

1177 Uppsatser om Career ambition - Sida 4 av 79

Mot arbetslivet -  en studie om samverkan mellan Arbetsförmedlingen och gymnasiesärskolornas studie- och yrkesvägledare

The number of students who finished special upper secondary school for pupils with intellectual disabilities without an employment has drastically decreased over the last decades. The purpose of this paper is to increase the knowledge of how career counselors at special upper secondary schools collaborate with the Employment Service, and how the special upper secondary school prepares their pupils for working life. The collection of data started with a national questionnaire survey which was directed to career counselors at schools.The result shows that the collaboration appears foremost in the pupils last year in special upper secondary school, and that the special upper secondary schools do not use the Employment Service's assistance to any great extent. In addition, the collaborative process consists of both inhibiting and promoting factors.The results also indicates that the collaboration between the special upper secondary schools and the local labor market can be developed more for the pupils to gain experience from working life..

Studieval och yrkesval : En jämförande studie om elevers val på Teknikprogrammet respektive El- och energiprogrammet.

The purpose of this study is to understand the factors that are affecting students at the Technology and Electricity- and energy programs in their choice of studies and vocation. The study is a comparative case study and quantitative method has been used in the form of questionnaires. The result shows that students do not like to be affected by another person but believes that they themselves have made their choice. Interest turns out to be the biggest influence factor of choice for both students at the Technology and Electricity- and energy program. For Electricity- and energy students have also access to work had some impact.The parents' education level was higher for Technician students and their parents worked with occupations requiring university degrees.

Karriärvägledning kontra karriärcoaching

Undersökningsområdet i detta examensarbete är karriärcoaching och studie- och yrkesvägledning. Inom dessa båda yrken undersöks flera aspekter som exempelvis den historiska bakgrunden, vilka samtalsmetoder som används och på vilket sätt yrkesverksamma vägledare och karriärcoacher arbetar. Likheter och skillnader undersöks också, detta för att få kunskap om huruvida det kan finnas en konkurrens mellan yrkesgrupperna på arbetsmarknaden men också för att uppmärksamma eventuella möjligheter till samarbete. Vi har genomfört en enkätundersökning med 115 studenter på studie- och yrkesvägledarprogrammet vid Malmö högskola samt gjort intervjuer med yrkesverksamma personer inom både vägledning och karriärcoaching. Syftet med enkätundersökningen var att få en uppfattning om hur mycket kunskap som fanns kring karriärcoaching hos dessa studenter och om de önskade få mer kunskap i området.

Vad är det som gör att killar väljer teknik och tjejer frisör

The properties of this material has been studied and it was found that there is very little difference in what affect students in there choice of school, studies and career. Boys who choose hairdressing and styling differ more than girls who choose a career in technics. This is a surprising result which we didn´t expect. In researching background material we learned that it should differ more in perspective of gender. We have compiled the material around young people's choices to high school.

Karriärplanering via e-learning, "K-modellen" : en empirisk studie

Organisationer med dess ledare intresserar sig i allt större utsträckning för att ha anställda som har en balans i sin arbets- och livssituation. Ett sätt att hjälpa och stötta individen med att hitta harmoni mellan arbete och fritid är att erbjuda så kallad karriärplanering. Det traditionella sättet att jobba med karriärplanering, det vill säga individen ansikte mot ansikte med en samtalspartner, är inget nytt, men alltsedan senare delen av 1990-talet är det också möjligt att via e-learning genomföra karriärplanering. Att utifrån e-learning inhämta kunskap, kräver stor självdisciplin och prioritering av individen, och det finns både för- och nackdelar.Syftet med undersökningen var att beskriva upplevelsen av karriärplanering via e-learning, "K-modellen", utifrån ett individperspektiv. Upplevelsen fokuserar på funktionalitet i termer av upplevde återkoppling och användbarhet i termer av användarvänlighet.

En studie om vad som motiverar expats att stanna i företag

A flat organisation makes a horizontal career development possible, which means that it is more important to develop an individual?s knowledge base than to gain a higher title. This leads to a personal development, which motivates expats to stay. Since the responsibility of the career development mostly lies on expats themselves, companies should create conditions that make individual, internal job search possible. Like in IKEA:s case, it can be done through a strong and prestige less company culture, that penetrates the whole company.

Vart är jag på väg och varför? Personligt ledarskap som ett verktyg för kvinnors karriärutveckling

Denna uppsats bygger på intervjuer med sju kvinnor som deltagit i ett utvecklingsprogram utformat för kvinnor med ambition att göra karriär. Företag bör satsa på anställdas karriärutveckling då det ökar individernas välmående och ger konkurrensfördelar. Syftet var att se vilka faktorer som bidrar till eller hindrar personlig utveckling samt se på vilket sätt utvecklingsprogrammet kan medverka till kvinnors personliga ledarskap och karriärutveckling. Frågeställningen löd: Upplever kvinnor att personligt ledarskap är ett bra verktyg för att utvecklas i sin karriär? Resultatet visade att kvinnorna genom utvecklingsprogrammet upplevde ökad kontroll över sina liv vilket hjälpt dem definiera och uppnå karriärmål.

