

2828 Uppsatser om Caring relationship - Sida 44 av 189

Hur lyckas jag själv genom att hylla andra som lyckats?

Som examensarbete valde jag att göra något så galet som att skriva en bok. Jag hade aldrig kunnat ana vad jag gav mig in i, och vilket oerhört lärorikt äventyr jag stod inför. Många gånger var jag nära att ge upp helt och tänkte att jag aldrig skulle kunna ro detta i land. Men den 1 maj 2012 skickades faktiskt boken till tryckeriet, en dag jag för evigt kommer att minnas med ett stort leende. Ingenting är omöjligt, så länge du är beredd att kämpa för det - och tro mig, det har jag verkligen gjort.Min bok heter We All Need Heroes.

Faktorer som påverkar kunders relation till ICA

SammanfattningDet förekommer dagligen företag som anordnar tävlingar och lotterier på Facebook utan att ta hänsyn till lagar och regler. Företagen saknar allt som oftast lotteritillstånd och bryter därmed mot 9 § Lotterilagen. Det kan även ifrågasättas huruvida de tar hänsyn till bestämmelserna i Marknadsföringslagen (MFL). Marknadsrättsliga regler om god marknadsföringssed, reklamidentifiering och vilseledande marknadsföring är frågor som kan komma att bli aktuella vid en marknadsrättslig bedömning.Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida det är förenligt med gällande rätt (de lege lata) för företag att lotta ut gåvor på Facebook genom att användarna skall gilla och dela en statusuppdatering. Samt att undersöka på vilket sätt det kan tänkas strida mot gällande lagstiftning för marknadsföringsåtgärder.Det är idag tillåtet för företag att anordna pristävlingar, det som då krävs är att deltagarna genomför en viss motprestation.

Cotonouavtalet - egenskaper och orsaker. En studie utifrån liberalistiskt och protektionistiskt perspektiv

The EU has for a long time had a special relationship with its former colonies in Africa Caribbean and the Pacific, called the ACP?countries. This relationship is about to change radically with the new partnership agreement signed in June 2000 in Cotonou. This essay aims to study the EU ?ACP Partnership Agreement from the perspectives of two different theories: The liberalist, free-trade policy theory and the nationalist/regionalist, protectionist theory.

Personers upplevelser vid återfall i cancer: en litteraturstudie

En hel del forskning finns inom området cancersjukdomar. Kunskap om personers upplevel-ser av att få återfall i cancer är otillräckliga vad gäller perspektiv på omvårdnad. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att studera personers upplevelse att få återfall i cancer. Sex interna-tionellt publicerade vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Ana-lysen resulterade i fem kategorier: att vinna kontroll över hälsan och lära sig att leva med sjukdomen, att inte bli hörsammad, att cancern aldrig försvinner och att man blir rädd att dö i förtid, att ha en Gudstro och att få stöd av någon som älskar en inger hopp och att sätta värde på livet och prioritera mer medvetet.

Barns relationsarbete i skolan : Inneslutning, uteslutning och mobbning

A school is a social area in which children and adults meet each other. The school is were friendship, love and also enmity arise. The process to establish, maintain, split up and end relationships is constantly continuously. A Childs way of creating relationships is complex. Bullying and similar offending treatment occur and has always been a huge problem in school.

BVC-sjuksköterskors upplevelser av arbetet med omsorgssviktande familjer

Many children in Sweden are exposed to maltreatment. Among the purposes of the Child health care (CHC) are to decrease mortality, infirmity and handicaps among mothers and their children, and to decrease hurtful strains for parents and their children. CHC-nurses get critizism for not reporting child maltreatment in high enough numbers to the Social service. The aim of this study was to chart how CHC-nurses finds their work with families suffering from maltreatment. Ten CHC-nurses were interviewed with semistructured interviews.

Ombildad hyresrätt ? påverkar den en delning av egendom? : Vid äktenskapsskillnad eller upplösning av samboförhållande

 When a couple divorce or when couples move apart a division of property can be done. A married couple's property constitutes of joint property and private property. In a division of property between spouses is only the value of the joint property included, not the value of the private property. In a division of property between couples that live together but not a married their joint property that are bought to be used by them together will be included. It is the value of the joint property that will be shared in the division of property.

Manipulerar företag sina resultat - En studie av förekomsten av Earnings management i samband med nyemission på den svenska marknaden

The thesis aims to examine the occurrence of Earnings Management (EM) preceding Seasoned Equity Offerings (SEOs) on the Swedish capital market. EM refers to activities and adjustments carried out by managers. The underlying purpose of these actions is to adjust net income. The procedure is typically done by borrowing income from future periods. Evidence of EM around SEOs has been documented on capital markets around the world, and the effects on firms' post-offering performance are severe.

