

601 Uppsatser om CORE-OM - Sida 39 av 41

FE-modellering av håldäcksbjälklag för dynamisk analys : Jämförelse med fältmätningar

Det byggs mer och mer med prefabricerade håldäcksbjälklag vilka har stora dimensionerings och produktionsfördelar. Långa spännvidder och lätta bjälklag gör denna typ av konstruktion känslig för vibrationer och därför ställs konstruktörer idag inför en problematik som inte tidigare vanligtvis varit en dimensionerande faktor. Som en naturlig följd av detta är kunskapen inom området begränsad och förståelsen för denna typ av konstruktion vid dynamiska problem eftersatt. Hur håldäcksbjälklag beter sig vid små dynamiska laster, från mänsklig aktivitet på bjälklaget, och hur denna typ av problematik ska hanteras beräkningsmässigt behöver studeras. Vid statiska beräkningar antas bjälklaget vara enkelspänt men vid dynamiska beräkningar kan bland annat inte detta antagande göras då effekten från elementens sammankopplingar och eventuella pågjutningar påverkar bjälklagets styvheter och därmed dess dynamiska beteende.

Vem blir programledare i Sverige? En studie med syftet att hitta den föredragna svenska programledartypen

Authors: Nanna Isaksson and Fredrik ÖstbergTitle: Who is the typical TV-host on Swedish television?Level: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 57TV-hosts have a pivotal role in television. They are the link between the content of the show and its viewers. We didn?t find any relevant studies about TV-hosts inSweden and decided to carry out a study that would tell us more about them as a group.

"Yes! Man kan bli kranförare." : - En studie av manligt tolkningsföreträde i svensk inrikesnyhetsjournalistik

The free press is an invaluable part of the democratic society and a pillar stone in the creation of ideas, opinions and norms. According to theories such as agenda-setting and framing the media have a significant influence on people?s perspectives and opinions. With this view of media along with the gender system provided by Yvonne Hirdman as a framework, this study intends to examine the gender representation in Swedish domestic news journalism. The study consists of a quantitative analysis of two major Swedish morning papers, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, where the gender representation regarding journalists, main news sources and pictures are being accounted for.

Etablering i Australien - En komparativ fallstudie om anpassning av marknadsmixen och identifiering av framgångsfaktorer hos tre svenska företag

Globalization has stimulated the free markets and has made possible for Swedish companiesto expand internationally. Some markets have been deemed attractive and companies havechosen to enter them. The decisions concerning internationalization and marketing havedetermined the success of the companies on the new market. Therefore, several elementsbecome important: the motives behind the new market entry, the local marketcharacteristics and the adaptation of the four components of the marketing mix ? product,price, place and promotion.The purpose of this thesis is to study how three Swedish companies adapt their marketingmix to the local conditions in Australia and identifies success factors in order to help othercompanies considering a market entry.

Organizing for value creation : a corporate perspective on urban farming

In the year 1800, about 5 % of the world population lived in cities (World Wide Fund for Nature, 2012, 3). Today that number is about 70 % in Europe and North America, and in 2050 it is expected to be 86 % in the developed world and 67 % in the developing world (www, UN, 2009). In addition, the global population is expected to increase with 2.2 billion people until 2050. As a result of the population increase more food has to be produced which requires more transport from the countryside to the cities. However, this flow of resources faces some difficulties.

Outsourcing av urval och inköp : En studie av hur bibliotekariens kompetens och yrkesroll påverkas av Bibliotekstjänsts profiltjänster

Traditionally, the majority of Swedish public libraries have carried out most of their acquisitions through Bibliotekstjänst's binding booklets. In recent years, however, many libraries have complemented the binding booklets and other services from Bibliotekstjänst by other ways of acquiring books, such as Internet bookshops, while other libraries have stopped using the binding booklets altogether. There are various reasons for this development, such as Information Technology making it possible for librarians to compare prizes and services from different retailers. Another important reason is the need for public libraries to meet new needs from their patrons, while remaining on a restrained budget, which often causes a need for reorganization of staff and resources.As a way of meeting the new needs for libraries, Bibliotekstjänst has created Profile Services (profiltjänster), a service in which a library outsources its acquisitions to Bibliotekstjänst. The staff of the library, in dialogue with Bibliotekstjänst, design a profile for the acquisitions for the library in question, in order to determinate which types and genres of literature the library and its patrons are requesting.

Musikens gestaltande och funktion i film : En kvalitativ studie om musikens gestaltande och funktion i musikalfilmen Les Misérables

A film can attract all kinds of emotions and moods of the audience through its audiovisual communications and cinematic expression, in which music plays a significant role in both understanding and interpretation of film content.It is interesting to explore the musical significance and the emotional aspect of the film out of a media and communications perspective and visual communications perspective because it?s a subject that belongs to the communications of scientific discipline as film is a media text which is working both as communicative and as audio-visual medium with its expressive aspects.The purpose of this bachelor?s paper is to increase and deepen the understanding of music's function and significant role in context with its reinforcing sense of visual expression in film. More specifically, it aims to explore the musical value of the expressive aspect of the media text in form of film musical Les Misérables (2012), which has been transmedialised from the novel of the same name, referring to the sound, music and song in relation to the film's visual expression.The research questions are at the core of the essay study: "how is music used to reinforce the cinematic visual expression?" and "how can music signify the narrative and highlight the emotional aspect of the film?" The theoretical framework is based on some of the key scholars assumptions such as Michel Chion (1994) and Claudia Gorbman (1987), who share the same theoretical views that the soundtrack seems powerful when it expresses its participation in a scene?s emotional moods as the music follows the scene?s rhythm, the image?s flow and contributes emotional and musical codes of emotions and expressions. According to Chion sound and image interact together to tell a story where sound enrich the image with expressive and informative values.

