1162 Uppsatser om Capital of scandinavia - Sida 27 av 78
Varje mynt har två sidor : en undersökning om hur den kommande generationsväxlingen påverkar turismföretag
A central discussion within society and businesses today, is the change of generations in the business market which occurs within the upcoming years. A change of generations is unavoidable and a natural step in business. The challenge of the forthcoming reform is the large number of people leaving the labour market and the grand entrance of new labour; Generation Y. The characteristics of Generation Y differ from the older generation which enhances the challenges for the businesses to attract a new workforce. It may also be necessary for the organisations to adapt to the younger generation.
Skogsmarksgödsling : en ekonomisk analys av olika gödslingsstrategier för ett skogsinnehav i norra Sverige
The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic effects of different fertilization programs both on stand- and forest-level. The study is applied on an objective sample of inventory data for a forest area in Kalix in northern Sweden. The forest area belongs to the forest company Sveaskog. The study includes different economic models and will be used as a support when the company decides how to invest and how much to invest in fertilization.
The study investigates the economy of five different fertilization policies. For each program the rate of interest invested in fertilization and the cost for the extra produced volume has been calculated.
Styrning och venture capital : En studie om styrningen förändras av venture capital i svenska företag
Syftet med studien var att studera lärares agerande gentemot elever under idrott- och hälsalektioner samt även ur ett könsperspektiv. Frågeställningen var hur lärare bemöter elever i form av positiv och negativ förstärkning och om skillnaden mellan pojkar och flickor. Som metod valdes observation då denna metod kändes som den mest relevanta för att få så riktiga svar på frågeställningen som möjligt. Observationerna genomfördes på totalt 5 lektioner som vardera var 45 min långa. Inför observationerna hade ett observationsschema i form av ett avprickningssystem utarbetats.
Mätning och utvärdering av intellektuellt kapital inom aktiemarknaden
Organisation/Organisation Författare/AuthorsVäxjö Universitet Marcus GunnarssonEkonomihögskolan Olof PalmquistVäxjö UniversitySchool of Management and EconomicsDokumenttyp/Type of document Handledare/TutorExamensarbete/ Diplomawork Stig Malm Examinator/ExaminerRolf G LarssonTitel och undertitel/Title and subtitleMätning och utvärdering av intellektuellt kapital inom aktiemarknaden/ Measurement and evaluation of intellectual capital within the stock marketSammanfattningBakgrund: I dagens hårda konkurrens i samhället går trenden mot en informations- och kunskapsbaserad ekonomi där kunskapsföretagen blir fler och fler. Den största tillgången i företagen är de anställda och deras kompetens. Denna kompetens kan omvandlas till en värdefull tillgång och benämns som intellektuellt kapital. Trots att det finns ökad förståelse för att det intellektuella kapitalet skapar mervärde för företaget finns det hinder med att redovisa detta då det inte får tas upp i balansräkningen.Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera huruvida intellektuellt kapital är något som fondförvaltare utvärderar när de gör en investeringsbedömning.Avgränsningar: Begränsningarna är att vi undersöker hur intellektuellt kapital kan vara till fördel för endast fondförvaltare; vi analyserar olika fondförvaltare i deras arbete endast med en investeringsbedömning. En sista avgränsning är att vi valt att inte tillfråga de fondförvaltare som inte utvärderar intellektuellt kapital aktivt i sina investeringsbedömningar.Metod: Vi har utgått från en kvantitativ metod och har genomfört en enkätundersökning för insamling av material.
Framgångsfaktorer inom Wallenbergsfären
AbstractThe purpose for this study has been to discover and reveal what exactly it is that have made the Wallenberg family so successful in the Swedish business world for more than 150 years. We have narrowed our research by limit it to only find and concern the specific features of the Wallenberg family and not their entire corporate group. There is no research made before regarding this matter, as far as we could see, which is one of the reasons to why we find this study relevant. In order to answer our question we have chosen to use a qualitative approach in which we have interviewed three people. These three people all have deep and thorough insight in the Wallenberg family.
Slagfältarkeologi : Metod och möjlighet att lokalisera och undersöka förhistoriska bataljplatser.
This essay is a study regarding the existence of Bronze Ages and Iron Ages battlefields in Scandinavia and the possibility to trace and find them by using the Battlefield Archaeological Method.Based on a theoretical background and results from historical battlefield research and excavation experiences, the discussion deals with some of the problems and possibilities of applying the Battlefield Archaeological Method on older places. The existence of these battlegrounds is also an unknown factor, and a major part of this study is trying to find evidence of their existence. For that purpose I am using as an example a deeper analysis of an Iron Age battlefield archaeological excavation in Germany in order to compare and draw parallels with the Scandinavian society of that time. I am also using the evolution of weaponry, in particular the sword, to show parallels between the Mediterranean and the Scandinavian societies in the matter of warfare and tactics..
Toleransens betydelse i socialt stödutbyte En kvalitativ studie bland sju Tamangfamiljer i Kathmandudalen, Nepal
Society is characterized by patterns of behavior and interaction that is created and recreated inthe interplay between individuality/collectivity and freedom/constraint, thus represents avariety of social issues and social phenomena. One of these phenomena is social supportexchanges and social capital. In order to obtain views on how this might appear in a specificsociety and contribute to the knowledge about social support exchanges and social capital, thisstudy was done with seven families in a village in Nepal. The village and the families gave aview and an example of how it might look in a place where social support exchanges plays acrucial role in this way of living. Through observations and interviews I have tried to make thesocial support exchange areas and meanings visibile.
Omvandling av ett villkorat aktieägartillskott till ett ovillkorat
A contribution that is to be repaid and has been made by a shareholder should be considered disposed when the receiving company is declared bankrupt. Converting such a contribution to one that is not to be repaid should mean that the contribution is disposed to its marketvalue. It is then considered that the shareholder makes a new contribution that is not to be repaid. Hereby, the shareholder will probably make a capital loss, which should be deductible..
