

8570 Uppsatser om Caring process - Sida 47 av 572

Cultural Intelligence in the Sourcing Process

Syfte: Vårt syfte är att analysera vilken inverkan kulturella skillnader har på kontrollfaktorn som är en del utav transaktionskostnader i den operationella fasen av outsourcing processen. Empiri: Flash AB, en svensk detaljhandlare och Fuda Industrial Ltd, en kinesisk tillverkare, har blivit intervjuad för att ge oss ett kulturellt perspektiv angående deras relationshantering. Slutsatser: För att kunna hantera kulturella relationer mellan två skilda kulturer, som den svenska och kinesiska, måste båda ta hänsyn till varandras värderingar, beteende och attityder. Kulturell intelligens är ett sätt att uppnå detta. Resultatet av en stark integrerad relation i den operationella fasen i en outsourcing process, har direkt påverkan på transaktionskostnader.

Förändring av intranät och dess inledande utmaningar

Organizations today face changes continuously as the society, the surroundings and the technology change. The information technology used in organizations has become essential, where intranets are a big part of it. Many organizations embrace social intranets, and these kind of changes has an impact on the members in the way they work, handle information and communicate. As many organizations and the members in it face new kinds of changes, they also face new kinds of challenges. This paper presents an interview study at Smurfit Kappa Kraftliner in Piteå, whom are about to go through a change process unlike any other change they have ever gone through before.

Den manliga sjuksköterskan : Den manliga sjuksköterskans uppfattning om hur hans könsroll påverkar det dagliga omvårdnadsarbetet

Bakgrund:Beröring används inom sjukvården som komplement till olika behandlingar som exempelvis taktil massage. Vid beröring frisätts ämnen i kroppen som gör att vi känner välbefinnande. Beröring är också en viktig del i den icke-verbala kommunikationen.Syftet är att beskriva hur beröring som kommunikation påverkar vårdrelationen.Metod:Detta är en litteraturöversikt där metoden innebar att kvalitativa artiklar söktes fram med sökord som touching, nursing och caring. Dessa analyserades genom att söka gemensamma nämnare och skapa teman. Totalt har tolv artiklar analyserats.Resultat:Till resultatet framkom fyra teman: Beröring som tröst, Beröring för att fördjupa relationen, Beröring som maktfaktor och Beröringens sexuella aspekter.Diskussion:Beröring är ett medel för att trösta samt skapa och upprätthålla vårdrelationen.

Lika bolag leka bäst - En studie om betydelsen av likhet vid sammanslagningar av bolag

This study addresses the issue of mergers between consulting firms. Previous research has shown that there are specific factors that determine the outcome of a merger and that success is more likely if companies are more similar. The purpose of the study is therefore to define relevant factors and understand when resemblance matter and under what conditions disparity may cause problems. Furthermore, the aim of the study is to find a pattern of which factors are more important in a successful merger. The problem of the study is addressed through a qualitative research approach and is conducted on six different mergers.

En studie i begrepp inom byggnadsv?rden: samsyn och efterlevnad

The theory that concepts that are interpreted subjectively in building care creates problems in how the concepts are defined in practice within the current governing documents and guidelines for building care. This essay has studied concepts in the building maintenance literature to investigate whether there is consensus in compliance practice within the building process. In the study, 9 concepts have been investigated through conversational interviews and questionnaires answered by practitioners with extensive experience in building care processes. In the survey, an attempt is made, to measure how big or small the consensus is between practitioners who often need to collaborate within the building maintenance process. The investigation shows that existence of the concepts in building maintenance is very common in the theoretical literature examined but is almost completely absent in the craft area. Since laws, regulations, principles, and guidelines have defined concepts to support the decisions in the building maintenance process, it can be concluded that there is a lack of practice for compliance.


Background:Alzheimer's disease is a disease that primarily affects the elderly but also younger people. Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia which means that you get changes in the cerebral cortex and cells gradually die. The disease causes memory loss and things that were obvious before will be difficult for the sufferer. Alzheimer's disease also affects next of kin to a large degree; they will have to take a great responsibility. The next of kin are entitled to support from healthcare.Aim:The aim was to highlight next of kin' experiences of healthcare to their family members with Alzheimer's disease.Method: The study was based on narratives, which in this case means analysis of autobiographies.

Sjuksköterskans preventionsåtgärder vid självmordsrisk

Idag är det 1500 personer som varje år tar sitt liv i Sverige, vilket är 28 personer varje vecka. Det är lika många som i en vanlig skolklass. Preventionsåtgärder finns och används, men då många av dem som tar sina liv tidigare varit i kontakt med vården, kan slutsatsen dras att preventionerna måste vara ofullständiga.Syftet med den här litteraturstudien var att beskriva vårdpersonals preventionsåtgärder i vården av personer med självmordsrisk.Studien utfördes som en litteraturstudie, där vetenskapligt material samlades in från olika databaser. Materialet som framkom fokuserade på sjuksköterskans preventiva åtgärder för dem som vill ta sitt liv.Under analysen av materialet framträdde det fem olika kategorier. Att utöka kunskapen, identifiering av riskfaktorer, ett terapeutiskt förhållande, utbildning för allmänheten och anhörigas funktion.

