

920 Uppsatser om CFC-rules - Sida 11 av 62

Revidering av dispensregeln från budplikt?

When anyone acquires control over a listed company the mandatory bid rule is triggered. This means that the person who acquires the control has to make an offer to buy the remaining shares in the company. The purpose of the rule is to protect the minority shareholders from the buyers. This rule has been considered to be burdensome and thus it is followed by an exemption rule which under some special circumstances may make the mandatory bid rule void. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze if the exemptions given by the Swedish securities council (in Swedish Aktiemarknadsnämnden) are in accordance with the purpose of the mandatory bid rule and if a review of these rules are needed.To answer the purpose, the Swedish securities councils statements has been analyzed, to determinate if the exemptions are in accordance with the purpose of the mandatory bid rule.

Wittgenstein och skepticismen

 In his book Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language (1982) Saul Kripke claims that Wittgenstein argues for a certain form of scepticism in his book Philosophical Investigations (1953), namely a new form of philosophical scepticism, a result of Wittgenstein´s idea of language as language games. Nihilism, scepticism of meaning or of concept, constitutive scepticism are other commentators´ different names of the same phenomenon. The philosophy of Wittgenstein accounts for how our words, including the words of mathematics, have no meaning and there are no a priori justified objective facts as to what I mean about a word. We follow the rules blindly and without justification. We are unable to find any facts against this proposal.

Hälsa på webben. Utvärdering av interaktiva svenska hälsosajter för allmänheten.

Health on the Internet is a growing subject and many different organisations and companies offer customers various kinds of medical functions on the web. A common service is to offer users to ask questions and get answers from doctors cooperating with the health sites. There is however little knowledge of how much the health sites actually are used, and by whom. Several authorities and organisations both in Sweden, Europe and in the USA are investigating whether it is necessary to bring forward a certificating authority with the right to judge and examine all the health sites on the web. WHO, the World Health Organisation, proposed a solution for this, which was refused.

Vilka konsekvenser har Lex Uggla för fåmansbolag och deras ägare?: -En studie av 50 företag i Stockholm

This thesis analyzes the consequences of ?Lex Uggla? ? a law concerning the boundaries between firm and individual with respect to wealth taxation ? for small businesses, with more than 3 million SEK in over-liquidity. There are two main findings of this thesis. Firstly, the wealth taxation of non-operational assets seems to be an inefficient tax which costs the Swedish welfare system much more than it generates. Secondly, the change in actions among entrepreneurs following the extensive news coverage following the tax authority?s charges against the company of the well-known artist, Magnus Uggla (hence ?Lex Uggla?) illustrates that neither changes of rules nor new applications of rules is necessarily sufficient for an agent to change course of action.

Kvotering i Polishögskolan : En rättslig studie rörande tillåtelse att kvotera vid antagning till högskola och huruvida kvotering förekommer i polisutbildningen

The purpose of this essay is primarily to investigate the possibility of and the rules concerning using quotas in the field of admission to university. Secondly, an investigation of whether the Swedish Police Academy has been conducting this method during the years of 2009 and 2010 is made. They are currently accused of having discriminated applicants due to their gender and ethnicity. In order to examine the legal arena as far as possible the laws of discrimination, both including the legislations and regulations assumed by the EU as well as the Swedish laws in this field, will be studied. The laws of discrimination will be put in relation to the legal possibilities of making exceptions from the principle of equal treatment.

Intryck,avtryck och uttryck : Skolbiblioteket och dess litteratur som en pedagogisk resurs i det dagliga skolarbetet.

 In his book Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language (1982) Saul Kripke claims that Wittgenstein argues for a certain form of scepticism in his book Philosophical Investigations (1953), namely a new form of philosophical scepticism, a result of Wittgenstein´s idea of language as language games. Nihilism, scepticism of meaning or of concept, constitutive scepticism are other commentators´ different names of the same phenomenon. The philosophy of Wittgenstein accounts for how our words, including the words of mathematics, have no meaning and there are no a priori justified objective facts as to what I mean about a word. We follow the rules blindly and without justification. We are unable to find any facts against this proposal.

Expertskattens förutsägbarhet

In 1984 the Swedish government introduced a special law which gave tax benefits to foreign researchers who for a limited time was engaged in research or development work in Sweden. The purpose was to facilitate for companies to recruit skilled employees from outside of Sweden and to make Sweden more attractive to this important group of researchers and to strengthen the Swedish competitiveness. In 2001 the law for foreign researchers was reformed to include foreign experts, researchers, managers and other key personnel. In Sweden called ?expert tax?.As a result of this; problem with the predictability of who may have the potential to apply for the expert tax benefits was developed.

