1165 Uppsatser om Capital of scandinavia - Sida 64 av 78
Passivhus : Jämförelse av två väggkonstruktioner
Av den totala energianvändningen i Sverige och övriga EU så kommer 40 % från byggnadsbeståndet. Siffran blir alltmer omtalad och pressar automatiskt upp efterfrågan av energisnåla byggnader. Finns det enkla utföranden att sänka energiförbrukningen i byggnader på, genom att energieffektivisera byggnaden på olika sätt? Eller krävs det flera års erfarenhet samt en stor plånbok?Energimyndigheten sätter nya riktlinjer för att ett hus ska kunna kalla sig ett passivhus. Sverige delas in i tre klimatzoner och passivhus mindre än 200 m² i klimatzon III får idag högst ha en energiförbrukning på 30 kWh/m² uppvärmd yta och år.
Utbildade invandrare och kampen för ett jobb : En kvalitativ studie om hur några invandrare med akademisk utbildning beskriver sin situation på den svenska arbetsmarknaden
According to several studies immigrants today in general face more difficulties to enter the labor market than before. This also applies to educated immigrants who are the main focus of this thesis.Studies have shown that educated migrants have more difficulties of obtaining an adequate job than ethnic Swedes. Thousands of educated immigrants are forced to work in low skilled occupations to cope with their everyday lives. The reasons behind their lack of success on the Swedish labor market have been blamed on different kinds of obstacles. This study wants to examine at least some of the obstacles that educated immigrants face on the labor market through some informants own personal reflections and experiences. The study is based on an inside perspective in which the different personal experiences and reflections of the various informants is of great importance. The study is focused on how five educated immigrants describe their situation on the Swedish labor market. The aim is to investigate the informants 'understanding of the difficulties they have to get a job that matches their skills. It also aims to discuss the structural barriers that respondents relate to when they describe their situation. The results of the interviews with the informants have been analyzed with the help of central concepts gained from the two sociologists, Erving Goffman and Pierre Bourdieu.
Varför ska vi spela handboll i skolan? : Lärares syn på handboll i grundskolan
AimThis qualitative study will provide an insight to different teachers view on handball in two elementary schools. Handball is a competitive sport and has been played for over 100 years in different contexts in Sweden. Are there qualities in the sport that belongs in the school´s non-competitive education? How do they justify this sport according to the governing documents Lgr-11 that gives a lot of room for interpretation by the teachers?How do teachers justify handball based on the curriculum?What kind of qualities do the teachers highlight with this sport in the education?Do teachers perceive any differences with the new curriculum?MethodThe method has a qualitative approach. The interviews in this study had a semi structure character.
BIM Building Information Model : Hinder & Drivkraft
The construction industry is a costly business such in respect of capital for most construction defects which then require rework, tear down and rebuild again. This study is meaningful awareness of tools that can reduce this best through communication and information sharing between the parties. The construction industry is known as temporary projects organizations, where the construction project consists of several actors who have to communicate and share information between them to avoid mistakes later in the build time. These actors are bounded together thus for the duration of the project, then broken when the project has reached its end. The challenge here is for these actors to apply a tool that can help and simplify communications, information sharing, and perhaps the most important aspect is to create a routine for the association and the shattering of these actors. To implement such behavior using a tool such as BIM in the industry whose size perhaps is indescribable may be a very hard task. BIM (Building Information Model) could be seen as the solution to this problem because it acts as a portal where the actors involved must sign in and communicate, share information, and eventually create a behavior, a routine for this association and division of the actors following the end of the project. The technology could help the involved from the beginning of the project, already in the model stage, break down and prevent any construction barriers when the building has been placed in the works.
?Om jag inte kan skjuta fotboll lika hårt som den killen...? : En studie om bedömning i ämnet Idrott och Hälsa.
I föreliggande undersökning är syftet att studera högstadieelevers upplevelser av ämnet idrott och hälsa. Studien riktar fokus mot hur eleverna upplever att de blir bedömda, hur de faktiskt skulle vilja bli bedömda, vad de upplever vara målet med idrott och hälsa samt hur de resonerar kring begreppet idrott. Materialet som ligger till grund för studiens empiri är tio stycken halvstrukturerade interjuver med elever som går i åttonde respektive nionde klass. Studien tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i Pierre Bourdieus teorier om symboliskt kapital. Med hjälp av hans teoretiska verktyg kartläggs vad eleverna upplever vara värdefulla kunskaper och förmågor i ämnet samt vilka kunskaper och förmågor de själva anser borde spela in i bedömningen.