Piano, gitarr och dragspel : Kön och instrumentval inom Eskilstunas kommunala musikskola och högre musiklinje åren 1980-2000

The aim of this study is to describe how nature is portrayed in swedish poet and critic Aase Berg?s two earliest poetry collections, Hos rådjur (1997) and Mörk materia (1999), and how it relates to notions of humanity, culture and civilisation. The concept of ?nature? is problematized in a short survey of how it has been used by and critizised in ecocritical literary theory, which is used as the main theoretical framework for this survey, with an emphasis on selected theoretical concepts by Donna Haraway. As a methodological starting point, ?nature? is tentatively defined as ?that which does not let itself be subsumed under the human, culture or civilisation?, and this definition is contrasted with how the concepts are handled in the texts.The investigation shows that the relationship of nature to the human is a fundamental theme that provides a structure for both poetry collections.

Branding och Event Marketing : en studie om kunders imageuppfattning av svenska möbelproducenter

This essay describes the Swedish furniture business and its strong competition between domestic and foreign producers. As the demand on higher development speed grows stronger, alongside a fierce competition between the companies, long lasting and unique qualities such as customer relations and strong brand names become crucial. Nowadays many furniture producers chose to sell their products through retailers and they therefore miss out on invaluable direct contact with their customers. Consequently, this means that they lack the perquisite to build relations or more importantly, to communicate their brand.To illustrate the problem a case study and a survey have been carried out. The study compares the strategic marketing works between producers who have own concept stores and those who uses retailers.

Anorexia Nervosa : anorektikern, familjen och sjuksköterskan, svårigheter med att ge en god omvårdnad. En litteraturstudie

Background: Anorexia nervosa is a disease that often strikes teenager girls. The causes of the disease are not entirely known, but there are redeemed and maintenanced factors. The factors describes as biological, psychological and sociocultural. Aim: The aim of the study was to illuminate the nurses problem in caring of girls that developed anorexia nervosa. Method: The method of this essay is a literature study.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelser om sin kunskapskompetens : intervjustudie med sjuksköterskor inom hemsjukvård

The aim with this project was to describe how nursing staff working in the home care environment perceive their level of knowledge regarding mental ill health and if this level of knowledge is sufficient / insufficient in their dealings with mentally ill patients. The study is empirical and a qualitative method has been used. Questionaires have been used and interviews have been carried out with nurses working in the home care system and data has also been collected from previous research in this area. Result The result show that home care nurses consider that they have inadequate knowledge of treating patients with mental ill health and they seek more training, guidance and collaboration with psychiatric nurses. Conclusion Increased knowledge of mental health care and continuous guidance would make home care nurses more confident in their dealings with patients suffering from mental ill health.

Positionering för överlevnad? : - en kvalitativ studie om nystartade företags arbete med sin positionering

Purpose:Only 60 percent of the newly started companies survive their three first years. The purpose of this report is to obtain a deeper understanding regarding how newly started companies work with their positioning and if there are some kind of a relationship between positioning and the survival rate of newly started companies.Research questions:Do newly started companies know what position is? Do they incorporate positioning in their day to day marketing?Approach:We have used a hypothetical-deductive way of reasoning and a qualitative study to gather the information needed. We have through interviews asked our questions to six newly started companies in three different cities.Findings:In our essay, we reached the conclusion that newly started companies do not spend sufficient time or energy on positioning their products. The companies interviewed only market their product as a good product.

Personalrelaterade problem vid en CRM-implementering

Uppsatsen ämnar studera personalrelaterade problem vid en CRM-implementering. Huvudsyftet kan delas upp i fyra delsyften som behandlar vilka implementerings-problemen är, när de uppstår, hur de undviks och hur de bearbetas..

Klassifikation och definition av socialantropologi En jämförande studie ur ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to study the relationship between the definition and bibliographical classification of a certain academic subject; social anthropology. The theoretical framework consists of views held in Information Science regarding the definition and classification of subjects. The methodological onset is based on hermeneutical concepts that allow an extended analysis of abstract structures of thought. This analysis comprises of two parts; a descriptive analysis and a comparative analysis. The result of the descriptive analysis, whose aim is to describe the academic subject social anthropology, shows that this is not easy to define, instead it is nowadays almost the same as cultural anthropology.

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