Social and economic consequences of wolf (Canis lupus) establishments in Sweden
Wildlife contributes with many benefits to humans but also brings economic costs. From being eradicated in Scandinavia the grey wolf (Canis lupus) is returning to South-Western Sweden and people are not used to its presence. In Scandinavia carnivores have to co-occur with humans in a landscape used for many different interests. Consequences of wolf establishments are e.g. competition for moose, depredation on sheep and attacks on hunting dogs.
Cultural Capital? - On the view of culture and cultural policy in Lund's application process to become Sweden's European Cultural Capital of 2014.
The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine the ways in which culture and cultural policy are being articulated in the process of Lund's application to become Sweden's European Cultural Capital of 2014.I have used Dorte Skot-Hansen's three cultural political rationalities: the humanistic-, the sociological- and the instrumental rationality, as well as and Jenny Johannisson's extension of those into three cultural-political discourses, as sensitizing concepts in my analysis. The questions raised are: How are the three rationalities/discourses articulated in the chosen central documents and in the process surrounding them? Which themes and arguments dominate the chosen documents?The main objects of my study have been four texts that have been produced in the applicationprocess: a Prestudy, a Plan of action, a Broschure and a Cultural policy. Along with them local political protocols, newspaper articles and other related material have been used. The research method applied was a qualitative eclectical textual analysis with emphasis on the content and on tracing the way the rationalities were expressed in the material.The rationalities were all found to be articulated in the four texts.
Drivkrafter bakom den totala faktorproduktivitetens utveckling på regional nivå : En fallstudie på de svenska FA-regionerna under perioden 1990 ? 2005
Production requires the input of capital and labour. Hence, economic growth can be assumed to follow from increased levels of these two factors. Policies aimed at increasing production may consequently successfully be focused on facilitating the accumulation of capital and labour. However, even when an economy has managed to reach the same quantities of input factors as a more prosperous neighbour, the level of the production might still differ. The explanation of this lies in what economists refers to as expression embracing the characteristics of the input factors and the conditions in which they operate.In this thesis a calculation of total factor productivity is carried out, using existing data on the Swedish FA-regions between 1990 and 2005 and the method the economist Robert Solow in the 1950?s.
Kapitalbudgetering och ekonomisk styrning : En fallstudie av svenska skogsindustrin
Bakgrund: Investeringsbeslut är ett av de viktigaste besluten som tas av chefer i företag. Besluten grundar sig på investeringskalkyler, som ryms inom begreppet kapitalbudgetering. I företagsekonomisk litteratur beskrivs sällan samband mellan kapitalbudgetering och annan ekonomisk styrning, vilket innebär att det finns ett tomrum inom forskningsområdet. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva hur företag inom den svenska skogsindustrin utformar och använder kapitalbudgetar som beslutsunderlag samt utreda och förklara sambandet mellan kapitalbudgetering och annan ekonomisk styrning. Metod: I studien har kvalitativ metod och fallstudier använts.
Ymers benknotor : Kan kala berg och berghällar, där det ser ut att ha förekommit forntida kultaktiviteter, kopplas till skapelsemyten om Ymer
The intention of this essay is to put the light on and to discuss if there is a connection between a pre-Christian creation mythology and naked rocks on prehistoric sacred places in Scandinavia. Archaeological as well as historical materials are studied. The historical material is mostly from Snorre Sturlasons Asasagan with the explanation of the creation of the world. In this story the world was built from the body of a killed and deposited giant named Ymer. Almost the same myth is told in all Indo-European countries.
?Våra långväga vänner": folkbibliotekarierna och de ensamkommande barnen
Purpose: The purpose of the study reported in this thesis is to addto the knowledge concerning what public librarians do to meet theneeds of unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors, thereby helpingthem to develop and establish themselves in a new environment.What tasks, activities and tools do the librarians have at theirdisposal? What problems do they encounter? What values, normsand attitudes guide their work? Method: The thoughts andexperiences of six public librarians have been captured throughqualitative semi-structured interviews, the result of which has beenthematically analysed using notions of social capital and socialexclusion. Findings: Unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors facea number of challenges which the public library with its librarians,collections and various activities can assist in coping with byproviding the children with opportunities to increase their socialcapital and decrease the risk of social exclusion. Researchlimitations: It has for several reasons proven difficult to studyunaccompanied asylum-seeking children as a distinct group, whichis why this study also uses material that deals with refugees as awhole. A significant amount of the latter are undeniablyunaccompanied minors, an especially exposed and vulnerable typeof refugees.
Affärsänglar - Värdefulla för företagen?
Sammanfattning Uppsatsen titel: Affärsänglar ? Värdefulla för företagen? Seminariedatum: 28 januari 2003 Ämne: Magisteruppsats i redovisning 10 p. Författare: Caroline Karlsson Annette Nilsson Handledare: Hans Landström Företag: Aspiro AB, Galenica AB, Ludesi AB Fem nyckelord: Affärsängel, informella investerare, venture capital-företag, entreprenörskap, värde Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att utifrån företagens perspektiv besvara följande frågeställningar: Vilken form av arbete utför affärsänglarna inom företagen och innebär detta att värde tillförs?  Tar företagen verkligen tillvara på de eventuella värden som affärsänglarna medför och om så är fallet på vilket sätt?  Finns det möjlighet för företagen att ta tillvara på affärsänglarnas egenskaper på ytterligare sätt och i så fall hur? Metod: I uppsatsen använder vi en kvalitativ metod med företagande av fallstudier. Vi har i fallföretagen genomfört personliga intervjuer.