

328 Uppsatser om CALL - Sida 3 av 22

Kapitaltäckningsgarantier : Krav på avrop eller automatiskt utlösande?

If an enterprise lacks capital it might be in desperate need of capital contribution to avoid liquidation. One solution to restore the economic balance, is to construct a contract in which the enterprise ensures that capital contribution will be made on given conditions. The purpose with this thesis is to analyze different ways to establish such agreements.A capital contribution can be triggered by a CALL-off from the board of directors to the contributor, or automatiCALLy, when the shareholders? equity falls below 50 percent of the registered capital stock. In the literature, the latter is represented as the most adaptable.

Telefonrådgivning : kritisk granskning av aktuell forskning

The telenursing service deals with offering the public guidance as what to do with their health and illness concern. More specifiCALLy this service includes triage, support, advice, education, referral, information and coordination. To conduct telephone advice is a complicated task to perform and put specific demands of the nurse?s communication skills.The purpose of this study was to critiCALLy review the impact of telephone counseling focused on context of implementation, perspective, design and clinical relevance by a sample of studies within the field.The critical review focused on inconsistencies in the material. Strengths and weaknesses of the studies were explored, with emphasis on detecting areas of skill gaps.Twelve of thirteen studies were made in the context of telenursing.

Kan den praktiska kunskapens teori hjälpa en präst att vara i sitt esse?

This essay describes how the author gradually gets a deeper understanding for his profession and the development of his professional skills, attitude and practice. The essay contains two main narratives representing examples from the author´s occupational practice, and through those narratives he tells how his practice alters and develops. These stories are also the basis for considering different aspects on how to get good models for practising a profession when you are a beginner, and how to manage ethical dilemmas. The starting point is when the author in the beginning of his career as a rural pastor is visiting a seriously ill parishioner at a province hospital. The course and the outcome of this CALL is surprising the young pastor, and the author tries to analyze the background to the outcome and assesses several possible explanations for the result of his CALL. The narrative is used to examine the attitude, the professional skills and the social and existential context for the author at that time. The patriarchal patterns in the parish are illuminated and questioned. In the second part of the essay the author investigates what will happen when pastoral cure transforms to psychotherapy, and how the author deals with phenomena in the therapeutical process such as idealization and secondary traumatization. On basis of texts written by among others Ingela Josefson, Fredrik Svenaeus, Christian Nilsson and Ulla Ekström von Essen the author seeks explanation for the development of his practical knowledge. With references to philosofers as Plato, Aristotle, H.G.

Är Handelsbankens belöningssystem Oktogonen en motivations och effektivitetshöjande strategi

Methodology The foundation to my essay has been created using both primary and secondary data. Inquiries have been handed out to Handelsbanken. This data is completed with appropriate theories and ends in an analysis and finally a result and suggestion to continuing studies.Conclusions My conclusion is that the employees and the management has the same opinion on the bonussystem Oktogon. Both parts sees the system as a motivation factor in the organization. But still not enough effect on the employees to CALL it an effective strategy..

Doktoranders förhållningssätt till Open Access: En studie av epistemiska kulturers betydelse för doktoranders tankar kring vetenskaplig publicering

The aim of this bachelor-thesis is to study how postgraduates approach open access during times of change within scholarly communication. Our theoretical framework is based upon Knorr Cetinas epistemic cultures and Cullen & Chawners theory that there is a paradigmatic conflict within scholarly communication due to the fact that open access has failed to reach the same level of prominence among researchers as it has within research libraries. We interviewed six postgraduates at Malmö högskola in order to find answers to our research questions. We identified a shared epistemic culture among the postgraduates, which can be explained by the fact that being postgraduates, they all share similar experiences and values. We chose to CALL this epistemic culture the horizontal epistemic culture.

Rakt på sak! : Ett arbete om effektiva och funktionella webbtexter

Den ökade tillgången till internet i svenska hem betyder att vem som helst har tillgång till olika typer av information. Samtidigt ökar omsättningen hos den svenska detaljhandeln, både i butiker och för den svenska e-handeln. Därför ställs det högre krav på webbtexter, så att alla kan förstå dem.Den här studien handlar om hur webbtexter, i form av artiklar, bör skrivas på Elgigantens svenska webbplats. På uppdrag åt Elgiganten har det befintliga materialet analyserats för att ge feedback på vad som är positivt och negativt. Det ska leda fram till vad som kan förbättras för att skapa effektiva och funktionella webbtexter som riktar sig till en bred målgrupp.Begrepp hämtade från informationsdesign, klarspråk och användbarhet på webben ligger till grund för de kvalitativa metoder som har använts i den här studien.

Taket och botten: tre amerikanska remakes av japanska förlagor

Det kommer konstant ut amerikanska nyinspelningar av andra länders filmer. Vad är det som skapar behovet av nyinspelningar? Vi har analyserat och jämfört tre japanska skräckfilmer med amerikanska nyfilmatiseringar (s.k. ?remakes?) för att försöka förstå vad det finns för kulturella särdrag i respektive länders gestaltning av filmberättartekniska konventioner av rum och tid och skillnader i kunskapsnivå om filmens händelser mellan protagonist och åskådare..

Påskön. Myten om Rapa Nui

This essay will examine the historical picture of the island Rapa Nui as it is portrayed in popular science and in ecohistorical literature of the university of Gothenburg. This historical picture states that the inhabitants of the island cut down a lot of trees in the process of transporting the big and heavy statues, moai, from the quarry to the platforms along the coastline of the island. During this process all trees disappeared and resulted in soil erosion. The cultivation was destroyed and brought hunger to Rapa Nui. The following rivalry for food led to a situation of war followed by a cultural collapse.