Att navigera från dröm till verklighet : Hur unga individer resonerar kring sina liv i övergången mellan skola och arbete

Studiens syfte är att belysa hur fyra unga individer, i ålder 18- 25 resonerar kring sin valprocess retrospektivt och i nutid. Studien har fokus på individens egna berättelser, dvs. erfarenheter, förväntningar och drömmar om framtiden. Den illustrerar även individens syn på samhällets stödjande funktioner i samband med studie- och yrkesval. För studien tillämpas en induktiv kvalitativ metod.

Skriftspråksskillnader? : En jämförande studie av flickor och pojkars skriftspråk på gymnasienivå

Our society has faced monumental changes and therefore our working life has changed as well. We are now in the twentieth first century and still our labor market is gender-segregated. Today networking is an important part of working life and one cannot emphasize enough the importance of having good connections in your network. Networking is now seen as an important tool when it comes to your career. In the past networking has been the men?s arena and it has almost been seen as a male institution.

Kvinnliga elitidrottares karriäravslut : - en kvalitativ studie om rollutträdesprocessen

This study used a qualitative interview design to explore the experiences of seven Swedish female elite athletes and their career retirement. The athletes were engaged in three different sports; track and field (athletics), handball and golf and five of them are former professional or semi-professional athletes. The process of their athletic role exit was based on the theoretical findings of Ebaugh (1988) and her four phases: First Doubts, Seeking Alternatives, The Turning Point and Creating the Ex-Role. The findings reveal that for these female former elite athletes Seeking Alternatives already starts before the First Doubts and that possibly the athletes at an early stage have insights of the discontinuity of their athletic career. The importance of transferring their role residual to future paths in life was stressed among the female athletes in order to be able to have a smooth transition process.

Att vara eller inte vara en vara : Om tips och råd i det coachade arbetslivet

This study is a critical discourse analysis on the genre of career coaching. Focus lies on questions such as how doescareer coaching articles construct the working subject, and how is working life described in the genre. The categoryof social relations is central to the study. I ask questions about which social relations are of importance, and whichare not, in the career coaching version of working life and how can these relations be interpreted from a critical pointof view. The concepts of power-knowledge is central to the analysis of social relations and the term employabilityconstitute the main theoretical understanding of what distinguish the contemporary labour market.

Offside Malmö FF - Serviceproblematiken vid evenemang med flera aktörer

Abstrakt A footballs club of Malmö FF´s size and ambition on field must show the same level of ambition off field. With a hundred of thousands visitors every year to their home games, all the involved actors must work together and communicate efficiently to be able to offer the costumers a good football experience. This essey investigates closer those problems that can accour with many actors involved and why. This is done by talking to the biggest actors involved and listening to their side of the story and trying to criticize this view with the help of some expert writers on the subject..

Uppväxtvillkorens betydelse för studie- och yrkesvalen : En intervjustudie med personer med syskon med funktionsnedsättningar

The aim of this study has been to investigate whether people with siblings that have disability have been personally affected when making choices about their studies and careers based on their upbringing with their siblings. The method chosen was qualitative data and consists of six interviews with people who are familiar with the chosen problem area. In conclusion, our results do not show a link between choices of study in relation to the sibling's disabilities. However a link was found between career choices, many choose to work in the area of health and well-being. This link was also found in literature we have researched, people living with disabled siblings have chosen careers and jobs within health and well-being..

Den enda likheten mellan könsblandade och kvinnliga nätverk är att det serveras bulle och kaffe : En studie om betydelsen av kvinnors relationer till professionella nätverk

Our society has faced monumental changes and therefore our working life has changed as well. We are now in the twentieth first century and still our labor market is gender-segregated. Today networking is an important part of working life and one cannot emphasize enough the importance of having good connections in your network. Networking is now seen as an important tool when it comes to your career. In the past networking has been the men?s arena and it has almost been seen as a male institution.

Kvinnor som tar betalt per timme: En uppsats om kvinnliga konsulter

The main purpose for this thesis is to investigate why female academics choose to work as temporary workers. Through profound interviews I look at the reasons the women gives to why the have chosen the role as a consultant but also why they choose to stay on in the position. I?m relating their answers to widely spread theories about gender and social structures. I also investigate theories about job satisfaction and how these women?s answers can be interpreted from these theories.

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