

83 Uppsatser om Cable fires - Sida 3 av 6

Konstruktion av pipelinebro i Charagua, Bolivia

Guazuigua is a small village in Bolivia, which has had too small water resources, especially for irrigation. A project started after some studies were made, to create a canal to provide the village with water from a nearby town. To make the canal work it had to cross a dried out river. There have been several attempts to cross these dried out rivers, but with poor results. The purpose of the report is to provide a solution for this problem.

Safire : Unik brandvarnare med smart design för ökad säkerhet

Can you ensure that your smoke detector will sense fire and sound the alarm in the middle of the night?In 80 percent of the cases where emergency pulls out, smoke detectors are missing where the fire occurred. In the year of 2009, 118 people in Sweden died in fires ? most of them would have survived if there had been a functioning smoke detector.Earlier development of smoke detectors has mainly been focusing on components that sense smoke and alert in case of fire. But in most cases the problem has not been whether the smoke detector was working or not as fully assembled, but rather that it was missing.

Bränslecellskonvertering av linfärjan Tora

Denna rapport består av information och data som har samlats in i syfte att kunna presentera en genomförbar konvertering av linfärjan Toras framdrivningssystem, som idag utgörs av dieselelektrisk drift, till bränslecellsdrift. Den bränslecell som behandlas i rapporten är PEMFC och är en bränslecellstyp som drivs av ren vätgas. Resultaten tjänar som en informationskälla för en potentiell konvertering och presenteras för Trafikverket, som ett alternativ i linje med Sveriges regerings mål att reducera mängden CO2 utsläpp på en nationell nivå. Informationen i rapporten har insamlats via mail- och telefonkontakt samt ett besök på Tora på plats i Stockholm. Ett genomförande av konverteringen är fullt möjligt men mer kostsamt än dieseldrift i dagsläget med avseende på höga bränsle- och inköpskostnader utav bränsleceller.

FPGA-design av en STDM-baserad multiplexer för seriell multiprotokollskommunikation

The remotely operated underwater vehicles that the client develops have needs of different kinds of data channels. In order to minimize the need of physical cable between the control unit and a ROV, a multiplex protocol has been developed. The protocol has been designed with the aim of using the bandwidth of the transferring link as efficient as possible.The different kinds of data channels used during this thesis project is; RS232, RS485 and CAN. ROM and FIFO-memories have been used to be able to effectively manage the different data channels. All the reading and sending of these channels have been implemented in FPGA-technology, the coding is made generic so that it will be easier to add more channels to the system in the future.The multiplex protocol is a modified version of the method STDM and it is a proprietary protocol.

Riskbedömning och naturligt producerade dioxiner

The highly toxic man-made substance referred to as dioxin (polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs)) causes severe health damages both to humans and other organisms, with lethality as its worst. Because of the toxicity several risk assessments has been performed on dioxins trying to determine at what concentration there are no risk of exposure. Resent years of research has discovered that these substances are not only anthropogenically but also producedin natural processes, like volcanoes and forest fires. To investigate if there is a need to take these naturally formed dioxins into account in the risk assessment processes, interviews with persons at relevant institutions in Sweden has been made. Analyses of existing risk assessment methods and political documents were also made to complete the picture.

Analytisk dimensionering av räddningstjänsten i Skåne Nordväst

This report is a part of the process of enhanced cooperation between fire rescue services in the region of North West Scania. The aim of the report is to study and analyze how the fire rescue service should be structured, in terms of rescue units and personnel, if no account is to be taking to the current organization. Two types of accident are considered in the report, traffic accidents and building fires. These are more affected by decreased response time than other accidents. Several suggested organizations are presented and they are evaluated with the computer program REP.

Analytisk dimensionering av räddningstjänst : fördjupad analys av insatsförmåga och täckningsgrad inom Räddningstjänsten Syd

In order to reduce the number of casualties and injured from accidents the rescue service must become more efficient and flexible. It is noted that far more people is injured and killed in traffic accidents than from fires. During the daytime the number of accidents in about three times higher than during the night, even so today the number of fire fighters on duty is the same day and night.Two computer models for simulation of different locations of the rescue services are used to determine the best options for placement of the rescue services. A cost-benefit analysis is also used to determine if today's fire stations are efficient for the society from an economical point of view.The results of the different models are that the fire station in Lund is misplaced. The number of ladders in Malmö can be reduced.

Avblås för torkning av kabel

This report is written on the assignment by Nexans IKO Sweden AB in Grimsås which is a cable manufacturing company. Nexans IKO Sweden AB was in need of help to examine possibilities for saving energy by saving compressed air, in first place by using the compressed air more efficient. The task was to determine the present situation, making the airwipe stations more efficient by reducing the consumption of the compressed air and in turn save money. Even the aspects of the working environment were discussed as the noise levels from the pneumatic systems and engines are usually high. A schedule over the airflow in the factory and the inventory over current airwipessituation was made.

