

6888 Uppsatser om Business to business relationships - Sida 46 av 460

Interorganisatorisk styrning av leverantörsrelationer inom lågprismodebranschen: -En fallstudie av lågprismodeföretaget BikBok

This thesis concerns the control of outsourced interorganizational buyer-supplier relationships in the low-price fashion industry. A qualitative case study has been performed on two supplier relationships of a low-price fashion company. By identifying specificities of the industry and relating them to control problems and their implications on control solutions, the thesis has established a relation between industry specific characteristics and the way companies in the industry control their supplier relationships. The analysis is based on a theoretical framework created by Dekker (2004). Amongst other factors, the difficulty to define, quantify and measure the design variables of a fashion good, the high heterogeneity between individual products and the difficulty to predict the trend based demand, create high coordination requirements as well as appropriation concerns solved through extensive formal control.

Styrelsens strategiroll i producentkooperativ - ett ramverk och en fallstudie

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Prisjämförelsesidor - Oberoende information eller marknadsplats?

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Bank - En serviceorganisation? En fallstudie av serviceprocessen i Sparbanken Gripen

Att sätta personalen i fokus en modell om att möjliggöra för medarbetare? En fallstudie av Svenska Mässan.

Djur som sociala katalysatorer : En studie om hur djur kan påverka socialisationen i behandlingsarbete

The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a social-psychological relevance in allowing animals to be involved in therapy work. I have examined if the animals may contribute to effects on human relationships between caregivers and patients, and if the animals can contribute to helping patients to achieve better well-being. Through previous research and a quantitative interview I have received answers to the following questions: How are animals used in the treatment work? How do animals affect the relationship between caregiver-patient? In what ways do animals in treatment affect relationships between people? How do the professionals who work with animals believe that animals can affects the patient? I have interviewed people working in different kinds of treatment work using animals. The areas examined include work with animals at youth care, police, disability care, elderly care and school.

Making Money in a Dirty Business

Academic research concerning how to determine the power situation in a supply chain where an investment product supplier is involved did not exist. Therefore new models has been developed that analyses the power relations and maps out the power situation in a supply chain. In the future these models can be applied on similar cases by modifying the included parameters. The new models show that case company FAS should focus on the big producers of garbage bag which are Trioplast, Rullpack and Miljösäck. By strengthen the brand FAS can make more money in these relations.

When the Network Strategy Is Not Enough -The Case of European Full-Service Airlines

The 1990s were one of the most profitable periods for European airline companies, mainly because of development of world economy and increasing globalisation trends. However, towards the end of the decade, a global economic downturn, high oil prices and new forms of competition turned the industry towards troubled times. The European air-travel industry had to face and accept the new airline business concept, called low-cost or no-frill airlines. In these conditions, traditional airlines had to rethink their strategies and question the old business model. As a response to the competition, European traditional full-service airlines formed alliances or networks to expand the route network and to increase efficiency.

Styrning för framgång

Styrning för framgång - En fallstudie i telekombranschen.

Kundrelationer vid e-handel mellan företag

Att kundrelationer är viktiga för företagen är något som har varit känt sedan länge, samtidigt som fler företag tillämpar e-handel. Problemställningen i denna undersökning syftar till är att ta reda på i vilken utsträckning svenska företag, som utöver ordinarie försäljning erbjuder sina produkter över Internet, kan skapa långsiktiga relationer med kunderna som tillämpar e-handeln. Informationen från undersökningen ger även svar på vilket tillvägagångssätt företagen använder för att skapa långsiktiga kundrelationer.De slutsatser som drogs är att företagen delvis kan skapa varaktiga kundrelationer över Internet. Det behövs dock ett komplement till e-handeln i form av personlig kontakt med kunden via besök och telefonsamtal. Tillvägagångssättet för att skapa varaktiga relationer anses vara personliga och regelbundna besök och telefonsamtal, bra kvalitet gällande produkter, hålla leveranser, ärlighet samt ge relevant information till kunden..

Hållbara affärer : En fallstudie på Karlstads Energis fjärrvärmeverksamhet

Tendensen att försöka hitta de affärsmässiga argumenten (business case) för CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility eller företagens sociala ansvarstagande) började framträda på 1990-talet. Vetenskapsmännen insåg då att en enda forskningsdisciplin inte kan förklara hur företagens arbetssätt med CSR-frågor kan förbättra deras ?bottom line? och således bidra till en hållbar utveckling av samhället. Både teoretiker och praktiker har vänt sin uppmärksamhet mot framgångsrika företag (bästa praxis).  I korthet innebär ett business case inom CSR ett besvarande av frågan ?Vilka fördelar har företagen och samhället av CSR??.

Name your price - a study of a pricing strategy

An industry in distress was the breeding ground for a noted pricing strategy, labeled name-your-price. The industry was the music industry and the pricing strategy bears reminiscence of how medieval buskers earned their living during the dark ages; by letting the customers decide how much the good was worth, embodied by a thrown coin into a hat or similar collector. Translated into the contemporary corporate environment of today, where technical innovations provides access to the intellectual property for free, a few mighty economic actors have once again turned to the strategy were it all started; letting the customer set the price. The hat has been replaced by a box for your credit card number and the live music by a MP3 file, but the similarity is striking. The business model have been applied in other industries as well with various levels of success, thus the purpose of this thesis is to set up a framework for where the name-your-price strategy is applicable.

Fortskridande relation : En studie om relationer där en av partnerna drabbats av en demenssjukdom och bor på ett särskilt boende.

This study aims at investigating the spousal relationships of persons who have been diagnosed with dementia and are living in a nursing home. Eight spouses? descriptions of their relationship, spousal interaction and the relationship´s impact on the spouse´s life were captured through qualitative interviews. The results show three main types of interaction patterns: one of spousal joy and happiness; a combination of both happiness and sadness; and a pattern of no positive reactions. The strength of the relationship was based on the analysis of trust, intimacy and commitment to the relationship.

System för registrering av automationslicenser

The ÅF Group is a leader in technical consulting, with expertise founded on more than a century of experience. They offer highly qualified services and solutions for industrial processes, infrastructure projects and the development of products and IT systems. They are also one of the leading names in certified third-party testing and inspection work.Today the ÅF Group has approximately 4,000 employees. Their base is in Europe, but their business and clients are found all over the world.A part of ÅF-Engineerings business is programming different automation systems to clients. Another part is support in both telephone and personal visits.Because the number of clients is high and the flora of different automation systems is big the consequence is that the employees must have access to many licenses with programming tools.

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