

667 Uppsatser om Cash Conversion Cycle - Sida 27 av 45

Resurseffektiv livsmedelsproduktion : Tillämpning av industriell symbios för ökad resurseffektivitet inom den svenska tomatodlingsbranschen

Industries with energy costs as a large proportion of their total costs are greatly affected by the instruments deployed to cope with the Swedish climate and energy policy goals. With energy costs representing more than 30 % of the total costs, tomato cultivators are one of the affected industries. In order to remain competitive with other countries, a more resource- and cost-efficient cultivation of tomatoes in greenhouses is desirable in Sweden. Based on the concept of industrial symbiosis, this study investigates the prerequisites for a resource-efficient production of locally grown tomatoes in Sweden through the utilization of low grade industrial waste heat. The study is based on the foundry industry as the supplier of waste heat.To investigate the environmental, technical and economic potential of the exchange of waste heat, a comparative life cycle assessment, an inventory of the supply of industrial waste heat in Sweden, a compilation of potential technologies for the recovery of low grade industrial waste heat for heating greenhouses and a comparative life-cycle cost calculation were carried out.

Dagvatten i Märsta : förslag till anläggning för ekologisk hantering samt metodöversikt

Stormwater in urban areas has been treated as a problem for a long time. The large proportion of impermeable surfaces inhibits the water from infiltrating in the ground to the same extent that it does in nature. This causes intensive surface flow during rain, which in turn causes inconveniences such as decreased accessability, floods and increased risk of desease spreading. Drainage through pipes is the traditional and usually functional metod for storm water disposal. That is as long as water flows are moderate. But precipitation varies naturally in amount and intensity and additional impermeable surfaces make some pipes insufficient for heavy or lasting precipitation.

Optimering och validering av PCR-metod för diagnostik av svampinfektioner i nagel

Nuvarande metoder för att diagnostisera svampinfektioner i nagel är långsamma och troligen ganska okänsliga. Diagnostik görs vanligen genom direktmikroskopi och odling på svampsubstrat. I ett försök att minska analystiden och att öka känsligheten användes i denna studie realtids-PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) för att påvisa dermatofyter. Optimering och validering gjordes av en PCR som var generell för dermatofyter och en PCR som var specifik för Trichophyton rubrum. Optimeringen innefattade annealingtemperatur, Mg2+-koncentration och primerkoncentration.

Äldres erfarenheter av aktiviteter i ett socialt sammanhang. En narrativ studie om den åldrande människan

There is no general aging process therefore should health efforts directed at elderly population based on each individual as a unique person with specific needs. When aging becomes a fact not generally decrease the lust and the desire to be active but it is perhaps more about the body's ability to keep up on what the head wants. Therefore the range of activities towards the elderly population requires some adjustment that can partly be achieved by taking some of the older people?s experiences. The purpose of this study was that by the older people?s experiences of organized activities in a social context to illustrate how they perceive their participation.

Breeding practices of Red Maasai sheep in Maasai pastoralist communities

A survey was undertaken to understand sheep management, breeding practices and selection criteria for Red Maasai sheep in Maasai pastoralist communities in Kajiado District, Kenya. Differences between North and South Kajiado District were investigated to gain knowledge about farmers having different prerequisites and how it can affect the sheep production. The reason for keeping sheep and the specific breeds show the multiple objectives of the Maasai farmers. Adaptive traits, such as resistance to diseases and droughts, and productive traits, such as increased growth and carcass weight, were both ranked highly. In addition to this, the sheep has a social and traditional value in Maasai culture.

Energikonsumtion hos en diskmaskin

The dishwasher is a wide spread product that occurs in many households. It saves the user time,water and energy. When using a dishwasher instead of doing dishes by hand a lot of energy issaved.The importance of lowering the energy consumption does not only come from the consumerwinnings but also from an environmental point of view. Scientists are certain that the globalwarming comes from the emission of green house gasses that is created by human consumptionof oil, gas and coal.Dishwashers today are a lot more energy efficient than older dishwashers, but there are stillmargins to lower the energy consumption. The aim with this project is to investigate thedishwasher and it?s washing cycle, noting different phases and components that contribute towaste of energy.

Några elevers känslor och tankar i ett möte med en skalbagges livscykelstadier / A couple of pupils? emotions and thoughts when meeting a beetle?s life cycle stages.

Avsikten med detta arbete är att undersöka vilka känslor och tankar elever kan ha till djur, samt om de kan ändras när eleverna blir bekanta med djuren. Vi har valt att utföra en kvalitativ undersökning där vi kombinerar metoderna intervju och observation. Undersökningen genomfördes på tio elever i årskurs ett, där alla enskilt fick bekanta sig med en skalbagges alla livcykelstadier under ca 10 minuter. I början och slutet av varje intervju bad vi eleverna att berätta vad de kände och tänkte när de såg djuren, därefter grundade vi vår analys och tolkning av vårt material med hjälp av konstruktivismen. I vår undersökning såg vi att alla elever hade någon sorts känsla för och tanke om djuren, dock kunde det vara svårt att tyda känslorna eftersom vissa elever verbalt kunde uttrycka en känsla medan kroppsspråket visade en annan.

