

920 Uppsatser om CFC-rules - Sida 28 av 62

Sociala rättigheter inom äldreomsorgen : En kvalitativ studie med parboendegarantin som exempel

Guaranteed cohabitation of elderly couples is a new law that gives elderly couples the right to live together in special housing. Even if only one of the spouses has an administrator?s decision to live in special housing. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how three municipalities materialize the social rights guaranteed for the elderly couples? cohabitation.

Redovisning till verkligt värde: Tillämpningen av IAS 40 i svenska fastighetsbolag

The aim of our master thesis is to study the way valuation of real estate is conducted by real estate companies. Furthermore we want to identify the factors that affect the relevance and reliability of the valuation. The reason for this is the introduction of IFRS, in 2005, and the application of the IAS 40 rules stating that real estate are to be recognized at fair value on the balance sheet. To do this we have performed a case study on 10 Swedish real estate compa-nies listed on the Stockholm stock exchange, OMX, Large Cap and Mid Cap list to see how the share value has performed in relation to the reported net asset value since 2005 and how they value their collection of properties. We also studied the assumptions made by real estate company analysts.

An implementation of a rational, reactive agent

We are working on the development and design of an approach to agents that can reason, react to the environment and are able to update their own knowledge as a result of new incoming information. In the resulting framework, rational, reactive agents can dynamically change their own knowledge bases as well as their own goals. An agent can make observations, learn new facts and new rules from the environment, and then update its knowledge accordingly. The knowledge base of an agent and its updating mechanism has been implemented in Logic Programming. The agent?s framework is implemented in Java.

Förbigående av företrädesrätten till återanställning med hjälp av bemanningsföretag : -Att anses som ett kringgående av LAS?

The aim of this essay is to discuss the problems concerning the right of priority for re-employment in connection to employing temporary agency workers. This will be done with the help of relevant laws, preparatory work and literature that fall within the scope of the legal dogmatic method.Using temporary personnel is becoming considerably more common throughout the Swedish workplace. In recent years there has been a rapid growth of work agencies and a tendency to employ temporary personnel. At the same time employees are made redundant, suffering the consequences that arise from the workplace failing to abide by the rules of re-employment. In order to claim that the employer has failed to follow the right of priority for re-employment, evidence must be sufficient.

Fritidshemmets betydelse för barnets sociala utveckling : utifrån ett värdepedagogiskt vuxenperspektiv

The purpose of my study was to find out how staff in after-school activities thinks they work with norms and values, we may call this values education, and how this in turn may influence children's norms and values. By extension, how children are socialized with each other and develop socially. In my research, I have interviewed five of the after-school activities staff who work with children aged 6-9 years at a school in the neighbourhood Rinkeby-Kista in northwestern Stockholm.The results show that after-school activity according to the staff can play a very important and sometimes crucial role in children's social development. Staff believes that if they do not learn the social rules by participating in playing and games in early childhood, when growing up they are outside and cannot participate. By their pedagogical approaches, in terms of values and norms, the adults in after-school activities can help children to become socialized into a community of solidarity and eventually as adults become responsible citizens able to function and participate in society..

Framtagning av ny lager layout hos Allied Motion Stockholm AB - En studie om effektivisering av lager och intern materialflöde

This report is about the shear force design of reinforced concrete according to Europe?s common dimension rules, Eurocode. The purpose is to describe the calculation procedure and the background to the formulas and expressions that occurs. Furthermore results from different calculation methods (hand calculations and computer calculations) will be compared to see how they differ.The goal with this is to go through the parts of Eurocode dealing with shear force and that this will lead to a clear review of these. You should also be able to see how results and the calculation procedure differ between different calculation methods.

Tvärkraftsdimensionering av armerad betong : En utredning av beräkningsförfarandet

This report is about the shear force design of reinforced concrete according to Europe?s common dimension rules, Eurocode. The purpose is to describe the calculation procedure and the background to the formulas and expressions that occurs. Furthermore results from different calculation methods (hand calculations and computer calculations) will be compared to see how they differ.The goal with this is to go through the parts of Eurocode dealing with shear force and that this will lead to a clear review of these. You should also be able to see how results and the calculation procedure differ between different calculation methods.

Brandväggar för hemmakontor

Firewalls protect network traffic and decide witch traffic to send further and witch traffic will be blocked. All this depends on the rules in the firewall. The firewall is installed between the internal network and the Internet. It is difficult to find a firewall that can protect us against different threats. Firewalls have both advantages and disadvantages and all this make them vulnerable.

