

920 Uppsatser om CFC-rules - Sida 9 av 62

Jämkning av skadestånd och ansvarsförsäkringar

Damages have four main functions: reparation, placing of the costs, distribution of the losses and prevention. The rules about damages evolved before liability insurance had the extension it has today, 97 % of the Swedish populations is covered by liability insurance, since it is included in the comprehensive household insurance. Liability insurance should be looked at in the light of the damage rules, but the rules about damages are adapted to the insurance possibilities.The Law of damages contains, though the general adjustment article 6:2, the adjustment article 2:4 about children and the adjustment article 2:5 about the mentally ill, a possibility to adjust a non reasonable damage claim. If the liability insurance covers the damages no adjustment is made. Even when the adjustment articles are being used the damages is a heavy burden for the person who is liable for the damages.

Ett nedslag i den svenska kriminalvården : Kronobergshäktet i ett institutionellt perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to examine to what extent there is a discrepancy between the formal guiding documents and the employees experiences of the activity at Kronobergshäktet. Furthermore, is it possible that any discrepancy could be explained by institutional imbalance? My main theories are normative institutionalism and a modified type of institutional analysis. The model consists of three parts ?values (a common value-system), rules and practice (the unpredictable reality) and it assumes a reciprocal relationship between them.

"Det krävs en by för att fostra ett barn" : En undersökning av sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen i mellanstadiet.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how gender and sexuality are made in the videogames Prince of Persia and Fable II, and more specifically to look at possibilities and limitations for the construction of gender and sexuality in these games. I understand videogames as an interactive media form that differs from other types of media like film and literature. It is a media form that depends on a player to be played. At the same time it is constituted by rules of how it can be played. I have analyzed my material by a method called close-playing.

Att inte kunna, eller inte vilja, begagna sig av hemlandets skydd : att utreda om det finns ett myndighetsskydd

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Mervärdesbeskattning av elektroniska tjänster : Är beskattningen förenlig med neutralitetsprincipen?

AbstractValue Added Tax, VAT, is a general consumption tax that is added to almost all consumption of goods and services. Despite the extensive work of harmonization of the VAT system relating to electronic services, it can be difficulties in determining the taxable land, something that could affect the internal market in a negative way. The Swedish companyStardollABwas double taxed on certain electronic services that they provided consumers in theUK. The problems that lead to double taxation must be identified to ensure free competition and free movement within the internal market. The principle of neutrality pervades the whole of the EU VAT system which can be derived from principles of the Treaty, establishing the common market, and the introduction of the VAT Directive.

Rekonstruktörens skadeståndsansvar

The thesis consists in two parts. The purpose of the first part is to analyse how the court may interpret rules, principles and legal cases to decide whether a reconstructor bears liability towards the debtor and the creditors. In the second part it is discussed and argued for how the reconstructor´s damage liability should be drawn up and applied so that it according to economic theories should be as efficient as possible. In the thesis it is shown that it is not a non-contractual liability or a liability based on authority mission. The reconstructor´s liability is instead based on a commission concerning an intellectual service.

Arbetsmiljöutredning av fallskydd på byggarbetsplatser

Fall accidents are a big problem in the construction industry today and stand forapproximately 23% of all accidents. Skanska is a construction company that has avision toachieve zero accidents. Eliminating fall accidents is one step on the way towards theirvision. The state of Skanskas fall safety has been analyzed in this thesis to show whichimprovements are possible in fall safety.A literature study has been performed in which Arbetsmiljöverkets (The Swedishwork environment authority?s) laws and rules, together with Skanskas own rules havebeen studied.

Transport av volymelement : Förutsättningar ur ett företags perspektiv

Building with volume element is relatively new and has started to increase more and more. The regulations that exist to regulate and determine how the transports of volume elements are to be conducted are diffuse and not very well adjusted to address the issues with transporting volume elements. Today there are a number of instances that a company has to turn to in order to get a somewhat different view, what regulations say and interpret it in order to know what applies and not applies regarding the transportation of volume elements. regulations. The rules that are in place make it tough for the volume element producing companies to develop and continue to be active on the market.