Graffiti och Nolltolerans : En kvalitativ studie om graffitikulturens utveckling till följd av Stockholm stads nolltolerans
This study is about howStockholm?s policy for zero tolerance of graffiti from 2007 affected the graffiti culture inStockholm. We have researched what consequences there were for the practice of graffiti, and what consequences there were for the stylistic performance of graffiti. In doing so, we have had two focus group interviews and one deep interview including eight graffiti writers from Stockholm. The individuals in the groups have been practising graffiti for a varied amount of time, but we have representation from both before, and after/during the policy of zero tolerance from 2007. Our study shows that the result ofStockholm?s policy for zero tolerance of graffiti for the graffiti culture inStockholmwas a ?subcultureification?, a ?stylistic generalization? and the ?subculture?s ambivalent identity?.
Dissekering av ett lokalsamhälle : En studie av sociokulturella mönster på småländsk landsbygd 1838-1845
Following essay examines the social and cultural patterns of southern rural Sweden between the years 1838-1845. The study is based on records from trials held by the district court of the district Norra Möre, which provides an insight to the everyday life in rural local community. Emphasis is put on exclusion and inclusion: the basis for community, codes for inclusion and exclusion, meaningful attributes, social and cultural capital etc. Questions concerning gender are raised as well as intents to discover whether modern ideas contrast early-modern, especially considering the process of individualization. Results show that concepts of confidence and trust were extremely valuable and possessed significant meanings. Confidence, which established itself on virtuous and honest life, created the framework for most aspects of social society: for example credibility inside and outside of court, maintenance of friendship and company, capacity of upholding a working life. Forfeit of trust, through extensive dissolute, mischievous and ill-considered way of life meant exclusion from the community and great vulnerability.
Studiesocial verksamhet, hälsa och delaktighet : En webbenkätundersökning på Mälardalens högskola
Delaktighet och socialt kapital är två viktiga beståndsdelar för en god hälsa. Inom dessa begrepp inryms sociala nätverk, socialt stöd och tillit som återkommer när föreningsdelaktighet diskuteras. I Sverige är föreningstraditionen väl förankrad vilket bevisas då ungefär hälften av Sveriges befolkning arbetar i en förening.Syftet med studien var att kartlägga studenters delaktighet i studiesocial verksamhet samt studera relationer mellan studenters delaktighet och hälsa. För att besvara syftet skickades en webbenkätundersökning till samtliga andraårsstudenter på akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknikutveckling på Mälardalens högskola, Västerås.Resultatet, med en svarsfrekvens på 20 procent, visar att två tredjedelar av studenterna har deltagit i aktiviteter inom studiesocial verksamhet medan ungefär 40 procent var delaktiga i arbetet i någon förening. Anledningen till att studenter valde att vara delaktiga i arbetet var främst för att träffa andra människor och skapa kontaktnät.Statistiska signifikanstest av samband var inte möjliga att genomföra mellan deltagande i aktiviteter och hälsa, praktiskt stöd eller emotionellt stöd på grund av att datamaterialet var för litet och även snedfördelat.
Familjen i skuggan av alkoholismen: om medberoendeproblematik ur klass-, kultur- och könsperspektiv
The aim of our thesis was to describe how the connection between co-dependent relatives and the alcohol-dependent influences the family into changes in their teamwork.Our purpose was also to answer the following questions: How is it living with an alcoholic? Are there any differences in how men and women feel and behave in their relationship with an alcoholic? Are factors like cultural belonging, genre or social class important for how the co-dependent relatives feels and behaves and handle their co-dependency?To answer these questions we made twelve thematic qualitative interviews with six adult children to alcoholics and six people married to alcoholics. We compared the results of these interviews with earlier research. We also applied System Theory and Goffman's Role Theory, as well as Bourdieu´s Capital and Habitus concept.We believe that co-dependency is a family divergence that is very similar to family disease, but that a change in attitude can trigger recovery. According to the interviews many spouses stand by their alcoholic husbands and do actions that perpetuate the alcoholic dependence and thereby hold back any recovery.
