

1177 Uppsatser om Career ambition - Sida 46 av 79

(O)möjligt uppdrag? : - om redovisning som synliggörare av värdeskapande i verksamhet med offentligt uppdrag

Uppsatsen gör en genomgripande kvalitativ analys av redovisningens roll i institutionsteatern, i två fallstudier, med fokus på synliggörande av värdeskapande. Syftet är att öka förståelse för redovisningens funktion vid styrning av verksamheter med icke-finansiella mål. Ytterligare en ambition med uppsatsen är att föreslå ett förhållningssätt till icke-mätbara värden i redovisning och styrning.Inledningsvis presenteras de två analysobjekten som valts för fallstudier; Stockholms stadsteater och Västerbottensteatern. Genom samtalsintervjuer och observationer gör författaren närläsningar av analysobjekten som sedan relateras till utvald litteratur, praktiker och modeller av relevans för studien. Här förs resonemang kring de båda analysobjekten utifrån rådande teori inom redovisning, styrning och arts management.Studien antyder att redovisningens roll i teatern är mångfacetterad; den fyller en inre och en yttre funktion, i en konkret respektive abstrakt dimension.

PRESTIGE, KARRIÄR OCH OPEN ACCESS Forskares syn på publicering i vetenskapliga tidskrifter

Dissatisfaction with the current market for scientific publishing, dominated by a few large publishers able to obtain high subscription fees, gave birth to the Open Access movement. One problem for the Open Access movement, which aims at making research results freely available, is that scientists are reluctant to publish in journals that are free on the Internet, so called Open Access journals. This master's thesis aims at showing how scientists reason about their own publishing in scientific journals. It is investigated which factors are important when scientist decide on which journals to send their articles. The aim is to increase the understanding of scientists' views on Open Access.Six interviews were conducted with scientists in Biomedicine at Lund University.

Båda språken i hjärtat, jag är ju född här. : Om att välja svenskämne på gymnasiet.

Under mina år som lärare i svenska som andraspråk har det alltid funnits ett antal Sverigefödda elever som valt att studera ämnet svenska som andraspråk, sva, i stället för svenska på gymnasiet. Jag har ställt mig frågan vad det beror på: är det bristande språkkunskaper eller beror det på något annat och i så fall, vad? I begynnelsen benämndes ämnet svenska som främmande språk för att sedan bli svenska 2 och sedan 1994 svenska som andraspråk.Min ambition var att ta reda på orsaken till valet av svenskämne genom fokussamtal med 7 informanter på en gymnasieskola i Mellansverige. Dessa samtal analyserades sedan med Grundad teori. De ursprungliga analyskategorierna var modersmål, skolgång, upplevelser av att vara flerspråkig i den svenska skolan, värdering av och attityd till ämnet, ett eller två svenskämnen, flerspråkig identitet och ett eller två modersmål.

Samverkan över professionsgränser i ett kommunalt projekt : En studie om hur uppdelning i professioner påverkar kommuners samverkansformer

This essay aims to investigate the affects of interaction between different professions ina municipal project. In the project, professional representatives from the social servicesand schools have collaborated with staff in preschool/school and exchanged knowledgeto improve the work around children with antisocial behavior. It is in this essaysambition to create an understanding of how professional practitioners, with a monopolyon certain knowledge, influences the possibilities and limitations of cooperation in amunicipal project. This is examined through six qualitative interviews with members ofan municipal project. By using theories about professionalization, social closure,alliance strategy and social control it is possible to understand how division intoprofessions creates opportunities and limitations of interaction exchange incollaborative projects.

Föreställningen om reklam : Reklammakarnas syn på reklam år 2013

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för de idéer, föreställningar och normer som format underlaget för vår empiriska undersökning. Vår ambition ämnar beskriva reklammakarnas syn på reklam idag och vilka val som påverkat kampanjernas utformande. Syftet ska besvaras med hjälp av frågeställningen, vilka strategiska val ligger bakom skapandet av reklam i vårt konvergerande mediesamhälle?Metod/Material: Vår uppsats är baserad på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där empirin, som utgörs av personliga intervjuer, står i fokus. Studien speglas av tre teman, vilka reflekterar vår frågeställning om vilka strategiska val som ligger bakom skapandet av reklam.

Bokstäverna bara hoppar! : Att kämpa med avkodningen och dessutom förstå det du läser.

Title: ?The letters jump?- to struggle with decoding and still understand what you are reading.Author: Maria EkUniversity of UmeåDepartment of EducationSupervisor: Asbjörg WestumExaminer: Fredrik KarlssonKeywords: Poor readers, Structured text talks, Reading strategies, Reading comprehension, Commitment and Motivation.During the past decades, Swedish studies show that reading comprehension and skills in reading strategies have decreased. In secondary school for individuals with learning disabilities there has been a focus on care-taking rather than on comprehension in general, and on reading comprehension in particular.The purpose of this study was to investigate whether Reciprocal Teaching would increase reading comprehension and motivation among upper secondary school for individuals with learning disabilities. The study presents how three 17-year-old pupils and their teacher, discussed expository fact texts during twelve lessons using the reciprocal method combined with power point-presentations to get the students to read more actively with interferences and reflections. The ambition was to make the structured text talks as interesting as possible with texts easy to read, technical aids, structure to make the students feel security when reading and to get committed pupils with an increased interest in reading.The results show an increase in motivation in reading, and the students were more prone to take an active part in discussions..

Motiverad för riskmedvetenhet? En studie om stadsarkitekterna i Dalarnas läns medvetenhet om, motivation för och arbete med risker vid fysisk planering.