AB Volvo Pentas emballagesystem - processen och förpackningslogistisk betydelse

Title AB Volvo Pentas packaging system ?process and packaging logisticsAuthor Peter Powell, Lund's Technical CollegeSupervisors Annika Olsson, Lund's Technical CollegeJan Svensson, AB Volvo PentaProblem - Packaging requirements ? Which requirements are there, how do they affect each other and how are they fulfilled?- Packaging process ? what is the line of action when developing new packaging and making adjustments in existing ones? Who has the responsibility to do what?- Packaging logistics ? How is the packaging system adapted to transport efficiency and handling?Objective To create an overall picture over how the packaging system affects and is affected by different functions and players within and beyond the company boundaries, to give a clear picture of how changes in the packaging system is made today and how it could work and finally to give suggestions for cost savings affected by the packaging system.Method The methods used for this thesis has mainly consisted of action research and at some extent case studies. As a previous employee at the department of logistics at Volvo Penta I?ve taken part of the environment, information and prerequisites that this thesis discusses on a daily basis. Case studies have been used for the collection and analysis of data concerning packaging logistics as I?ve chosen to consider only specific markets and packaging.Conclusions This thesis has highlighted the demands that are placed upon engine packaging throughout all concerned units and how these demands affect each other, positively and negatively.

Textens spegel till Narcissus´minne : Ett betraktande av den egna skrivprocessen

In this essay I analyse three of my own texts included in an unpublished collection entitled till Narcissus' minne. Genres are discussed and a detailed study of how the writing process has progressed is done. The essay does not follow any specific literary or scholarly method of analysis, but to some extent the sphere of interpretation is explored. By associative interpretation the special logic of dreaming, the activity of the unconsciousness and the expansive accessibility of the memories, which characterize the texts, is traced. These structural features open a link to the way of psychoanalytical interpretation, but the essay does not strive for a complete account.

Kvalitetsledningssystem enligt ISO 9001 : Produktionsprocessen

This report is the result of a thesis work done at the Department of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University, and includes 15 ECTS points. The work has been performed at Företag A, a company specializing in electronics whose major product has become a sophisticated tool used by authorities across northern Europe. Företag A has initiated a quality management system according to the criteria set by ISO 9001. Following demands from customers, Company A has now decided to also start working towards a certification according to SS-EN ISO 9001:2008, this work is the foundation for the thesis work. The thesis work has been limited to the production process and the aim has been to enable this process to be certified according to ISO 9001:2008. The work has been performed by analyzing the existing quality management system and the requirements for each process included, whereby the gap between the current and the target state has been mapped. Suggestions have then been made on how this gap can be filled, some of these suggestions have also been carried out during the thesis work. The conclusions drawn are that quality management does not have to be complicated, but quickly becomes so when the complexity of the processes increases.

Boken som aldrig tar slut En undersökning om urval och inköp av kulturtidskrifter på folkbibliotek.

The purpose of this Masters Thesis is to explore the process of selection that librarians face when selecting and acquiring cultural magazines to public libraries. The methods used are qualitative interviews and literary studies. A brief review is given of acquisition policies at public libraries and of cultural magazines and the important role they play in public libraries. Five interviews have been made at five public libraries to find out what factors affect the process of selection when it comes to cultural magazines. Two theories are used as a basis for the analysis of the result of the interviews and literary studies.

Mikrolitografi för rastrerade Gobos

Beacon AB has been producing Gobos for some time. A Gobo is a small round sheet used in projectors almost like a slide. It is used mostly in the commercial and entertainment business. Today these Gobos are created by using a film (also called mask). A digital exposure machine called LIOS has been developed to make it possible to create Gobos using direct exposure.

Lärares användning och integrering av IT i undervisningen : En studie med sex verksamma lärare i grundskolans tidigare år

This study is about conception in the evaluation of financial assistance within the social services. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how social workers reason about variation, conception and local norms and its significance in the evaluation process. To reach this purpose we have conducted semi-structured interviews with eight social workers in which different themes were discussed and reasoned about. In order to understand and analyze our results we have studied/used the knowledge about tacit knowledge and street-level bureaucracy. Our results showed, as previous research states, that social workers do have conceptions about clients.

Optimering av indunstningsprocess

The wastewater treatment plant at GE Healthcare's facility in Uppsala deployed a three step vacuum evaporator in 2007. The purpose of this was to pre-treat wastewater containing amines. The purpose of this thesis was to optimize thisprocess by reducing the amount of concentrate without releasing more nitrogen tothe environment and to examine if density could be used as a measurement of whenthe process should be ended.To create a foundation for optimization six test cycles were conducted with samples taken from all three steps. Both concentrate and condensate were tested as well as the incoming solution. Furthermore, the thesis has been expanded with a benchmarking part examining two different evaporators.

Trötthet och fördomar : en studie i diskriminering av överviktiga vid mental trötthet

Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om mental trötthet leder till ökad diskriminering av överviktiga. Genom att använda en dual process-modell, inleddes undersökningen med en bedömningsuppgift som deltagarna fick utföra i labbmiljö. Vid ett senare tillfälle fick var och en ombesörja att de genomförde ett implicit associationstest (IAT), följt av en explicit graderingsfråga, där deltagarna uppskattade en eventuell skillnad i normal- kontra överviktigas mentala prestation. Syftet med dessa tester var att ta reda på om diskriminering mot överviktiga existerade inom gruppen i sin helhet på såväl implicit som explicit nivå. Hälften av gruppen hade genomgått en kraftig mental trötthetsbelastning före bedömningsuppgiften, med avsikt att se om bias mot överviktiga ökade vid mental trötthet.

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