Beskattning av carried interest : Riskkapitalbranschens ersättningsform och dess plats i gällande svensk skatterätt
In the future the Swedish pension system will face major problems. With an increasing aging population combined with a decreasing share of working population the financing of the pension system is becoming a bigger problem than previously predicted. This means the individual himself will have a bigger responsibility to invest money for their future retirement. It has been shown that a large proportion of the people who invests for their future pension have neither the interest nor the time to actively invest their pension capital. To make it easier for those who invest for their retirement, some Swedish banks have created so-called generation funds.
Högriskfonder kontra aktieindex : En studie av makrovariablers påverkan på olika fondalternativ
Abstract Title: High-Risk Funds vs. Mutual- Index FundsA study of macro -variables influence on different funds choice Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Moses Yokie & Bo Lemar Supervisor: Ogi Chun & Cheick Wagué Date: 2011-05-25 Aim: The purpose with this thesis is to compare two different types of mutual-index fond and a high-risk fund in relation to the macro variables. The purpose also includes an investigation about if an investor will receives a higher return on high-risk fund than on mutual-index fund in a 10 years period.Method: A quantitative method has been use in this study, where the information has been received from Morningstar. Microsoft Excel has been used to process the collected data in order to calculate the expected return and the risk measures. The result is presented in graphs and tables on the empirical capital, in order to analyse and compare it with the theories and the selected macro- variables to see if there will be any correlation. Conclusion: This research shows that there is no possibility that the macro-variable factors can benefit an investment on high-risk fund or on mutual-index fund in the short run.
Avskaffande av revisionsplikten : En komparativ studie
The purpose of the set of regulations as regards to accounting and auditing within the Union, is primarily to ensure a high quality of the large public companies financial reporting and hence protect the capital market investors. As the set of regulations also applies to the small companies, these are burdened by administrative costs that are disproportionate. To increase the competitiveness of the European companies, the European council has stated that it is essential to reduce the companies? administrative costs. The main principle is that all companies are under an obligation to statutory audit, however Member States may make audit exemptions for small companies.
Aktiemarknaden ur ett psykologiskt perspektiv utifrån finansanalytikers synvinkel
The Swedish population has the world?s largest percentage of shareholders either by direct or indirect owning. Due to the increasing interest of equity capital markets, private as well as institutional investors rely on forecasts from financial analysts. The reason for this is due to the lack of expertise among investors in this area. Due to the fact that analysts influence the Swedish stock market immensely, it?s of great interest to explore whether an analyst can be seen as a rational participant.
The Venture Adventure : En studie i hur svenska venture capitalbolag påverkas av finanskrisen
Soldater och officerare blir i sin dagliga tjänsteutövning utsatt för press både psykiskt och fysiskt. Det finns en hel rad av faktorer som påverkar besluts- och grupprocesser och för att kunna förstå och identifiera risker i dessa processer måste det finnas en kunskap kring dessa. En företeelse vilken påverkar grupper och individer är konformiteten. En faktor som skiljer soldater och officerare från många andra yrkesgrupper är den uniforma klädseln vilken många anser hör ihop med yrket. Studien avser därför att undersöka hur den likformiga klädseln påverkar individens förmåga att tänka själv och dessutom handla utifrån den tanken. Utifrån detta syfte har en kärnfråga och tre delfrågor utkristalliserats. Delfrågornas syfte är att svara på kärnfrågan.
Private Equity-bolags styrning av portföljbolag; En fallstudie av värderingsmodellens översättning till olika organisationsnivåer.
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how a valuation model of a Private Equity firm is interpreted into a management control system within the company's different organizational levels. A case study was developed based on the infra-net company Eltel. The management control systems developed by Malmi and Brown (2008)(1) was used to characterize the control systems at each organizational level. The building blocks of this system are planning, cybernetic, reward/compensation, administrative and culture. Miller and O'Learys (2007)(2) theory of mediating instruments and technology roadmaps was applied to analyze the mediating process of the valuation model.