The purpose of this study is to examine how risk is perceived by the urban architect's in the region Dalarna, as well as how this is reflected in their everyday work with risk and decision- making according to urban planning. The ambition is also to show how their risk awareness could be improved. The study is written in cooperation with Länsstyrelsen Dalarna as a part of their regional long-term goal to improve the region's proactive risk' and crisis management. The study is based upon 12 semi-structured interviews with local urban architects conducted during the summer and autumn 2007. The result shows that some architects are motivated for working with risk and think that risk awareness should be integrated in their everyday work, while others are not motivated and think that risk is more of a passing trend.

Ambulanssjuksköterskans upplevelser av vilka faktorer som påverkar omhändertagandet av anhöriga vid plötsligt dödsfall i hemmet

Background:There are approximately 45 000 people in the ages over 65 years dies outside the health facilities of the hospitals in Sweden in every year. Previous research has shown lacking knowledge in taking care of the next of kin during and after a sudden death. However, conducted research has emphasized that ambulance nurses often are the next of kin?s first contact with the health care system during sudden death at home. Research has also shown that the mourning of the next of kin is affected by the ambulance nurses? way of announcing the next of kin when someone close dies.

En manualapplikation : Utvecklingen av en mobilapplikation

iProspect is a global digital marketing agency and work primarily with search marketing. They were the first search engine marketing agency in the world when the company started up 1996 in Boston, Massachusetts, and the first in Sweden to offer services in search marketing after establishing themselves on the Swedish market the following year. iProspect can be found in the södermalm office in south central Stockholm. They are a comprehensive agency within search and offer everything from search engine optimization and sponsored links to advertising on social media. They?re goal is to lead developments in search marketing and to keep ahead of competition.

En granskning av granskarna : En studie av skolanmälningar till Skolinspektionen och Barn- och elevombudet.

Studien har inriktats på att undersöka skolanmälningar till Skolinspektionen och Barn-och elevombudet. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ textanalys av anmälningar och myndighetsutredningar. Det har då blivit möjligt att jämföra anmälarens bild av skolförhållandena i förhållande till huvudmannen och skolans. Dessa ställs slutligen mot myndighetens tolkanden, som kommer till uttryck i beslut och tillhörande motivering.I enskilda fall har brister och missförhållanden synliggjorts vad gäller kränkande behandling, särskilt stöd och i övriga former av brister. I studien har det även undersökts i vilken utsträckning som myndigheterna utgår från ett barnperspektiv i samband med utredning och beslut.

Herakleitos logos : Om några tolkningar av filosofins grundbegrepp

The philosopher Heraclitus has been renowned for a great amount of time. Despite that fact the remaining fragments of his work have just recently been assembled to the composed form they have today. Among these fragments there are a couple of terms that stands out amongst others; one of them is the term logos. The main focus of this thesis is devoted to the mystery and usage of the term logos, which comes into a great display in fragment number 50.The ambition of the thesis is to evaluate and compare three interpreters? readings of Heraclitus while having a close focus on his usage of the word logos in fragment 50.

Läget - allt och ingenting : En studie av hyressättning av kontorslokaler i Stockholm

Aim: The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge around the location?s importance when rent setting office premises. Furthermore, I want to get broader knowledge about the real estate market as a whole when since it is of current interest.Method: The study is performed with the aid of qualitative interviews on persons with experience of office premises in Stockholm city. Theoretical dates mainly have been gathered via literature and the Internet. Then I have put together the interviews in order so that I finally can analyze empiric with theory.Result & conclusions: The results that have been achieved with this essay are how the concept location has been used within the real estate sector, also how important long-term thinking is when letting of premises, not only office premises.Suggestions for future research: Future studies can increase my study with more interviews, with for example real-estate owners.

Implementering av Funktionell Familjeterapi: en kvalitativ studie av implementeringen av en evidensbaserad behandlingsmetod inom socialtjänsten på en ort i södra Sverige

The ambition to use evidence based treatments has spread within the field of Swedish social work. The number of treatments with claim to being evidence based has grown but the research concerning implementation; the procedures being used to introduce new methods in organizations and assure that the method is being used appropriately and continuously, is scarce. The aim of this study was to examine the implementation of Functional Family Therapy (FFT), being an evidence based treatment, in an organization providing social services in the public sector, in Sweden. We used a qualitative research design and conducted interviews with persons involved in the implementation of FFT in the social services in a town in the south of Sweden. We used the practice guidelines provided in Evidence Based Practice (EBP) together with recently published meta- analyses of implementation research, in the field of social work, to examine the implementation of FFT, as being an evidence based treatment.

"Att springa till matkön" - Fysisk aktivitet inom fritidshemmets verksamhet.

Bakgrund: Den fysiska aktiviteten behandlas utifrån olika aspekter. Däribland kommer fysisk aktivitet och rörelse, fritidspedagogers deltagande, utomhuspedagogikens och miljöns betydelse för fysisk aktivitet att lyftas. Styrdokumenten och vår teoretiska utgångspunkt är två delar som även presenteras närmare. Syfte: Vårt syfte är att undersöka vad några fritidspedagoger och några barn har för upp-fattningar om fysisk aktivitet i fritidshemmet. Metod: Vi har valt att genomföra en kvalitativ studie med intervju som redskap.

Launch of new products : market research for new product development for diabetics

Foods that stimulate health and satisfy consumer expectations are needed. In a consumer´s perspective, products that provide several kinds of health benefits, without any call for major changes in their behaviour are needed on the market. With this increasing interest in health promoting food product, one of the biggest challenges for the food industry is to find the conditions and right position on the market and find the opportunities to enter the market successfully. New products with added health values can be developed to cure and counter welfare diseases as in this case for diabetics type 2. Swedish food companies have a desire to respond to welfare diseases and one welfare disease is diabetes type 2. Many of them have an ambition to develop new products to respond to the growing population and find a supply that could suit their customers.

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