Attraktivare förortskommun : Är interkulturella kompetenser givande varumärkesattribut när mångkulturella förortskommuner vill dra till sig fler företag?

The competition between the Swedish municipalities has increased as the world has become more globalized, which means that they need to become more attractive for sustaining sound finances and not to find themselves to have a downward trend. One possibility to show the attractiveness of a place is by using place marketing and therewith attaining a stronger brand position. There are 20 suburban municipalities in the county of Stockholm, of which six are multicultural or are having a minimum of 20 percent immigrants among the residents. These immigrant areas are segregated based on class, income and culture. Problems associated with these areas have historical aspects that dates further back than modern immigration does.

Mer ekologisk mat : i Jämtlands läns landsting

Authorities, municipalities and county councils have great opportunities to pave the way to a sustainable society. In the public sector, the tax revenue is used and therefore it is important that both employees and societal stakeholders feel that they participate in the sector?s decisions and fields of application. Municipalities and county councils are primarily service organisations. The employees? commitment is necessary to be able to reach set goals, to develop procedures and policies that support the overall political goals, in other words, to be successful in the environmental work.

Challenges and incentives for sustainable manure management in Russia

The Baltic Sea is threatened by eutrophication that largely is due to nutrient leaching from farmland within the catchment area. To solve this problem the surrounding countries cooperate within various configurations such as HELCOM and the EU-financed project Baltic Compass. Poor manure management in Russia has been discussed frequently the last couple of years. A literature review of different types of reports and legal acts is the core of this degree project which has been performed in connection to two ongoing research projects financed by EU (Baltic Compass) and SIDA. It is supplemented with interviews with Swedish agricultural consultants and travel reports from two occasions when I had the opportunity to discuss with Russians active within the agricultural sector. Different hypotheses were investigated and discussed. The environmental debate in Russia is quiet and there is a widespread approach that economic profit always trumps environmental concern ? a Soviet heritage that influence the Russian agriculture considerably. The Russian legal acts on stable manure management focus mainly on sanitary questions and only secondary on nutrient leaching.

En prestanda- och funktionsanalys av Hypervisors för molnbaserade datacenter

I dagens informationssamhälle pågår en växande trend av molnbaserade tjänster. Vid implementering av molnbaserade tjänster används metoden Virtualisering. Denna metod minskar behovet av antal fysiska datorsystem i ett datacenter. Vilket har en positiv miljöpåverkan eftersom energikonsumtionen minskar när hårdvaruresurser kan utnyttjas till sin fulla kapacitet. Molnbaserade tjänster skapar samhällsnytta då nya aktörer utan teknisk bakgrundskunskap snabbt kan komma igång med verksamhetsberoende tjänster.

Lantbrukarens inställning till skuldsättning och val av kreditinstitut : en fallstudie av expansiva lantbruksföretag

The agricultural sector is characterized by larger crop farms and more extensive livestockproduction. The efficiency improvement is partly a result from a stronger competition in theglobal market. The agricultural products need to be produced at a lower cost than competitorsin order to survive as a farmer. The solution is larger firms that benefit from economies ofscale. This brings large investments that create a greater need for leverage and closer relationto the credit agency.

Gefle IF - myten om humlan som inte kan flyga

Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på mer om Gefle IF fotbollsförenings värden och undersöka hur dessa på ett bättre sätt skulle kunna användas i organisationen för att stärka varumärket. Vi har valt att göra en fallstudie i tre steg. Vi började arbetet med att gå på ett föredrag som hölls av Gefle IF:s tränare och sportchef, Pelle Ohlsson. Detta gjorde vi för att komma in i ämnet och skapa oss en bild av problemet för Gefle IF. Nästa steg var att genomföra fem intervjuer med anställda inom föreningen. Intervjuerna var ett sätt att få en djupare förståelse för verksamheten och deras arbete med varumärket.

Gröna backar

The transformation within the swedish infrastructure has been a slow process from thebeginning of time. For almost a decade, the traditional form of contracting regardingbuildings and foremost infrastructure has evolved contracting involving the owner to definethe outcome of the product, regardless involvement from the supposed contractor. As forthe swedish market, the traditional design-bid-build (DBB) have been the primary choice ofcontracting. Although changes have been made over time regarding contracting formswithin the road administration, the railway sector has not improved or justified changesregarding choice of contracting, they have conducted same contracting relationshipsbetween them and the contractor.This bachelor thesis, conducted at the Swedish railway administration with supervision ofprofessor Kristian Widén at Lunds University, explores the forces behind the new era ofcontracting within the railway administration. This bachelor thesis focuses mainly oncontracting regarding design-build-operate-main (DBOM), the new contracting formulabetween the owner and the contractor.

Funktionsentreprenader inom Järnväg - möjligheter och hinder

The transformation within the swedish infrastructure has been a slow process from thebeginning of time. For almost a decade, the traditional form of contracting regardingbuildings and foremost infrastructure has evolved contracting involving the owner to definethe outcome of the product, regardless involvement from the supposed contractor. As forthe swedish market, the traditional design-bid-build (DBB) have been the primary choice ofcontracting. Although changes have been made over time regarding contracting formswithin the road administration, the railway sector has not improved or justified changesregarding choice of contracting, they have conducted same contracting relationshipsbetween them and the contractor.This bachelor thesis, conducted at the Swedish railway administration with supervision ofprofessor Kristian Widén at Lunds University, explores the forces behind the new era ofcontracting within the railway administration. This bachelor thesis focuses mainly oncontracting regarding design-build-operate-main (DBOM), the new contracting formulabetween the owner and the contractor.

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