

1177 Uppsatser om Career ambition - Sida 24 av 79

Lika barn leka bäst? Om kvinnliga doktoranders vägar till information

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine the information access of female Ph. D. students in connection with their situation as women and researchers within the academic setting. In order to examine this, qualitative interviews with ten female Ph. D.

På jobbfronten mycket nytt. Hur skuld och gemenskap påverkar utfallet för Försvarsmaktens rekryteringskampanjer.

Since the first of July 2010, military training in Sweden is no longer mandatory. Ever since then the Swedish Armed Forces have needed to attract people interested in serving as soldiers, in new ways. The campaigns for doing so have been much debated and discussed in Swedish media. This thesis tests how an increased presence of guilt and belongingness in the Swedish Armed Forces recruitment campaigns affects young people - how their attitude toward the Swedish Armed Forces possibly changes as well as their intention of applying to military training. Guilt and belongingness were chosen for several reasons.

Biblioteksassistent: En yrkesroll i förändring

Little attention has been paid in the literature to libraryassistants in Swedish public libraries. In this bachelor thesis,the professional role, work duties, career prospects and statusof library assistants are examined at two public libraries.Because of a scarcity of published information on thedevelopment of this profession in Swedish public libraries,retired library assistants, as well as currently employedlibrary assistants, librarians and a library head wereinterviewed.Since the ?80s, work duties of library assistants havechanged, with a reduction in some of the more manualaspects of library work, the development of new duties and,overall, an increasing similarity in the duties performed bylibrary assistants and librarians.Additionally, the public perception of library assistants as acategory distinct from librarians was investigated bydistributing questionnaires to library patrons. Contrary toexpectations prompted by statements in the literature, asubstantial portion of visitors was found to be aware of thetwo separate categories.Library assistants at Swedish libraries have no careerprospects, unless they undertake studies in their own freetime and at their own cost, and obtain a librarian degree. Adifference between the situation of library assistants inSweden and corresponding professional categories in a fewother countries is that, at present and for several years, noformal education for library assistants has been available inSweden.

Försvarsministerns försvar : En studie i kriskommunikation

A politician on the peak of his career suddenly sees himself in the middle of not one or two, but five different crisis, that demand a fitting response and a well planned crisis management strategy. While focusing on ethos and its development, the following paper analyses the communicative strategies used by Germany's ex-minister of defense, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. Within his one and a half year tenure he had to handle continuing accusations against policy and character. Guttenberg, who in many eyes was seen as Germany's most popular politician and whose ethos, therefore, prior to the first crisis could be described as strong, is loosing his trustworthiness among the military and other politicians the longer each crisis continues.The purpose of this study is to identify the communicative pattern of Mr. Guttenberg, which in the end lead to his resignation, while his popularity continues to be strong.

De tre Arktis : en studie av Sveriges geopolitiska syn på Arktis ur kritiskt perspektiv

This essay explores the Swedish state?s geopolitical view and creation, of the spatial spaces in and of the Arctic. With a critical geopolitical framework, a discourse analysis is conducted on the Swedish strategy for the arctic region, with the ambition to unfold the underlining spatial spaces, actors and dramas that this discourse creates. The result of this analysis shows that Sweden creates three different Arctic spaces within its geopolitical discourse; a Swedish Arctic, a Nearby Arctic and a Regional Arctic. This has major political consequences, which will be illuminated in the essay.

Informationskompetens - modeord eller essentiell del av ett nytt bildningsbegrepp? Om informationskompetens och grundskoleutbildning

During the last decades the evolution of information technology and the increasing ability to access information have been discussed in many ways. In the beginning the focus was on the technology but now the discussion is more and more about the use of information and how to develop knowledge out of it. There is an ongoing discussion about the difference between knowledge and information. The subject of this Master s thesis is to find out if and how the Swedish elementary school has written into its mission statements to help the pupils to become information literate. For this purpose I have examined literature about information literacy and pedagogic as well as legislation and other documents that control how the Swedish elementary schools work.

Lärares attityder och strategier för en inkluderad undervisning : Ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv

The gathered texts and letters from Ali Ibn Abi Talib, found in the book Nahjul Balagha,constitute one of the most important writings of Shiite Islam, next the hadits and the Quran.Imam Ali´s ethics and moral approach in Nahjul Balagha, is considered by imam Ali, to beseen as a guideline for both individual purposes as for any kind of governance. The esotericteachings, about truth and justice in Nahjul Balagha, should therefore probably have been of agreat concern to Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamic revolution.This essay will from an deductive approach, on a relatively contemporary historic event, try toanalyze Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini´s interpreting on imam Ali´s texts and preaching inNahjul Balagha. The Islamic revolution, as the Islamic Republic of Iran, led by AyatollahKhomeini, was confirmed as both brutal and violent. My ambition in this essay, will there forconcern a possible interpreting on justice and political rule, from Ayatollah Khomeini and theIslamic Republic of Iran, on imam Ali´s teachings in Nahjul Balagha..

Kvinnor 50+ : Högskoleutbildning som framtidsstrategi

Syftet med forskningsrapporten är att undersöka hur kvinnor över femtio år använder en universitetsutbildning i formandet av sin framtidsstrategi. För att besvara våra forskningsfrågor har vi genomfört både en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ undersökning. Den kvantitativa undersökningen utgjordes av en postenkät som sändes till 30 kvinnor vid Linköpings universitet. Den kvalitativa metoden bestod av tre intervjuer med slumpmässigt utvalda respondenter från enkäten. Slutsatserna är baserade på våra resultat från enkäterna och intervjuerna samt den litteratur vi valt med anknytning till rapporten.