Import av entreprenad- & lantbruksmaskiner :

I made this examination essay to investigate the possibilities and problems with machinery import. The rules intend to loaders and agriculture machines are still pretty flexible. It is today rather simple to make a registration or inspect those machines. There are still some practical problems to be aware of. It is very important to have the right contacts abroad, it is not always that you have time or moment to inspect the machines before purchase. In that case you have to trust your contact or partner about condition, equipment or working hours of the machine. Another important thing is payment before delivery: There is a huge risk that you do not get the machines that you paid for. If problems come up, you need to know the laws, your rights and your duties. A Swedish company does not pay any value-added taxes when it buys from another member of the European union. On the other hand must the machine be sold included value-added tax, if the buyer is a Swedish company.

"Så därför förbjöd vi dom" - Hur lärare motiverar regler och normer

Tumpach, Mikael och Williams, Adam, (2006). Så därför förbjöd vi dom, hur lärare motiverar regler och normer. (That´s why they were forbidden, how teachers motivate rules and norms). Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö Högskola. Syftet har varit att undersöka hur lärare implementerar de regler och normer som ska gälla i klassrummet och hur motiveringen till ställningstagandet kan se ut. Arbetet behandlar vad lärare vid en grundskola 7-9 tagit i åtanke när de implementerat de regler och normer som ska gälla i klassrummet och hur motiveringen till ställningstagandet kan se ut.

Ett Oskarpt Beslut : om Oskarp Logik i speldesign

This paper examines possible applications of fuzzy logic on the field of artificial intelligence in digital games. It describes fuzzy logic in contrast to crisp logic. The paper will give several examples of possible applications of fuzzy logic-based decision making for game AI. These examples include the choosing of weapons for AI agents and the gas-break decision of an AI-controlled car. The paper will also analyze the impacts of game AI which makes decisions based on many factors.

Vem bestämmer? - Barns rätt till förhandling om förskolans regelverk (Who decides? - The child's right to negotiate about the preschool rules)

Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka barns uppfattningar om förskolans regelverk sett ur barnens perspektiv. Vårt syfte kompletteras med frågeställningar om hur barn uppfattar regler, både de uttalade och outtalade, som finns på förskolan samt upplevelsen av att kunna påverka regelverket. Studien utgår från ett relationellt perspektiv och ur barns perspektiv. I tidigare forskning redogörs för relevant forskning och litteratur utifrån ämnesområdet. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod med triangulering via observation och intervju för att belysa våra forskningsfrågor ur flera perspektiv.

Villkor för alliansbyggande med unga lagöverträdare : en kvalitativ studie med socialarbetare om vård i socialtjänstens regi

This study is investigating what conditions can strengthen an alliance and which obstacles there are. Coercion aspects can also influence an alliance and are therefore also written about. The asymmetrical relationship between the social worker and the juvenile delinquent is investigated also with in regards to the tacit and explicit coercion when they are entering care. The study is focusing on the consequence/influence programs that the juvenile delinquents can be sentenced to because of their crimes. Counseling is a major part in these programs.

Scoutförskola : En förskola med scoutprofil

Due to the interest of starting a preschool with a scout profile in my circle of acquaintances I chose to write my report about how the scout method would work in a preschool. I did this by comparing the origin of scouting and preschool. I based my report on the following questions:Are there any similarities or differences with curriculum, education act and the scout method that can make it easier/harder to work with the scout method in the preschool?There are many theorists that have had influence on the preschool. Give some examples of their theories that could affect the scout preschool?What is the difference between a teacher and a scout leader?What would a preschool look like if you included the scout method in the daily activity?With the help of my literature studies I compared the scout method against the laws and rules to make sure that the scout method doesn?t contradict them.

Orden bland drakar och demoner : En språkstudie av svenska rollspelsböcker

The purpose of this essay was to do a research about if the language in Swedish role-playing books is used correctly and if the composition along with the possible language errors makes the books hard to understand.This research was also about to find out why these problems occurs and if the authors are aware of them.I choose books from two Swedish role-playing games, Eon and Drakar och Demoner. I read them trough, noted the mistakes made and put them together in a scoring table. I also did a LIX-test on the books and interviewed one of the authors.The results shows that the books to Eon is harder to read than the books to Drakar och Demoner and this agrees with the vision the authors of the books claims to have.The results also shows that it is not only the language mistakes and the composition that makes the books hard to read, but also the choice of difficult words and badly formulated rules..

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