Ekonomi i odling av ekologiskt potatisutsäde :

According to the EEG-councils regulation nr 2092/91, all seed used in organic production must have organic origin. All seed which is offered for sale must be controlled by KRAV, and also comply with the rules of the seedlegislation. The seedlegislation contains demands respecting origin, quality, growingconditions and freedom from deseases. In this piece of work I will investigate the profitability of organic potatoseedproduction, and also what it takes to produce potatoseed. The workmethod has been to, with help from counsellors and growers, make some compareable calculations for foodpotatoes and seedpotatoes, and also with help from a literaturestudy investigate which requires an organic seedcultivation must fulfil. In this piece of work I found out that the organic potatoseedproduction still is to insecure to be profitable. The attack of potatoleafmould, which is out of control, cause unequal yields and this will bring that the new EU-rules, concerning organic seed, not seems defendable yet..

Icke-värvningsklausuler : Finns behov av eget stadgande i lag?

The collective agreement contains many important provisions concerning the relationship between employers and employees. When a collective agreement applies in the workplace, both employers and employees are bound by it. However, only employers of those two, can take part in the collective agreement, and therefore negotiate the content of it.The purpose of this study is to answer the following question: Why are rules that has been interpreted in collective agreements not expressed in writing? Therefore, the Swedish collective agreement system will be examined, and a distinction between types of silent regulations will be made to find causes. The potential for workers to act on a collective agreement with quiet regulations will also be examined.Collective agreements are signed on three levels: central, union and local levels.

Mångkultur i monotappning : En studie av hur invandrarfrånvaron återspeglas i historieundervisningen på en helsvensk högstadieskola

This paper is about finding a set of unwritten rules pertaining to the teaching of history in an exclusively Swedish college. I want to know if truancy among immigrants has anything to do with SO teachers? choice of content or their teaching methods. Unwritten rules are a complex phenomenon but by applying different perspectives and teaching methods a pattern will emerge. It is possible to discover different influences in the way the teacher chooses their material and work plan.

Transparens i svensk valkampanjfinansiering

Despite the fact that the issue has been discussed for several decades, there are still no rules in Sweden mandating political parties and candidates to disclose received donations. Because of this lack of transparency, Sweden is not fulfilling some of its international obligations and has fallen behind in the international trend to increase the transparency of election campaign finance. The lack of disclosure rules in Sweden has led to extensive criticism, most notably from the Council of Europe´s group of states against corruption, Greco, who criticized Sweden in light of the guidelines on the subject from the Council of Europe. At this writing, a new proposal for disclosure rules is being prepared at the Department of Justice, DoJ. The proposal is to be presented in spring 2013.

Statens rätt i konkurs : Lika rätt för borgenärerna?

This essay is questioning if the state as an unsecured creditor in a bankruptcy proceeding, according to the principle of equal treatment, has the same rights as the other unsecured creditors. The principle of equal treatment means that creditors with unsecured claims are supposed to have mutually equal rights to dividends in a bankruptcy. In the Swedish bankruptcy law from 1987 there are recycling rules which means that some legal actions taken by the bankrupt debtor before the bankruptcy can be recycled to the bankruptcy estate. These rules do not apply on taxes. This essay analyzes whether the state should have this advantage or not.

Tysta regleringar i kollektivavtal

The collective agreement contains many important provisions concerning the relationship between employers and employees. When a collective agreement applies in the workplace, both employers and employees are bound by it. However, only employers of those two, can take part in the collective agreement, and therefore negotiate the content of it.The purpose of this study is to answer the following question: Why are rules that has been interpreted in collective agreements not expressed in writing? Therefore, the Swedish collective agreement system will be examined, and a distinction between types of silent regulations will be made to find causes. The potential for workers to act on a collective agreement with quiet regulations will also be examined.Collective agreements are signed on three levels: central, union and local levels.

Gränsen mellan aktiv och passiv försäljning. En analys av konkurrensreglerna på marknaden för anläggningsmaskiner

The essay focuses on the blacklisted restriction of passive sales in the block exemption to Article 101 TFEU on vertical agreements. It confirms the authors' thesis that the distinction between active and passive sales do not cause any problems in the theory, but that the reality shows the opposite. The analysis further shows that more detailed guidelines probably would not solve the problem but rather it is the objectives behind the rules and practice that causes confusion.The essay questiones whether the changes in the new guidelines for the block exemption also involves a change in the Commission's approach to the restrictions on passive sales when the same purposes as before lies behind the rules, where the goal of an integrated market is the most important. The impact of the so called "economic approach" within practice since the 1990s, when it was first introduced, suggests that changes are slow. The essay requests a greater openness to the fact that the realization of a single market and the desire to move closer to the commercial reality of companies collide.One proposed solution is given, where the rules would be designed so that 'absolute territorial protection' is prohibited, contractually and de facto, and that it is left open for companies to determine if their actions lead to this.

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