Bibliotekarie ? vad är du, vad kan du, vad vill du? - en kvalitativ studie om bibliotekariestudenters och utbildningsrepresentanters syn på yrkesidentitet, kompetens och karriär

The aim for this bachelor thesis was to form a deeper understanding of librarians? occupation and professional identity and therefore we have examined library students? and educators? view on professional identity, competence and career possibilities. Our take on this was that there seems to be little interest in managerial positions and we asked ourselves why this is and if we could see a change in interest in the librarians to become. As our theoretical framework, we chose Andrew Abbott?s, 'Theory of Profession'.

Kvinnlig chefskarriär i ?gubbväldet? : -      En studie om kvinnliga chefers upplevelser av möjligheter och hinder i karriären, i en mansdominerad organisation

Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en djupare förståelse för kvinnliga chefers upplevelser av möjligheter och hinder i sin karriär i en mansdominerad organisation. Vi vill även undersöka inom vilka livssfärer dessa hinder och möjligheter uppstår. Vi ställer frågor om hur kvinnliga chefer upplever sin karriär i en mansdominerad organisation samt vilka möjligheter och hinder de upplevt och stött på under sin karriär och hur kvinnliga chefer kan skapa en balans mellan de olika livssfärerna, arbetsliv och privatliv. Studien är av kvalitativ art och tar sig an syftet med inspiration från ett narrativt synsätt för att på bästa möjliga sätt förstå deltagarnas personliga berättelser. Datainsamlingsmetoden har skett genom ett tiotal semistrukturerade intervjuer där resultatet visade att möjligheter och hinder främst konstitueras i arbetsorganisationen, att betydelsen av stöd, både från chefer och från privatlivet visade sig vara betydelsefullt och att privatlivet inte påverkar karriären negativt i lika hög grad som karriären påverkar privatlivet. .

?Som ny var jag nog för snäll? - En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga chefers syn på faktorer som påverkar rollen som chef

This study is about being manager in social care and social welfare organisations. Ten women managers participate in the study and share their thoughts about management. Such organisations are an area where women are most frequent, so we wanted to take part of experiences women managers in this area obtain. The study concentrates upon factors these women encounter and which they feel can affect them in their daily work. The study shows that the women we interviewed have a basic interest in humans and a strong commitment to working for human well being.

Att leka eller inte leka/ Lek och drama som kommunikation för barn med autism

Syftet med följande arbete är att belysa lekens betydelse i träningsskolan samt hur personalens syn på lek som kommunikation påverkar när det gäller barn i svårigheter. Arbetet inleds med en teoretisk översikt om lekens vara eller inte vara samt lekteorier. Min ambition är att lägga ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv på leken i träningsskolan. Genom intervjuer av personal och genom observation av dramalek hos eleverna ville jag belysa betydelsen av lek för barn med autism. Sammanfattningsvis verkar leken vara central och viktig för personal på träningsskolan. Lekens potentiala kraft att vara en källa att häva ur samt berikas även barn med autism och blir då särskild viktig genom lekstruktur och personalens samsyn på lek..

Elevråd : Elevrådsarbete i två skolor

The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether the student councils at two schools really have the power to influence, or if it is a matter of mock democracy. I wanted to determine how the student councils work in reality. I conducted my investigation through personal and qualitative interviews with the board of the student council, a social studies teacher and the principle/school management at both schools. After the interviews I compared an analysed my findings. The results show that the two schools work very differently when it comes to studentdemocracy, and even have very different levels of ambition when it comes to the degree of influence that the student council should have at their respective schools.

Åldersintegrerad undervisning Attityder hos lärare, elever och föräldrar till ett arbetssätt

Arbetet har som ambition att försöka belysa lärarnas, elevernas och föräldrarnas attityder till åldersintegrerad undervisning, år 4-6, vid Hagaskolan. Syftet är också att visa på hur skolan arbetar med åldersintegrering. Resultatet visar att föräldrar till barn i år 4, både flickor och pojkar, samt föräldrar till flickor i år 6 är mer kritiska till åldersintegrering som organisationsform än övriga. Föräldrarnas delvis negativa attityd till åldersintegrering behöver inte föranleda att man samtidigt värderar det pedagogiska arbetet lågt. Eleverna i år 4 och i år 5 är mer positiva till åldersintegrering än eleverna i år 6 som gärna vill gå i en klass med jämnåriga.

Klass och identitet på Facebook : en kvalitativ studie om unga akademikers identitetskonstruktion utifrån Bourdieus kapitalformer

AbstractTitle:Course:Authors: Advisor: Keywords: Problem formulation:Purpose:Target Group:Theoretical perspectives: Methodology: ResultSwedish leaders abroad ? A qualitative study about culture ?s influence on Swedish leadersBachelor dissertation - Business Administration, LeadershipAmanda Elg and Carl-Johan SaltarskiIngemar WictorLeadership, culture, impact and adjustmentHow can Swedish leaders in multinational companies adjust their leadership to the national culture?The aim of our study is to investigate whether Swedish managers are affected by the differences in national culture that exists between Sweden and the country that they operate in. We want to explore if they adapt their leadership to the culture.Our study is directed towards a target audience of Swedish leaders and other interested parties who wants to increase the understanding of culture ?s influence on an international career and what is required of the leader to deal with the cultural clashes that may rise.We have focused on theories related to differences in national culture and how it can affect the leadership and the organization.The study is of the qualitative type with a deductive approach where the empirical materials are gathered through interviews.Our results demonstrate leaders implementation of culture and leadership to influence the leadership of the national culture in which they operate. We have seen how leaders are affected by the national culture and how the leader adapts to achieve a successful leadership.

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