J K Rowling och fantasygenren : En genreteoretisk studie av Harry Potter

This paper attempts to display how five teachers of social studies use and relate to the policy documents and their instructions on gender. To penetrate the subject, five teachers were intreviewed. Each interview focused on how the curriculum attempts to guide teachers regarding gender, sex differences and equality of opportunity. The collected information was processed, analyzed and discussed using gender studies and discourse theory.The results show that the interpretation and usage of the curriculum is very subjective and varies greatly between all the interviewed teachers. Their personal interpretation proves to be crucial when it comes to making reality of the stated goals in the curriculum, concerning actively working towards equality of opportunity between sexes.

En imitation med original -En diskursanalys av kulturskapande över fältgränser

The purpose of this thesis is to discuss how agents create their culture outside of their ?own? fields.What does this way of creating a culture mean for groups already existing on the field? Who ownsthe power to construct their own subject positions? Through a discourse analysis, I analyse thesequestions through articles and interviews treating two cultural fields which I CALL ?The hip Berlin?and ?Swedish hip hop culture?. I argue that, depending on a persons priviliges, one owns the powernot only to construct subject positions of ones own, but also for persons with less privileges in theexisting hegonomy of society..

En inklusiv etik på goda grunder? -Vår livsstil och djurens liv, en filosofisk och teologisk diskussion

The relationship human has to animals are complex and I discuss this from a theological and philosophical perspective in this essay. I ask on what grounds, with what arguments and how one could live with an inclusive ethic. I discuss the philosopher Peter Singer and the theologian Andrew Linzey to see their agreements and differences. Linzey has a mystic influence built into the theological perspective. Swedish activists and authors Pelle Strindlund and Annika Spalde CALL their way of life the ?Way of love? and show an animal-inclusive ethic built on a Christian mystic ground..

Värvningsförbud av anställda och konkurrensbegränsande samarbeten

This thesis focuses on employers? use of non-­?solicitation of employees in commercial contracts within the union?s internal market and how this can result in restrictive practices in violation of European law. Using legal method, legal economic considerations, and guidance from modern American legal development in antitrust law, this thesis is aiming to investigate how this kind of anticompetitive cooperation in the European labor market should be assessed. The result seems to be that despite a distinct and pronounced restrictive approach to the application of EU competition rules in the labor market, there are strong incentives and not any legal impediment to apply Article 101 TFEU on no cold CALL agreements between employers. .

Våldtagen eller inte? En studie kring professionellas syn på den våldtagna kvinnan och den rättsprocess hon genomgår

Many sexual crime matters are in a difficult position when it comes to proof, where it's word against word between the parties. However, the legislation states that it's the offender's actions that are to be in focus for the judicial judgement, but often the focus is on the woman, whether she said no and how she acted in that particular situation (Sutorius & Kaldal, 2003).The purpose with this essay was to investigate the professionals' view of the raped woman and what image the professionals convey/construct of the legal proceedings she goes through. With professionals, we mean lawyers and other professionals that function as support or treatment contacts for raped women. The questions we considered to be relevant for our investigation were: What image of the raped woman do the professionals convey? What image of the crime rape do the professionals convey and what image do they convey/construct of the legal proceedings the woman goes through? How is the view of the raped woman constructed in society? We considered qualitative interviews mixed with earlier studies and theories to be the best investigative method for our purpose.

?Jag kan inte se att vi behandlar elever olika beroende på kön? : en kvalitativ studie om fem SO-lärares tankar om sitt uppdrag avseende jämställdhet, kön och genus i undervisningen och i sitt bemötande av elever

This paper attempts to display how five teachers of social studies use and relate to the policy documents and their instructions on gender. To penetrate the subject, five teachers were intreviewed. Each interview focused on how the curriculum attempts to guide teachers regarding gender, sex differences and equality of opportunity. The collected information was processed, analyzed and discussed using gender studies and discourse theory.The results show that the interpretation and usage of the curriculum is very subjective and varies greatly between all the interviewed teachers. Their personal interpretation proves to be crucial when it comes to making reality of the stated goals in the curriculum, concerning actively working towards equality of opportunity between sexes.

Cthulhu vaknar på vita duken : En jämförande analys av H.P. Lovecrafts The Call of Cthulhu och Andrew Lemans filmatisering av den.

Skolans roll som socialisationsagent är vida omtalad. I ett land som Sverige, där jämställdhet är ett högprioriterat område, borde verksamheten i skolan därför vara präglad av ett genusperspektiv. Gymnasieskolans styrdokument, i form av läroplaner samt kurs- och ämnesplaner, formulerar skolans värdegrund och strävansmål. Däri står att skolan ska fostra eleverna till demokratiska och jämställda samhällsmedborgare som inte räds att uttrycka sina ståndpunkter.I den traditionella kanonförmedling som skolan ägnat sig åt i decennier, har kvinnliga författare sällan lyfts fram, varför kvinnliga perspektiv och livsvillkor inte har uppdagats och diskuterats i klassrummen. Med detta som utgångspunkt har jag sökt finna en förståelse för hur svensklärare i gymnasieskolan resonerar och arbetar med sin litteraturundervisning.Med hjälp av samtalsintervjuer med fyra svensklärare har jag försökt klargöra deras litteraturuppfattningar, gällande synen på litteraturundervisningens syfte, urvalsprocesser för texter och eventuella genusperspektiv i detta sammanhang.Resultaten visar att endast en av de fyra lärarna har en medveten genuspedagogik och aktivt strävar efter att finna en balans mellan kvinnliga och manliga författare i sin undervisning.

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