Religion och vetenskap i läromedelsböcker : En studie av vilka bilder av religion och vetenskap som förmedlas i läromedelsböcker i religionskunskap för gymnasieskolan

The purpose of this thesis is to identify power structures and instruments of power within the Jehovah?s witnesses and investigate how they affect the baptized youths baptized within the organization. The material consists of qualitative in-depth interviews and is analyzed with Foucault's theories of power. The results show that the participants have a very strict relationship to the rules of the congregation and also that they take great care in observing these rules carefully. It becomes evident that young members are exposed to disciplinary measures from the organization.

Ridningens pedagogik

The purpose of this study has been to look how pedagogic process interacts in horse riding lessons. In order to research this problem I have used an ethnographic approach and during a week I observed ten riding lessons in two separate Riding house in the south of Sweden. In my theoretical frame I have used Michel Foucault ?Discipline and punish? as a toll to make clear how dominance and submission is present and active in the horse riding education. The conclusion shows how dominant power rules by its presence and creates submission, stability and feeling of security. The discipline is used to create a feeling that will bring the riders to new experience and develop their talent.

Design och konstruktion av strandspel

This project was conducted during the spring semester 2013 at mechanical engineering program at University Halmstad. The project was conducted in collaboration with MPQ Consulting in Halmstad. MPQ Consulting is a newly established company looking to take step into the product development world. The company has already had ideas and existing products. One of the ideas is to construct and design a form of beach games whose rules are based on the volleyball rules.

Blondinbella : en kritisk diskursanalys av Sveriges mest lästa bloggare

 In his book Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language (1982) Saul Kripke claims that Wittgenstein argues for a certain form of scepticism in his book Philosophical Investigations (1953), namely a new form of philosophical scepticism, a result of Wittgenstein´s idea of language as language games. Nihilism, scepticism of meaning or of concept, constitutive scepticism are other commentators´ different names of the same phenomenon. The philosophy of Wittgenstein accounts for how our words, including the words of mathematics, have no meaning and there are no a priori justified objective facts as to what I mean about a word. We follow the rules blindly and without justification. We are unable to find any facts against this proposal.

?Nu kör vi!? :  En kvalitativ studie kring fördelar och nackdelar med en traditionell dansundervisning

There is respect for the history of dance and my aim is to find out how the history affects the dancing youth today. The design of the dance lesson is often of a traditional stereotypical manner, both didactic and methodic, and it rarely appears to be questioned. I have danced for almost 20 years and I am a part of this tradition of movements, music, language and way of ?being?. My ambition with this study is to go outside my own experience and offer insight and an overall picture of a, for the outsider, closed world.

Konflikthantering : med elever i mindre undervisningsgrupp med psykosociala problem

The purpose of this study is to portray conflict managing associated with children in a small class and what problems they may face each day at school. What types of conflicts and what consequences do teachers practice? This study is based on these following questions:Is there any difference for solving/measure for students with psychosocial problems or ADHD in a conflict or does teachers still works with the same methods?What types of conflict solving does schools use?What is important to consider with students in a small class who has psychosocial problems and ADHD to prevent conflicts?Summary: To answer my questions in this study, I´ve used qualitative methods, interviews and observations. I have used my cellphone for recording the interviews so that all content from the informers are accurate. My theoretical points concerns on having strict rules both inside and outside the classroom.

Balansen mellan struktur och frihet i estetiska läroprocesser

The reason behind this essay has been to study if previous research is relevant for Jehovah?s Witnesses in Sweden and see if secularization has affected the organization or not. The empirical material is made from two qualitative group- interviews and open observations during two meetings in the Kingdom Hall. These studies were performed in Oskarshamn and Mönsterås during the month of February. The reason that these studies have been limited to Oskarshamn and Mönsterås is mainly because they were the only ones willing to do an interview.  According to previous research by James A.

Informationsdelgivningsreglerna i MiFID II : Uppnår informationsdelgivningsreglerna behovet om ökat inesterarskydd?

The securities market was to undergo a major change with the entry of MiFID I in November 2007. EU´s establishment if the directive sets high standards for investment firms to establish internal guidelines in accordance with MiFID I. As right now, the securities market is facing further change with the proposal for MiFID II.MiFID II seeks to overcome MiFID I´s shown deficiencies. The greatest need for change are the rules that secure investor protection, with specific focus on regulation on information service from investment firms to customers. This essay deals with the rules on information service enacted in MiFID I compared to the changes presented in MiFID II to investigate whether the changes could strengthen investor protection as desired.MiFID II is a more detailed framework than its precursor.

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