Kontaktpressningssystem : En studie av elsäkerhet

This work covers a broad analysis of the risks that could impact the achievement of electrical safety of electrical installations. The work includes both electrical equipment such as the installation of electrical equipment.The report illustrates the main technical characteristics of electrical connections greater than 10 mm2 and provides an introduction to the crimping systems for copper and aluminum conductors. In addition to that analyzes the factors that are important to assure the quality of an electrical connection throughout the value stream in terms of both materials such informations. Furthermore analyzed deeper the need for skills development of technicians and other staff.The different parts of this work are analyzed and presented, in theory to studies carried out both at Elpress AB and partly with the help of other scientific reports dealing with similar subjects. In addition, presents a survey that will help understanding the current perception of the electrical connections and cable crimping systems among end users.

Kabel-visualisering genom förstärkt verklighet

I den här rapporten beskrivs hur en vanlig mobiltelefon kan användas för att visualisera elledningar som ligger nedgrävda i marken. Tanken är att människor som t ex jobbar med olika typer av markarbete ska kunna skanna marken med sin telefon och därigenom se om det ligger några kablar där under. Att av misstag gräva av en högspänningsledning kan resultera i stora materiella skador, personskador och t.o.m dödsfall.Kablarnas geografiska position ligger lagrad i en GIS-databas och med hjälp av telefonens GPS så kan användarens position fastställas. För att kablarna ska kunna visualiseras korrekt i telefonen så måste även telefonens orientering och lutning fastställas. Dessa värden hämtas från telefonens kompass och gyroskop.

Säkerhetsanalys av brandbekämpning i kritiska utrymmen på Forsmark 1

In order to maintain a high safety level at a nuclear power plant it is important not only to measure the reliability of the components and systems of the plant, but also to investigate how the plant responds to human actions. One of the most hazardous situations in managing a power plant is fire occurring in critical areas. This study concerns the prospect of the local fire brigade to suppress a fire that has started in one of the most critical rooms for maintaining high reactor safety. The model created gives an indication on the possibilities of succeeding in suppressing a fire. In order to get a more reliable fire fighting the following advice are given:- Let the fire brigade go rounds in the plant together with the personnel, during which recommended fire suppressing methods are determined to avoid long preparation time in an actual situation.- Prepare rooms with two subsystems to make them partly with no voltage.- Give the fire brigade better feedback from actual events on nuclear power plants.- Education and training in suppressing fires in electrical equipment.The probabilistic safety assessment strives to be as realistic as possible.

Eld som naturvårdare : Kärlväxtflora och vegetationsutveckling efter naturvårdsbränning i två småländska naturreservat

This study has taken place in two nature reserves in the municipality of Uppvidinge in the Kronoberg region in southern Sweden. These have been chosen by the County Administrative Board to be part of a bigger landscape of fire affected nature, and prescribed fire has been implemented in these. The areas are called Ösjöbol and Berga fly and have been burned 2012 and 2013 respectively. Non-burned areas have been inventoried as well. Vascular plants and mineral soil have been inventoried with the Hult-Sernander-Du Rietz scale of five levels. Issues emanate from the County Administrative Board?s goals for prescribed fire: how sticks and herbs were affected, how much soil was uncovered, how the structure and fire favoured species were affected, and how deciduous trees and spruces (Picea abies) were affected. The study shows that the soil increased, as well as the fire favoured species.

Produktdesign ColdKit

Följande rapport beskriver teori, metod och resultat av ett examensarbete vid Luleå Tekniska Universitet utfört i samarbete med Light My Fire AB. Företaget tillverkar produkter som används av människor i hela världen och som ger användaren ett leende på läpparna. En produkt som har saknats i sortimentet är en vätskebehållare och flera återförsäljare världen över har frågat efter just detta. Målet har varit att ta fram en multifunktionell vätskebehållare som ska passa in i Light My Fires befintliga sortiment och få plats i företagets produkt, LunchBox. Projektet började med en grundlig benchmarking för att ta reda på vilka olika typer av vätskebehållare som finns.

Trådlösa nätverk

This report describes what wireless local area networks are and the use and configuration of them. These WLAN as they also are called can be used both in new installations and expansion of existing networks. Further on this report reveals security in this area. Security is incredible important in all networks not at least wireless because you don?t have to be in the environment physically to get the information, you only have to be in the coverage area that can be several hundred meters.

Riskbedömning och beslutsfattande vid bränder : En utvärdering av verkliga scenarion utifrån ett heuristiskt perspektiv

I syfte att förbättra kunskapsläget kring människors beteenden vid bränder och utrymningar studerades fyra brandsituationer hämtade från ett flertal verkliga händelser ur ett beslutsfattande- och riskbedömningsperspektiv. Det teoretiska underlaget hämtades ur Kahnemans och Tverskys forskning kring heuristiker (Kahneman och Tversky, 1974; Kahneman, Slovic & Tversky, 1982; Gilovich, Griffin & Kahneman, 2002). För ändamålet användes tre heuristiska regler: tillgänglighet, representativitet och affekt. Dessa tre heuristiker möjliggör ögonblickssnabba riskbedömningar genom att allt utom en särskild variabel bortses från i beslutsprocessen. När människor blir stressade tenderar de att förlita sig mer på heuristiker i sina bedömningar.

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