och de är därför svåra att bekämpa.

Den amerikanska subprimekrisen i ett historisktteoretiskt perspektiv : En undersökning om hur USA:s subprimekris överensstämmer med  Kindlebergerstolkning av Minskys modell

This paper aims to analyze the effect of the American Subprime crisis of 2007 through the perspective ofHaynes Minsky?s model according to Charles Kindleberger. The investigation revolves how the anatomyof a financial crisis develops and how it is applicable to the Subprime crisis. More specific conclusionsare derived from applying Minsky?s model to the three largest American indices; Dow Jones industrialaverage, S&P500 and NASDAQ.To deepen the analysis the Case-Shiller home price indices acts as a second parameter tocompliment Minsky?s perspective with Robert J.

Värmeförluster vid utvändigt placerade ventilationssystem

To be able to handle tomorrows need for limited energy consumption we need to reduce our use of energy. The building sector stands for around 40 % of all energy consumption in the society. The government has put up a goal to reduce the energy consumption in our buildings with 20 % by year 2020 and 50 % by year 2050 compared with year 1995. To be able to do reach that goal we need a more energy efficient building stock.The main part of the energy used in our buildings is used for space heating. By installing ventilation systems with heat recovery on the exhaust air it is possible to use the heat-energy in the exhaust air to warm up the incoming air.

Segelbåt, fjällstuga, husvagn och lyxbil... Är dessa att anse som onyttig egendom för fåmansbolaget?

Background: The Stop rule for buying in property was introduced through 1976 years legislation and its formemost purpose was to prevent companies to acquire property that was useless for the company. Assets such as cars, boats and arts were of current interest. At the same time as this stop rule was introduced, another stop rule was also introduced and this was meant to work to forbid the partner to buy property from the close company to a price that would lead to sell at loss for the company. After a government decision (1999:2000, Abolished Stop rules) the close company is no longer living under this restriction since these two stop rules have been abolished since January 2001. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which criteria are the basis to judge whether the assets is to consider as useful or not for the close company.

Kassaflödesanalys : till nytta för vem?

Bakgrund: Vissa företag skall enligt årsredovisningslagen bifoga en kassaflödesanalys i sin årsredovisning för att redovisa företagets likviditetsförändring under perioden. De företag som upprättar en kassaflödesanalys följer Redovisningsrådets rekommendation, som till största del är en översättning av IASCs "Cash Flow Statements". Detta innebär att den svenska rekommendationen är harmoniserad mot internationell standard. Kassaflödesanalysen kan användas internt av företaget för att få kontroll över de likvida medel som strömmar in och ut ur företages verksamhet. Även andra intressenter, såsom investerare och långivare, kan vara intresserade av företages finansiella situation, eftersom de vill beräkna lönsamheten samt studera företagets förmåga att betala sina skulder.

Attitudes towards hedging by diversified and non-diversified farmers : a comparative qualitative study

Deregulation on the market for agricultural products leads to a more globalised market with increasing price fluctuations. This, in turn, places the farmer in positions influenced by new risks but also improved opportunities. The farmers are faced by uncertainty in terms of financial outcome. To be able to utilise these new market conditions it becomes increasingly important for farmers to continuously follow the price trend, and to develop strategies how to manage the risks exposed by a volatile market. Farmers with different conditions perceive risk in different ways. Hence, their risk management behaviour will vary.

Reglering av matarsystem vid höghastighetskapning

Today small metal parts are mass-produced as for example rollers in cylinder bearings. At high velocity cutting the metal is cut with a great force in a scissor-like device. Both precision and repeatability is important to be able to guarantee good quality, but from an economical point of view it is also important to keep a great manufacturing capacity. The part of the process that is most time consuming is when the metal bar, that is about to be cut, is fed to the right position. Therefore it is interesting to examine if the time used for positioning can be reduced.

Livscykelanalys av en ekologisk bomullsskjorta - miljöpåverkan från vagga till grav

This study includes a life cycle assessment, LCA, on an ecological produced cotton shirt for the company Reflective Circle, which designs ethical and ecological clothes.Initially were cotton farming and textile production studied to gather basic knowledge about the processes. Since this shirt is being ecological produced in the whole production chain, we studied what an ecological production means, but also how a conventional production works. When this was done we could start to discuss the differences and similarities between the production of the shirt and general conventional production.When the LCA was first initiated, the main focus was on the green house gas emissions from the manure at the cultivation. Thereafter the process steps such as picking, ginning, carding, spinning, weaving and sewing were being studied. The picking is done by hand, but the rest of the processes are handed by machines which consumes energy.

Validation of rumination measurement equipment and the role of rumination in dairy cow time budgets

Automatic rumination measuring can be applied as a health indicator in dairy farming but is also highly desirable for research purposes. This study aimed to validate the technical functionality of the product RuminActTM, which employ acoustics to monitor rumination duration. The time budget of high yielding cows was studied and possible differences in rumination time between 13 rations were interpreted. Further the study examined what affects daily rumination and rumination efficiency. The validation was performed with direct observations that were compared to the automatically recorded rumination durations.

The screening for novel proteasome inhibitors as a treatment of cancer using IncuCyte FLR and fluorometric microculture cytotoxicity assay.

The problem of finding targeted medicine is a central problem in chemotherapy. From this point of view the ubiquitin-proteasome system is a highly promising object in the pharmaceutical approach. Proteasome plays a critical role in cellular protein degradation, cell cycle and apoptosis regulation.Proteasome inhibitors are substances blocking the actions of proteasome. Cancer cells are more sensitive to inhibition of the ubiquitin-proteasome system than normal cells. Therefore proteasome inhibitors have the potential to be successfully used in the cancer treatment.The study aimed to test various substances to identify possible proteasome inhibitors with the IncuCyteTM FLR image system and fluorometric microculture cytotoxicity assay.

Smart plombering och märkning

The background for this degree thesis is a need to replace the existing seal used to protect equipment containing secret or sensitive equipment used by Swedish Defence. The target design should satisfy both the need for tamper evidence and reduce Life Cycle Cost. In developing a new design for a seal, additional benefits such as improved logistics support and indication of attack methods such as heat and solvents have been considered.The lack of guiding principles for end users of seals became evident during the interviews. Major concerns for the future are education of users, information about actions if a seal is broken and user liability.The design work was divided into several phases. A feasibility study was performed including investigation of theory of labels, materials and possible technologies.

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