Sociala rörelser i rörelse - En analys av de jordlösas rörelses verksamhet i civilsamhället

This thesis analyses the rise and fall of social movements. Social movementsfunctions in the civil society, by contentious collective action they form identities,mobilize their forces and use repertoires of contentions to make new or previouslyunaccepted claims. They function in a limited timeframe, sooner or later they getinstitutionalized, marginalised or succumb into violence. The landless movementin Brazil is one of the most profound social movements in the world; their majorgoal is a land reform. Since the leftwing president Lula da Silva won the Brazilianelection in 2002 the president has been unable to live up to the expectations fromthe landless movement about implementing a land reform.

Referenser i informationsåtervinning: utvärdering av en sökstrategi för citationsindex

In this essay, a search strategy for citation index is studied. The strategy, which is essentially a citation cycle, starts with documents retrieved by a subject search, wherefrom new documents are identified following the network of citations backwards and forwards in time. Based on the theory of polyrepresentation, the strategy exploits overlaps between cognitively different interpretations of the same documents in order to automatically select references seed documents used as a starting point for the forward chaining. The purpose of the investigation is to evaluate the retrieval effectiveness of the search strategy and to find out whether the strategy can be used to expand a subject search with the help of the network of references in order to retrieve new relevant documents. Two questions are formulated: 1a.

Att värdera en hamnutbyggnad : en översikt av ekonomiska verktyg samt en värdering av föroreningar

När en kommersiell hamn byggs ut fordras omfattande muddringsarbete för att säkerställa ett brukligt djup för sjöfart. Då stora delar av muddermassorna ofta är förorenade av tungmetaller och miljögifter krävs särskilt omhändertagande av dessa. Traditionella omhändertagningsalternativ består av att deponera massorna på särskild avsedd plats på land eller tippa till havs, något som inte tillåts för förorenade sediment. En relativt ny metod är stabilisering/solidifiering (S/S) som innebär att muddermassorna behandlas med ett bindemedel för att sedan kunna användas som fyllnadsmaterial i exempelvis kajkonstruktioner. Dessa alternativ behöver noga vägas mot varandra med hänsyn till ekonomiska och miljömässiga aspekter.

Energikartläggning av ett 1970-tals lägenhetshus på Skarpövägen i Nacka kommun : Simulering av energibesparande åtgärder i ?IDA Indoor Climate and Energy?

This study has been carried out in the spring of 2014 on behalf of PQR Consult AB in Stockholm. The aim of the study has been to analyse the energy usage of the building Skarpövägen 1 in order to explore the possibilites of saving energy by using appropriate equipment. These possible solutions have been simulated by using the programe IDA Indoor Climate and Energy, combined with a life cycle cost analysis. The laundry building, Skarövägen 23, has also been analysed due to its high amount of energy usage. The result of the energy analysis showed that the energy usage was much higher than the energy declaration.

Elproduktion ur låggradig värme : Tillämpningsmöjligheter vid Skellefteå Kraft ABs kraftvärmeverk Skogsbacka i Lycksele

SammanfattningI ett kraftvärmeverk binds en stor del energi i de varma rökgaserna. Genom att installera rökgaskondensering kan energi från röken tillvaratas. På kraftvärmeverket Skogsbacka i Lycksele har man tittat på möjligheterna att installera rökgaskondensering. Detta arbete syftar till att ta reda på om och vid vilka förutsättningar det skulle vara lönsamt för Skogsbacka att också investera i utrustning för elproduktion vid låggradig värme, för att på så sätt använda energin från rökgaskondenseringen. Idag finns flera tillverkare som erbjuder fristående aggregat som kan utvinna el vid låga temperaturer.

Flygbesiktning av Luftledningar : Modellering av samband mellan besiktningsanmärkningar och systemtillförlitlighet

This paper thoroughly investigates needs and requirements for overhead distribution feeder inspection and develops models to investigate possible relations between short term inspections remarks and outages. The study was conducted in collaboration with Fortum Distribution AB that supplied extensive information about their overhead power feeders concerning both inspection and power outages. The investigated models where lognormal linear model, Poisson generalized linear model and negative binomial generalized linear model. All models were implemented utilizing offset terms to compensate for differences in feeder length and amount of overhead versus underground feeders. The Poisson generalized linear model was rejected at an early stage due to overdispersion and neither of the remaining models fit the data perfectly.

Historiska återspeglingar : En studie om svensk turismhistoria genom fallstudier på Åre och Mölle

The idea of this thesis emerged from our common interest to explore the life cycle of Swedish tourist destinations. This study has historical features since we tried to identify crucial historical and current push and pull factors, which influenced destinations upturns and downturns. In order to achieve our primary goal and identify those factors, we made two case studies. We chose Åre and Mölle as our cases and these two areas will represent Swedish destinations, and their life cycles, as a whole. The destinations? developing processes and their nowadays profile are not the same as for two hundred years ago which was a reason and motivation that made us start exploring this specific subject.

Prevalens och genetisk karaktärisering av afrikansk svinpestvirus i vektorer och tamsvin i Uganda

African swine fever, ASF, was first described 1921, in Kenya. The virus has thereafter spread through many African countries as well as in Europe, Asia, South- and Central America. The virus is spread via three different cycles, of which one is sylvatic and includes warthogs and soft ticks. The other two are between domestic pigs and the one most common one is caused by humans, who not always realize the seriousness of precautions. The infection manifests as hemorrhagic fever, but can also be more or less unnoticed. The aim of this study was to use molecular tools to detect and partly genetically characterize ASFV both in soft ticks and in serum from domestic pigs in Uganda. Comparing viruses detected in ticks with those detected in domestic pigs I also wanted to investigate possible links between the sylvatic and domestic cycle.

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